mage's dating rules

Chapter 9 Information Aggregation in the Tavern Is a Necessary Step for Adventure

Chapter 9 Information Aggregation in the Tavern Is a Necessary Step for Adventure

Wang: "So can we leave this matter to the Druids to worry about? After all...Elizabeth's principle is that professional things should be done by professional people, and Druids are obviously the most professional."

Mishasara shook her head: "No, druids have always relied on small animals in the city to provide information, and stray cats and dogs are the most important of them."

Elizabeth: "You mean, their intelligence capabilities are no longer available?"

"That's what it means." The catman spread his hands.

Elizabeth: "Well, anyway, we were going to continue our investigation. During the last etiquette class today, Marilyn told me a story, saying that goblins like to pickle cats and dogs to make dry food..."

Wang: "No, they actually prefer mice."


"Rats are the kind of rodents that often steal food from humans." Wang continued to explain.

"I know, but eating mice... Forget it, let's not discuss this issue. So the information we have gathered now points to the goblins doing all of this?"

Wang shook his head: "No, the information we have only proves that this was not done by magic or druids. There is still no conclusive evidence on who did it."

"But Marilyn said..."

Wang interrupted Elizabeth: "Who is Marilyn?"

Marika: "Miss's companion, the daughter of the baron's family. A vase girl with big breasts and no brains."

Elizabeth: "Don't say that about my friend...although it's true that she doesn't have very good grades."

Wang: "Big breasts mean that she also has obvious secondary sexual characteristics?"

"This is what you care about!" Elizabeth glared at the mage, then subconsciously pressed her right hand on the neckline of the dress.

Wang: "I just want to confirm. So the friend of His Highness is not a character who is known for his intelligence and knowledge?"

"Yes." Elizabeth hesitated, but nodded.

Wang: "That's weird. She just told you at this moment that goblins will eat cats, as if they deliberately induced us."

Elizabeth frowned: "You mean..."

"I mean, you should ask her where she got the anecdote."

"I'll ask tomorrow."

Mark: "Aren't we going to be fine until His Highness gets an answer tomorrow?"

"No," Wang resolutely denied this. "In fact, the misleading action itself explains a lot of problems. I mean, assuming that this is indeed a misleading action."

Elizabeth: "Aren't you really capable?"

"It is impossible to make such a speculation based on the act of misleading. But we can imagine, if we believe it, what will we do?"

Mark: "We'll..."

Wang: "We will go underground to investigate, won't we? We already have such a plan, and the underground, according to Bob, is full of shady things. What benefits can we gain by inducing us to go underground?"

"Assault." Malika spit out a word coldly.

Wang: "This is the most likely conclusion. We have been attacked this afternoon, and the people who attacked us said it was a test. But they obviously came with the idea of ​​​​killing. Is this really a test? No , I'm afraid it would be better if you can get rid of me by the way.

"Review the details of the attack in the afternoon. The enemy arranged archers upstairs, but the archers didn't make a move. Why? Because it was for me. Their plan is probably to wait for the mage to release the protective magic on me, Then use the archers to sneak attack."

Mark: "Wait a minute, you don't have protective magic on you!"

Wang: "But I climbed onto the platform of the gallows when I was invisible. Because of the smoke, I couldn't see the people on the ground, but I had the vision of the roof. I saw the archer."

Mark patted his thigh: "So you blocked their shooting range with the corpse hanging on the gallows!"

Wang: "Yes, because of the wind-making technique of the enemy mage, the corpse is shaking from side to side, which interferes with the archer. But because I am on the ground, I happen to have the vision of the enemy mage."

As the mage spoke, he inserted his finger into the cup in front of Elizabeth, dipped it in water, and drew a picture on the table.

The gallows, the corpse, the height of the wooden platform under the gallows, and the position of the enemy mage were drawn by Wang with simple schematic diagrams.

Wang: "I used Strike Fighter to buff my sling attack first. No matter what spell the enemy mage wants to cast, this attack will inevitably make him difficult to focus, so I can probably cast the next spell before him."

Marika: "But your sling took him out. Very nice."

Mark: "I was wondering what the next spell you were supposed to cast was?"

"I'm going to use the short blade of ice, also called Frost Arrow."

Elizabeth was a little disappointed: "It's not a magic missile? A magic missile that is obviously guaranteed to hit is more suitable, right? The opponent doesn't have a shield spell!"

Wang: "But if the opponent has a shield that can be triggered quickly, this casting opportunity will be wasted."

Marika: "Wait a minute!"

She stared at the mage firmly: "It sounds like you are wary of the enemy's magic items, but... I think you are habitually wary of triggering spells. The main reason for choosing Frostbolt is that even if the Frostbolt misses, it will It will explode, but it will not be completely harmless.

"Even, you may simply aim at the ground under the mage's feet."

Wang: "One more thing, the material of Frostbolt is simple, a little water is enough. So you can spit in your hand, and other materials have to be taken from the bag."

Everyone looked at the mage and fell silent.

Elizabeth had an unbelievable expression on her face: "I...have never considered things like this. You...Did I find a particularly powerful spellcaster this time?"

Malika: "You may have found an archmage who hides his true strength."

Wang looked at the drow seriously: "No, I'm really a magic apprentice of the third ring. I'm not good at lying."

Malika: "Yes, I can see it. You said you are the third ring, so it should be true. But your subconscious performance just now is not fake. You are very familiar with the duels between high-ranking mages."

Wang: "As I said at the beginning, I am proficient in all known spells, including the protection system that I cannot cast. So the spell books seized from the opponent's spellcasters are useless to me at all. Oh, by the way, is this spell book Can you sell some money? Who will sell it for me?"

As he spoke, he took out an old spell book from his dimensional bag.

Marika: "I'll do it."

After handing the spell book to Marika, Wang hesitated for a moment and asked everyone, "Where did we just talk?"

"You are an apprentice of the Three Rings." Elizabeth said.

"No, a little further ahead."

Mark: "To lure us underground to attack us?"

Wang snapped his fingers: "Yes! So, Miss Elizabeth, let me ask you a question, is your father still in good health?"

Elizabeth: "It's not very good, but it's in good spirits. It doesn't look like an old man at all. I said hello to him before I came over at night."

Wang: "How is the security around him?"

Elizabeth: "My father is a great knight himself, and most of his retinues are knights. As for spellcasters, the chief mage of my family has mastered the seventh ring, and my teacher is a six-ring warlock. In addition, the court archmage of the eighth ring is now He is a guest here, and he should stay for about two months."

Wang: "Two months? Just a guest?"

The princess tilted her head: "No, it is said that the Kuusania Archaeological Association discovered some clues, so the Archmage came to check our family's ancient books."

Wang: "A clue about what?"

"I don't know." The princess shrugged.

The mage's eyes slid over straightforwardly and naturally.

Elizabeth hurriedly put her hand back to its original position, and glared at Wang angrily.

Wang asked seriously: "Is this normal? Malika didn't do this?"

Drow sighed: "I'm wearing leather armor. Your Highness is wearing a dress now."

"I see." Wang nodded and added seriously, "I learned."

Catman Mishasara: "Your Highness, if I were you, I would eat him to death right now."

Elizabeth was shocked: "Eat, eat to death?"

"I just slept with him!" The cat man was so excited, his tail was wagging like a dog, "Hurry up, you won't lose money!"

Wang: "I think it can, I'm sure it will greatly enhance my mastery of enchantment spells."

The room was quiet again.

The mage looked confused under everyone's gaze: "Did I say something wrong?"

Elizabeth: "No. But I warn you, don't think about me in the future!"

Wang: "OK."

The sorcerer's straightforward answer made Elizabeth look confused, she pointed at the sorcerer's face: ""

Malika smoothed things over: "Continue to talk about the business. You just confirmed the security force around Duke Langdon, and then?"

Wang: "I think the possibility of assassination can be ruled out, that is to say, the seizure of the heir apparent will not happen so soon. And considering the current situation, for the first prince and the second prince, the existence of His Highness can be regarded as a means to contain the other party.

"Then luring His Highness to go underground should not be to get rid of His Highness. Even if the attack does happen and we are all wiped out, His Highness will be safely sent back to the ground by the attackers."

Malika nodded: "His Highness exists, but his strength is weak, which is the best for both parties."

Wang: "Today the other party also showed their intention to obliterate me."

Elizabeth: "Then what should we do? Just stop investigating?"

Malika: "After all, it's just a small matter of cats and dogs missing. I think we can try to get rid of the active thieves on the shield road..."

Wang: "Excuse me, Marika, are drow common in the city?"

Malika frowned: "There was one more, but I killed her to complete my revenge. There should be no more drow."

Wang snapped his fingers: "Great, then I think we can do the opposite, lure the snake out of the hole, and ambush enemies that are not good for His Highness."

Mark: "Wait a minute! That sounds wild!"

Wang: "Did you forget that we have drow? In the underground we have an advantage over the enemy—I mean, knowing that we will be attacked."

The drow raised her head proudly, it seemed that Wang's words made her very happy.The home of the drow is underground, they have super dark vision, the sewer is like daylight to them, and they are very familiar with the underground situation, and they are good at fighting any enemy underground.

Malika: "It makes sense... In the dark night and underground, I am the top hunter."

Wang: "That's right, everyone else is focused on defense. We can even make a bunch of defensive potions. Although I can't cast protection spells, we can use scrolls. Wait for Marika to wipe out all the enemies—no, no Annihilate them all, and leave them alive for interrogation."

Mark clapped his hands vigorously: "This sounds a lot more reliable, let's do it!"

Manzi: "Gao~ Cuike!!"

Wang looked at Manzi suspiciously: "What do you mean? Why did he say his name?"

Mark: "Get used to it. It's one of the few Common Language words he knows."

Manzi: "Yes!"

At this time Elizabeth raised her hand: "Wait a minute, this is just for seizing the heir, right? What about the disappearance of cats and dogs? We have to find the mastermind behind it?"

Wang scratched his head: "'re right, then let's count the enemies who seized the throne first, let them know how powerful they are, and then investigate this matter. In order to implement these plans, we need to find a priest first."

He paused, and added: "It's better to be a dwarf priest."

(End of this chapter)

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