mage's dating rules

Chapter 78 Taking Half of Watergate Town

Chapter 78 - Taking Half of Watergate Town

After Wang finished speaking, he pulled Elizabeth up and pulled her down the cabin.

The horses in the cabin had already been saddled and harnessed in advance according to the king's instructions. The king patted the saddle of one of the horses and signaled Elizabeth to get on the horse, while he ran to the side door of the cabin.

Star Chaser usually opens the side door directly when it is in port, and puts a wooden plank on the trestle. Now Wang opens the side door, and the outside is directly on the sparkling water.

After opening the door, the king returned to Elizabeth's horse and patted the princess on the waist: "Go forward! Sit in front of the saddle."

Elizabeth reluctantly gave up the most comfortable position in the middle of the saddle, and the mage turned on the horse and rode behind her.

He took the rein from Elizabeth, kicked the horse's belly lightly, and the steed started gracefully, and ran towards the side door with ease, before hesitatingly stopping in front of the side door.

Wang swung his whip and gave the horse a blow on the buttocks.

So the horse jumped into the river.In fact, the water here is already shallow, and the horse landed ashore after walking a few steps.

At the same time as they entered the water, Gotrick also jumped off the deck directly, and the splash of falling into the water was bigger than the two of Wang and the others alone.

Flint was struggling to climb onto the side of the boat, shouting as he climbed: "Don't leave me, wait for me!"

When he managed to climb up, he looked at the water below and the stakes for tying the boat, and immediately hesitated: "Oh, Caris Newman, if I go down, I will definitely change from a dwarf in the mountains to a dwarf in the water, and It’s the kind whose head doesn’t stick out of the water. Gao, help me!”

Gotrek didn't hear it at all, he roared, and the violent power bestowed by the barbarians made him glow faintly red. He rushed to the beach in a rage, and the ax he swung directly chopped off the helmet of a guard. , the ax blade sank deeply into the enemy's forehead.

Flint watched this scene and cursed.At this moment, his holy emblem suddenly came loose from his clothes and fell into the water.

The dwarf priest watched all this in shock.This may have been an apocalypse, indicating that his god was directing him to go into the water.Of course, this could also be a pure accident.

Flint sighed: "Well, I am Kailin's pastor, and Kailin is also the god of luck. He would find an underwater dwarf very interesting! Caris Newman!"

The dwarf jumped and flew down from the ship's side, making the biggest splash in the water today.

Then he was pleasantly surprised to find that if he was standing, his scalp could barely come out of the water!He just held his head up, let his mouth out of the water, took a deep breath, and then dived into the water to feel the ground.He touched the holy emblem without much effort.

The dwarf scolded disrespectfully in his heart: Kailin, you damn drunkard!
However, he knew that Kailin would not care about these things, but this verbal abuse would make him laugh very happily.

Flint put his mouth out of the water again and tried to move on.

But the bottom of the river was not all stones, there was mud, and once Flint stepped into the mud, his head would be covered with water, and his mouth would choke.

In this way, the dwarf finally stumbled and let his head completely out of the water.

He saw Xiaobai's transformed bear grabbing an object that might be a mage and clapping it left and right.

The steed carrying the team of two spellcasters was standing on the big rock on the shore, and the fluorescent stick in the mage's hand was shining brightly.

The enemy's archers dropped their aim sharply because of the backlight.

Elizabeth took out a light crossbow from nowhere and was firing arrows continuously.

Gotrick, who was the biggest, had already rushed to the door of the tax office, and smashed the door together with a group of sailors.

While watching these, Flint walked out of the shallow water with one foot deep and one shallow foot, and stood on the sand.He took off the shield on his back and held it in his hand, gripping the hammer tightly: "Now it's time for me to show! Kill!"

On the barbarian's side, he smashed the door with everyone. After smashing for a long time, the iron-clad gate remained motionless. On the contrary, the bows and arrows shot down from the second floor killed many sailors.

Gotrick himself was hit by an arrow, but the archer didn't fully draw the bow because of his desperation, but the arrow missed Gotrick's shoulder slightly.This made him even more angry!
He roared and looked around, only to see a millstone not far away.

The savage rushed forward, and with one blow of the ax cut the donkey's bridle, and set the beast free, and then, with the ax at his waist, he took up the millstone with both hands.

"Get out of the way!" he shouted, holding the millstone high and rushing towards the gate of the tax office.

When the sailors turned their heads and saw such a huge figure rushing towards them, they gave way decisively and tacitly!
Gautrick braked suddenly just as he was about to touch the gate, and at the same time he threw the millstone like a throwing weapon with both hands——

The door burst with a loud bang, and the bolt with the thick mouth of a bowl broke directly, and wood debris sprayed towards the defenders who pushed the door behind.

Many people were so stunned by this scene that they temporarily forgot their duty of guarding the gate, so the first sailor got through the hole in the gate and looked at the defenders with a knife.

Then Gotrick came up, grabbed both sides of the shattered and deformed door with both hands, and tore open the broken bolt with a roar, and the two doors swung open.

The sailors cheered, rushed into the tax office and hacked wantonly, asking, "Where is the gold? Where is the gold we pay taxes on?"

At this time, Wang drove the horse to find the captain of the Star Chaser, who had finished the battle, and ordered loudly: "Assemble the sailors of the Star Chaser, push a few sampans into the water, and drive back to the ship to transport the horses."

Captain: "Do you need to prepare dry food?"

"No, I finished preparing the spell this morning, and I've packed all the dry food and meat I'll use in the next few days into the dimensional bag. Get on the horse and we'll set off right away while taking advantage of the chaos. You all guard the boat!"

Captain: "Obey!"

At this time, a sparrow flew to the king, and turned into a wolf girl with a snap: "I have completed the task!"

Wang took out a piece of meat from the dimension bag and threw it to her.

The werewolf picked up the meat with his mouth in the air, tearing it up happily.

The mage looked around and shouted, "We need a guide to the western plains! Who wants to come?"

In fact, there are sailors and mercenaries here, and the locals are all hiding from disasters. If you look for a guide at this time, you will definitely not be able to find them.

Elizabeth asked suspiciously, "What are you doing?"

"Soldiers never tire of cheating." Wang smiled, "Although it may not be useful, but we don't have bards now, so I can only do my best to cheat and abduct."

At this time, several sailors from the Star Chaser came on horseback, dismounted before the king, and took the reins.

The drow appeared from nowhere. He rode an unfamiliar black horse, and was holding the reins of several other horses with his right hand behind him.

Malika: "This is a horse breed adapted to the mountains, which is more suitable than our horses. I suggest changing to this kind of horse. Anyway, I came along."

Wang immediately dismounted: "You are right, there are sailors here who can take the horses back."

Xiaobai had already finished the meat, and seeing that Wang was about to get on the horse again, he asked, "Aren't you going to ride me? I'm also good at running in the mountains."

Wang looked at the horse and at Xiaobai: "You change!"

Xiaobai turned into a giant wolf, and the clothes on his body also transformed into saddles and reins.

The mage rolled onto the wolf's back, standing a head taller than everyone else.

At this time, the dwarf came late, and when he saw the large group of animals that were taller than himself, he immediately complained: "Don't do this! Do you have to travel on horseback?"

Marika: "You can ride a wolf."

The dwarf said firmly: "I refuse! It is much taller than a horse!"

Gotrick came over and patted the dwarf's helmet: "I'm hurt."

Flint: "Don't shoot the helmet next time, big man!"

Saying so, the dwarf still performed healing.

Wang: "Change the horses, let's set off quickly, the soldiers are precious and fast!"

(End of this chapter)

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