Chapter 79
The "Duke" of Stoke stood on the watchtower of Lakeside City, and laughed when he saw the flames and smoke in the direction of the water gate.

"Now that Princess Elizabeth has to stay here."

Next to him, his son Little York asked worriedly: "In this way, won't we lose our source of income?"

Stocker: "Hmph, useless thing! The alchemy bomb can only blow up the feldspar that forms the bridge on the top of the water gate. As long as we use the labor force and the strength of the bull in the second ring, we can clean it up quickly. As long as we force Lan Duke Deng agreed to our request, and navigation can be resumed immediately!"

His son still looked worried: "There is also a mage beside the princess who can transform into a dragon. What if he transforms into a dragon and cleans up the stones?"

"Idiot!" Stoke glared at his son, "Whether it's a dragon or a druid turned into a bear, it's not suitable for working! They can only try to open the passage by bumping. However, our water gate has a special design, and in the end What you are not afraid of is the impact. There have been many businessmen who did not know what to do and wanted to crash into the water gate, but in the end the ship was destroyed."

At this time, an orderly quickly climbed up to the watchtower and reported loudly: "My lord, Princess Langdon and several attendants went ashore and snatched our mountain horse, and one of the attendants rode a giant wolf! They broke through our Defensive circle, leave Watergate Town!"

Stock: "Hmph, very good, then seize their boat. Notify Watergate Town, and prepare to forcibly board the boat and seize it!"

The orderly soldier showed embarrassment: "This..."

Stoke said angrily, "What's wrong?"

Herald: "When the princess left, I shouted that you blew up the bridge on the water gate and blocked the water gate in order to intercept the princess. Now the sailors and mercenaries on a large number of merchant ships trapped in front of the water gate are in a rage state.

"Half of Watergate Town has been occupied, and the other half where the fortress is located cannot be supported because it cannot cross the river. We can only watch the sailors rob the tax office. A lot of gold has been shipped out!"

Stoke was furious: "Fuck! That's my gold!"

Little York, son of the "Duke", said: "We should send troops to cross the river from the ferry downstream of Watergate, and surround the town of Watergate."

Stock glared at his son: "Idiot! Our standing army suffered heavy losses in Langdon Territory. Are we going to send the city guard to surround Watergate Town? These troops will collapse in morale within a few days."

Little York: "That standing army, although it suffered heavy losses, the survivors are still good players. Ah, I understand, Dad, you are worried that Earl Ximu and the others will support my cousin!"

Just as Stock was about to scold his son, a young man in a robe walked up the watchtower.

"Duke" immediately looked expectantly: "Have you bought the scroll yet?"

The mage nodded: "I bought a shared anti-acid spell, plus a single anti-acid spell, which should be enough to deal with the dragon's breath."

Stoke nodded, and said: "Find adventurers as soon as possible, I need a team that can deal with dragons."

The mage looked distressed: "We are the River Valley Territory, and the town with the most mercenaries in our entire territory is Shuimen Town."

Little York interfaced: "And that town is overrun by angry mercenaries and sailors. If Princess Langdon's squad gets to Earl Brookwood and pulls their army up, we're finished, Dad."

Stock yelled: "Can you shut up!"

Little York: "I persuaded you not to rush to riot! I also advised you to send Princess Langdon's team over as soon as possible! You didn't listen to a word! You only think about your duke title! "

Stock roared: "If it weren't for you, if you didn't win your sister's heart, would I need to bother?"

Little York: "I don't want to marry one of my kind and have a deformed freak!"

Stoke gritted his teeth and stared at his son angrily. The two fathers and sons confronted each other for a long time, while the others silently moved away from them.

Little York: "The top priority now is to quickly tell the princess team that we are willing to let them pass, and send someone to clear the water gate."

Stoke roared: "No! The princess may not have participated in the murder, but he is still an enemy! The Lord of the Valley will not let the enemy pass! Never!"

Little York shook his head, looking at his father with pity.

The "Duke" turned his head and ordered: "Send out the hunter battalion, they are more familiar with the mountain roads, looking for an opportunity to attack the princess team. Where did they go?"

The messenger hurriedly reported: "The mage riding a wolf is looking for a guide to the western plains."

"This is a scam! They must have gone to look for Earl Ximu." Stoke said firmly, "Let the hunter go! Kill the whole team, leaving only the princess!"

Little York: "If that mage is killed, there will be a demon army..."

Stoke glared at his son: "How could you believe such an outrageous rumor? This is obviously a story made up by a charlatan. He fooled that little boy Langdon, but he couldn't fool me! The pepper I have eaten is better than his I have eaten more salt!"

The whole of Kuussania does not produce pepper, which is a precious spice, while salt is more common.

Little York wanted to refute, but after thinking about it, he probably felt that this was really outrageous, so he didn't say anything in the end.

Stoke turned his head and yelled at the messenger who was still there: "Go! Let the hunters attack! I spend so much money to support them, official hunters, is it just to hunt deer and rabbits?"

Little York muttered: "Isn't it?"

Stoke looked at his son: "Then tell me, what can you do?"

Little York: "Admit your mistakes and let them go. Be sincere."

"Never!" Stoker yelled.

At this time, Wang was riding a giant wolf, rushing up the mountain next to Shuimen Town—according to the dwarves, this can only be regarded as a hill.

Looking far away, he could see a city beside a small lake in the distance.

Wang: "It's more majestic than I expected."

Elizabeth's horse came to him, and the warlock said, "After all, this collar was quite rich before the cavemen took over the ground. The lake next to Lakeside City was an artificial lake dug out at that time, because it came from the Enlan River. The channel in the valley collar is too narrow.

"At that time, there were a large number of ships berthing here to load ore, plus the ships carrying goods from the Shield Road upstream from our house, there were often traffic jams on the Enlan River.

"So we dug a lake so that ships can berth and dispatch here. Now this lake has become a paradise for all kinds of waterfowl and fish, and basically no boats will park here."

Wang took out his binoculars and observed the majestic city wall carefully: "I saw it. Indeed, this city has a big port, but the buildings in the port are very dilapidated."

Elizabeth: "That's it."

Wang continued to observe, and then asked: "There is no bridge on the Enlan River. Is the bridge on the top of the water gate just now the only bridge?"

Elizabeth: "The water gate was able to be repaired, and a great architect was invited from Monrovia to barely build the arch bridge that would not affect navigation. By the way, the arch bridge was so easy to blow up because the bridge itself was destroyed. Designed so that the vault can be easily removed.

"It is said that the architect deliberately designed the vault to be easily disassembled and assembled in consideration of the possibility of war. If a war breaks out, the vault can be dismantled and guarded on the river bank. After all, there is a lake next to Lakeside City as a barrier. It is easier to attack from the land side."

Wang was stunned: "Understood, so Stoke turned the feldspar that should have been removed and placed next to it into a reef that blocked the water gate. Then how will he repair the bridge in the future?"

Elizabeth: "Fill up the feldspar and reuse it?"

The mage was speechless, then put away the binoculars, took out the map and studied it.

"We are here." He pointed to a hilly sign below Lakeside City on the map, "Then the residence of Earl Ximu is here. Very good, there is no need to think about how to cross the river. Malika, can you lead the way?"

The drow elves raised their hands, held up a piece of cloth to block the sun, and nodded when they heard the question: "Of course."

The dwarf in the basket behind the barbarian's saddle asked, "Are you sure you can? You're almost roasted in the sun."

Malika said angrily, "I'm a drow, not a vampire."

Wang continued to ask: "Can we go to Ximu Town tonight?"

"I guess it's a bit difficult, I'm going to sleep in the open." Malika said.

"Sleeping in the open!" Elizabeth looked very excited, "I've been wanting to try it for a long time!"

(End of this chapter)

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