Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 272 Follow-up

Chapter 272 Follow-up
In the early morning, the golden sun came from the other side of the city to Grimmauld Square in the west of London with pleasant steps. The weeds on the roadside trembled to welcome the rising sun. The beak combs its feathers and makes a melodious cry.

Residents living nearby walked out of their homes one after another, either on foot or on bicycles, and slowly rushed to the nearby subway station.

When they meet acquaintances on the journey, they will discuss with each other the weather today, and the newly repaired roads are a blessing in disguise.

In the old house of the Black family, Sirius, who was tired from not sleeping all night, wandered down to the underground kitchen. When he saw Remus eating alone in the small dining room, he showed a slightly surprised expression. .

"Come here, Sirius—"

Remus, who was dealing with a plate of grilled bacon at the dining table, smiled and said to Sirius on the stairs,
"Come and try today's breakfast, it's completely different from the previous one. To be honest, I thought Kreacher was really not very good at cooking. Now it seems that I underestimated it a bit—— "

Sirius grunted, rubbed his swollen and red eyes, and paced slowly to the dining table.

"Where's Amostar?"

Sirius picked up a fried egg with a silver fork, put it straight into his mouth, chewed and said, "I thought he was down already?"

"I think he should still be in his room," Remus rubbed his forehead with his palm, with a complicated expression on his face,
"I told Kreacher not to bother him either. He's probably tired, you know."

The dining room fell into silence, and the two people at the table looked at each other silently, and they both guessed what the other was thinking.

"Have you ever seen a guy like him, Remus?"

After a long time, Sirius spoke first, with a dull voice.

"I'm no better informed than you, Sirius—"

Remus shook his head with a wry smile.

After discussing how to place Regulus' body, Sirius stayed up all night and stayed by his brother's side, while Remus and Amosta went back to the guest room to rest. Remus didn't know that Amosta had He couldn't fall asleep, anyway, he was obviously very tired, but he couldn't fall asleep while lying on the bed. Whenever he closed his eyes, what flashed before his eyes was the scene when Amosta destroyed the cave.

"Before this, I never imagined that a wizard could have such power, nor could I imagine that a wizard could cause so much damage"

Remus sighed and said,

"It seems that we have been fighting Voldemort for so many years. We think we know how terrible he is, but the truth is that Voldemort probably never showed us his power. Because it is unnecessary."

"Dumbledore must have known."

Sirius' voice was still dull,

"We all know that Voldemort is afraid of Dumbledore. In those years, Voldemort has tried his best to avoid fighting Dumbledore. He must be more capable than Voldemort."

"Yes, there is no doubt about it."

Remus had great confidence in the old man with wisdom far beyond that of ordinary wizards.

The two people at the table were chatting with each other, neither of them had a particularly happy expression.

On the one hand, although Regulus' body was rescued, the shadow cast by the truth of his death still persisted on their hearts, and they were still immersed in deep sorrow.

On the other hand, the scene of Amosta's destruction of the cave last night gave them an indescribable shock, but also made them feel a little fear.

Since the development of the magic world in modern times, magic has become closer to the daily life of wizards, and casting spells has become simple and fast. Today's wizards can no longer imagine how magnificent and shocking the battle scene that changes the terrain at every turn is.

As just said, Voldemort avoided confronting Dumbledore during the years of his rampage.

The last time people in the wizarding world saw the destruction of magic was half a century ago——Albus Dumbledore, the greatest wizard of the present age, and Gattler Grind, the first generation of Dark Lord Wo's battle of the century.

"About Regulus, you've already made up your mind, haven't you?"

The topic went around and around, and it came back to Regulus. Remus rubbed his sore brows, wondering if he should go back to his room and try to fall asleep later.

"You want to hold a funeral for Regulus, as it should be, but given your current situation—"

"I know, Remus—"

Thinking of this, Sirius became irritable,

"I didn't say it will be held immediately. Of course, I will wait until that despicable traitor is killed and the charges are cleared... I will invite some people, but they are not relatives of the Black family. They are not worthy. I hope to invite some from the Order of the Phoenix." Wizard, I want these friends who have been on the front line against Voldemort to know that Regulus is not a Death Eater, he is a true hero."

He was not famous during his lifetime, but after his death, Sirius hoped that Regulus would be recognized by like-minded wizards.

"there's one more thing--"

Remus didn't point fingers at Sirius' thoughts, but said in a serious tone,

"Albus told me before he left that he was going to investigate some important matters. In order to prevent you from trying to hurt Harry again, he gave me an emergency way to contact him. I tried not to disturb Albus's business, but When he returns to school, including Peter, including what happened last night, I must report to Albus!"

Sirius was silent for a moment, then finally nodded.
The third floor of the old house, in the guest room.

Amosta was not sleeping soundly like Remus expected, but got up when the golden-pink sunlight shone on the floor through the carved glass window in the morning, and his complexion looked still Not bad.

Amosta, wearing a dressing gown, was sitting at the desk in front of the window, leaning lazily on the high-backed soft chair behind her, with her left hand resting on the armrest, and her right hand dragging the real dress brought back by Kreacher more than ten years ago. The Horcrux, with the soft morning sun, quietly observed the ancient runic symbols on the surface of the locket with unknown meanings.

There are a lot of books spread out on the desk. Among them, there are textbooks for Hogwarts NEWT level courses supervised by the Ministry of Magic. There are also some old-fashioned books with dark yellow covers and pages full of insects. The moth-marked magic book.

In order to understand the meaning of the symbols on the box, Amosta took out these books from the storage bag he carried with him, but he still couldn't figure it out after going through all the materials.

"Go back and ask Professor Babbling, she's an expert on the subject—"

Amostar sighed, putting the matter aside for now.

Since he got the locket last night, Amosta still tried to open it. He used some less drastic methods, but they were all resisted by the powerful black magic of the Horcrux on the box. Now, if you want to hide the soul inside the box, you must destroy the locket itself.

Likewise, Amostar was reluctant to do this for the time being, as he planned to rip off Dumbledore again.

"How will the price be set this time?"

Amostar bit her lip in embarrassment.

Of course he didn't want to suffer, but Dumbledore had already been hollowed out to pay for the commission for catching the basilisk last time, so it didn't seem appropriate to set the price too high.
Boom, boom, boom!
Just when Amosta was thinking about introducing the 'installment payment' and 'loan' business to Dumbledore, there was a sudden knock on the door of the guest room.

(End of this chapter)

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