Warhammer: Return of the Dragon.

Chapter 934 Pioneer Officer

The debt issue was put aside, and as Noglin, the warrior of the Drakduraz clan, joined the meeting, he and Belegar had a tacit understanding and did not ask where Imrik had been in the past twenty years.

After seeing all the people present, Imric announced the start of the war meeting. The first problem to be solved was how to reach the Titan Gate in the Eight Peaks Mountain.

The dragon mage in charge of magic stood up on his own initiative and told the prince about the results he had obtained over the years, and his words were full of satisfaction.

From Imric's perspective, the originally graceful Dragon Mage had been tortured by the badland environment, and his tone sounded a little crazy.

"We're waag..." Under the angry gaze of the prince, the dragon mage could only stop his excitement and lowered his eyebrows to apologize: "Sorry, I was a little too excited at the moment."

Masnow raised his palm to signal the mage to calm down, "We are all aware of your difficulties. Casting spells in a chaotic environment in a bad land for a long time will inevitably have an impact on the mind, but please remain serious in this situation."

"You're right." The dragon mage took a deep breath, and then tapped the desktop map several times with his staff. Flashing blue light dots appeared in the mage's hand. There were more than thirty in number, mostly distributed in the western part of the Badlands. There are only a few scattered light spots in the central area.

After displaying the results for many years, the dragon mage took back his staff and explained the importance of these light spots to the prince.

"For many years, the Mage Group has been committed to maintaining a stable magical environment in the Badlands. The fighting between greenskins, beastmen, undead, ratmen, bandits and exiles has laid great hidden dangers. Every year, the Mage Group must Deal with daemonic prying due to excessive casualties and avoid attacks from the enemies of Chaos.”

"The laying of the guide stones has made the magic environment in the western part of the badland generally stable, and the magic circle formed by these treasures at the back is enough to transport the required supplies to the designated location in batches."

The mage's words were very concise, but they solved the biggest obstacle on the march - the problem of logistical supplies.

Imric praised the mages for doing a good job and living up to the palace's strong support over the years.

He took out his sword and used the scabbard to draw the shortest route on the map, bypassing the ruins of Morukan from the north and heading straight for the target, Bafeng Mountain.

This move attracted applause from everyone. The war meeting did not have so many details. The dragon lord came forward to make decisions and gave an overall goal and policy. Someone would naturally handle the rest.

The person who clapped the most joyfully and seemed to have tears in his smile was none other than Bruni. He really didn't expect His Highness to abandon the affairs of Ulthuan and return to the bad land alone.

Is it still too late to snatch the honor of being a pioneer?

Before he could ask questions, some high-ranking dragon princes who were eager for honor had already taken the lead in speaking out, issuing military orders with righteous words. With such force, they were determined to commit suicide if they failed.

"Your Highness, I swear on the honor of my family that I will be the first dragon prince to enter the Titan Gate. I hope you can understand this loyalty."

"Your Highness, the thousand-year long cherished wish is coming soon. The dragon's roar that we have been waiting so hard for will reappear in Caledor. The position of vanguard officer should belong to me!"

"Your Highness..."

"Your Highness..."

More than a dozen words of self-recommendation expressing determination made the conference room a little noisy. Some high-ranking dragon princes really believed that they had the ability and qualifications to serve as vanguard officers.

And some people are not stupid. Even if they know that they will never get this honor in the end, they might as well express their loyalty on important occasions.

The return of the dragon horn will cause drastic changes, not only in the strength of the country, but also in how some families who have had dragon companions for generations adjust their self-positioning.

After all, everyone has a dragon partner, which means no one has one. At this time, using your brain can often achieve some surprising results.

Noglin, who could already understand Elvish, said nothing. His lips trembled slightly, as if he wanted to mention the previous agreement. The late king Erickson said that he wanted Longya Castle and Bafeng Mountain. With the current excitement of the Dragon Prince, he might choose to give up on Longya Castle directly after getting the Dragon Horn.

He did not tell this fact, but instead took a look at Belegar and found that the Lord of Angrond also had excitement, but due to the racial consciousness of the dwarves, he did not show it too obviously.

Imrik was quite pleased. No matter how many of these people were sincerely seeking glory or expressing their loyalty to suit themselves, it didn't matter anymore.

As long as the dragon horn is obtained, the so-called elven split is nothing but a farce, and the world will surrender to the shadows flying out of the Dragon Spine Mountains, trembling under the majesty of the dragon.

"For the position of Pioneer Officer, I already have a candidate, Ocasitas."

Hearing the master's call, the legendary warrior who was silent in the corner stepped forward with heavy steps.

After hearing that this person was the vanguard officer, all the high-ranking dragon princes were speechless. Indeed, among the people present, no one had more reason to hold such an important position than him.

After all, Occestes also needs to bear part of the responsibility for the loss of the dragon horn.

After everyone took the initiative to get out of the way, the legendary warrior knelt down on one knee, his dragon-shaped helmet's eyes flashing like fire, and his soul, which seemed to be bound by the cold shell, rekindled his faith at this moment.

"I swear in the name of the blacksmith god Vaal that I will be the first warrior to enter the Titan Gate and decapitate the head of the green-skinned warlord to you.

If this cannot be achieved, the soul will be tortured by the Pale Queen Eris Kyle forever! "

The invisible power flashed past, and the determination to swear an oath in the name of the gods caught the attention of Val and Eris Kyle.

Occestes' determination allowed the blacksmith god Val to bless the armor where his soul temporarily resided, protecting this devout believer indestructible on the battlefield.

And Eris Kyle's cold laughter made Occestes' eyes brighter. The Elf God always likes to have fun, and the changeable goddess doesn't mind letting this armor become his real body. This gives the underworld army an extra boost.

Imric watched all this happen and secretly found it interesting. In the past, swearing to gods often depended on whether the person swearing the oath was really willing to bear the consequences. Verbal binding force was far greater than objective factors.

And today's elven pantheon seems to be increasingly influencing the mortal world...

The Vanguard was established, and Imrik did not forget the existence of Noglin, until the slightly embarrassed son of Drac Duraz worried about something.

"Norglin, are you worried about Longya Castle?"

"That's right, according to the promise you made with the late King Ericson, Bafeng Mountain and Longya Castle must be delivered to the dwarves together, so that the matter of the Phoenix Crown and the Book of Great Hatred can be resolved smoothly."

"But the current situation has seriously changed. Tell Thorgreen that after Belegar obtains the Eight Peaks Mountain, I need to obtain the Phoenix Crown immediately. The matter of Longya Castle will be postponed."

Noglin rejected it without even thinking about it.

"This is not what was promised."

"But in line with our current situation, I am deeply involved in the current important events in Ulthuan and cannot escape, and the dwarves do not have enough people to fill Longya Castle. It will take at least a hundred years to digest the Golden Oath City and the bottomless stone steps. Compared with the huge Fei Zhouzhang wants to seize a city that currently has no practical value, so it is best to resolve the immediate matter." (End of Chapter)

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