Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 144 636 Bad Ending

Chapter 144 6.36 Bad Ending
As soon as he finished speaking, the explorer's hand trembled clearly.

He took a deep breath and said: "You have no other choice now but to give him to me. Don't be stupid. Are you sure you don't want to change..."

"I'm sure I want to change my kit." Ye Man said firmly.

Before the long-haired man could react, bubbles popped out of the kit automatically, and it was thrown in front of Ye Man in an arc.

She picked it up and opened it.

"Okay! You've walked into a dead end! I want to see you collapse!" the explorer yelled immediately.

An ordinary note with three big characters.


"Hahaha! Macbeth. Didn't you expect that?" the explorer shouted, "It's already a dead end here. It's a pity that you almost got out."

There was false affection on his face.

"Macbeth... a self-fulfilling prophecy..."

Ye Man groaned.

Shakespeare's tragedy "Macbeth" tells the story of a general with outstanding military exploits. After hearing the witch's prophecy, he gradually inspired ambition and greed, and finally killed the king to seize the throne, and was then overthrown and destroyed, just as predicted. Staged step by step.

The whole story begins with a prophecy and ends with a prophecy.

In the flash of lightning, Ye Man understood.

The same is true for this copy. Everything starts with the original prophecy of the story. The moment it is spoken, the gears start turning.

Under normal circumstances, everyone's choices will lead to multiple possibilities, and everything will be different in a single thought, so in the real world, everything is ever-changing.

But the copy is different.

If it is a copy with only "Macbeth" as the keyword, then choosing not to believe in the prophecy and insisting on oneself may be able to gain a chance of survival.

But another key word of this copy, self-fulfilling prophecy, means that in this giant crystal ball, as long as the prophecy has a certain probability of happening, it will follow the established trajectory the moment it is spoken and heard.

It was a given from the beginning.

In this copy, no matter how hard she struggles, she will definitely kill the prince in some way and for some reason.

In my ears, the explorer's crazy laughter still didn't stop.

He didn't see Ye Man breaking down and crying, but he went crazy first.

Ye Man turned a deaf ear. She placed Xie Yunche and Ah Hui under the tree and slowly walked towards another lake.

The explorer saw the direction she was walking clearly, and his laughter stopped abruptly.

His eyes were full of gloom, and he chuckled softly: "By the way, I forgot to mention, your head can also be a rudder."

He calmly sank himself and the boat to the bottom of the water.

Ye Man didn't hear his words.

Although the Crescent Lake was very close to the Long Lake when viewed from a height last time, in reality it was still very far away on foot.In the early morning, she finally approached the last lake with tired steps.

The shape of the lake is very strange. Compared with its name, Crescent Lake, it looks more like a long sickle.

"The Lake of the Future..."

It was still the darkest moment before dawn. She lowered her head and looked at the dark lake, as if to gather her courage.

Then she took a deep breath, opened her arms, and leaned forward into it.

In front of her eyes, some image fragments from the future appeared in confusion.

Many different possibilities emerged.

Either she couldn't survive in the forest, walked out of the forest, and was sentenced to death.

Either she was hiding in the forest, or she was found, and the angry townspeople burned her alive.

Either she drowned directly in this lake.

In short, the endings are basically the same.

There are two other unremarkable images, both unrelated and related to her ending.

One shows her head being made into a rudder by an explorer, seemingly sailing away from the crystal ball.

One is that her tribe cut ties with her and supported a fourteen-year-old or fifteen-year-old boy as king...

Previously revered as a saint, she became the outcast of this town overnight.


Unknown land, in front of the screen.

The operator retracted his hand from the floating keyboard in a daze.

This copy with no survivors has actually reached this point.

He bit his lower lip unwillingly and looked back at the man in uniform.

He held his chin and observed the screen, with a calm smile on his face.

Seeing this complacent expression, the operator finally couldn't help it anymore: "Sir...why..."

Why put her and two other children in this copy?

This copy is simply insane.

They are all obviously promising children, especially this Ye Man.

Isn't it meaningful to see them killing each other cruelly for love and ruining such a good seedling?
The commander seemed to be fully aware of the operator's questions. He smiled and said, "Don't worry, let's take a look."

 Macbeth: General Macbeth, cousin of King Duncan of Scotland, returned from serving the king to suppress rebellion and resist invasion. He met three witches on the way.The witch told him some prophecies and cryptic words, saying that he would be crowned king, but he had no heirs to inherit the throne. Instead, the descendants of his colleague General Banquo would be the king.Macbeth is an ambitious hero who murders Duncan at the instigation of his lady and becomes king.In order to cover up others' eyes and prevent others from seizing the throne, he gradually killed Duncan's guards, Banquo, and the wife and children of the noble Macduff.Fear and suspicion make Macbeth more and more evil and cruel.Lady Macbeth goes insane and dies, but Macbeth is not sad at all.With all the rebels and relatives separated, Macbeth faced the siege of Duncan's son and the English reinforcements he invited, and ended up with his head cut off. --Baidu Encyclopedia

(End of this chapter)

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