The Millennium Semiconductor Survival Guide.

Chapter 94 Quora's Counterattack

Chapter 94 Quora's Counterattack

"That's about it, Bill, I need your help." Zhou Xin said seriously.

Bill Gates got up and walked around in his office, still thinking about what Zhou Xin had just told him:
"It's unbelievable, such a product design can only be imagined by you.

I'd rather buy Quora, come on, you can set any price you want.

I can already imagine that after the launch of this feature of Quora, the time spent on publicity by Yahoo Answers will be in vain, and even pave the way for you.

And even if Yahoo wants to develop similar functions, it will take a long time to make them.

Newman, say a price, I beg you. "

Zhou Xin is very proud. You can copy one of my ideas, but can you copy a whole series of ideas?

This is the construction of the Internet ecosystem, and in this era it is a blow to dimensionality reduction.

"Okay, Bill, would you sell Quora now?
I promised you before that I would sell Quora, but the value of Quora has not been fully realized now, and it is too bad to sell now. "

Bill stretched out five fingers: "50 billion dollars in cash, pack NewPay together."

Zhou Xin shook his head: "50 billion is just the price of Quora. After the launch of Quora's function, I put Quora into the market this year. Its market value is definitely more than 50 billion US dollars.

Similarly, if Microsoft successfully acquires Quora, and Quora is a part of MSN, Microsoft's market value will definitely increase by more than 50 billion US dollars.

It is impossible for me to sell NewPay to other people for the time being. "

Bill Gates has already seen the importance of NewPay: "Actually, in all your businesses, NewPay is the core.

It doesn't matter if you sell your fist or Quora, as long as NewPay is still there, you can still use NewPay to establish an equally successful business.

But NewPay can't. NewPay is a payment application. This type of application is similar to a bank. It needs reputation as a foundation and cannot set up a payment software at any time.

Reputation and users are the deepest moats for this type of payment software. Now NewPay has taken the first-mover advantage, and the time will accumulate behind it.

So you are willing to let Riot go public, and you are willing to sell Quora to me. Only NewPay accepts shares and only accepts the structure of A/B shares. "

Zhou Xin didn't need to deny anything, because after Bill Gates realized that, if the other party wanted to make payment software, he couldn't and didn't need to stop him: "That's right.

My favorite is payment software.

Payment software can be regarded as the infrastructure of the Internet, its status is similar to that of the windows operating system, and it is an indispensable part. "

Bill Gates didn't say any more on this topic, he asked: "If I don't agree, who will you find to cooperate with you?"

Zhou Xin said without thinking: "Larry Ellison, he likes to show off and is also a Quora user, if you disagree, I will contact him.

If it doesn't work, I will find Jerry Yang and ask him directly which application he thinks is better, Quora or Yahoo Answers. "

Bill Gates laughed, "Jerry won't cooperate with you.

Ellison would, he really likes the limelight and wouldn't pass up an opportunity like this.

Well, I promise you, you remember to sell Quora to me when the time comes, because you believe you will sell Quora to me, so Microsoft didn't do a knowledge question-and-answer community. "

This is purely a lie. Microsoft didn’t do it because Bill Gates didn’t think it was necessary. They had to face Yahoo and Quora at the same time, and they didn’t have an advantage, so they didn’t do it at all.

But Bill Gates really wanted to buy Quora, especially after seeing Quora's new features.

When Yahoo advertised in various ways, Quora quietly launched a paid question and answer function.

"@Bill Gates, Bill, what do you think about the conspiracy theories about yourself, that you run immoral schemes through charitable foundations to control the global population and run secret programs?" ($100)

This question is quite explosive. The conspiracy theory about Bill Gates has started since then. The reason why Zhou Xin persuaded Bill Gates to answer this question is:
"You can respond positively to these doubts in public. This is the best opportunity to prove yourself. And even those who accuse you will have to pay you if they want to see your answer."

The paid question and answer function launched by Quora, users can ask questions to designated people by paying, and the payment amount is at least 20 US dollars, ranging from 20, 50, and 100 US dollars.

Other users can view the answer after paying $0.5, and this part of the income is shared by the questioner and the answerer.

Quora takes a 30.00% cut from it.

For example, Zhou Xin spent US$100 to ask Bill Gates a question, Bill Gates received US$70, and Quora received US$30.If 1 users read this answer, they will pay a total of 5000 US dollars. After deducting the 1500 US dollars that Quora draws from the [-] US dollars, the rest will be shared equally between Bill Gates and Zhou Xin.

"Thank you Newman for your question. I have never joined any secret organization. The vision of the Bill and Melinda Foundation has always been to realize my business aspirations and philanthropic aspirations, hoping to improve global health, education, and the environment. And make my contribution.

The conspiracy theories that have been swirling around me lately about trying to control the global economy, politics, and even the world's population are utter nonsense.

If I had this ability, I wouldn't have to face the annual investigations and lawsuits against the Microsoft monopoly by the American Justice Department and the Europa Commission."

Quora's paid question-and-answer feature went live quietly, but as the most trafficked online forum, it's obviously not going to be so peaceful.

In particular, both the respondent and the questioner are American internet stars.

For the majority of ordinary users, they find that they can also use the paid question and answer function, and they can only ask questions but not answer them.

Bill Gates' answer received more than 24 views in just 10 hours, which means that more than 0.5 users paid $[-] to see what Bill Gates said.

Other Internet forums are also discussing this matter.

"Can someone send me how Bill Gates answered Newman's answer?"

"Quora's paid question and answer function is also too powerful, which means that everyone can ask questions as long as they spend money, and at the same time, if you ask a good question, it can also bring you benefits?"

"That is to say, if you spend $20 to ask a question, you only need about 114 people to read the answer to get back the cost. If there are more than 114 people, that is the net profit." This is definitely a post from a Chinese.

"The premise is that you need to have a NewPay account, otherwise the money cannot be transferred to your card."

"I tried to ask questions, NewPay is very easy to use."

Paid Q&A connects Quora and NewPay. Previously, NewPay was only used in Riot Games, Ebay and Amazon.

These shopping payment scenarios are not frequent enough, and there may only be a few transactions a year.

The ecology of Quora is completely different. It only costs US$0.5 to read the answer, and you can get a reward of US$10 for signing up for a NewPay account.

You registered an account enough for you to read 20 answers. This kind of high-frequency and low-value transactions can be regarded as the taxi-hailing software of later generations.

There is never a shortage of people who want to eat crabs in this world. Within a week after the paid question and answer function was launched, more than 1 paid questions were raised.

At the same time, about [-] questions were answered.

Both the questioner and the answerer benefit from it.

From Silicon Valley to Seattle to Washington, no one cares when Yahoo Answers launches, what features it has, and which Nobel laureates it invites.

Everyone is concerned about how to ask a good question so that the respondent can answer it and make other users willing to read it.

The paid knowledge question and answer function is borrowed from the Weibo question and answer of later generations. Tens of thousands of people are willing to pay to read a question answered by Sicong.

This set of gameplay has had a huge impact on today's Internet users.

Everyone is a novice, who has seen this kind of gameplay.

Some celebrities already like to gain attention, and they are more active in answering questions after they can make money with paid questions and answers.

Especially Larry Ellison, as a Silicon Valley madman and the founder of Oracle, has always liked the feeling of being sought after by everyone.

Opening Quora every day, there are countless questions waiting for him to answer. Now that there are paid questions, there is also the amount that the other party has paid. This is a combination of picking up money and hobbies.

Among them, the question that Ellison received the most views is also related to Bill Gates.

"What do you think of Bill Gates' claim that the so-called conspiracy theory is slandering him, and he doesn't have such great energy?"

"I know Bill Gates but I'm not close, but I think he has this energy, but I'm not sure if he will do it."

It was this answer that made the conspiracy theorists seem to have found evidence, and added Ellison as a new character when compiling a new conspiracy theory.

This answer has been viewed by more than 1 people.

The whole of Silicon Valley is discussing Quora's paid question and answer function, as if whoever doesn't discuss it is falling behind.

"Quora's paid question and answer function must be known to everyone. How can we use paid question and answer to inspire our products." A CEO of an Internet company that focuses on online forums asked employees.

"I think we can lock some premium content, and users who want to see it need to pay."

"We can also launch a similar paid question and answer function. We also have a lot of content related to question and answer on our forum. I think we can learn from Quora's ideas."

"The problem is that we don't have payment software, is NewPay willing to cooperate with us?"

What is Yahoo Answers?No one remembers Yahoo Answers, only the huge face of the Nobel Prize winner on the roadside billboard, and the Yahoo Answers next to the face still has a sense of existence.

When Jerry Yang drove from his home to the Yahoo office building, seeing the wise eyes of the Nobel Prize winner, he even felt that he was laughing at him, laughing at Yahoo for being completely defeated by Zhou Xin in creativity again.

"How long will it take for us to add the paid question and answer function?"

"It will take a month at the fastest. Currently, the most mature payment application on the market is NewPay. The number of users of other electronic payment software will not exceed [-], and most of them only have a few thousand.

Only NewPay has enough users for a quiz community. "

(End of this chapter)

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