mage's dating rules

Chapter 10 Looking for a dwarf, first look for wine

Chapter 10 Looking for a dwarf, first look for wine

Elizabeth: "Don't worry about your dwarf priest! I asked today if there is a dwarf priest in our family's clergy. People thought I was dissatisfied with their service."

Wang: "Your family's priests? When I entered the city, I saw the spire of Lancelot's Temple. The priests serving your family are from the Lord of Life, right?"

"Yes." Elizabeth nodded, "If he hadn't discovered the power of the Warlock's blood, my elder brother might have successfully persuaded my father to send me to the Lancelot Temple in exchange for the temple's support for the Langdon family."

"Well, because the dwarves like to live underground, they are unlikely to join the church of Lancelot, who also has the authority of the sun. Most of them are craftsmen and believers of Torag, the god of creation and destruction." Wang nodded as he said. .

Elizabeth: "The important thing is, if I don't force the dwarf priest, I can find a familiar priest in the priest group. I was going to become a magic spellcaster, so the priest group originally selected a good lady to teach me."

Wang: "Will this lady allow you to venture into the sewers?"

Elizabeth sighed. "No, yes. She will report to my father. That's the problem."

Wang: "Let's think about how to find a dwarf priest. As far as I know, in some big cities, there will be dwarven neighborhoods in the city, where you can find groups of dwarves and gnomes. And Langdon's situation—at least today I didn’t see a block like this when I visited the city in the afternoon.”

"The big cities here refer to cities like Shallow Water City and Monrovia." The well-informed drow blurted out the names of several big cities, "Landon can't compare with them, although Langdon Den is probably the largest city in all of Kuussania."

Elizabeth interface: "As the Duke and Elector's family of Kuussania, Langdon City should be the largest of all the Duke's cities, even larger than the Emperor's own city. My two older brothers coveted the Duke's position so much because of the outside world. It is rumored that the next emperor may be the Duke of Langdon. Master, you look very excited, is there any problem with what I said?"

Wang Lianlian waved his hands: "No! I just think, look, so many details come together, the elector is getting old, everyone knows that he may not live for too long, and the emperor of the empire is about to change. The Fang forces are gearing up.

"At this time, the court archmage came to Langdon Territory to look up ancient books, because the Archaeological Association found a certain clue! Hey, this is the beginning of a standard adventure! In the bard's story, this is like an adventure to Background before we start."

Mark: "And we are preparing to investigate the disappearance of cats and dogs."

Wang's enthusiasm was extinguished visibly with the naked eye: "Oh... yes, we are looking for cats."

However, the enthusiasm was rekindled in a blink of an eye: "But we have already been attacked once, we are already in the game, and our employer, Her Royal Highness, is still the weakest of all parties!"

Elizabeth looked at the sky, and her tone was a little frustrated: "You are right, it is thanks to Bob that this stronghold can be established."

Malika reassured: "For an 18-year-old girl, you have done a good job."

Wang didn't listen to their conversation at all, and he continued on his own: "Now, as the beginning of a legendary story, there is only one big villain's name missing. The name should look mysterious and powerful, such as 'Shadow'.

"And it needs to be pronounced as 'sand bucket' in demonic language, and then there must be a demonic definite article 'the' in front of it, it reads like this..."

The mage paused, took a deep breath, and uttered the word: "The sand bucket (shocked)!"

Mark: "The sand bucket (suspicious)?"

Barbarian: "The sand bucket (angry)!!!"

Seeing this, the catman happily joined the ranks: "The sand bucket (jumping)!"

Marika: "Have you played enough?"

Elizabeth trembled, and then resentfully put down the hand she just raised.

This can't escape the wanderer's eyes: "Your Highness, you don't want to have fun together, do you?"

Elizabeth: "I...Of course I won't. I'm not interested in this kind of house-playing."

Malika's eyes returned to the mage: "Continue to talk about the business, don't play around."

Elizabeth: "I want to ask, are you proficient in Devil's language?"

Malika frowned, but this was her allegiance asking, so she remained silent in the end.

Wang: "Of course, many magic books are written in Devil's language, especially those evil old magic books. In addition, I am also proficient in Dragon Language and Devil's Language."

Elizabeth: "You... I just study dragon language and it has taken up my time. How can you be so knowledgeable?"

Wang shrugged: "From my point of view, it's a strange thing that you can't learn such a little knowledge."

The drow elf was speechless: "Your arrogance will be respected by everyone in my hometown. The premise is that you can protect yourself from the threat of force from the drow. Now let's get down to business, you should just say where you can find the dwarves. "

"Uh... yeah, that's what I mean. In the big cities that are really big, not the big cities in the rural parts of Kuussania, there's a special dwarven neighborhood in the city. The dwarves like to stay in their own communities, Even human cities are the same.

"But Langdon City doesn't have a dedicated dwarf neighborhood. I didn't see a few dwarves when I wandered around the city in the afternoon. I feel that there are not even as many dwarves in Langdon City as half-orcs."

Mishashala said: "This is because further west of Kuusania is the nomadic wilderness of orcs and barbarians. Orcs attacking human villages on the border will XX human females, and then half-orcs will be born. Half-orcs are excellent. slaves and cannon fodder, and there are even legends in the city that some people even intentionally bred half-orcs to be used as slaves."

Wang: "Thank you for your supplement. In short, if we want to find the dwarf priest, we must first find the place where the dwarves gather in the city. Dwarves are a kind of creature that likes communities. Even if there is only a small group, they will gather together.

"There are two things that can attract dwarves. One is dwarven beer brewed from dwarven barley. This is a kind of barley that can be grown in the mountains. It is the main food crop of dwarves. The brewed beer is the blood and life of dwarves. .

"But this thing is definitely not available in Langdon City. Besides dwarven beer, dwarves also like spirits, especially the kind of spirits that have no advantages other than high alcohol content."

Elizabeth was speechless: "I thought the second one was an anvil."

"No, although the dwarves are keen on making items and smelting iron, but that's their business, understand, but beer and spirits are their life." Wang concluded, "So where is the best spirits in town? Find There we shall find all the dwarves in the city, and if there is a dwarf priest, he must be there."

Mark frowned.

Wang looked at him: "Why do you have this expression."

It was the drow who answered: "Because of the best spirits, it's in the 'Papa Mouse' tavern. We just started killing in the square in front of the tavern this afternoon."

Wang: "Will this cause this tavern not to welcome us?"

"No, but... do you want to go now?"

Wang nodded: "Of course, for dwarves, drinking at night is an absolutely indispensable detail of life. If there is a dwarf priest in this city, he must be there now."

(End of this chapter)

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