national surname chiming

Chapter 440 Do You Think It's Over?

The final mutiny decisive battle between Hauge and Dorgon took place in the twelfth lunar month.

And because the Qing court had tried its best to block the news, it was more or less delayed for some time.So when all the details reached the Ming court in Nanjing, it was already the first month of the fifth year of Longwu.

The concentration of military power has been restored in the north. At least five or six of the Manchu Eight Banners chose to be loyal to Haoge, and the rest at least did not oppose Haoge or support Jierhalang.

Although tens of thousands of people died in the process, the Qing court regained unity and all those with different ideals were cleaned up, which did not give Daming an opportunity.

After hearing the news, all the ministers in Nanjing City naturally expressed their congratulations one after another, so that the five-year New Year of Longwu was once again immersed in a thriving joy.

Many civil officials who wanted to make some contributions to remonstrance and policy also began to talk about military affairs in a big way, advocating that the Northern Expedition should be done as soon as possible,
Or praise His Majesty's previous strategy of Sheng Ming and Prince E, who was able to spend the last year of staying still and recuperating in exchange for the internal instability of the Tartars, and finally plotted against each other.

According to the praises of these ministers of literature, if Zhu Shuren is willing to continue the Northern Expedition, won't the last four provinces of the Ming Dynasty be captured and completely recovered?
But some people are responsible for rubbing the heat, and others are responsible for calmness.Fortunately, the real high-level decision-makers in Daming will not be coerced by this kind of fanaticism. They know exactly what rhythm they should use to do things.


On the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, at the Qianqing Palace banquet on the Shangyuan Festival, Emperor Longwu Zhu Changhao summoned all the officials and relatives.

When the wine was hot, he couldn't help saying to his son-in-law: "Shuren, recently, many courtiers have preached that the Tartars are fighting among themselves and losing tens of thousands of troops. Take advantage of the time to forge ahead, take the north and merge with the secluded, what do you think?"

Zhu Shuren got up immediately, saluted solemnly, and said solemnly: "I dare not deceive Your Majesty with arrogance, and I really think that this is not a good opportunity to make progress.

The Tartars' internal strife has already decided the winner, although there are many casualties right now, the survivors are just at the time when all wills are united, so we should slow down and wait for them to relax. "

Zhu Changhao was always admonishing, and he didn't have any opinions if he said it harshly.Hearing what his son-in-law said, he didn't insist on it anymore, but let the courtiers who advocated a quick battle debate with Zhu Shuren by themselves.

Zhu Shuren has been in charge of the real power of the Ming court for several years, and even the six ministers have been promoted.

Therefore, the only ones who can talk to him in the DPRK are the Chief Assistant of the Cabinet, the Secretary of the Ministry of Officials, Shi Kefa, Zhang Guowei from the Ministry of Punishment, and Jiang Yueguang from the Ministry of Industry.

The rest of the military department is run by himself, and the household department is in charge of his father Shen Tingyang. It is impossible for father and son to disagree, and the family has discussed it long ago.As for Wu Meicun, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, although he has a teacher-student status with Zhu Shuren, he was promoted entirely by Zhu Shuren, which is completely a rubber stamp.

Among the ministers at the moment, Shi Kefa agreed with Zhu Shuren, and only Jiang Yueguang and Zhang Guowei had a few words to say.

I just heard Jiang Yueguang say: "In the old days when the Wei and Jin defeated Shu and Wu and unified the world, they all said that they used their power to bully people, and it was like a broken bamboo.

Now my Ming Dynasty has recovered more than ten provinces, and the Tartars, including the Liao territory, only have four provinces left. They also have internal strife and broken troops. Why can't they rush forward at once, taking advantage of the unstable foothold of the defenders in various places? "

Zhu Shuren just shook his head with Zhizhu holding the ground: "Jiang Shangshu only knows one thing, but not the other. When Wei Jin defeated Shu Wu and won the first battle, he stepped up his pursuit because he was worried that the enemy would reorganize effective resistance.

Now the Tartars, with a mere 10 people, rule over nearly [-] million people in the Northland. If they continue to procrastinate, they may not be able to win the hearts of the people. Maybe it will make the situation worse. Why can't I, Ming Dynasty, wait a little longer?

It should be known that when Dorgon was there, he won over the green camp, divided the northern Han people, and divided them into two parts. Some of them raised the flag and became coats, or used other methods to make them the assistants of the Manchu rulers and enslave other Han people.

These Han people were loyal to Dorgon when Dorgon was there.Now that Hauge is punishing Dorgon, he must refocus on Manchuria with limited money and food.Those Han green camps whose status has been raised for a few years may be hurt by their interests and gradually become alienated.

Maybe Hauge didn't intend to do this, but the Tartars' finances are getting worse day by day, and most of the important tax areas are lost. As long as there is a shortage of money, even if he doesn't want to treat the soldiers badly, he has to choose to treat some soldiers badly. Daming has also encountered it!
That being the case, if we stay in a stalemate for a while, it is possible to wait until some of the green camps in the Tatars are finally overwhelmed by oppression and turn to the light again. At that time, there will be a real opportunity to take advantage of. "

When Zhu Shuren said this in high spirits, he paused for a while, took a sip of water, and then stretched out two fingers,

"Furthermore, according to the latest information, in my opinion, Haug's rebellion this time was not thorough enough. Although he killed Dorgon, Jierhalang is still...

There is nothing wrong with Jierhalang himself, and Hauge can tolerate him.But the key point is to reassure Jierharang that not only the puppet emperor of Shunzhi is still alive, but also Bumbutai after the rape is still honorable.

After all, Jierhalang was the one who reached a compromise with Dorgon and supported the puppet emperor of Shunzhi. He could support the fall of Dorgon, but he could not support the fall of the emperor and empress.

But in Hauge's view, when the two yellow flags insisted on establishing a son of Huang Taiji, when Dorgon was riding a tiger, it was Bumbutai who took the initiative to show favor and gave Dorgon a choice, and established Fulin, and then Dorgon Dagon also colluded with Bumbutai to act like the emperor's father.

Now that Dorgon is dead, can Hauge bear it all the time and not worry about revenge for the adulterer?Therefore, the Tartar civil strife is not over at all, but the loot has been divided on the surface.

In the follow-up, Jierhalang, the young puppet emperor, and the traitor Bumbutai will at least die together with Hao Gehuo. If the control is not good, a few more may die. "

Zhu Shuren was able to speak so bluntly because he knew the history, and knew that Dorgon was called "the emperor's father and regent" in history.It's just that because of the butterfly effect in this life, Dorgon didn't make that much contribution, so his status has been unable to rise.

But Zhu Shuren opened his eyes, and he concluded that Dorgon and Xiaozhuang's adultery or collusion had already existed.Even if there is no clear path now, Hauge will worry about this time bomb sooner or later.

What is Daming in a hurry for?

In the end, Zhu Shuren also added a very important point: "Since ancient times, a teacher who is famous can only be united. The Tartars' internal strife, the original intention is that after the internal strife, they can make peace with me.

If I, Ming, were aggressive immediately, they would feel cheated, as if we, Ming, wanted to invade their old territory, and thus develop the heart of defending the country and fighting against the enemy, instead of feeling that they were protecting the stolen goods.At that time, 10,000+ Manchus will fight to the death, and there will be many casualties among our Ming soldiers.

If I, Ming Dynasty, hold off on the plan, while negotiating secretly with the snake, it will disintegrate the enemy's fighting spirit.Wouldn't it be nice to wait until Xu Xu found a new excuse to start the war, and the song is in the Tartars, and then he will become famous again?
Even if I have full confidence in defeating the enemy, I should try my best to cherish the lives of the soldiers, not to provoke the enemy if I can not anger the enemy, and not to let the enemy be united in the same hatred. "

Zhu Shuren is very clear that the morale bonus of the Patriotic War is higher than that of the Aggressive War at any time, and it must be prevented if the enemy can prevent the enemy from stacking BUFF.

It's not that there is no such condition, why make it difficult for yourself.

What's more, Zhu Shuren's words are just the truth on the surface. In fact, he has an extra thought in his heart:
That is, relying on the foresight of a traveler, he knew that Jiang Yu, the commander-in-chief of Datong in Shanxi in history, also betrayed the Qing Dynasty once, and pulled the flag to play the banner of Ming Dynasty.

Now that history has been changed beyond recognition, Jiang Tuan has not yet launched it.However, Zhu Shuren felt that Jiang Guan would not be indifferent to the deterioration of the situation of the Qing court based on the comparison of the current situation of the Ming and Qing Dynasties.

The reason why they haven't done anything yet may be because until last year, Shaanxi has not been pacified, so Hauge has to sit in Shanxi himself and talk to Wu Sangui in Shaanxi?

Since Hauge personally led the heavy troops in front of Jiang Yu's eyelids, of course Jiang Yu had no chance to rebel at that time, otherwise, wouldn't he be killed by Hauge on the spot?

But the situation is different now. Haug returned to Beijing to fight for power with Dorgon at the end of last year.Now that he has gained power, he absolutely dare not leave Beijing.

After the Manchu troops in Shanxi became empty, maybe Jiang Guan had a different heart?

So, it's better to wait, as long as Daming inquires about the news in time, as soon as he hears that Jiang Guan has made a move, he will immediately support him, and the two wings will coordinate and launch together, so that the Tartars will not die by then!

Otherwise, due to Shanxi's geographical isolation, if they fought directly, but did not wait for internal changes, the Ming army would have to fight hard in the Taihang Mountains.Shanxi's terrain is also very unfavorable for the offensive side's logistical supplies.

Zhu Shuren felt that this opportunity could be obtained, and he was willing to spend his time.


After confirming that it is really necessary to make false claims with the Tartars and wait for the further deterioration of the Tartars, the Ming court stopped clamoring to directly expand the Northern Expedition.

On the one hand, he continued to farm obediently and train soldiers.

Anyway, there are only four provinces left in the Tartars, and they are all the northernmost bitter and cold places. No matter how they farm, they can't grow Ming Dynasty, and the gap will only become bigger and bigger as time goes by.

On the other hand, farming in the rear is farming, and the diplomatic work in the front must also paralyze the Tartars, making them really mistakenly think that Ming Dynasty is willing to last peace, so that the Tartars can further relax.

Of course, both sides also have concerns.

Daming was worried that formal peace talks with the Tartars would result in the humiliation of treason, and it seemed that Daming had no plans to restore the old capital.Therefore, the formal armistice contract must not be left behind.

The Qing Dynasty also has concerns. Hauge knows that he can take power, and he can't show weakness as soon as he comes up.Otherwise, Chi Guoguo would let the Manchu nobles know that "I killed Dorgon just to negotiate peace", which would be detrimental to Hauge's prestige.

When both sides were afraid of beating wolves, they unanimously chose secret diplomacy. The two sides only talked, reached a gentleman's agreement in private, and made some substantive actions to ensure the implementation of each other, but never left a paper treaty .

This kind of distrustful contact is of course very difficult.You make promises to people with empty words, but the other party can't believe it.

So the whole process dragged on for several months.

Daming naturally needs the Ministry of Rites to send people to negotiate. After all, the Ministry of Rites is in charge of the vassal's tribute work, which is equivalent to ancient diplomacy. Wumei Village is only famous scholars and scholars who do not understand diplomatic fraud. Several times the progress has been fruitless.

In the end, Zhu Shuren could only be disappointed with his nominal mentor of the Imperial College, and replaced a few treacherous villains who were good at being the sixth child to negotiate secretly with the Tartars.The position of Minister of Wumei Village does not need to be moved, but the power needs to be decentralized and a part of it needs to be lifted.

After replacing the scumbags who know the times and adapt to the negotiations, the work quickly made progress, and both sides also obtained the guarantee actions needed to maintain peace:
The two gentlemen agreed that as long as the other party did not make hostile actions, they would not take the lead in rekindling the flames of war.

In order to gain the trust of the other party, the Qing government must stop its military pressure on North Korea since the spring of the fifth year of Longwu, stop the harassment of Daming's newly rebuilt Dongjiang Town in North Korea, and acquiesce that North Korea belongs to Daming.

This is tantamount to making the Qing diplomatically acquiesce in the vassal states that were originally forced to the side of the Qing court, abandoning the dark and turning to the Ming and returning to the Ming Dynasty.

The sincerity that Ming Dynasty wants to show is Zhu Shuren's guarantee that he will persuade Emperor Longwu Zhu Changxiao to personally go to Fengyang, the central capital that was recovered more than a year ago, to pay homage to Zhu Yuanzhang's ancestral mausoleum and ancestral temple in Fengyang. The two chief culprits of the Jiashen Revolution, Li Zicheng and Dorgon, have both been put to death."
In addition, he also declared that Zhu Changhao had avenged Chongzhen, and hoped that Chongzhen's spirit in heaven would also rest in peace.

Ordinarily, one should not go to Fengyang to offer sacrifices to Chongzhen, and he was neither born nor died in Fengyang.But this is just to make the noise louder and the ceremony feel more formal, so by the way.

And once the official imperial edict of the Ming emperor to sacrifice to the late emperor is circulated in the world, it is tantamount to implying in disguise that "the matter of avenging the late emperor has been completed."Although there are still lands that have not been fully recovered, that is another matter. It does not belong to avenging the late emperor, and one yard belongs to one yard.

And Daming's attitude of "revenge completed" can also make the world have an expectation that "there will be no more continuous wars for the time being".Even if Daming wants to backtrack later, his internal thinking will be easily confused and it will be difficult to mobilize quickly.

This is tantamount to debuffing his rapid mobilization efficiency to win the trust of the imaginary enemy.

Hauge didn't trust this kind of guarantee at first, but Zhu Shuren singled out those deceitful negotiators and carried out his rhetoric well. The Qing Dynasty didn't have the strength to ask for more, so let's forget about it for the time being.

In contrast, the Qing Dynasty had to stop its military pressure on North Korea, which was tantamount to being slapped in the face in front of other vassal states. On the Ming side, it only needed Hanlin to write an edict to the emperor to worship the late emperor, which meant that no real cost was paid. , of course Daming made more money.

After the negotiation was concluded, nothing happened for more than half a year, and the tense hearts of Hauge and Jierharang gradually relaxed again.

As for Hauge, who stabilized the situation, the more he saw Bumbutai after the rape, the more he disliked him, so he wanted to take advantage of the opportunity of peace with Daming to make further moves.

This traitorous concubine is not his mother!It was entirely because of the collusion with the traitor Dorgon back then that he came to power!When the first emperor Huang Taiji died, Bumbutai was only given the title of "Concubine Zhuang". It was only after his son ascended the throne that the mother became the empress dowager!
According to the theory of the former emperor Huang Taiji, before the death of the first emperor, his main wife was Bumbutai's aunt Zhezhe.If the former emperor's first wife is the queen mother, Zhezhe should also be respected as the queen mother!Which round will he get the heir's biological mother?

This reasoning, if strictly followed by the Sinicized legal system, is absolutely tenable.

It's like the later generation Xianfeng was beaten out of Beijing by the British and French allied forces, fled to Rehe, and died there. When he died, he had only one son, Tongzhi, and he could only pass the throne to him.But even if it is necessary to establish Tongzhi, Xianfeng's wife Ci'an must be respected as the queen mother first, and then Tongzhi's biological mother Cixi will be the turn.

It was only when the Qing Dynasty first took over the Central Plains that things were chaotic and Sinicization was not deep, so Buumbutai teamed up with Dorgon to create an established fact—Huang Taiji’s wife, Zhezhe, is actually still alive today (Shunzhi six years), but has been There is no upper emblem, but it is simply honored as "The Lord Fujin" or "The Empress Dowager of the Central Palace", but there is no official prefix emblem in front of it.

In contrast, when Bumbutai was emperor in Shunzhi, he already had the badge of "Empress Zhaosheng" ("Zhaosheng" is the badge, "Xiaozhuang" is the posthumous title. The badge was given when he was alive, posthumous title number to die)
Hauge himself didn't understand so many red tapes, but after he won power, there were naturally Han ministers who trusted him to help him with ideas.

Therefore, when Dorgon was in power, Hong Chengchou, who didn't even get the title of captain of Qingche, finally got an earl this time because he complied with Hauge's seizure of power.

Then Hong Chengchou gave Hauge an idea, asked him to use this point to talk about the matter, and secretly taught Hauge a lot of arguments.

Hauge was overjoyed when he heard the words, and immediately asked Hong Chengchou to help him write a memorial, and then put it on the table,

The general idea is that the country's fundamental Zhengshuo should not be ignored, and the emblem of Zhezhe, the late emperor Jifu Jin, should be added, and the officials who were responsible for giving the emblem to the harem when Shunzhi first succeeded to the throne should be held accountable.

Because the officials at that time missed the first wife of the first emperor, and only put the badge on the birth mother of the heir, this is an unforgivable crime of disrespect!Rebellion!
With such a serious crime in hand, Hauge didn't want to kill the Queen Mother directly. He just killed the Queen Mother's party feathers who were on the Queen Mother's badge first. Isn't it easy to catch?
Ever since, a bunch of licking dogs in the Qing court who licked the queen mother for many years in order to get promoted and get rich were directly executed by Hauge on the charge of treason, and the three clans were imprisoned. Whoever pleases the queen mother harder will die. worse!

Facing this situation, Bumbutai couldn't take it for granted. She could only tremble, praying that Hauge wouldn't touch her. How dare she protect those lackeys.

Jierharang originally thought that this would break the balance of power and tried to stop Hauge, but in the end he could only give in because he was unreasonable, and it also damaged his authority in the court in vain, causing Hauge's power to grow stronger.

No way, Jierhalang also colluded with Dorgon and Bumbutai to exchange interests. Strictly speaking, he was also responsible for "ineffective supervision" during the process of becoming the empress dowager.

You are the assistant king, why didn't you correct me when you saw such a mess back then?Do you still have the face to say it now?

As long as Hauge uttered these words dignifiedly in the court hall, Jierhalang could only find a crack in the ground to get in.

The emperor of the Manchus was close to the high-ranking officials, and a lot was washed away again because of this accident.And Huang Taiji succeeded Fujin Zhezhe, and with Hauge's support, he became the empress dowager with a more noble status than Bumbutai and an official badge.Similar to Ci'an's suppression of Cixi during his lifetime.

But in fact, Zhezhe himself is old and sick, a puppet, unable to do anything.Moreover, in history, Zhezhe died of illness in May of the sixth year of Shunzhi at the age of 51.

In this life, the lifespan of a person like Zhe Zhe who lives in seclusion in the harem is naturally not affected by the butterfly effect in the outside world.

So just two months after Hauge completed a new round of centralized purges and put her on top to suppress Bumbutai, Zhezhe died of illness due to historical inertia.

There is no doubt that Zhezhe's death is not suspicious of murder, it is old age.

But Hauge was nervous. He managed to completely and absolutely suppress the false queen mother, but the puppet real queen mother who had just pushed up died. How could he discard this useful chess piece?
So even if Zhezhe died of old age, he still has to investigate thoroughly to see if anyone poisoned the Queen Mother at this juncture, and whether there are "people who have lost their interests after Zhezhe was given the official Queen Mother badge and harbored grievances."

And this person who "has lost his interests and harbors resentment", who else could he be besides Bumbutai?

Hauge sharpened his sword again, ready to complete his work in one battle.

And their internal court struggles have been raging for several months, and it is impossible for the outside world not to hear any rumors.After all, so many close attendants, relatives and noble officials were killed, and many local real power factions who were promoted by Dorgon at the beginning also began to be worried and ready to move.

Especially when the news spread to Shanxi, the already rebellious Datong commander-in-chief Jiang Yu felt more and more that the Qing Dynasty was about to end.

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