The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide.

Chapter 93 Yahoo Answers Online

Chapter 93 Yahoo Answers Online
"Ten Nobel laureates gather with you on Yahoo Answers"

"If you have a problem, go to Yahoo!"

"Yahoo Answers, a question-and-answer community with no barriers"

In the second half of May, Yahoo ads can be seen on roadside billboards throughout the Los Angeles Bay Area.

It has been almost two months since Quora was launched, and there have been some question-and-answer communities developed by Internet companies online. However, due to the lack of reputation of these Internet companies, it is difficult for these question-and-answer communities to pose a threat to Quora.

Yahoo is different. Sitting on the largest portal of global Internet traffic, Yahoo Answers has already put a lot of pressure on Quora before it goes public.

Quora's internal employees have been vocal about whether to open permissions to all users, at least some permissions.

Jimmy Wells and Larry Sanger suppressed this voice: "If we open some permissions now, it will offend our core users. Users who worked hard and tried hard to get permissions before, they will how to think?"

But this does not mean that Quora will not fight back. On the eve of the launch of Yahoo Answers, Quora Encyclopedia was launched. After the launch of Quora Encyclopedia, it also gave users another path to unlock Quora permissions.

Yahoo's momentum is not limited to roadside ads and TV ads, Jerry Yang himself participated in the TV talk show hosted by Charlie Rose.The program is a comprehensive program, and Bill Gates, Jobs, Larry Elson and others have all been on this program.

"Let us welcome Jerry, Jerry is also our old friend, not long before Yahoo was founded, when Jerry participated in the "60 minutes" program, I was the director of the program at that time.

This time, Jerry participated in Charlie's talk show. I believe Jerry has a lot to say. Newman puts too much pressure on him. Jerry, you can use our show to relieve the pressure.

Sometimes it's good to talk about sad things. "Charlie Rose has a sly face, teasing the guests of the show is an indispensable part of the talk show.

Compared with other Internet founders, Jerry Yang prefers to participate in TV talk shows. The TV talk shows he has participated in include "60 Minutes", "Squawk Box", "Charlie Rose" and so on.

Jerry Yang said helplessly: "Charlie, don't say that, Newman and I are friends, and their products are not in direct competition with ours.

The link to the homepage of the Riot Games community is still on the Yahoo homepage.We have a certain competitive relationship, but this is a healthy competitive relationship.

The healthy competitive relationship between us and Newman can bring more and better products to Internet users. "

Charlie Rose didn't believe it, and he knew the audience wouldn't believe it, and he knew exactly what the audience wanted to hear: "So you're friends, and not long after Newman launched Quora, Yahoo launched Yahoo Answers?"

Regarding these questions, before the show, the visiting guests will be given a list of questions so that they can prepare in advance.

Really unprepared talk shows are extremely rare.

So Jerry Yang seemed confident: "There is no rule that says whoever comes up with a certain product can prevent others from making similar products. For example, we have made portals and search engines, and Microsoft is also developing portals.

Both Baidu and Google, which Newman invested in, are doing search engines.Many people like to compare the Internet to a piece of cake. Everyone is vying for this piece of cake. If you eat more, I will eat less.

But judging from the Nasdaq Internet Index, we are obviously not a cake-like competition.I think we are all the captains of the sea, leading the fleet to sail on the sea of ​​the Internet.

Newman found a lot of good waterways, which doesn't mean we can't go on this waterway.

In addition, the reason why Yahoo has established a Yahoo Knowledge Q&A community is that the high threshold set by Quora naturally blocks the majority of users. We hope to provide other options for users who do not have the opportunity to use Quora's main functions. "

Yang Zhiyuan likes to cooperate with his gestures when speaking.

Charlie Rose nodded frequently, and then asked: "I agree with what you said, just like John Freeman made the world's first TV talk show face-to-face, it doesn't mean that other TV broadcasters can't do it again TV talk show."

Jerry Yang: "Yes, and Yahoo Answers will definitely be a very different product.

I don't deny that our ideas are borrowed from Quora. Newman is definitely the best product manager, and Quora is the best product form in the past few years.

Yahoo Answers will be open to everyone, and we have invited more than a dozen Nobel Prize winners to answer users' questions.We will invite more experts and scholars in the future.

At the same time, we also invited famous people from all walks of life and so on.

Yahoo Answers also launched an exclusive badge system. Although Quora also has a badge system, our badge system is completely different from theirs and is used to reward excellent answerers. "

In order to reward users who pass the exam, Quora will give users who pass the exam a golden badge. The icon on it means the field in which he passed the exam.

Such badges can only be owned by users who have passed the exam, and users can continue to take exams in other fields after passing the exam in a certain field.For example, if he has obtained a badge in the computer field, he can also take exams in history, politics, economics and other fields.

This kind of badge is not available to users who register accounts with internal test verification codes.

The badge mechanism caused some internal test users to take the test, just to get a golden badge.

"So I can understand that Yahoo's question-and-answer system is topped by experts and scholars in various fields. They represent authority and are invited by Yahoo.

Then there are badge winners in the middle, the answerers of these excellent questions form the backbone of the knowledge quiz community, and at the bottom are all ordinary users, who provide the source of questions. "Charlie Rose concluded for Jerry Yang.

Charlie Rose is also a user of Quora, and a beta user. Before interviewing Jerry Yang, he thought about the pros and cons of Yahoo Q&A and Quora.

In his view, Quora is already a very mature product, and it is difficult for him to make optimization suggestions from the perspective of a product manager. He is very curious about how Yahoo Answers can reflect its own advantages.

It's hard to beat Quora just by opening registration permissions to all users.

Charlie Rose has asked some of their colleagues who don't have Quora accounts, and they all said that even if they can't ask questions, they still habitually look at Quora.

Especially after Baidu is embedded in Quora, your question has actually been raised long ago.

Instead, the invitation of Nobel Prize winners and the badge system made Charlie Rosen shine. The former hints to users through authority that we are a knowledge question-and-answer community with sufficient high-quality answers, and the latter rewards ordinary users to stimulate them. Answer positively.

Quora's badge system is very simple, and you can only get it when you pass the exam.

Of course, I still don't know what the badge system of Yahoo Answers is like.

Yang Zhiyuan pushed his glasses: "It can be roughly understood in this way.

Only those who are good enough can enter Quora, and Yahoo Answers gives ordinary people the opportunity to participate in the knowledge question-and-answer community. "

Charlie Rose continued: "Jerry, do you think Yahoo Answers can beat Quora?"

That's a pretty poignant question, especially on a TV show where those words are recorded.

Yang Zhiyuan tried to avoid this topic: "I think there are still many differences between us and Quora, we just borrowed from the mechanism of Quora users asking questions and users answering.

In addition, Yahoo Answers has many original features. "

Charlie Rose doesn't give face at all, American's talk show is much less friendly than Huaguo's talk show: "Isn't the core logic of the quiz community just to ask and answer?
It's like you told me that Toyota cars and Ford cars are only similar in driving, and they have many differences in interiors.

Jerry, this is not a reason to convince me. You can't convince me, let alone the audience in front of the TV. "

After a pause, Jerry Yang said: "I think we can beat Quora, and beating Quora was never Yahoo's goal.

Yahoo has always been committed to becoming a new global Internet media company, and Yahoo's goal has always been to provide more high-quality content for more users. "

Charlie Rose caught the part of Jerry Yang's words that he wanted to get: "Director, just cut out what Jerry said just now that they can beat Quora, as the opening of our program.

Next time Jerry comes to our show, show it to him. "

Then Charlie Rose turned to Jerry Yang: "You just said that you and Newman are good friends, how did you meet?"

Jerry Yang: "You know, we are all Chinese, and then we all started our businesses in Silicon Valley, we will have some common friends, and we can easily get to know each other.

He is a person with his own ideas. As early as when he created the fist game community, I wanted to cooperate with him. At that time, I said that if he is willing to sell the fist electronic community to me and he is willing to join Yahoo, I will Willing to take Yahoo stock in exchange. "

Charlie Rose: "So you realized then that Newman was a rare talent?"

Jerry Yang: "Yes, Silicon Valley has always been a paradise for entrepreneurs, and I know a lot of entrepreneurs here, including myself as one of them.

Before I met Newman, the entrepreneurs I came into contact with were all out of love, thinking that there was an opportunity in a certain field, and users might need products in this area, so we started a business to meet the needs of users.

Almost no one has the awareness of how to make money before starting a business.Even for Yahoo, I expect we will only be profitable this year, and last year was still in the red.

Unlike Newman, he thought about how to make money from this Internet model at the beginning of his business.

Taking the fist game community as an example, he has long thought that the fist game community is an auxiliary of the fist game distribution channel, the game distribution is profitable, and the game community acquires users. This is a complete set of mechanisms.

He is a rare genius, both in the product field and in the business field. "

Charlie Rose asks: "Can Quora be profitable?"

(End of this chapter)

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