Chapter 207
The vast expanse of blue, the turbulent waves, the bow of the ship breaking through the waves, making a roaring sound. After Zhuo Lingfeng and Zhao Min got out of the cabin, they saw Zhou Zhiruo already standing on the bow of the ship, looking far into the distance.

She was dressed in a green dress, with gleaming cheeks, setting off an extremely beautiful face. Her long hair and soft dress danced and fluttered with the whistling of the sea breeze, revealing her slender white jade neck, beautifully Not like the color of the world.

Although she has been away from the mainland for several months and is eroded by the sea breeze every day, Zhou Zhiruo's unparalleled beauty has not diminished at all, but her crystal-clear skin and flesh reveal a kind of strength and confidence, as well as a daunting cold air.

This scene and this feeling are like a touching picture of Buddha. Even though Zhuo Lingfeng has a lovely wife like Zhao Min accompanying him day and night, when he first sees this person and this scene, he can't help but feel his heart skip a beat, and he is stunned on the spot.

A faint fragrant breeze flashed by, Zhao Min waved her delicate hand to bully Shuang Saixue in front of him, and said coquettishly: "You are truly a man!"

Zhuo Lingfeng scratched his head and laughed dryly: "I haven't met her in the past few days. At first glance, she is indeed a bit dazzling and makes you laugh."

"You still said that!" Zhao Min stomped his feet and raised his hands to strike, but Zhuo Lingfeng laughed and jumped away.

Seeing this, Zhao Min couldn't help but smile, stretched out her jade wrist and pointed at Zhou Zhiruo, and said quietly: "Sometimes she looks like a lovely and pitiful damsel in distress, sometimes she looks like a dignified and elegant lady, and now she looks like a cold and cold lady." The aloof Fairy Lingbo, even I have to admit her beauty, how can I blame you!"

Suddenly, Zhuo Lingfeng moved, held Zhao Min in his arms, and said softly: "Don't say that, in fact, I haven't seen her in the past few days, so it suddenly stimulated my visual sense. I want to talk to you This great beauty will definitely think you are more beautiful than her if we haven’t seen her for three days!”

Zhao Min really has nothing to do with Zhuo Lingfeng, because he tells you everything he says and never hides it. In this way, even if she wants to have a fit, get angry or get jealous, she has no chance. .

Suddenly, a crisp voice sounded from behind, saying: "Gang Leader Zhuo, you and your wife are having sex, so you'd better avoid people! Don't make some people jealous and do something bad!"

Yin Li supported Granny Jinhua and walked out of the cabin and came to the side of the two of them. Moreover, her voice was very loud and her direction was very obvious. Zhou Zhiruo couldn't help but blush, feeling extremely ashamed.

She knew who some of the people Yin Li was talking about!
Zhuo Lingfeng is actually very confused now, why does he think Zhou Zhiruomei is beautiful?

He had known Zhou Zhiruo for more than a day or two, so why hadn't he found her so stunningly beautiful before?But today?
Then he thought that he had a bad feeling towards Zhou Zhiruo in the past. As his view of her changed, so did his thoughts, which led to him missing her.

When Zhuo Lingfeng thought of this, his heartbeat was pounding. Could it be that after practicing martial arts, I still wanted to eat the food in the bowl and think about the food in the pot?
"As expected, the people from the Mingjiao's head teacher are here, but I didn't expect there would be such a big battle!"

The purple-robed Dragon King had a serious expression on his face, but as soon as he said this, he said urgently: "Ah, it turns out that the leader of the chief religion has passed away." There were two glistening tears in his beautiful eyes, and he moved slowly, Go forward.

Xie Xun also came to the side of the ship at this time and asked: "Gang Leader Zhuo, is there any difference when we come to the ship?"

Zhuo Lingfeng looked intently and saw a white sail suddenly appearing where the sea and sky met in front of him.

With his profound internal energy and amazing eyesight, he saw more than ten large ships lined up in a row, sailing over. Each white sail was painted with a big red flame, and black streamers were hung on the sails.

A large ship at the front had all five sails in full, and it was sailing in the vast sea with enough wind.

Zhuo Lingfeng then told what he saw.

Xie Xun patted the side of the ship and said, "That's right. The leader of the head church has passed away. People in the Western Regions wear black as mourning clothes, and black streamers are hung on the sails. That is mourning. They want to choose a new leader, so they come all the way to the Middle Earth , to trace the whereabouts of Mrs. Han.”

Yin Li was very surprised and said: "Eunuch Xie, why did you come to see your mother-in-law when the leader of the chief religion died?"

Xie Xun said: "This is Mrs. Han's biggest secret, I can't tell it."

The purple-robed Dragon King was startled and said: "Now that things have happened, there is nothing we can't say."

Then he recounted the past events.

It turns out that for hundreds of years, the leaders of the Ming Cult in China have been men. The leaders of the Ming Cult in Persia, except for the founding leader, have always been women, and they are unmarried virgins.

The main teaching scriptures solemnly stipulate that a holy virgin should serve as the leader of the church in order to maintain the sacred chastity of Mingjiao.After each leader takes over, he immediately selects three daughters of senior figures in the church to be called 'saints'.

These three holy women took the oath and marched in all directions to make meritorious deeds for Mingjiao.

After the death of the leader, the elders of the church gathered to discuss the merits of the three saints and selected the saint with the greatest merit to succeed the leader.However, if any of these three saints loses their virginity, they will be punished by being burned. Even if they escape to the ends of the earth, the sect will still send people to pursue them to maintain the purity and goodness of the holy sect, and the purple-robed Dragon King is the third chief sect. One of the saints.

She fought with Han Qianye in the cold pool of clear water, and her skin touched each other in the water, but she couldn't help it. In the future, they comforted each other on the sickbed, but they ended up being wronged.

Hearing this, Zhou Zhiruo's face turned red, and she secretly lowered her head thinking of the scene where she was sweating profusely and soaked to the skin.

Zhao Min also felt something. She and Zhuo Lingfeng had never met their parents that day, and they were actually husband and wife. This was also a different etiquette. She immediately said: "I said that the Ming Cult of China is a cult, but I didn't know that the Ming Cult of Persia is even more sinister." Yes. Why must a virgin be the leader? Why should a saint who lost her virginity be burned to death?"

Xie Xun scolded: "That's nonsense. Every sect has rules and rituals passed down from generation to generation. Monks and nuns are not allowed to marry, kill animals and eat meat. Beggars are not allowed to have fine clothes and fine food. Even the leader of the gang must wear patches when he wears his clothes. , isn’t that also a rule? What’s so evil about it?”

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled and said, "What Xie Shiwang said is absolutely true."

The purple-robed Dragon King added: "The Great Shifting Mind Technique originally originated from Persia, but the main teaching of this mental method has been lost for a long time, but the Ming Cult of China still exists. The main reason for sending me to Guangmingding is this. .

After I got married to Brother Qianba, I knew that the head teacher would one day send people to investigate, and I only hoped to make a great contribution to the head teacher and atone for my sins, but I didn’t expect it! "

Zhao Min said faintly: "For the sake of a great shift in the universe, I took advantage of you, mother and daughter, but I didn't get it."

The purple-robed Dragon King knew that Zhao Min was speaking freely and did not feel dissatisfied. However, seeing Zhuo Lingfeng frowning and looking strange, he couldn't help but ask: "Gang Leader Zhuo, what's wrong with you?"

Zhuo Lingfeng said: "I thought that the Persian General Master could only have a few ships at most. I also specially asked to prepare gunboats, but I didn't expect there to be so many. If they know that you are here, we will be in big trouble."

Yin Li sighed slightly and said, "Is Gang Leader Zhuo invincible? Are you still afraid of trouble?"

The purple-robed Dragon King scolded: "Ali, are you still saying such things now?"

Zhao Min couldn't listen to others saying that Zhuo Lingfeng was not good, and before he refuted it, he heard Zhou Zhiruo say softly: "Miss Yin, there are so many people on the other side, and we are naturally not as powerful as others, but if there is only Gang Leader Zhuo, they can't do anything with them." How can you make things difficult for him? Not only do you look a little stupid for saying this, but you also bring trouble to the White-browed Eagle King and the Purple-Shirt Dragon King!"

Zhou Zhiruo has a gentle personality, and speaking like this is the most rude thing he has ever said to anyone in his life. Yin Li's face turned red for a moment, but he knew that what he said was indeed true. He didn't know how to refute it, so he could only snort and shut up. Silent.

Zhao Min had a strange feeling. He glanced at Zhou Zhiruo and saw that her face was slightly red. Then he saw Zhuo Lingfeng looking at Zhou Zhiruo with a strange look in her eyes.I couldn't help but wonder: "What are they doing? What does Brother Feng's look mean? Is it gratitude, pity, or admiration?"

When she thought about this, she couldn't help but feel a little disgusted in her heart. At this time, she suddenly saw many ships coming from the other side, so she put it down and said: "This is the sea, not to mention the enemy, but the changes in the waves in the sea are dangerous and unpredictable, let alone others. There are so many ships, if there are artillery, and no matter how high your personal martial arts skills are, how much can you do?"

Everyone's hearts sank in response. They all knew that the sea was not as good as the land. Even if there were thousands of troops on the land, there would be no masters.

But on the sea, with so many ships on the other side, there must be cannons. Once the cannons are fired and the ships are damaged, everyone will have to feed the fish and turtles.

Even if there are no enemies, a single hurricane can cause disaster. No matter how high your martial arts skills are, it will be useless.

These thoughts were not spoken by anyone, but they were unconsciously revealed in the corners of their brows and eyes.

Zhuo Lingfeng also understood Zhang Wuji in the original trajectory. Even though he possessed immortal magic, he could only watch Xiao Zhao leave him, but facing this situation, he was completely powerless.

Yin Li was actually only dissatisfied with Zhuo Lingfeng because of some of Zhou Zhiruo's actions, just like she was dissatisfied with "Zeng Aniu" because of Zhou Zhiruo. At this time, she also knew that she was being unreasonable, and said in a judo voice: "Zhuo Lingfeng" Gang leader, this little girl has to apologize to you."

Zhuo Lingfeng didn't care and nodded slightly.

Yin Li added: "They are still far away from us. We can turn around and find a small island to stay. As long as we are on land, we are not necessarily afraid of them!"

Xie Xun shook his head and said: "They don't know our roots. We are all on the vast sea, so nothing may happen. But if we evade in advance, it might make them suspicious. They will chase us and fire continuously. What can I do?"

Zhao Min said solemnly: "What the Lion King said makes sense. They don't know who we are. We also have cannons on the ship. Unless they have no choice, they will never fire cannons indiscriminately. However, if we avoid it in advance, it will appear that we are guilty of committing crimes, and they might do it instead." We will launch an artillery attack directly." Zhuo Lingfeng raised his hand and said: "Send the order, the whole ship is on alert! Let's go meet the Persian Ming Cult for a while!"

The alarm bells on the ship rang loudly, and the disciples of the Beggar Clan were holding weapons and placed them all around. The gunners began to load gunpowder, and the helmsman even came forward to meet them.

Zhao Min frowned and said, "Do you want to capture the thief and capture the king?"

Zhuo Lingfeng showed her a bright smile and said happily: "They are more powerful in numbers, but we know who they are, but they don't know who we are. This is our advantage. As long as both parties take the ship and Fight, what’s the point to be afraid of!”

Xie Xun raised his thumb and said, "Gang Leader Zhuo is so courageous!"

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled and said: "Lion King and Dragon King, please go back to the cabin now. Remember, no matter how we fight with them, you must not leave the cabin to help!"

The purple-robed Dragon King's heart moved, and he whispered: "Listen to what you mean, Brother Xie and I can't help you at all, can we?"

Zhuo Lingfeng shook his head and said: "That's not true, it's just that you are members of the Ming Cult. Once you meet the Persian Chief Religion, I can kill you at will, but what will happen to you? So I will handle everything!"

Just listen to Xie Xun say: "Although the Mingjiao of China comes from Persia, it has been an independent sect for hundreds of years and has never been under the jurisdiction of the Persian General Church. If they have ill intentions towards us, they will naturally have no friendship at all. Although Gang Leader Zhuo Don’t worry! But, Mrs. Han, you are the saint of the Persian Archbishop after all, so it’s not appropriate to fight with them, so just go into the cabin and hide!”

While the few people were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of horns and saw three ships approaching in a zigzag pattern in front of them. These ships were a bit pointed and narrower than theirs, and were several feet longer, giving them an advantage in maneuverability.

Zhuo Lingfeng waved his hand and said: "Lion King, you can't come out. If you really want to take action, I'll tell you, even if Zhang Wuji brings the Ming Cult envoys, he may not be their opponent."

Everyone's expression changed instantly. The Dragon King, the Lion King, and the Ming Cult made him known to everyone, and Zhang Wuji's martial arts was so high that Zhou Zhiruo even saw it with his own eyes. He didn't believe that everyone in Persia could defeat him!

Hearing his solemn words, Xie Xun couldn't help but straighten his back and said sternly: "Master Zhuo, as far as I know, the Twelve Treasure Tree King of Persia, who has studied the teachings carefully and is proficient in the classics, does not necessarily necessarily have high martial arts skills. Why do you say this?"

Grandma Jinhua also said in horror: "I know the details of the Persian Chief Master very well. The Twelve Treasure Tree King's martial arts may not be better than mine. If he is as powerful as you say, I'm afraid he will have to reincarnate himself and reincarnate himself several times." OK."

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled and said: "Dragon King, how many years have you not returned to Persia?"

"Let me ask another question, what do you know about the Holy Fire Order passed down from generation to generation by the Ming Cult of China?"

When the Lion King and the Dragon King joined the religion, the Holy Fire Order had been lost for many years. The purple-shirted Dragon King had not returned to Persia for more than 30 years, so no one knew the clues.

Just listen to Xie Xun say: "Xie only knows that the Holy Fire Order of our sect fell into the hands of the Beggar Gang since the 30th generation of the leader Shi, but the Beggar Gang can't find it anymore. Could it be that Gang Leader Zhuo knows the whereabouts?"

Zhuo Lingfeng nodded slightly: "The Holy Fire Order of the Mingjiao of Middle-earth contains what Huo Shan, the old man in the mountains, has learned throughout his life. 80 years ago, I, the Beggar Gang, took away the Holy Fire Order of your Mingjiao. No one cared about it, and no one could recognize the Persian characters. , and later the Beggar Gang declined, and the Holy Fire Order wandered to Persia and was acquired by the Chief Religion.

They understand Persian writing, and their martial arts are of the same lineage as Huoshan, so many people practice them. Over the years, their actual martial arts cultivation is naturally not as good as that of the Lion King and the Dragon King, but their martial arts are very strange and they know how to combine attacks. Formation.

If you meet a first-class master, it will probably only take one move. Even if some top masters don't know the basics, they will probably only be able to sustain a few more moves. Do you think it is powerful? "

Both Xie Xun and Granny Jinhua knew that Huo Shan, the old man in the mountain, was skilled in martial arts and ambitious, and had become the leader of a sect that specialized in killing people and was called the Ismailian sect.During the Crusade, everyone in the Western Regions was frightened when the name "Old Man of the Mountain" Huoshan was mentioned. Later, a martial arts was learned by people from the Persian Ming Cult. The martial arts were already weird and weird. Unexpectedly, the Holy Fire Order of the Middle Earth Ming Cult also had Huo Shan's lifelong martial arts, and Zhuo Lingfeng will never miss the mark.

And some of the top masters that Zhuo Lingfeng talked about were Zhang Wuji, who was beaten and fled when he first met the Three Envoys of Fengyun, let alone the Twelve Treasure Tree King.

Zhuo Lingfeng was so solemn that the arrogance of the Lion King and the Dragon King was naturally swept away. He cupped his hands and said, "I'll trouble you, Gang Leader Zhuo!" The three of them retreated into the cabin.

Zhuo Lingfeng said to Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo again: "You two may go in, and nothing will happen, but you are so beautiful, it will inevitably make people jealous, and it would be unfair to cause unnecessary trouble!"

Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo looked at each other and saw three large ships only a few dozen feet away from their own ship. Looking closely, they saw dozens of people standing on each ship's deck. They were all yellow-haired, blue-eyed, and tall. The barbarians all had their bows and arrows bent, or they were holding weapons ready to attack, and even the muzzles of cannons were pointed at them with a menacing sound.

Zhao Min rolled her eyes at him and said, "You are so thoughtful." The two of them had no choice but to enter the cabin.

Soon, a large ship arrived at their bow less than ten feet away. There were three people standing on the bow, all wearing large white robes, with a shape of flame embroidered on the corners of the white robes, which was indistinguishable from the attire of people from the Middle-earth Ming Cult. two.

Two of them are very tall, the tallest one has a curly beard and blue eyes, and is quite powerful. The other one has a yellow beard and an eagle nose, eyes like copper bells, and long hair shawl, which adds to his power.

The person on the left is a woman.She has black hair, just like a Chinese, but her eyes are very light, almost colorless, and she has an oval-shaped face. She is about 30 years old. Although she looks weird, her appearance is very beautiful.

Zhuo Lingfeng thought to himself: "I didn't expect that there are such characters among the barbarians. This must be the three most influential ambassadors in Mingjiao!"

Zhuo Lingfeng glanced at the stars and saw the Beggar Clan disciples on the boat, all of whom were nervous and prepared. He stood up and said boldly: "Brothers, don't panic. When they arrive, let these Western Regions barbarians know that we are Han Chinese from the Central Plains." s method!"

Everyone in the Beggar Clan suddenly agreed.

There was a sudden cold snort, which drowned out more than a hundred people's responses, and only a strong male voice came over: "Who are you guys on board?"

This man was the bearded man. His internal strength was not weak, but his words and intonation were not accurate and seemed extremely stiff.

At this time, the incoming ship was only three or four feet away from them. The three ships surrounded Zhuo Lingfeng's ship, and both sides dropped anchor and lowered their sails.

I saw that the decks and stands of the three ships were densely packed with people.

The leader of the palm bowl said loudly: "The leader of the Beggar Clan is here, who are you?"

They didn't even think about hiding their identities, and the Persians were not fools. They were both gunboats and martial arts people, so their identities were naturally not ordinary people.

Zhangbo Longtou is also a first-rate master in the world, and he is full of energy. He said these words in a normal way, and the Persians felt that he was speaking in their own ears. It was so clear that they all whispered to each other.

A Persian turned to the leader who was sitting on a chair in the middle of the deck and said a few words in Persian. The leader murmured a few instructions.

I heard the man with the beard say loudly: "You are actually members of the Beggar Clan. Wonderful, wonderful. Are you the leader of the Beggar Clan?"

The leader of Zhangbo said: "I am the leader of Zhangbo of the Beggar Clan!" He extended his hand to look at Zhuo Lingfeng and said: "This is the leader of our gang, Zhuo Lingfeng."

The man with the beard said: "Wonderful, wonderful, I am Liuyunshi, the chief sect of the Persian Ming Cult, and the other two are Miaofengshi and Huiyueshi. We have come from Persia to the Middle Kingdom on the orders of the chief sect."

Zhuo Lingfeng cupped his hands and said, "I wonder if you three have any advice?"

Just listen to the yellow-bearded Miaofeng envoy: "My leader received the message and learned that the leader of the Middle-earth branch was missing, the disciples were killing each other, and the sect was in decline, so he ordered the three envoys of Yun Fengyue to come and rectify the teaching affairs.

I'm going to catch the purple-shirted Dragon King who broke out to teach first, but I'm not familiar with the sea route, so I'd like you to take me to Spirit Snake Island in the East China Sea! "

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled and said nothing, then he heard Zhangbo Longtou say proudly: "What a joke, my beggar gang is here to serve as a guide for you, I'm afraid you are out of your mind!"

Before they could finish speaking, the three men jumped into the air from the deck of the enemy ship, crossed more than three feet, and landed firmly on the bow deck of their ship.

Everyone exclaimed when they saw that these three people were either handsome or good-looking, and the speed of their body movements was even rarer. Under the sea breeze, their white clothes were fluttering, and they all looked a bit unrestrained. Surprised.

The three people raised their hands high, each holding a two-foot-long black card. Their shining eyes slowly swept over everyone, and finally landed on Zhuo Lingfeng.

The Liuyun envoy hit the two black cards against each other, and there was a pop sound. The sound was neither gold nor jade, very strange. He said in an unobtrusive voice: "This is the Holy Fire Order of the Middle-earth Mingjiao. The previous leader named Shi was unworthy and was taken over by you." The Beggar Gang took it away, and it was later taken back by the head teacher. But since I met you and other Beggar Gang leaders on the sea today, it’s just the right time to put an end to it!”

(End of this chapter)

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