Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei Returns from Warhammer Retirement

Chapter 213 Chu Zihang in the Lower Nest Capital

Chapter 213 Chu Zihang in the Lower Nest Capital
One night a week later, the night watchman floated to the dinner table in Norton Pavilion.

He unceremoniously took the limited edition brandy on the table and poured himself a large glass.

The night watchman gulped down several mouthfuls before the wrinkles on his face relaxed.

"You should leave me some."

Fingel looked at the empty wine bottle distressedly and complained.

This is the Louis XIII black pearl, a bottle of 10,000+,
"Keep a little? I'll be fine if I don't ask you to get me a new bottle."

The night watchman snorted.

These brats always think about asking an old man to help them with work, and let him work overtime.

Ask a 100-year-old man to work overtime, is this human?

He is older than Angers!

If it weren't for the fact that these boys are usually generous, he would have kicked them out on the spot.

Of course, that magical Philosopher's Stone is also one of the reasons.

"By the way, why are you in such a hurry? Is it so interesting to dream together?"

The night watchman asked curiously.

If he didn't know that Lu Mingfei was an old-fashioned fanatic, he would have thought they were going to have some kind of dream silver party.

"Brother Chu Zihang needs to accept the trial."

Lu Mingfei replied.

"Trial? To kill a dragon single-handedly?"

His thinking became chivalrous again.

"More dangerous than that."

Lu Mingfei shook his head.

"More dangerous? Wouldn't it be to kill the Dragon King?"

The night watchman turned his head to look at Chu Zihang, who was concentrating on cooking.

"I said, this kid is not as perverted as you, should we wait a little longer?"

He kindly reminded.

He had a good impression of Chu Zihang, a young man, not as unassuming as Finger, and not as serious as Lu Mingfei.

"This is the Emperor's task, and a destiny he has chosen."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Well, I really don't understand your belief in God."

The night watchman shrugged.

"The emperor doesn't care whether you believe in him or not, as long as you are fighting for mankind, you are doing his will."

Lu Mingfei said calmly.

"Praise be to the Emperor, who died for mankind."

Everyone stopped to eat and prayed in the Sky Eagle Rite.

"Your words sound like you've heard them before at a certain time. Forget it, it's not important. I have to remind you that although there are Sands of Dream God and Philosopher's Stones to consume instead, people's spiritual power is limited , and the longer you stay in the dream, the easier it is to get stuck in it."

said the night watchman.

Once the alchemy domain is activated, Word Spirit Nightmare will continue to operate on its own, unless the alchemy domain is destroyed or the released person dies.

And the result of both is actually the same.

"I trust Brother Chu Zihang."

Lu Mingfei said.

"Okay, what starts?"

asked the night watchman.

"It's twelve o'clock tonight."

After dinner, Chu Zihang knelt down on one knee in front of the emperor's icon.

"Brother Chu Zihang, I need to confirm with you again whether you are sure to enter the trial."

Lu Mingfei stood behind him and asked seriously.

"I'm sure."

Chu Zihang replied in a deep voice.

"During the trial, you will definitely encounter enemies you have never encountered, see crimes you have never seen, and face dangers you have never faced. Are you ready?"

Lu Mingfei continued to ask.

"I'm ready."

Chu Zihang answered again.

"Devote your faith, purify your soul, and guard your heart. The Emperor bless you, my brother."

Lu Mingfei saluted him?
"The Emperor bless all those who fight for him."

Chu Zihang closed his eyes and entered the state of meditation, which was good for improving his energy.
"let's start."

Lu Mingfei nodded towards the night watchman and the others.

The two alchemists got busy and used various materials to set up an alchemy field around Chu Zihang.

This field of alchemy is not recorded in any classics, because it was temporarily researched by the night watchmen.

Only he, the top alchemist in the world, can invent a new alchemy field in such a short period of time.

Of course, it is also because the main body is the Oneiroi Sand and the Philosopher's Stone, as well as Yuan Zhinv's word spirit, the alchemy domain is only acting as a bridge.

Countless mysterious symbols surrounded Chu Zihang, making him look like a sacrifice in an evil god ceremony.

Soon, the alchemy field was finished.

Akina Sakai brought the Sand of Oneiroi, and poured the glittering grains of sand into the hands of Lu Mingfei, Chu Zihang, and Yuan Zhinv.

They lick the grains of sand into their mouths and swallow, a feeling of ennui and contentment.

Before the Oneiroi Sand could fully function, Yuanzhinv immediately activated her words.

When Chu Zihang opened his eyes again, it was no longer the majestic and majestic Norton Pavilion hall, but a dark and narrow pipe.

He pinched his arm, it was thin and deformed, and he could feel the scars on the surface carefully.

"It's the lower level of Hive Capital."

Chu Zihang breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Mingfei's mental power is too strong, and Yuan Zhinv can't control which part of Chu Zihang's memory will enter into him.

Even with the assistance of the alchemy field, he could only try to keep the dream within the first 130 years of Lu Mingfei's memory.

And the span of this memory is quite large, Chu Zihang may appear on the operating table transformed by recruits, or in a battleship full of Chaos Space Marines.

With his current strength, if he appeared in such a dream, then this trial would be fruitless.

The Oneiroi Sands are limited and cannot be wasted.

Fortunately, Chu Zihang entered Lu Mingfei's youth in the lower hive capital. Although it was still dangerous, it was still within the acceptable range.

But even though he knew the scope of his memory, he couldn't be sure of his current situation.

The brainwashing in recruits' surgery itself will weaken the memory of the mortal period, and Lu Mingfei's life is too long, making the details even more blurred.

Chu Zihang can only guess that he should be still in the time when Lu Mingfei has not yet formed his own gang.

Otherwise, he should be leading people to fight with other gangs, not hiding in the pipeline alone.

Chu Zihang groped in the dark, and then found a dagger and a jar.

He shook the jar, and there was the sound of liquid sloshing inside.

Chu Zihang sniffed it with his nose, but there was no irritating smell, it should be water.

Lu Mingfei said that in the lower hive capital, drinkable water is equivalent to currency.

Coincidentally, he did feel a little thirsty, so he took a sip carefully and moistened his throat.

The taste is not good, it has a spicy and chemical taste, worse than the tap water on the earth.

Did brother Lu Mingfei grow up drinking this kind of water?

Chu Zihang carefully tightened the lid of the can, and then put it back in place.

This should be a safe spot for Lu Mingfei, he would disperse the food and water so as not to be caught by the net.

Now there is only water in the pipe, which means that it is time for Chu Zihang to look for food.

There are many ways to find food.

For example, you can go for a stroll outside the inhabited area. If you are timid, you can hunt mice, bugs, bats, etc., and if you are brave, you can hunt gray clams, dog crocodiles or tear monsters.

You can also work for gangs. The only defenders of order in the lower hive are gangs. Although they change every day, there is always a period of stability in the turmoil, and you can get some work.

For example, cleaning up corpses, moving supplies, or being a test product for new drugs.

Of course, you can also grab directly.

As long as there are enough people and the guns are big enough, the supplies hoarded by those gangs are yours.

But don't rob those big gangs, because they all have upper-level backers.

Even if you eliminate them, there will soon be enthusiastic citizens wearing force feedback armor and holding finely crafted weapons to bring justice.

Chu Zihang thought about it, and decided to go to the residential area to have a look first.

He removed the covering of trash and emerged through the exhaust duct.

The air outside wasn't much stronger than in the ducts, and there was a suspiciously grainy feel to the nostrils.

As for lighting, there is no sun or normal power supply on the lower floor of the hive capital, and the lighting depends entirely on the lights on various pipes and machines.

And every now and then a few of them break, and no one comes to fix them.

Chu Zihang stood in the poisonous air, looking at the sky made of steel, covered with frightening shadows everywhere.

This is the lower hive, the darkest corner of the Empire.

He took out a simple breathing valve from his pocket and put it on. It was hard to say how useful this thing was, but it was always good to suck in less air.

Chu Zihang tensed his nerves and walked along the route where traces of human activities could be found.

Those traces may be a footprint, or a urine stain, or scratches on the pipe.

If you can identify these traces and analyze useful information, it is a very useful skill in the lower hive capital.

One week is not enough for him to master this skill in depth, but fortunately Lu Mingfei's safe spot is not too far away from the crowd, it is enough to find the route to the settlement.

Chu Zihang walked along the route and met other people along the way.

No matter men or women, they all look malnourished, with their ribs protruding more than their stomachs.

They reacted differently when they saw him. Some distanced themselves, while others tried to get closer, but were persuaded by his dagger.

Chu Zihang kept in mind Lu Mingfei's admonition that in the lower level of the hive capital, no one could be trusted except himself.

Especially those who are very enthusiastic when they first meet, they either want your money or your meat.

As it got closer to the settlement, the number of people increased.

The distance between people is forced to be shortened, because they have to pass the inspection of the entrance guard.

The inspection is very simple, just look at the skin and mouth, and initially judge whether there are serious mutations or malignant infectious diseases.

As long as it is not visible to the naked eye, in the concept of the lower class of hive capital, it is roughly equivalent to good health.

Chu Zihang doesn't have to worry about this, Lu Mingfei's body has no problems other than dysplasia, and his genes are also very stable.

This is thanks to the good genes of the biological mother and the clean water that the two mothers try to ensure.

Chu Zihang passed the inspection smoothly, and the guards didn't have the slightest interest in a kid with nothing like him.

If it's a girl, it might have some ideas.

But he was a boy, and he was not good-looking.

In the lower level of the Hive City, everything is both danger and opportunity.

People with good looks can get more opportunities, but also invite more dangers.

However, there are many ways to sell your body, and those who are not good-looking are not without opportunities.

For example, the man who was looking at Chu Zihang with one eye.

(End of this chapter)

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