Warhammer: Return of the Dragon

Chapter 933 The troops gather together

Under the orders of the champion warrior, the armies scattered everywhere gathered towards the Golden Oath City.

All kinds of legendary legions flocked here, intending to contribute to such an important event.

Sixty flameborn knights gathered together again, intending to add an honor to the golden dragon armor.

Sixteen high-level dragon princes came here with their companions. Under the intimidation of the dragon, no one would question the ownership of the air supremacy.

The bloody lances of the five hundred dragon princes have been polished, and the various family flags are scattered throughout the military camp. They are the commanders at all times, and the charge gathered in an emergency is unstoppable.

One thousand and four hundred dragon halberd guards were ready to attack. The halberds standing in the forest were glowing with coldness in the sun. They could only give the order and rush into the Titan Gate first.

Spearmen, archers, cavalry, mages, and artillery, these arms that the Asurs always rely on have never been eliminated and have been the focus of gathering since the beginning.

An elite force may be able to change a situation, but it is the regular soldiers who serve as the backbone that can give the commander real confidence.

It is worth mentioning that the Princess of Avalon, who was kept in the dark and did not know the current situation in Ulthuan, still had great ambitions to issue a military order to the champion warrior. She was bound to live and die with Caledor. After retrieving the Dragon Horn Never step back even an inch before.

Avalon's archer legion will become an important force in determining the direction of the battlefield.

Such words naturally won Masnow's great praise and his attitude towards the princess, which made the Avalon elf, who was thinking a lot, mistakenly think that the champion warrior was coming to have a pre-battle encounter.

Affected by some factors, a legion that was reluctant to mention it came into public view.

Anaheim's Ghulam Project has now essentially ended due to Draknir's intervention. In recent years, slave soldiers have been gradually returned to normal society.

But the early soldiers could not return to normal society at all.

There are two reasons. One is the fierce opposition of the Noble Council. The cost of training a group of qualified war machines is extremely high. Caledor needs a group of professional executioners instead of normal soldiers who know life and death.

The second is that the highly specialized training has made Gulam participants indifferent to the fact that they are human beings.

The meaning of their lives is simple - prepare for war and train, fight and kill, marry and have children, and dedicate their insignificant bodies to Caledor.

Belegar frowned and looked at the unfamiliar troops entering the camp. As the person who wanted the Eight Peaks Mountain the most, he would naturally not miss the general mobilization.

But Caledo, why did he cultivate a group of soldiers who only have death in their eyes...

The soldiers the dwarves saw were all dressed in silver-gray armor, their faces covered by towering pointed helmets, with only a pair of eyes exposed.

Shields, swords, spears, axes, hand cannons, hybrid war horses... all kinds of equipment are very complete. Just from the configuration point of view, they are completely different from the Marine Corps. Based on the standards of dwarves, the equipment used by these people The weapons are already similar to those of professional elf soldiers.

The weirdest thing is that they don't have a flag. According to common sense, no matter how small the organization is, it needs at least one iconic object as a symbol, but people who only have death in their eyes don't have one.

This made Belegar marvel, thinking that these humans were somewhat similar to the Nurgle zombies encountered during the Great Holy War, and that their heads had been corroded by something.

But the Lord of Angrond is not a staunch righteous person. What does your Caledor cultivating a group of slave soldiers have to do with my Eight Peaks Mountain? This is a dirty deal between elves and humans, and the dwarves disdain to participate.

Feeling really happy about the dense but orderly military camp, Belegar hummed a song and led the sworn guards to bypass the legions who were still arranging their positions and marched straight to the central headquarters.

This time he was going to meet his close old friend Masno. The elf was so interested in him, so naturally the dwarf was moved. He might have arranged it reluctantly as an old friend. "Gronny's mining shovel hollowed out the mountains for his children to live in, melted the steel and turned it into a throne..."

A song about the origin of the dwarves, under Belegar's sonorous voice, attracted the attention of all the elves, and they all looked at the Lord of Angrond with contempt.

There is no language barrier in ballads. A beautiful piece of music can always attract praise with its melody, tone, and sound. However, if you sing too lazily, no matter how magnificent the original song is, it will turn into noise.

Belega obviously didn't realize how unpleasant the out-of-tune voice was due to his excitement.

There was no need to greet the guards when they came to the headquarters. When they saw that the person coming was Belegar, the dragon halberd guards couldn't help but roll their eyes and directly let the dwarf pass.

Belegar really dared to do anything. His reputation in Caledor was the same as that of a hob, and there was not much anyone could do against him. Who gave him the power to publicize the Eight Peaks Mountain and open the ancestral treasure house?

The sworn guards were left waiting outside the door. Too many similar experiences made the tribesmen believe that the king would not be in any danger inside, so they waited outside with the dragon halberd guards.

Belega, who continued to hum the ballad, suddenly stopped, not because he forgot the words, but because there was no noisy sound in the huge headquarters.

This is very strange. The headquarters was not built by Masnow alone. It also includes multiple subordinate departments, such as staff, intelligence, supplies, transportation, magic consultants, etc.

Based on the usual experience of dwarves, except for the innermost room, which is relatively quiet, the rest of the place is similar to the dwarf market. Officers of all levels are trying their best to find their superiors for help.

But now, there were only some whispers here, which made the dwarf very uncomfortable.

He grabbed the hem of a passing staff officer. Although he wanted to grab the collar to show off his momentum, his pointed ears were too thin, so he could only use this rather childish method.

The staff officer showed a helpless expression, sighed, and said directly without Belega asking,

"Go to Mr. Masnow's office. It will become clear when you arrive."

Before the dwarf could reply, while Belegar was stunned, the staff officer forcibly tugged at the hem of his clothes and left. He couldn't take the clothes anymore and had to apply to the logistics department for replacement.

Belega, who was confused, pushed away the innermost office, and the reason for the silence in the headquarters was finally understood at this time.

Imrik, who was originally standing with his hands on the table and his head lowered to observe the map, heard the sound of the wooden door opening, raised his head and pretended to be surprised and smiled,

"Look who is here, Belegar Hammer, Lord of Karak Eight Peaks. I thought he would only think about opening the ancestral treasury to repay the loan after Caledor regained Eight Peaks."

Belegar blushed. He had no idea how much he owed the Dragon Palace so far, judging from the situation reported by his tribe.

If the ancestral treasure house cannot be opened, the Angland clan will need an entire generation to repay the huge amount of loans.

But fortunately, Imric didn't care about this huge loan. He could just get the items lost in the Longbeard War with the Dragon Horn, and just think of it as repaying the goodwill Erickson had proactively released back then.

Without the promise of the previous High King, the relationship between elves and dwarves could not have healed so quickly.

Seeing that Belegar was still in embarrassment, Imric shook his head and motioned to the maid to find him a chair to stand on, so that the short man could only lie on the long table and observe the map.

After they were officially seated, Belegar finally had the time to observe the people in the room. It was interesting to see that, except for a few unknown high-level dragon princes, almost all the influential people in Caledor were present.

This made Belegar couldn't stop muttering in his heart. No wonder there was no sound outside, and the normally tough staff officer dared to say harsh words to civilians. (End of chapter)

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