Longevity begins with a proud smile

Chapter 208 Return to the original owner

Chapter 208 Return to the original owner
It was almost September, and the sun had long since lost its irritability in midsummer. The sea breeze was blowing in the face, which was very cool. However, following the words of the Three Envoys, the hearts of the Beggar Clan disciples boiled.

The Persian chief minister was very arrogant in his words. He regarded the Middle-earth Ming Cult as a tributary and subordinate. That was all. He let their Beggar Clan lead the way. Now he wants to settle his grudges with the Beggar Clan. This is unbearable!
When it comes to competing in martial arts, Zhuo Lingfeng has never been afraid of anyone in his life, so he steps forward, the leader of the palm bowl bows and says: "Gang leader, you are the leader of a gang, how can you do everything by yourself, a little Persian Hu? Wait until elders Ji and Zheng and I take over."

Zhangbo Longtou was astute and saw the eyes of these people flashing like lightning, their temples protruding high, and their bodies possessing superior internal strength. He listened to Zhuo Lingfeng's words just now, and saw the Qinggong movement of the Three Envoys of Fengyun.

I am afraid that if Zhuo Lingfeng goes up, he will really lose a move or a half. Not to mention that Zhuo Lingfeng is famous all over the world and is the leader of the Beggar Clan. The most important thing is that we are all descendants of China. If these barbarians and barbarians are defeated, , not only did Zhuo Lingfeng lose his prestige, but the Beggar Clan also lost its reputation!
Therefore, he and the two elders intended to fight against the three of them first. Even if they were defeated, with Zhuo Lingfeng's martial arts skills, he would have a better chance of winning if he took a closer look.

Elder Zheng was demoted to six sacks by Zhuo Lingfeng, and he was eager to make meritorious service so that he could add the sacks back. He quickly handed over his hands and said: "Yes, gang leader, you can plunder the formation for us. If we don't succeed, it's not too late for you to come up again!" "

Elder Ji is also a well-known expert in the world, and he also responded: "Yes, Gang Leader, these monsters are trying to learn to speak human language like dogs, I, Old Ji, want to see what they are capable of!"

Miao Feng frowned, looked around and said, "You said there are monsters here, why didn't we see them? Where are they?"

The Persians had only learned a little Chinese, but they had no idea how profound and profound the Chinese language was. They had no idea that Elder Ji was mocking them.

Everyone in the Beggar Clan couldn't help but smile when they saw a few people talking confusingly.

When Miao Feng saw them smiling, he also smiled and said: "The Chinese are just mothers and grandmothers, how can they be so nagging? This is the largest gang in the world. It's really amazing that the Mingjiao of China can throw the Holy Fire Order to you." It’s so strange, so inexplicable!”

At this time, I suddenly heard someone say in a rough voice: "What you are saying is even more inexplicable. The Tuming Sect in my family has long been a different sect. Even if there is a dispute with the Beggar Clan, why do you need to come here to meddle in others' affairs? It’s really strange!”

Zhuo Lingfeng turned around and saw that Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo had both changed into men's clothes, painted their faces yellow with oil paint, and glued two whiskers on them, making them look like two lean old men.

Although Zhao Min learned a man's voice, she still had a high-pitched voice, which sounded very harsh. She also learned to speak like a Persian, with a stiff accent. However, she had exquisite make-up, and she looked like a thin old man with yellow skin. Fengyun San Even though I didn't see any flaws.

Zhuo Lingfeng just said that he was afraid that the Persians would take advantage of him. It was just an excuse. In fact, he was afraid that the Persian Mingjiao people were really powerful. He could not control himself for a while. The two girls were taken hostage by the other party. Unexpectedly, they came to have an affair. He disguised himself and ran out again.

But I also know that the two women are worried that they can't take care of them and want to help them, which makes my heart warm.

Liuyunshi said angrily: "You are talking nonsense! Our Persian chief minister and the Middle-earth Mingjiao are both disciples of Mingzun. We are all members of the same family, so how can we meddle in others' affairs?"

Zhao Min smiled and said: "You learn to speak Chinese, but you learn it very ordinary! Do you think that one more piece of nonsense will make it even more ridiculous?"

Everyone thought it right. Although the situation in front of them was urgent, they couldn't help but laugh.

At this time, Zhou Zhiruo also said in a rough voice: "When the Persian Ming Cult came to China, the first thing they did was to force the leader of the Beggar Clan to be your guide. Now they even want to stand up for the Middle Earth Ming Cult to break up the troubles. In fact, they want to Are the martial arts in the Central Plains intimidating?"

Huiyue Shi smiled slightly and said: "You, this little old man, can see clearly and take action immediately!"

It turns out that the Persian Archbishop came to Middle-earth not only because of the death of the leader, but also to find the saint Dai Qisi. More importantly, he wanted to use force to intimidate the Ming Cult of Middle-earth into obeying the Archbishop's orders.

When I heard that Zhuo Lingfeng and others were members of the Beggar Clan, I thought that since I had met such a powerful opponent as the Beggar Clan, I wanted to show off my power and take down the Beggar Clan, so that it would be easier to overwhelm the Mingjiao of China.

Zhuo Lingfeng raised his sword eyebrows, glanced at the big ship behind him with his eyes like sharp arrows, and said in a deep voice: "Since the Persian Ming Cult is interested in coming to China, I would like to invite all the Treasure Tree Kings to show up to meet you in a majestic manner. How can it be a great religion to send a few low-ranking people here to show off their power?"

His voice was not loud, but he used his superior internal skills to make every word and sentence ring like gold and jade, piercing everyone's heart.

The Persians didn't understand the meaning at first, but when someone translated it, they immediately started shouting, yelling and yelling, and it became a chaotic mess.

Although the Three Envoys of Fengyun are highly skilled in martial arts and can understand Chinese, their status is not as good as that of the Twelve Treasure Tree Kings. When Zhuo Lingfeng mentioned the Treasure Tree King, he had to work hard to understand what it meant and did not dare to act rashly. After turning around in my mind, I realized that these three low-class people were them.

The three envoys of Fengyun instantly became angry. The three of them looked at each other, leaned forward, slid out with their feet on the ground, and approached Zhuo Lingfeng. They stretched out their three left hands and grasped him erratically.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the three people taking action, and they all thought about how they would respond?

But although the Three Envoys of Fengyun were quick and agile, Zhuo Lingfeng was such a person that he got angry when he saw the three of them acting like this. He couldn't help but laugh.

He waved his sleeves and said loudly: "As expected of barbarians!" A gust of wind blew out of the sleeves, silencing the three of them, causing their hair, beards, clothes and sleeves to flutter.

The three of them met a master they had never seen before. However, the three of them were extremely tricky with their body skills. However, Liu Yunshi swayed and then rolled up. When he reached the top of Zhuo Lingfeng's head, he kicked his face with lightning bolts from his feet. , the Miaofeng user held up two sacred fire tokens and swung them in a half arc, hitting his chest and abdomen like lightning.

The Huiyue messenger turned around with his command, raised his arms in response to the command, and with a short body, he got past the attack of the Miaofeng messenger, and with two commands, he stabbed his waist and abdomen, which was extremely cruel.

Everyone was stunned when they saw the three people's moves. The body movements of these three people were weird and fast, and their moves were coordinated to perfection. It was like a person with three heads and six arms in his life. It was so amazing.

However, Zhuo Lingfeng's attacks against the three people were different. He had been on guard for a long time. His left palm was round and strong, and his right palm was straight, using the "Hidden Dragon, don't use it" move. In order to see clearly the details of the three people, he thought of attacking them later.

Therefore, this move is purely defensive, just like setting up a strong wall between yourself and the three of them. If the enemy comes, you will block it. If the enemy does not come, it will disappear.

The moves of the Three Fengyun Envoys are dense and powerful, like a waterfall. The Holy Fire Token is made of platinum black iron mixed with emery and other materials. It cannot be melted by fire, and cannot be damaged by the sharpness of the Yitian Sword and Dragon Slaying Knife. The sound of the wind carries a soul-stirring trembling.

But when the three men's offensive was within a few feet of Zhuo Lingfeng, they felt they encountered an iron wall that was as soft as cotton, yet thick and solid. The invisible energy and the trembling sound of the Holy Fire Order merged into one, just like singing.

The Three Fengyun Envoys suddenly felt their hands and feet feel hot. Not only could their attacks no longer land, Miao Feng Envoy and Hui Yue Envoy were bounced three steps away, and Liuyun Envoy also somersaulted to the ground.

The three of them had never seen such magical power before and were greatly shocked.

Although the martial arts of Fengyun Sanshi are amazing, in terms of skill, they are not as good as Xie Xun, Jinhua Granny, Zhangbo Longtou and other first-class masters. When they encounter Zhuo Lingfeng's "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms", they can't get close at all.

But the skills of the three of them did not end there. They knew that they could not get close with just one person's strength. No matter how wonderful their martial arts were, it would be useless. They immediately let out a sharp roar, combined the six orders, and thrust them into Zhuo Lingfeng's ribs, trying to break him. protective barrier.

At this time, Zhuo Lingfeng shouted: "It's a little trick!" He changed "Don't use the hidden dragon" to "See the dragon in the field". He suddenly spat out his palm power, and an invisible force was as fierce as a mountain, rushing across the sea, and as fast as lightning. Xingchi rushed straight towards the three of them.

No matter how fast the movements of the three masters were, they could not change their moves when the force was rushing forward. However, the three masters cooperated seamlessly. Liuyun master crossed his two commands and pushed forward, blocking Zhuo Lingfeng's palm.

"Chi Peng!" roared wildly, Liuyun made Dou feel an overwhelming potential of great potential, and secretly screamed: "No!" It was like being hit by a hammer in the chest, and his footing was not firm, but His body skills were also really strong, he actually stood up and somersaulted out, the wind from his palm passing under his feet.

Zhuo Lingfeng thought to himself: "These three guys are indeed quite capable. No wonder Zhang Wuji, who possesses the Nine Yang Divine Art, the Great Shift of the Universe, and the Tai Chi Magic Art, was defeated by them." In a flash of thought, Miao Feng Envoy and Hui Yue Envoy were all defeated. Taking the opportunity to bully him from left to right, the two men's movements were extremely weird. Miao Feng used the Holy Fire Lingming to strike down from above, but somehow managed to dodge and go around behind him, hitting him in the back.

The Hui Yue Shi was obviously on the left, but when the attack landed, it was on the right. Although the four points of Wumang were one on the left and one on the right, one in front and one behind, they attacked together without precedence.

Zhuo Lingfeng's eyes suddenly lit up, and he laughed loudly and said: "It's good to attack left but look right, attack in front and look behind."

As soon as he stood up, his clothes and hair fluttered, he miraculously moved forward by more than ten feet, avoiding the two envoys' Holy Fire Orders by a hair's breadth. He arrived in front of the Liuyun envoy first, and waved his right palm with as much force as the vast sea.

His palm skills were mixed with body skills, and they were like a roc piercing the clouds. They were so magical and like ghosts that the Liuyun Envoy was horrified, raised his two orders, and struck out.

Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo suddenly realized what they said after hearing Zhuo Lingfeng's words. Zhou Zhiruo even shouted: "Brother, there is no direction in front, back, left, or right. You will strike later to control others, and strike first to control others."

Zhao Min frowned and said, "Is this the martial law in the Nine Yang Manual?"

Zhou Zhiruo said lightly: "Don't you know? Didn't Brother Zhuo teach us earlier?"

Zhao Min snorted. She and Zhou Zhiruo were both extremely smart. They had been taught by a knowledgeable martial arts master like Zhuo Lingfeng for three months. They could only talk about the principles of martial arts on paper. There were only a few people in the world who could surpass them. Deep. I know that the so-called "attack left and look right, attack in front and look behind" is just a general statement.

It is also possible to attack right and look left, and wait for others to defend the left. When they turn around, they can attack the weakness on the right, and the same is true for the front and rear. This way of attacking in the east and west, combining virtual and real, is indeed impossible to guard against.

Zhuo Lingfeng smiled brightly and said: "Not bad!"

He was good at telling Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo, because in his eyes at this time, there was no secret in the martial arts of the Three Envoys of Fengyun.

Thinking of this, he really admired Zhang Wuji. Even the three of them were able to defeat him in a very embarrassing way. Because of this strange move, the Nine Yang Manual had already found a way to break it. He just learned the Nine Yang Magic Technique. But he didn't really understand the "Nine Yang Manual". Otherwise, if he wanted to defeat these three people, there would be no need to learn the Holy Fire Order martial arts.

When Zhuo Lingfeng saw Liu Yunshi's Holy Fire Order coming, his left hand was like smoke, and he lightly grabbed Liu Yunshi's right arm.

Wow, how powerful he was, Liu Yun made his sleeves burst, revealing a hairy arm.

Liu Yunshi panicked, and was about to use the "Bone Penetrating Needle" to fight back, but an internal energy pulsed along the meridians to the organs. He felt numb all over his body, and his true energy was beating wildly, as if it was about to burst out of his brain. In an instant, His face turned red and he fell to the ground exhausted.

Zhuo Lingfeng grabbed one of the Holy Fire Tokens and was about to get another one when Huiyueshi's iron plate hit him just above his head.

Zhuo Lingfeng heard the strong wind coming, and suddenly pushed his right hand upward, like a mountain torrent bursting through the embankment, but his left hand still went to grab the order.

How dare Miao Feng make a direct attack, so he hurriedly dodges.

Zhuo Lingfeng was about to succeed when he suddenly felt a strong gust of wind coming from him, as sharp as a steel needle, hitting the Yanggu point on his wrist.

Zhuo Lingfeng felt pain in his wrist. It turned out that Miao Feng made him roll on the spot like a meat ball, and he used his "Bone Penetrating Needle" internal energy to succeed.

He picked up Liuyunshi's Holy Fire Token with one hand, placed the Holy Fire Token in Zhuo Lingfeng's hand with the Holy Token in his hand, grabbed it with all his strength, and sucked it in again. His body seemed to be loaded with springs and suddenly bounced up.

Even so, the two of them were so frightened by Zhuo Lingfeng's magical skills that they broke into cold sweats and hurriedly turned around, trying to catch Liu Yunshi and escape back to their own ship.

With Zhuo Lingfeng's ability, ordinary people would be unable to break through the acupuncture points, but he knew that the Miao Feng user would store an extremely cold internal force in one point to attack the enemy.

Just like Liuyunshi was able to execute the Eighteen Dragon-Subduing Palms move just now because the palm power and internal energy were widely distributed throughout the body, but their Yin energy was condensed as thin as a hair, and they stabbed sharply to attack a single point.

Just like an elephant, although its strength is huge, women and children can pierce their skin with small embroidery needles.In martial arts, this is also the reason why palm power is overcome by finger power.

However, what Zhuo Lingfeng had got was taken away from him. He felt so humiliated that he didn't hold back anymore and shouted: "Did you escape?"

As he spoke, he took a step forward and struck out with both palms. The true energy enveloped him overwhelmingly, and the power of his palms solidified like a mountain, like a big net.

Miaofengshi and Huiyueshi suddenly felt that their bodies were being restrained from flying back, and they shuddered and looked sideways, Zhuo Lingfeng waved his palms.

The two of them suddenly felt that the world was spinning. Zhuo Lingfeng raised his left hand, and an invisible force was like a big hand. Their arms went numb, and six Holy Fire Tokens flew up.

Zhuo Lingfeng wrapped Liu Ling with a wave of his right sleeve, and his left palm continued to swing. The two of them suddenly felt like they were in a hurricane whirlpool, as if they were drunk and stumbling around, unable to control themselves.

Fengyun Sanshi's two moves were weird and as fast as lightning. Both the members of the Ming Cult and the Beggars Clan couldn't help but cheer. But when Zhuo Lingfeng volleyed to freeze the two of them and took six orders, each one seemed to have seen a ghost. , completely unbelievable that there is such martial arts in the world.

Although the martial arts of the Ming Cult's Great Shift and the Holy Fire Order are amazing, they are just the peak of heretical knowledge. When it comes to grandeur and profoundness, they are far inferior to any of Zhuo Lingfeng's unique skills.

The martial arts learned by the Three Envoys of Fengyun are even a little bit of the Great Shifting Divine Art, mixed with some martial arts from the Holy Fire Order, that is, the attack seems to be from the left, but the landing point is in front of the body, seemingly The attack on the right is aimed at the back. At the same time, it is supplemented by the three emptiness and seven reality, making something out of nothing, etc., to give people surprise and win.

But when it comes to martial arts like "Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms", all fancy martial arts are useless!

Zhuo Lingfeng is the world's leading martial arts master. His martial arts attainments have reached the pinnacle. In the past few months, he has devoted himself to practicing martial arts, and his skills have become more refined. If he didn't mean to play with them, he would give some guidance to Zhao Min and Zhou Zhiruo. .

All they had to do was to use the Beggar Clan's secret skill "Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon" and sweep the fierce and unparalleled palm power ten feet away. Even if they were holding the Holy Fire Token, they would not be able to get close.

At this time, he flashed his palm force, and it was like holding a large invisible net in his hand, covering more than a foot. The two of them were like balloons being slapped at will by him in the air, unable to resist at all.

"Lie down!"

Zhuo Lingfeng shouted loudly, like a dragon's roar, Miaofengshi and Huiyueshi suddenly flew up, and then fell to the ground with a bang, following in the footsteps of Liuyunshi, unable to move Fenhao.

Zhuo Lingfeng stood tall and solemnly, holding six Holy Fire Tokens in one hand, and said calmly: "You are able to obtain this order all because of my Beggar Clan. It just happened to be returned to its original owner today, which is also wonderful!"

(End of this chapter)

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