national surname chiming

Chapter 439 Hauge Kills Uncle Dorgon

The wheel of history is rolling forward, and time soon came to the late autumn of the fourth year of Longwu.

As mentioned earlier, on the frontal battlefield of the Ming and Qing Dynasties this year, the Ming army counterattacked successively from the end of spring, and gradually took back the Kaifeng and Guide mansions.

Due to the heavy losses of the previous year, the Qing army was unable to organize a counterattack, nor could it organize an effective active defense. It just traded space for time during chronic blood loss, retreated slowly to reorganize its armaments, and pulled up new troops in the rear .

By September of this year, the Qing army had only a lone Luoyang left in the south of the old course of the Yellow River in Henan Province. Daming recovered.

In the direction of Shandong, the Qing army also retreated, and had to shrink its defense line to Mount Tai and Yimeng Mountains, confronting the Ming army across the mountain.A small part of the Lunan Basin and hills south of the main line of Mount Tai and Yimeng Mountain were also lost to Daming.

To put it bluntly, except for Luoyang, the Ming and Qing Dynasties basically followed the Yellow River-Taishan-Yimeng Mountain as the boundary, all the way to the sea in the east.

In terms of military progress, the advance of the Ming army is not fast, but it is absolutely steady, and the harm to the people is relatively small. It can eat a piece of land to consolidate a piece of land, and the spring and summer planting of the people are not affected.

After the farmers in Kaifeng and Guide returned to the Ming Dynasty, they could still eat the grain they planted in the spring, and they didn't have to pay taxes back then, which is a big mouthful of blood.

As the severe natural disasters gradually eased at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the casualties of the people in Henan were too heavy in the past few years. Now it is absolutely sparsely populated. Everyone can plant as many fields as they want. As long as you have physical strength, the folk and government The contradiction was finally completely resolved.

After the Ming Dynasty recaptured Kaifeng, Shangqiu, and southern Shandong, it took advantage of the opportunity to conduct a thorough investigation of the land and population. Taking advantage of the fact that the original landlords and nobles were basically washed repeatedly and had no power to resist, they did solid foundation work.

If there is a gap in the population, the Ming court will organize the people who fled south to return to their hometowns as soon as possible, and promises that as long as they are willing to return to their hometowns, the government will distribute [-] acres of unowned medium dry land to each household for free, or [-] acres of farmland.

After all, there are still 5000 million people in the south of the Ming Dynasty. Although the total population of the world has dropped by as much as [-]% during the Ming and Qing wars, most of the remaining [-]% fled to the south, and the south is still crowded. , have to rely on industry and commerce to absorb part of it.

Now that the north has been restored, there are only more than 100 million living people left in the huge Henan Province. Of course, some refugees from Henan who fled south should be brought back.

According to Zhu Shuren's estimation, with Henan's large arable land area, it is more than enough to support 500 million farmers without major disasters in peaceful times, and at least 300 million refugees can be brought back from the south. .

While the Ming army gained a firm foothold in Kaifeng and southern Lunan, the news that North Korea had completely abandoned its dark side and turned to the Ming also spread back to Beijing in September. Dorgon's mistrust.

A series of failures and improper responses have made the Beijing court like a powder keg that could be ignited at any time.

Zhu Shuren slowly advanced in the military and gave the Qing court time to "reflect". This move has finally reached the moment to exert its effect.


On a winter day in October, Le Ke Dehun, king of Shuncheng County, who was left behind by the Qing army in Luoyang, was frowning, thinking about how to survive this winter.

The Ming army's offensive was not fierce. The Ming army that came from Nanyang had spent the entire autumn at the three passes in Luonan, including Yique, Taigu, and Yuyuan, along the lines of Funiu Mountain and Songshan.

In the direction of Kaifeng in the east, after the Ming army captured Kaifeng Mansion in summer, they only feigned an attack on Sishui Pass (Hulao Pass) without spending any money.

But the siege of the Ming army also made Luc Dehun very uncomfortable.

The area of ​​Henan Prefecture was originally quite large, and there was also a lot of land for agricultural production. In peaceful times, it could produce a lot of food.But now is wartime, the Qing army must rely on the dangerous mountains and shrink the defense line to Yique, Taigu and other places, which is equivalent to giving up a large area of ​​land outside the pass.

Only relying on the agricultural output of the narrow Yiluo Plain to the north of Yiqueguan, it would be insufficient to maintain the urban population of a big city like Luoyang, not to mention that there are still half of Azig stationed in the surrounding passes of Luoyang. What about the remnants.

This year, the autumn grain harvested locally in Henan Prefecture, according to Lecter's calculations, is only enough for his entire [-] second-line troops, plus the population of Luoyang City, to feed for more than two months.In the future, we have to count on the direction of Shanxi to pass through Mengjindu to continuously import food to Luoyang.

And Prince Su Hauge has already greeted him. Shanxi is also poor and difficult to transship. The road to Hanoi has also been threatened by the Kaifeng Ming army. The fleet on the main river of the Yellow River is often harassed and intercepted by Ming army warships. ——The warships of the Ming army have now entered the main stream of the Yellow River in the north from the Huaihe River through the Grand Canal.

If Mengjindu in the north of Luoyang City is cut off in the future, the Ming army will not have to fight. As long as the first half of the year is blocked, the Qing army in the Luoyang Basin will be unable to be self-sufficient.

What happened to Kong Youde in Pizhou at the end of last year is a replica of his Le Ke Dehun.

At this stall, Hauge, Prince Su from Shanxi, also chose to guard the pass and stop the battle as winter was approaching and the mountain was about to be closed due to heavy snow.

Hauge personally inspected the front lines of Tongguan and Hangu, and then instead of going back to Shanxi by taking the east of the river, he visited Luoyang by taking the Weihan Road, intending to cross from Luoyang to the rear via Mengjin.

When passing Luoyang, Luck Dehun, as the county king, should of course treat Hauge, the prince, as a landlord.

In terms of national law, Hauge's title is one level higher than him, and in terms of seniority, Hauge is his cousin (Luck Dehun is Daishan's grandson, one generation younger than Yuetuo).Moreover, he still counts on Hauge to maintain his logistics. How can he not be considerate when the grain bag is held in the other party's hands.

At the banquet, Hauge chatted with him about the unsatisfactory war and the difficult fate of the Qing Dynasty, so he couldn't help but sigh.

In the middle of the speech, Hauge suddenly said: "When the first emperor was here, he was very cautious about entering the Central Plains, saying that we Manchus must not lose our foundation outside the customs, otherwise one day we will completely degenerate into the Han people who are greedy for life and afraid of death, rich and powerful. I am afraid that I will not even be able to exit the level again in the end.

Looking at the current state of the country, Prince Rui insisted on going his own way, wanting to fight the Nanmanzi to the death in the pass, he was reluctant to let go after entering the pass.I am full of people, but now there are less than 20 soldiers, including the old and the weak. If the loss continues, if there are still as many casualties as last year, it will not take two or three years. Even if you escape from the customs in the future, it will be difficult. Establish a family! "

Le Kede was startled when he heard the words: "Prince Su, be careful! How can the two armies stand against each other, how can you let your own ambitions go!"

But since Hauge has already spoken, he will not play tricks with him again, so he goes straight to the point and directly points out:
"I know that you were involved in Shuo Tuo and Adali's plot to establish Dorgon back then, and your second uncle (Daishan) righteously exterminated your relatives and expelled the title. Later, it was Dorgon who became more stable in power, and only then did you regain your clan title.
I also named you Baylor, and let you lead the army with the Prince of England to make meritorious deeds to show the world: those who follow Dorgon, even if they are temporarily demoted, will benefit sooner or later.

But at the moment, Gu can guarantee that as long as you abandon the dark and turn to the light, and cooperate with Gu, Gu will definitely regard you as a hero in the future.You can also be regarded as abandoning your uncle and following your ancestors, so you can't be considered unfilial.

And if you insist on following Dorgon, Dorgon will definitely not be willing to completely lose Henan for his own prestige and power of regent.At that time, your 6 horses will only die in vain in Luoyang, and will be gradually exhausted by the southern barbarians!
All of Dorgon's status is based on entering the customs. It is absolutely impossible for him to consider shrinking and retreating and operating outside the customs! "

Hauge is still patiently reasoning with Lecter at the moment.

Luck Dehun's second uncle Shuotuo and his elder brother Alida supported Dorgon in the past, but died in the end.But Luck Dehun's grandfather, Dai Shan, opposed Dorgon's supremacy.

From this point of view, Hauge thinks that whether Luck Dehun can win is basically a [-]-[-] split. It depends on whether he has figured it out. There are steps to go down with his grandfather or with his second uncle and brother.

As long as Luck Dehun hangs out with him and has Daishan's face, Hauge can pretend that the past hasn't happened and everyone will look forward.

Unfortunately, Luck Dehun was still blocked by the chain of suspicion and dared not take this step.He was afraid that if he stood in line erratically, it would eventually bring disaster.

That being the case, there is not much to say.

Hauge dared to say this, of course he was prepared.At the banquet that day, the two parties met directly.

Hauge came with an army, and the West Route Army that he and Wu Sangui were stalemate was not smaller than the defenders in the Luoyang theater.He also won over some other generals who were not very close to Dorgon in advance and wanted to retreat northward and abandon Luoyang, and they had reached a tacit agreement in secret.

"Uncle Nine, it's up to you! Our Daqing should be based on the land of Longxing outside the pass, and we can't let everyone fight with the southern barbarians in the pass! Back on the grassland, we can be like Beiyuan back then, Live forever!"

It turned out that Babutai, who was arranged by Dorgon as Luck Dehun's deputy, also chose to side with Hauge.

Babutai's seniority is definitely high enough, he is also the son of Nuerhachi, the ninth son, and speaking of him, he is Huang Taiji's younger brother and Dorgon's elder brother.

Lucde, regardless of his seniority, can only be regarded as Babutai's grandnephew.

Luck Dehun was able to lead the Qing army around Luoyang simply because he and his elder brother Adali were on the right side back then, and Dorgon wanted to declare to the world that those who stood on his team would have a good ending.

But Luck Dehun's age is flawed. He was only 15 years old when he joined the team and cut the title!It's only 20 years old now!To put it bluntly, his rapid promotion was entirely due to the death of his brother Adali.

If such a young man wants to be a commander, he must need an old lieutenant who can command the army.

In history, when the youth of Luck Dehun took command, he immediately established many meritorious deeds, pacified Zhejiang and Hunan in Nanming, and killed Fang Guoan and He Tengjiao in the Lu Wang regime, and then he was crowned the county king.But looking carefully at his resume, it is not difficult to see that in those few battles, his ninth uncle, Babutai, was forcibly assigned as his lieutenant general.

Babutai is almost 60 years old. He started fighting in the Nuerhachi era. He fought for Jurchen and Manchu for nearly 30 years. In the end, he had to serve as a lieutenant for his nephew and grandson who stood up well. How can that be? Tolerate?

Now some people want to oppose Dorgon and come up with the slogan of "preserving people and losing land, all people and land are preserved" to keep the population of the Manchus. Don't care about the gains and losses of a city and a land with the Nanmanzi, of course he will support it!

This is also in line with the conservative and prudent thinking of the Manchu royal family of the older generation.

Young people don't know the heights of the sky and the earth, so let them be buried with Dorgon!
Seeing this, Lu Kede was also blood rushing to his head. He knew that life and death were at a moment's notice, so he quickly drew out his saber, and asked his confidant guards to also draw their swords and prepare to fight.

While gaining momentum, Luck Dehun was still bluffing and boosting morale: "Haoge! How dare you rebel! Do you think you have a chance of winning today if you win over Uncle Jiu?
Even if you control the army outside, most of the guards in this courtyard today listen to me!Put down your weapons quickly, and I can still spare you from dying! "

Hauge grinned: "Since Gu dared to speak, he must be prepared both internally and externally. You son of a yellow mouth, you think you can't kill more people than you can! Oboi won't do anything yet!"

As soon as Hauge finished speaking, a tiger general behind him suddenly jumped out, as if possessed by a murderous god, and went straight to Luck Dehun.

Aobai was able to be reused by Shunzhi and Tuogu in history because he performed very well in resisting Dorgon, so Shunzhi felt that he was loyal.

And looking carefully at Oboi's background, he was originally under Hauge's banner, and he resisted Dorgon, which can be regarded as his deadly loyalty to his old master.Now that Hauge personally ordered him to set things right, how can there be no reason for Oboi not to do his best?

Right now, there are more guards in this courtyard who are still loyal to Luc Dehun, but no one is the enemy of Oboi. He is like a mad tiger and killed more than ten people in a row, and finally killed Luc Dehun. In front of Hun, he chopped it in half with a knife.

As soon as Luck Dehun died, the rest lost their backbone, and were driven by Oboi's inertia to kill several more people, and finally put down their weapons and surrendered.


After a bloody but confidential Hongmen banquet, Luck Dehun, who had not reached an agreement, died suddenly.

At least for the time being, it was declared to the outside world that he died suddenly due to illness.

As the deputy general, Babutai, the general of the Fuguo, successfully took command of the [-] Luoyang Qing army. As the son of Nuerhachi and the younger brother of Huang Taiji, Babutai was only a general of the Fuguo with such a high seniority. .His humbleness and aggrieved all these years can also be seen.

No wonder Hauge succeeded in wooing him as soon as he wooed him.

After Hauge completely mastered the Western Expeditionary Army who fought against Wu Sangui, and also the Henan Army and Shanxi Army, he finally decided to ask his confidant to write to Dorgon, requesting to completely abandon the south of the Yellow River, and to make strategic adjustments in order to preserve the vitality of the Manchurians. .

At the same time, it also made people write a letter on the ground, pointing out that someone should be responsible for the previous series of defeats!
These petitions also pointed out a problem: Judging from the strength of the Ming army's counterattacks over the past year, Ming originally planned to coexist peacefully with the Qing!They don't have much determination to go north to the Central Plains, maybe they just want to last for a long time like the Southern Song Dynasty and the Jin Kingdom!
If the Qing Dynasty hadn't taken the initiative to provoke and start a war at that time, maybe the Qing Dynasty would have been able to settle down and occupy the north for a long time, and it has been popular and hot!

It's because some people are greedy and good at starting wars, but they are backlashed!Instead, more vested interests are lost!

It took more than half a month to prepare for the whole letter to criticize and win over the army. During the period, they also found excuses to change their rotations and secretly moved troops closer to Hebei, guarding the inside and outside.In November, the situation finally reached the point where it was completely hopeless.

The most important thing is that the successive failures of Dorgon's family, all of Dorgon's brothers who led the army outside the country were all dead, and the troops of the direct line were wiped out and rebuilt twice. He has lost his capital!
The newly rebuilt two white flags have been infiltrated by Haoge and Jierhalang. Now the two white flags and Zhenghong flags are controlled by Haoge, and the two yellow flags support Emperor Fulin or Haoge. Anyway, as long as they are the sons of Huang Taiji, the two yellow flags all support,

Hauge promised that he would not be rude to his innocent younger brother, nor would he seek to be emperor himself. He swore an arrow secretly in front of the two yellow flag generals, and the two yellow flags supported him.

Five of the Eight Banners have already been won over by Haugra, and the Han Army Banner and some green camps in the three provinces of Shanxi, Shaanxi and Henan have also been won over.

Dorgon counted on the other direct descendants of the Green Camp to fight, but their strength was already insufficient.

Of course, Dorgon will not sit still.

Although the green battalion he had personally promoted and was only loyal to him in the Qing court was not strong enough.But even if it is not enough, he still has to fight back, relying on this strength to counterattack!
At the beginning of the twelfth lunar month, when Hauge led his troops back to the capital at high speed "on the side of the Qing emperor", Dorgon ordered the mobilization of the green battalion to suppress it!

However, this move finally completely angered Ji Erhalang, and also angered other veterans of the Eight Banners of the Manchus-this is a proper way of eating inside and outside, "leading beasts to eat people", leading the Han people to beat the Manchus!Can this be tolerated?

What's more, Zhu Shuren in the south also ceased fire just right, and put on a posture of "Our Ming Dynasty also loves peace. As long as Dorgon, a militant, is not on stage, Ming Dynasty can be peaceful with the Qing Dynasty for a few years."

At the same time, Zhu Shuren was still watching the excitement and was not afraid of big things. In the final attack on Luoyang and southern Shandong, he used a large number of green battalion soldiers who had been defeated in the Fengyang battlefield and surrendered to the Ming Dynasty. The troops play forward and consume.

And while fighting, he specifically emphasized that these troops were all trained by Dorgon. All kinds of bombardment of the Qing army's information made them see how wrong Dorgon's strategy of cultivating the green battalion was, and how many "non-my races" he had cultivated. Its heart must be different" armed with the Han people!

At this juncture, Jierharang and the others also knew that the relationship between Hauge and Dorgon was endless.

The most fearful thing now is that the two sides will hold each other for a long time, because as long as it lasts for a long time, the Qing army will suffer serious internal friction and exhaust the remaining Manchu troops.

And only to avoid this situation, let Dorgon and Hauge decide the winner as soon as possible, and one of them die as soon as possible, the overall situation for him is the best.

At the juncture of life and death, Jierharang asked Hauge in private to confirm a question:
"Prince Su! Back then you had grievances in your heart, and you also made great contributions to the country. It's true! But you shouldn't be fighting among yourself at this time. If you and Prince Rui are both defeated, the Nanmanzi will kill you again! After crossing the Yellow River and the Northern Expedition, what was lost After all, I am Daqing!"

At this time, Hauge finally showed his cards and hinted to Jierhalang: He is sure that as long as Dorgon dies, the Ming Dynasty will maintain peace with the Qing Dynasty for several years!No more Northern Expedition!

When he heard the news, Jierhalang felt a chill in his heart: "You are a traitor? Have you negotiated terms with Zhu Shuren privately?"

Of course Hauge couldn't admit to this kind of accusation, otherwise he would be a traitor, wouldn't he?
So he couldn't reveal the secret agreement, but he just patted his chest and promised: "Of course I didn't betray the country and ask for peace! But I am sure of this! Anyway, Prince Zheng, you know very well that between me and Dorgon, the sooner one dies, the bigger it is for me. Qingyue is beneficial!
If you don't believe me, I'm dead and Dorgon is alive, Ming Dynasty will never be able to restore peace with him, even if only for a few years!
But if Dorgon died, at least there was still a chance!It was Dorgon's decision to enter Shanhaiguan that year!He is dead, Mingren also has a step down!I dare not ask for long-term peace, but it is definitely possible to breathe for several years! "

Jierhalang was silent and had to admit that what Haoge said was right.

Hauge does have the risk of lying and secretly negotiating, but at least he still has the opportunity to bring peace and preserve certain vested interests.

And if Dorgon is allowed to continue to be in power, then there will be no chance left in this regard.Because the foundation of Dorgon's power is based on the foundation of the radicals, if he hadn't been able to make a big cake for the Qing Dynasty, who would have allowed his power to flourish?The source of the legitimacy of his rule is expansion!
Based on this analysis, the forces of the Manchu Banners finally completely fell to Hauge.

Everyone felt that Hauge was the eldest son of the first emperor, and he was very orthodox back then. Dorgon did such a poor job, so it was no problem to support Hauge, and Hauge had already said that he would not hurt His Majesty, and everyone was still a loyal minister!
In the twelfth lunar month of the fourth year of Longwu, the Nanming court's one-year slow attack and slow pressure strategy finally ushered in the effect of "if you are in a hurry, the powerful enemy's ministries will inevitably unite, and if you are slow, you will seek harm from each other".

In the city of Beijing, an extremely tragic but short-lived fire broke out.

Its underlying logic is almost exactly the same as that of "Cao Cao didn't recruit Er Yuan, then Gongsun Kang would kill Er Yuan and offer his head."

A civil war broke out between the majority of the Manchu Eight Banners troops remaining around Beijing, a handful of Dorgon's loyal henchmen, and the Green Camp loyal to Dorgon around Beijing.

Accompanied by the civil war, there were also offensive and defensive scrambles for the imperial city and Miyagi.Tens of thousands of corpses lay dead at once, and all the blue bricks and stones on the pillows and pavements of the corpses in the Forbidden City were soaked in blood.Palace guards, eunuchs, and maids of honor were also massacred, which affected Chi Yu.

In the end, when Hauge's Six Banners army entered the palace, Dorgon himself was soaked in blood, resisting with the last of his own soldiers.

Hauge still dispatched the number one brave general under his command, Ao Bai, to fight a bloody path in the chaos, and Ao Bai personally killed Dorgon.

But looking at this issue from a national perspective, this civil war has been restrained.

At least the fighting was only in and around Beijing, and did not affect other areas in the four provinces controlled by the Qing Dynasty.

Moreover, the infighting ended in just a few days, so that the enemy country did not have time to respond.Until the fire ended, Daming hadn't gotten any news yet.

In the end, more than [-] people from the Eight Banners elite troops of the Manchus died in the civil war, and a considerable part of them were Dorgon's die-hards. Full of the hearts of the Eight Banners, he can always pick out thousands of people who are willing to follow him to the end.

The number of civilians, reservists, and family members of the rebels who were affected by the Manchus was also several times as many.Including the subsequent liquidation, a total of more than [-] people were killed and exiled.

In the end, soldiers plus civilian women and children resulted in a total population loss of about [-].

The Green Battalion and the Han Army Banner composed of Han people were killed and disabled in the civil war and fled, with a total loss of more than 2 people.The casualties of innocent civilians in the capital are even more insignificant.

After the civil war ended, Hauge finally seized the position of the number one regent, and Jierhalang's power and interests were also guaranteed. Other Manchu conservative dignitaries, as long as they were not hardcore Afu Dorgon, had no loss. You can even participate in the distribution of spoils.

But the interests of Dorgon's hard-core henchmen will of course be taken as spoils of war and divided up.The number of people who died in the purge has already been counted.

The status of the little emperor Fulin was still guaranteed, and Hauge didn't want to go too fast, causing blood to splatter everywhere.And if he doesn't guarantee Fulin's status, he won't be able to win over Jierhalang's power and support, and Jierhalang will also have doubts.

This is the most delicate state of balance.

A bloody reshuffle of power and a summation finally subsided after the Qing court spent 3 to [-] troops, as well as considerable human and financial resources.

Hauge is also full of expectations, hoping to use this to maintain peace with Ming Dynasty, continue to have vested interests in most of Shanxi, Hebei and Shandong, and let the Ming and Qing countries draw the Yellow River as the boundary to divide and rule.

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