Chapter 214
"Hey, that little guy over there."

cried the one-eyed man.

"Stop looking around there, you're as stupid as a rat man, come here quickly."

He poked the ground with the stick in his hand and urged.

Chu Zihang saw all the eyes around him, so he had no choice but to walk up to the one-eyed man.

"What do you want me to do?"

he asked keeping a certain distance.

"What are you doing? Didn't you enter the settlement to find something to eat and drink?"

The one-eyed man asked angrily.

"Can you give me a job?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"Work? What daydream are you doing. If you were a little boy with skin and tender flesh, I could find you a job. But you are a square head with a big nose, and I can only make you a few packets of nutrition." piece."

The one-eyed man sneered.

Nutrient blocks are a common food in the lower layers of the hive, consisting of plant roots, moss, wood chips, and minced meat of unknown origin.

"What live?"

He didn't care about the tone of the one-eyed man, it might be better to say that this is the attitude a sincere foreman should have.

If the one-eyed man's attitude is very friendly, then Chu Zihang will wonder if he is planning to sell himself to a mutant.

"Dig gray clams."

The one-eyed man said.

Hearing this answer, Chu Zihang frowned.

This is a very strange creature, their appearance is similar to the earth's mussels, but they don't need to live in water.

They tend to grow in filth and garbage, surviving by catching small creatures that pass by.

Gray clams are extremely sensitive to vibrations, and if disturbed, they will open their shells and swallow everything above them in one gulp.

This kind of attack does not cause much direct damage to humans, because they are generally only the size of a human head.

But their vise-like clam shells and strong grip make it impossible for victims to break free, which means that victims are trapped helplessly in the dangerous lower levels of the hive city, waiting for their final doom to strike.

In a way, this is more hopeless than having the throat cut off by the Ripper.

But relatively, the gray clam has a lot of meat, and there are no parasites and poisonous substances, which is a rare delicacy for the lower class.

"Seeing that you are still a man, you don't even dare to dig gray clams, do you?"

The one-eyed man said excitedly.

"How to divide?"

Chu Zihang ignored his poor language skills, but cared about the share.

"Three packs of nutrition blocks for a round trip, and you will get [-]% of the gray mussels you dug yourself."

The one-eyed man was secretly happy, and immediately replied.

"Four percent."

Lu Mingfei didn't tell him the specific salary standard, so in order not to be taken advantage of, he doubled it first.

"Forty percent? Boy, if you're too greedy, you won't live long."

The man's one eye shone sharply.

"I'm worth the price."

Chu Zihang said calmly.

Although the one-eyed man was far stronger than him physically, but in a real fight, he would be the one who survived.

An absolute power gap can beat skill, but an absolute skill gap can also beat power.

"It's only [-]%, and I'll give you two more nutrition packs. We will add more later in cooperation."

Seeing his firm attitude, the one-eyed man took a step back.

"Okay, I'd like to prepay for a nutritional package first."

Chu Zihang also took a step back.

"You boy."

The one-eyed man made a vicious look, but he was unmoved.

"follow me."

The two looked at each other for a while, and the man compromised.

He looked around and led Chu Zihang to a place where there were few people.

The two walked into a closed alley. After confirming that there was no one around, the one-eyed man took out a pack of nutrition packs from his pocket.

"Give you."

The man stretched out his hand, and just as Chu Zihang was about to pick it up, a fierce wind of a stick hit him on the head.

Chu Zihang had been prepared for a long time, and he dodged the attack with a turn of his feet. The dagger in his hand turned around and stabbed at the one-eyed man's kidney.

"Oh, dangerous dangerous."

The man took a big step back, pulling away from him.

"Very well, boy, you are entitled to eat it now."

The one-eyed man showed an unkind smile, and threw the nutrition pack over, along with a small bag of water.

Chu Zihang opened it and smelled it, then started to eat.

The taste of eating the nutritional package dry is extremely poor, like chewing half-rotten wood, even with water, it is barely better.

As for the taste, it goes without saying that the worst food he has ever eaten in his life is also thousands or even a hundred times stronger than this.

But no matter what, Chu Zihang's empty stomach finally survived.

"Go to work as soon as you eat, or you may be poached away if you are late."

The one-eyed man said.

"Okay. What should I call you?"

Chu Zihang asked.

"What? You don't deserve to know my name, so just call me Old One-Eyed."

The one-eyed man said coldly.

He stopped talking, and silently followed the old one-eyed man through various pipes and maintenance openings, and came to a hidden elevator.

The territory of the empire is vast, and the structure of the hive capital is also varied.

Some are constantly expanding outward like a pie, some are constantly piling up, some are digging underground, and there are even mobile cities that are constantly walking.

And the most typical hive capital is a steeple-like structure that keeps piling up, and the hive capital where Lu Mingfei is located is such a structure.

The steel dome in the sky is the ground of the upper level, and the ground under the feet is the dome of the lower level.

The thickness and strength of the dome are beyond your imagination, and it is almost wishful thinking to go to other floors by destroying the dome.

Even if you did, you would soon be punished with death for destabilizing the Hive's structure.

If you want to go to other floors, you can either climb through the connected passages or take the elevator.

These elevators are supplied by unified electricity, and generally speaking, they are rarely interrupted by power outages.

However, the aging of the equipment itself or human damage will still make them useless. Considering the long lifespan of hives, this situation is quite common.

Therefore, a functioning elevator is also an important asset of the hive gang.

And those who can grasp the location of the hidden elevator can live a good life before being discovered.

Old Cyclops turned on the elevator switch, and an open car quickly descended in front of them.

"Come in."

He scanned his surroundings vigilantly, as if checking to see if anyone was following him.

Chu Zihang walked in as he said, and the old one-eyed man followed closely behind.

Standing inside the narrow metal bars, he felt like a gladiator in a cage.

Old Cyclops pressed a button, and the elevator slowly descended.

Unexpectedly, there was not much movement during the descent, and it could even be called silent.

These seemingly silly mechanical creations obviously contain technological content that people on Earth 3K cannot understand.

Soon, the elevator reached the target floor.

The old one-eyed man didn't go out in a hurry, but drew out a laser pistol first.

Yes, although he couldn't recognize the model, Chu Zihang was sure that it was the standard laser pistol that Lu Mingfei had shown him in a drawing.

But the question is, this kind of weapon is usually used by the Star Militia Army, why would it appear in the hands of an old guy from the lower level of the hive capital?
Chu Zihang buried his doubts in his heart, and followed the old one-eyed out of the car.


From the oil barrel next to it, a few half-sized children drilled out.

"Well, where's Lily?"

The old one-eyed nodded, his eyes seemed to be searching for something.

"I'm here, Dad."

The oil drum was pushed over, and a little one crawled out of it.

She looked about three or four years old, wearing baggy, stained clothes, and holding a puppet made from discarded parts.

"Oh my sweetheart, are you happy to see Daddy?"

Old One-Eyed stretched out his hand, and a flower appeared on his face.

"Well, Dad, happy."

Lily threw herself into his arms, was hugged, and said in a childish voice.

"So nice."

The old one-eyed man laughed, and kissed her little face.

The rough stubble hit his delicate face, but Lily didn't avoid it, but touched his chin with her hand.

"Father, who is this? Our new brother?"

asked the boy who looked the biggest.

"No, just a temporary worker."

The old one-eyed shook his head.


Hearing that they were not new brothers, the attitude of the boys immediately cooled down.

Only Lili was still staring at Chu Zihang with her green eyes, her little face was full of curiosity.

The affection of the lower hive is a luxury, which is only used when necessary.

"Have you found anyone else?"

asked the old one-eyed.

"No, father. Only a few rats came while you were away."

said the big boy.

"Very well, let's go, let's dig gray clams."

Old One Eye patted him on the head and led the Scout forward.

The floor here is lower than the floor where Chu Zihang appeared, and the environment is even worse.

Waste water and garbage dumped from the upper floors are everywhere, and the accumulation and solidification make it look like it will be polluted at a glance.

And the air quality is even worse. Even wearing a breathing valve, the pungent smell is still unstoppable.

Chu Zihang frowned. If the environment in the inhabited area is already challenging the limit of survival, then the environment here can already be called a place of death.

But whether it is the old one-eyed or the boys, they are all accustomed to it.

"What? The young master on the upper floor can't stand the rotten air on the lower floor?"

A boy noticed his expression and taunted him.

He has been paying attention to Chu Zihang, and seems to be hostile towards him for some reason.

"Don't mess with work, Screw. Or I'll hit you over the head with the butt of the gun."

Old One-Eyed stopped his provocative behavior.

"Yes, Dad."

The boy named Screw shrank his neck and closed his mouth.

But he still secretly shook the knife in his hand, as if to deter Chu Zihang.

Judging by the half-wiped blood on the knife, he wasn't bluffing.

"The folk customs of the lower class of Chao Capital are as simple as what Brother Lu Mingfei said."

Chu Zihang thought silently.

He had imagined countless times what the lower level of the hive capital would look like, but even with Lu Mingfei's narration, he still could not see the flowers in the fog.

And old Cyclops' previous sneak attack and Screw's naked malice taught Chu Zihang a vivid lesson.

He began to understand a little bit what Lu Mingfei meant by the never-before-seen crime.

(End of this chapter)

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