mage's dating rules

Chapter 50 It's Hard for Two People Without Search Ability to Find Clues

Chapter 50 It's Hard for Two People Without Search Ability to Find Clues

Soon, a thick book with a brown paper cover was delivered to Wang.

He held the book in both hands and began to flip through it.

Xiaobai also wanted to read what was written on it, so he stood on tiptoe and stretched his neck.

Noticing her movement, Wang read the above content:
"Today is Winter Veil, and the goblin caught the first wild cat. I couldn't wait to start the ceremony, but I didn't observe the power of the Mother of Life seeping into this world, and the wild cat died quite ordinary. Oh, how could this be.

"Today more feral cats were caught, and there was a dog. The dog was not cute and bit me. But when the dog saw what I did to the cat, it started whining when I approached Screaming, and lying down obediently. I showed the wound I had just been bitten in front of it, and it actually curled up inside the cage because of fear.

"More wild cats and wild dogs were sent in today. I dealt with them all, and found that some of them have undergone slight internal changes. I think this should be the proof that the power of the mother of life has penetrated into this world..."

Xiaobai stood next to her and listened carefully at first, but soon she started yawning. After 10 minutes, she finally yelled: "Stop reading! Can you give me a summary!"

"In summary, this person captured the cat and dog, performed the ritual, and then dissected it to observe whether the cat and dog were affected by the power of the mother of life. At first, the impact was very small, but then the impact gradually increased."

Xiaobai: "In short, he is the mastermind behind this incident, right? Let's burn this lab down, and everything will be settled!"

Wang: "No. His diary did not mention where the knowledge of the Mother of Life came from. He couldn't have known it since he was born, right? There must be a research record, or a diary, that can explain where he got it. knowledge."

"But the goblins couldn't find it." Xiaobai pointed to the goblins who had searched the entire laboratory and stopped their movements to wait for the next instruction.

Wang: "Use a detection trap. If it's an important record, you might use a trap to protect it."

"Oh good." Xiaobai finally realized after agreeing, "Oh, that's not right, why did you command me as a matter of course?"

"Ah? Oh, please use the detection trap."

"Is this a question of adding a request? We haven't confirmed this command relationship, have we?"

"Then what do you say?"

Xiaobai: "I think you are right, I should use a detection trap."

Then the druid closed his eyes and began to cast spells.

The moment the spell was cast, a gust of wind circulated in the laboratory, and the werewolf girl who opened her eyes pointed to the corner: "There is a simple trap over there. It should be mechanical."

Wang: "It's a mechanical trap, so don't worry about it burning the contents inside. Goblin scouts! Go!"

A goblin scout sneakily approached the place Xiaobai pointed out, quickly discovered the trap, and completed dismantling it.With a click, a hidden compartment opened, and inside was a thin record.

Wang took it out and opened it and read: "The mother of life is the real righteous god, and Lancelot, the master of life, is just a false god. Otherwise, it would be impossible to explain why there are so many diseases and deaths in the world."

Xiaobai frowned: "What kind of fallacy is this? The cycle of life and death is a natural principle. If there is no death, there is no life."

Wang turned his head and looked at the little one in surprise: "You are still a monk? Isn't this their theory of yin and yang reconciliation?"

"That set of theories comes naturally from observation, and it's normal to be similar. By the way, you still say that I am a monk, and your name is like a monk, and they are all oriental names."

Wang didn't answer, and continued to look down at the thin booklet. After reading it, he said, "This still doesn't explain where Erwin got the knowledge of the Mother of Life."

Xiaobai: "Is this important?"

"It's very important. If Erwin discovered this through his own research through ancient books or other means, it means that he is the source. If someone else taught him, then there are black hands behind the scenes.

"In the current situation, I think it's more like the black hand behind the scenes has restricted Erwin through some kind of spell or forbidden contract, preventing him from leaving useful information."

Xiaobai's ears perked up: "So this matter is not over yet, right?"

"I think so. But at present we can't find any point to advance the investigation. The clue is broken here." The mage frowned, pacing in the huge laboratory, looking back and forth.

Suddenly, he found a photo frame on Erwin's desk.

He picked up the frame and found a pencil drawing of a dilapidated church inside.

Xiaobai also came over and stretched his neck to look at the photo frame: "A broken house?"

Wang: "A church. Maybe we can find a scholar who is familiar with the architectural styles of various places and ask him to identify the architectural style of that place."

"You're so smart, can't you recognize it? You're so smart." The werewolf girl blinked.

Wang shook his head: "I can't. I'm not familiar with architectural styles. I can say a few words about the cultures of various places, and the architecture is really blind."

Xiao Bai: "Maybe you can ask a bard first, they have traveled far and wide and seen a lot."

Wang: "Yes, first go to the bard and ask. If not, then go to Monrovia to find the Royal Institute of Architects. If not, continue south to the Thorn Islands, where merchants gather. Seven There the sea routes converge, and most importantly, there is the gnome explorer's guild.

"The gnomes have a wide range of interests and like to collect knowledge. Some of them must recognize the style of this building. Irwin is so precious about this picture, it must have a special meaning."

Xiaobai looked at Wang suspiciously: "Where are you talking about?"

"You don't know? Since you are also a traveler, you should bring a map, right?"

"No. I left the tribe because after divination by the elders, they said that I should leave the tribe to find my own luck, so as to get closer to nature. Then I set off with a roll of meat. The meat left It was eaten in a few days, and then I kept chasing after the prey, eating all the way to this city."

The druid put his hands behind his head to form a void pillow: "I have no idea how to get back to the tribe. I don't even know the way!"


Xiaobai: "In short, do you want to continue to investigate this incident? Let me ask first, is there any meat to eat on the road?"

Wang: "There should be. Our sponsor is the princess of this duchy—now the lord's sister. You shouldn't have to worry about supplies."

Xiaobai wagged his tail like a dog: "Then can I join? The task given to me by Luye is to track down until the truth comes to light."

Wang stared at the werewolf for a few seconds: "Yes. But there are dwarves in our team. Although they are not the type like gray dwarves who like to destroy the environment, ordinary dwarves can also build tall steel furnaces, cut down trees to burn charcoal, and make A lot of thick smoke pollutes the environment."

Xiaobai: "Are you saying that this dwarf stinks like a stinky gutter?"

Looking at the wolf girl, Wang felt that he could already imagine the scenes of bickering and even fighting between her and the dwarves in the future.

He shrugged: "My teacher said that one of the joys of adventure is the conflict between companions."

Xiaobai: "What do you mean? Adventure companions should eat each other, right?"

Wang: "That is to say, people with different viewpoints work together to make progress together."

"Why do you talk like the tribal elders and the great elders of Lvye?" Xiaobai frowned, "You just say whether I can join or not."

"Of course you can, in fact, I still hope you join. In this event, it would be better to have a druid who can communicate with nature in the team. Besides, you have an invincible nose. We may need you to track down many times odor."

Xiaobai was very proud at first, with his hands on his hips, he suddenly realized: "Are you beating around the bush and calling me a dog?"

"Don't be so sensitive. I didn't mean that. I was saying straight up that you could replace the Hound."

"I'll bite you! I'm a wolf!"

Wang continued: "What we have to do now is let the goblins guard the laboratory. Then go back and report quickly, and then bring Malika over."

"Who is Malika?" Xiao Bai was attracted by the new matter again, and forgot the anger just now.

"The rogue in our team is extremely powerful. She should be able to completely plow this laboratory. Now we are not good at searching, so we can only get so many clues."

After Wang Gang finished speaking, Xiaobai asked again: "Who else is in your team?"

"There's also a Catman Ranger."

"Cat person! Is she furry?" Xiao Bai asked curiously, flicking his tail.

"Yes. And then we have the savages."

"What is that? Is it different from humans?"

"He's taller," Wang gestured, "and then he can enter a state of fury through a battle cry. Finally, we have a warlock, the younger sister of Duke Langdon. She..."

The mage deliberated over his choice of words before saying, "The beauty is delicious."

Xiaobai: "How do you know she's delicious? Have you ever eaten? You look so gentle, but you're actually a cannibal!"

Wang was embarrassed: "It's not that she is delicious, it's a metaphor."

"Meaning she is delicious?" Xiaobai wiped his saliva, "Does she look fatter?"


"You don't want to eat it after roasting it! While roasting, the fat will flow~"

Wang: "Stop! You're totally messed up! I mean, my body wants to fuck her!"

"Understood," Xiaobai clapped his hands, "You're in heat!"

Wang: "Yes, that's what happened. But my soul has no desire for her."

Xiaobai leaned over, smelled the mage, and nodded: "I can smell it. In short, there is a sorcerer who is so beautiful that you can't stand it. Then this sorcerer must be very powerful."

Wang: "General."

(End of this chapter)

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