Homecoming from Hogwarts

Chapter 273 Stone Pillar Reappearance

Chapter 273 Stone Pillar Reappearance
"Come in--"

Amosta glanced at the door, stood up, walked to the wardrobe, put the locket in his pocket, and said softly.

Amidst the sharp creaking sound of the rusted door hinge, the door opened in response, and Sirius walked in slowly. When he saw Amosta who had already gotten up, his unshaven face showed a little surprise,
"Oh, you're up already? I thought I was calling you for breakfast."

"I'm a little more energetic than you think—" Amosta smiled.

"It's also crazier than I thought it would be."

Sirius also smiled. He was referring to the act of Amostar destroying the cave at the end of last night and releasing the Muggles whose bodies were bound.

"I kind of don't understand you—"

Sirius closed the door, turned around and walked to the desk. On the one hand, he looked curiously at the desk full of books, and on the other hand, he said casually in a purely chatty tone,

"Sometimes. Well, there's something about you that's unmistakably Slytherin-like and, frankly, not very flattering, but sometimes."

In the middle of speaking, Sirius tilted his head and frowned, as if he was thinking about how to describe it. After a while, he said slowly,
"How to put it, it's quite interesting, I mean, you and Snot. Oh, that guy Snape is not the same thing."

Looking at Amosta who was smiling calmly, Sirius pursed his lips, and looked at the covers of some books aimlessly, with a casual tone,

"Before you left, Remus talked to me about you. He said that you are actually a very kind wizard, but you like to hide your kindness in your heart and don't like to show it. I didn't quite agree with it then.

But last night. I have to admit that without you, just me, Remus, and Kreacher, we would not have been able to find Regulus, and there is a high probability that we would die there. Moreover, you have spent so much effort Helping those muggle souls get free. Anyway, I have to thank you. "

"Oh, I'm not like you—"

Amosta smiled. He came to the table and packed up the magic books on the table one by one.
"I'm not as pure as you are."

"Remus said that you are a bit like Dumbledore. Having powerful mana is only one aspect, and it is always difficult to see through--"

Amosta's hand froze for a moment in mid-air, and then returned to normal,

"Are you complimenting me, or insulting me?"

Motes of dust floating in thousands of golden threads of sunlight were disturbed by Sirius' hearty laughter, and panicked.

Sirius told his plan about how to place Regulus. He invited Amosta to attend Regulus' funeral. After all, without him, Regulus would not know that he would be in the dark cave. How many years to stay.

"Although you are not a member of the Order of the Phoenix, Amosta—" Sirius said sincerely, "you are more qualified to appear at Regulus' funeral than anyone else."

Amosta had no reason to refuse, and he readily agreed.

The magic books on the table and the research manuscripts of some unknown wizards were taken back into the bag by Amosta, and the table was restored to tidyness. There was only one picture book that had nothing to do with magic lying at the foot of the table. The bound picture album was silent for a while, but in the end he didn't pick it up, but threw it into the wastebasket next to the soft chair, and when Kreacher came to clean the room, he would naturally deal with it.

This picture book is a commemorative picture book of Muggle attractions. During the summer vacation, he and the woman Vitia Kriona went to the gate of the Isle of Avalon, a boulder on the Salisbury Plain in Wiltshire. When visiting the Stonehenge, Amostado bought it for seven pounds in order to learn some of the historical background of Stonehenge.

When looking for research materials just now, Amosta found this album that had not been discarded in his bag, but now, the album is useless, and Amosta does not intend to keep it anymore.

And this kind of behavior naturally attracted the attention of Sirius. He was condescending, glanced at the pattern of the album cover in the wastebasket, and suddenly showed a thoughtful expression,

"Well, this is a Muggle photo style, right? The pattern in the album looks familiar?"

Amosta was stunned for a few seconds, he followed Sirius' line of sight, and only then did he realize what he was talking about, but he was not surprised by it,
"The famous Muggle tourist attraction, Stonehenge with a long history, maybe you have been there before."

After saying this, Amosta turned and walked towards the closet, and after putting the storage bag into the hidden pocket on the chest of the wizard robe, he took off the robe and the sweater that was lined with it,
"Sorry, Sirius, I'm going to change clothes, I can bother you...huh?"

Sirius was not relieved by what Amosta explained earlier, he squatted down, picked up the picture book from the wastebasket, and stared in confusion through the narrowed eye slits on those simple lines. But on the stone pillar exuding a simple atmosphere.

And this scene also made Amosta's heart skip a beat, and he suddenly remembered what Vitia Kriona said: This Stonehenge is broken, and the few missing stone pillars are the key to opening the ruins. , we found a stone pillar, but still haven't completed it
Could it be that?
Amosta came to Sirius' side without footsteps, keeping quiet and restrained.

"I've seen the pillar."

After a long wait, Sirius finally gave his answer with an unhappy face.

"Oh, is it?"

The trip to Avalon Island brought endless confusion and worry to Amosta. All along, he had been thinking of finding Vitia Kriona, hoping to confirm some of his guesses from her. And to solve the confusion without a clue, for this reason, he did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to hang up the commission with Kacus, just to find traces of Corona or the druids, but so far, Kacus has no feedback any information to him.

But I didn't expect that today, I would get some clues from Sirius' mouth.

Amosta's eyelids twitched violently. He looked as calm as water, and asked softly,

"Where is it?"


There was a lot of gloom in Sirius' tone, he said directly.

The answer is both surprising and plausible.

Sirius stayed in Azkaban for 12 years. Before that, he couldn't have had much reflection on an ordinary stone pillar.

Before Amosta asked, Sirius himself explained,
"I think you must have heard that Azkaban is an island in the sea. You can't find any place more desolate than that island, except for the prisoners and those ghost things that keep the prison. There is nothing alive on earth."

Sirius' tone was full of disgust,

"In the center of the island, there is a spiral tower that goes deep into the ground. The rooms in the building are the prison cells where the prisoners are imprisoned. Because of those ghost things, the island has never been sunny, and the only way we can see the outside is through a wall that is almost There is only a palm-sized hole,

Most of the wizards held there are dementors out of their minds, and I'm one of the few who can be conscious once in a while, but you know, Amostar, there aren't any books, newspapers, Wizard Chess or some other sport for you to pass the time, so being conscious is actually a bigger torture for the prisoners there.”

Amosta imagined the environment there for a while, and couldn't help feeling a little sympathy for Sirius,
"Then where is the stone pillar you mentioned?"

"It's on the edge of the island, where it meets the sea."

Sirius said sullenly,
"It seems that there were other buildings on the edge of the island before, but it should have been washed away by the waves, leaving only a large piece of ruins of the building. The ruins have been submerged under the sea all year round, but every once in a while, it will be exposed to the air. At that time, you can see that there is a stone pillar in the ruins that looks similar to the one in this album. Of course, that stone pillar may only be used to support the original building, but it was fixed so firmly that it was not destroyed. The sea washes away—”

(End of this chapter)

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