mage's dating rules

Chapter 49 Entering the Laboratory

Chapter 49 Entering the Laboratory

on the street.

Elizabeth suddenly pulled the rein in Michaela's hand, slowing down the carriage.

Malika rode her horse and ran to the front, then turned her horse's head and exclaimed, "Your Highness?"

Elizabeth stood up on the carriage: "I'm a warlock, and I still have a lot of spells today. And I have defensive bracers, and my team is full... Well, I'm missing one. What I should do now is not to run away Back to the safe inner city.

"I should protect my people."

Malika looked at her face carefully as if meeting Elizabeth for the first time: "I thought you would continue to worry about the little mage who didn't know where he was."

Elizabeth: "I am very worried about him, but when I think that he may still be fighting to solve the crisis of annihilation, I cannot allow me to run away. What's more, I have seen this."

She turned her head and looked at the burning block ahead.

The heat wave came with the wind, mixed with the cries of children and women.

Seeing the miserable situation, the dwarf picked up the jug and took a big sip, then jumped out of the carriage with his shield: "Your Highness is right, dwarf warriors will not flee at such a time. The drow elves It's different, because they're evil drow."

Drow just glanced at the dwarf, then pressed his chest with one hand, and saluted Elizabeth: "Your order is my destiny, my honorable lady."

"The elders of my tribe always say that great love will make people progress." Mishasha pulled the rein and stopped the carriage directly in the square, "Your Highness! If you want to defend, you must use the carriage to build a barricade! The market is very close, I will go to the market to get all the carriages and make a circle!"

Elizabeth: "Uh, oh, good!"

Malika: "I'm going to call the guards from the nearby guards and tell the fleeing citizens that someone is guarding here!"

After speaking, the drow kicked the horse's ass, and the horse hissed and turned around and started to run.

Dwarf: "Gotrick, it's just the two of us now, hold the line!"

Elizabeth watched the team members take their positions by themselves, with a dazed expression, as if saying: "Let me feel a little bit involved!"

However, the princess' sense of participation came immediately.

A few minutes later, a group of fleeing citizens poured out ahead, followed by laughing Steyr collar soldiers!
Elizabeth stood on the carriage and announced loudly: "I am Elizabeth Langdon, the lord's sister! I will swear to the death to protect my people!"

After she finished speaking, she began to cast a spell, and a crimson ray accurately hit the Steyr collar soldiers rushing forward!This soldier has feathers inserted into his helmet for identification. He should be the captain of this invading army squad.

The captain's breastplate instantly turned red, and the coarse cloth clothes worn under the breastplate were directly ignited by the heat.

He screamed and fell to the ground, trying to extinguish the fire on his body by rolling.

However, the heavy full body armor prevented him from rolling, and also provided a gap for air circulation by the way, so rolling was useless at all!
Seeing the squad leader fell to the ground, the soldiers behind shouted: "Spellcaster!"

"She just said that she is a princess! The emperor has ordered that the Duke of Langdon inherit everyone in line, from the octogenarian to the baby, and the decision will be made!"

"Don't be in a hurry to cut it, let's have a good time first!"

Elizabeth was so angry that her face turned pale, and she pointed to the person who said she had a good time and was about to fire the ray again.

"Your Highness!" The dwarf reminded loudly, "They will be on guard before you run out of spells, and when you have to start shooting magic missiles, they will be unscrupulous!"

At this time, another Steyr soldier with feathers on his helmet appeared from the alley. He glanced at his colleagues who were still wailing on the ground, and shouted: "What are you doing in a daze, shoot with a crossbow! Waiting to be roasted by magic!" Roast pig?"

At this time, Malika rode a horse and led a group of guards armed with crossbows and long swords, and entered the intersection from the left road.

Mishasara appeared from the intersection on the right in a carriage, followed by a vegetable carriage driven by farmers outside the city.

Marika shouted from the horse: "Use the carriage to build a barricade and organize a defensive formation! Her Royal Highness is with us!"

The city guard had seen the princess a long time ago, her long silver hair was so obvious wherever she placed it.

They shouted and rushed towards Elizabeth with high morale.


With a loud noise, the hobgoblin scout's head PIA landed not far ahead.

Wang was stunned: "It seems that the traps in this laboratory are a bit too advanced for the hobgoblin's trap dispelling skills."

Xiaobai echoed: "Let them step on the trap directly, they will always finish stepping on it."

Wang raised his scepter and said to the goblins lined up next to him, "Go one more."

A hobgoblin scout stepped forward with a trembling cat waist.The goblin was originally short, two heads shorter than the dwarf melon werewolf, but the scout was even shorter as he stalked forward.

Xiaobai watched the goblin disappear at the obviously intentionally set curve at the entrance of the laboratory, and turned to ask the mage, "Why don't you just let them step on it, anyway, the goblin's life is not his life."

"Because there may be three flesh and blood golems to deal with later, we need meat shields."

"What is a flesh and blood golem?" Xiao Bai asked curiously.

"A golem made of various corpse parts based on the corpse of a humanoid creature."

"What is a golem?" Xiaobai continued to ask.

"A magically created construct."

"What is a construct?"

Wang was about to answer, but there was the sound of a trap being triggered behind the corner ahead, and the screams of hobgoblin scouts.

"You, continue!" Wang casually pointed to a goblin.

The goblin went dejectedly.

Wang seamlessly continued the topic just now: "Constructs can be regarded as a kind of... wait a minute, why don't you understand anything? How many days have you been out on an adventure?"

The werewolf girl stretched out her finger and began to click one by one: "It is the first full moon to steal chickens from farmers' houses, and the second full moon is to kill the deer king in the forest, and the second full moon is to kill the crow king in the city." The third full moon...a total of three full moons, and it’s been about [-] days since my tribe came out!”

Wang looked at Xiaobai: "I only knew that the werewolf would follow the call of the wild during the full moon, but I didn't know that it would also perform tooth sacrifices."

"It's our tribe's method. Our tribe found that as long as the full moon drinks blood, it can smoothly avoid madness. Other tribes will fight with people or wreak havoc."

Wang: "So you have been out for less than a hundred days?"

"should be."

"Green field sent a novice like you to investigate the disappearance of cats and dogs?"

"Actually, all the druids set out to investigate, but I was the only one who smelled the smell and entered the sewer! Maybe it's because I'm the only one with a good sense of smell!" Xiao Bai proudly put his hips on his hips, holding his head high.

Wang Gui accidentally reached out and scratched the skin under her cheeks and above her neck.

"You think I'm a cat!" Xiao Bai frowned.

As soon as the voice hit the corner, there was an explosion.

Wang: "Next!"

Xiaobai: "Do you have to go this way?"

She seemed to have completely forgotten the hatred generated by being scratched just now.

Wang: "The information we obtained before said that the traps in the two vents have been cleared. However, the person who revealed this information has been confirmed to be the enemy's secret operation, and it is likely to be a lie. The safest thing at this time is to go from The intelligence has repeatedly emphasized the front door with a large number of traps."

The new goblin may have resigned himself to his fate. He moved very quickly and disappeared around the corner in no time.

Then he came running back screaming: "Golem! Master, Flesh Golem!"

Wang: "Looks like it's the second stage, goblins! Move forward immediately and surround the flesh and blood golems!"

The goblins made ragged shouts and marched in a loose formation. After walking a few steps, a flesh and blood golem about two meters high appeared at the corner of the entrance.

Wang: "The golem has successfully come over. It should be that the trap has really been stepped on. It's time to get real!"

"Oh!" Xiaobai roared, and the next moment he turned into a giant bear, ran towards the golem on all fours, and then slapped the golem's head away with a bear paw.

After losing its head, the golem's body still maintained a certain degree of mobility. It raised its bone claws and wanted to hit the giant bear, but the giant bear used the eight punches and shattered the upper body of the golem with three consecutive palms.

The goblins were all shocked by the figure of the giant bear fighting, and froze in place, not daring to move.

Another flesh and blood golem appeared, and the giant bear immediately went up to it and slapped it fiercely.

After defeating the golem, Xiong Xiazi stood up, patted the V-shaped white hair on his chest with both hands, and let out a terrifying roar.The roar was reflected back and forth in the sewer, and spread far, far away.

Wang held the scepter and shouted at the bear: "There should be another one, be careful!"

The bear landed on all fours, stepped over the shattered flesh golem, and glanced around the corner.

Xiaobai turned back into a human form and shouted to the mage, "Don't worry, there are no golems behind, it's a room full of shiny jars!"

Wang: "Be careful, let the goblin step on the mechanism first. You wait."

Then he gave orders to the goblins, and then he followed the goblin brigade and joined Xiaobai.

The two passed the corner together.

In the center of the laboratory is a huge ceremony table, on which there are statues of unknown gods.Both sides of the laboratory are full of dissected animal specimens.

Xiaobai rushed to the front of the specimen cabinet, and shouted while lying on the glass and looking in: "This is... a cat! It is definitely a cat!"

In order to be able to transform into various animals, druids are very familiar with the body structure of animals. Druids who live in cities with relatively advanced science will even dissect animals to understand their structure.From the druid's point of view, this is also a way to get close to nature.

Xiao Bai continued: "This is a dog! But why do they all look like this? They look like those old trees in the forest, all of which are full of tumors."

Wang: "It's a mutation caused by positive energy."

Then he ordered to the goblin: "Look for a diary, or something that looks like a book."

(End of this chapter)

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