Immortals just want to get off work

Chapter 205 Artificial intelligence, mechanical ascension!

Chapter 205 Artificial intelligence, mechanical ascension!
"Today, all of us are here for a vote."

The head of the U.S. "Anomalous Investigation Bureau" broke the silence in the conference room.

His face was serious, extremely serious, and his tone was heavy: "This is an extremely important vote that determines the future of our country."

"Director, with all due respect...everyone from the time I got the notice up to here, everyone told me that this is a very important thing, but until now, I still don't know what we are going to decide ?” Another person suddenly said, “Is it a world war? The people here can decide.”

"We don't want to start a world war... At least not now, as Mr. Einstein said, no one knows what the third world war will be like? But everyone knows the fourth world war, the human race The weapons will be sticks and stones," said the chief, "but now we are facing such a choice, and the war is approaching us."

The atmosphere in the conference room suddenly became quiet again, so quiet that the air seemed to freeze.

The people who can come here are definitely not stupid. They all know that the war mentioned by the director is definitely not the kind of small fight to "intervene in the power struggle of small oil countries for the sake of peace", but a battle with big powers .

That would mean a possible nuclear war... No one but a madman would want to see that happen.

"Today, there are congressmen, generals, representatives of various families... and representatives of real power of various organizations. It can be said that if we agree, it will be enough to determine the future of the United States." The director continued, "Not much to say, please take a look."

Following the director's operation, a picture was displayed on the screen that everyone in the conference room could see.

It was an image of an Asian man in ancient costume with long hair like ink, and his handsomeness could be said to be firmly remembered at a glance.Under normal circumstances, it would be a bit strange for an Asian person to be placed in front of these powerful figures who can determine the future of the United States, no matter how handsome he is... But the people in the conference room did not express any strange meaning , but they all looked at each other, and the eyes were full of it.

"I believe everyone already knows the identity of this person through your news channels," the director still joked, "or in other words, there should be very few people in the world who don't recognize this just one day. The number of related searches even on Google has exceeded [-] billion times, which is still not counted on other platforms.

Based on what he has done, it is only natural to achieve such a popularity. "

As he said that, the director played another video. The video is composed of many segments, some are mobile phone videos, some are surveillance probes, and some are vehicle recorders... All combined into a ball of light spanning an extremely long distance, A fighter jet followed behind.

The video lasted until the live broadcast of the anchor "Sleeping Machine", when people and fighter jets arrived one after another, and then stopped.

"I believe that everyone has watched this video. The analysis report may be more detailed than what I have in hand, but I still want to explain it here." Following the director's explanation, a map of Huaguo appeared on the screen.

"From here, Huaguo Guizhou Guicheng, a tourist city, to here, Huashan, a total of more than 100 kilometers... It takes about 10 minutes."

The director said: "The flight speed of this person in this video has reached about Mach 2.3, with high battery life and high speed. At the same time, judging from the demeanor after arriving, the stopping distance and the time it took to stop, this speed and flying distance Far from his limit."

"And, in the subsequent process, the other party showed a spell that is completely unexplainable by today's scientific methods... In Chinese, it should be an immortal spell. Yes, this person should be the legendary immortal, and now He and our greatest enemy are more than cooperative, maybe they have reached a friendly cooperative relationship."

"Just imagine, if we are faced with such a weapon, it has ultra-low-altitude flight capabilities, can perfectly avoid basically all surveillance radars, at least Mach 2.3 or even higher flight speeds, can change direction at will in the air, and has almost no consumption The ultra-long-range navigation well as the flexible judgment ability and various attack methods, everyone, do we have a method that can target this weapon?"

The director tapped the screen: "Not to mention such a weapon, the other party may have more than one?"

There was silence in the conference room. One of these ultra-low-altitude flying capabilities can basically achieve absolute stealth effect, making it impossible for people to break the situation, let alone so many other means of assistance?
"Director, everyone knows what you said, so your purpose of letting us come here is to undermine our confidence?" Another person said, "The vote can't be for direct surrender or start a war, right?"

"Of course not. The opponent is very powerful, but it's impossible to surrender directly without doing anything... But it's even more impossible to initiate a war." The director shook his head and tapped the screen again.

"Even if you ignore this legendary fairy and just talk about the combat power between us and the rabbit-look at this, everyone, the J-20 fighter jet, two-seater, vector engine, vertical take-off and landing, these technologies are here There was no trace of what they had before! But now they have brought it out in such a grandiose way, God knows what else they are hiding behind their backs!"

"You can't surrender even if you surrender, and you can't start a war on your own initiative, so why do you just wait for death like this?" someone said.

"You're right. If you continue like this, it's very likely that you will die slowly." The director nodded and said, "We have conducted a series of analyzes and believe that there must not be many such existences on the rabbit side. Maybe this one is the only one, just showing off his muscles as a deterrent...

But, I have to say, they did achieve their goal, and we have to be cautious and spend a lot of resources to prepare, including now that I am in this room with you, and it is also because of this.

The matter has come to this point, and after analysis, we all agree that if we want to catch up with the rabbit in this direction in this era of spiritual recovery, it has basically become impossible. "

"Chasing?" A person frowned.

"Yes, I'm sorry sir, I used the word catching up... But it's already an indisputable fact that the opponent has an extremely strong original accumulation in this direction, even directly including the 'finished product', that is, the immortal.

There are relevant things in the information that our spies over there sent back for us. They are their gods, just like the one we have seen this time, who is omnipotent in the legend, and basically will definitely stand on their side. "

"Could it be poached through salary?" Someone asked again, "Didn't we poach a lot of talents through such means?"

"You are right, sir, but the premise is that the other party really needs us to give it?" The director felt a little tired, "If the other party has such ability...why not just grab it?"

"This... how can it be so barbaric?" The person who asked the question widened his eyes.

Everyone in the conference room felt a little unnatural for a moment-why did it feel that these words were aimed at too many people?

"Um, what I mean is, they are gods!" That person also quickly reacted, and it seems that their old beauties do the most things by directly robbing such things.Although various other excuses are often used internationally as a cover, it is impossible to deceive yourself, "Aren't all gods supposed to be of extremely high moral character?"

"Why, have you seen it?" Another person asked back, and the person was speechless all of a sudden.

"Guys, now is not the time to quarrel." Seeing that the smell of gunpowder had started to rise, the director quickly interrupted and said, "We have also considered the method of poaching people before, the premise is to get his exact location and specific identity first, before any database We didn't search for the corresponding information at all. It is conceivable that this fairy should have appeared not long ago, or the rabbit tried to cover it up.

This also means that this method is basically not feasible, because the other party will definitely be under the protection of the rabbit all the time.

So, we can only find another way. "

The meeting room fell silent. Everyone knew that when the director said this, the highlight of the day finally arrived.

This is exactly what they came here for - at least to have a feasible plan, after trying it.

"After various analysis, we found that in the current situation, manpower alone cannot break the situation. What we are facing is the inheritance that the opponent does not know for thousands of years... If the gods of the opponent are all real If they exist and will be revived one by one, and they are all as strong as that one, we basically have no chance of winning." The director said.

"So... you mean, we have to rely on the gods?" Someone couldn't help frowning and asked, "Our own gods? God, Jesus?"

"No, sir, if the gods did exist in the past, then the revived gods on our land may be the first enemy we are about to face." The director said in a heavy tone.

"Why, God is..." After the man subconsciously retorted, he suddenly realized something and obediently closed his mouth.

Hundreds of years ago, this place belonged to the Indians. If the Feathered Serpent was revived, then the world police may have to face up to the sins they committed before.

As for God?Let's put it this way, maybe the old man has to fight Zeus and Odin in Europe first, so that he can take care of this continent on Yingjiang's side... After all, those zj spreads back then, but with the knife and Sword, blood and flesh.

"After realizing this, we knew it was time to change our thinking," the chief said.

"There is an idiom on the side of the rabbit called 'strengthening strengths and avoiding weaknesses', which means to give full play to one's own strengths and avoid one's own weaknesses. There is no doubt that our strengths are precisely in terms of technology, which has been talent since the world war Drainage, even though rabbits and other countries have been struggling to catch up, in this field, we are still far ahead of the first!

And if we want to use technology to defeat those gods, spells and the like, we need one that can integrate all our resources, maximize the use of them, improve with the highest efficiency, and at the same time weaken the opponent as much as possible and hit the opponent one Unprepared brains, and unified command! "

"Is such a person... possible to exist?" Someone couldn't help asking.

"Such people naturally do not exist. Even if they did exist, they would not be trusted by everyone at the same time and obey orders." The director's words seemed meaningful.

"But... such artificial intelligence actually exists."

"artificial intelligence?!"

There was an uproar in the conference room. After hearing so much foreshadowing from what the director said before, everyone thought that what the director was going to show was a powerful item that could turn the tide of the battle... Unexpectedly, what they heard turned out to be a I have heard the words countless times.

"Mr. Director, I hope that the artificial intelligence you are talking about is not the ones that are active in the world today... things that are completely simulated by databases and some preset programs." Someone said.

"Of course not." The director shook his head and said, "I believe you all know what I was in charge of before I became the director——Area 51, the general manager."

The conference room fell silent again. All the people present were Yingjiang's top or second-rank dignitaries. Many information that is confidential to ordinary people may be too lazy to mention to them, and everyone knows it.

Except for Area 51... This place is very mysterious to the outside world, but to them, it is actually partly open.

Naturally, they all know that, apart from the research and development of some high-tech confidential items, the outside world's speculation about "alien civilization research" here is not completely groundless.

"A top-secret item in Area 51, code name: 002." As the director spoke, a picture was shown. It was a very ordinary-looking device, nothing special, but some damage could be seen on the shell.

"The specific date of acquisition, the research process is still confidential, here is only the conclusion, after research we have confirmed that this is the center of an artificial intelligence... High-level artificial intelligence, in fact, a large part of today's network is From technology researched on this. As you can see, it's broken.

However, after a long period of restoration...we have fixed the AI ​​in a daring attempt. "The director said, showing the next picture.

It's still the same device, but the damaged parts are connected in various complicated ways, and then—the other end of the connection is a brain.

"Einstein's brain, one of the greatest physicists in human history." The director said in a deep voice, "The one taken by Dr. Harvey, chief medical officer at Princeton Hospital, is a fake one. Really, it was replaced by us back then." gone."

(End of this chapter)

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