Classic revival of infinite games

Chapter 145 637 Reversal

"Hahahaha! How ridiculous! I ruined my future for an answer... Curiosity killed the cat!"

Under the water, the explorer's maniacal laughter came closer and closer.

Ye Man turned a deaf ear. She squinted her eyes, held her last breath, and watched every image about the future attentively.

Then she closed her eyes and floated under the water...


"My boat! It's almost finished!"

The explorer laughed wildly.

"Ye Man!"

Unknown land.The operator next to the screen couldn't help but exclaimed, and he closed his eyes tightly.

The hand holding the chin of the uniformed man left his chin and hung slightly in the air.

A dazzling light suddenly lit up on the screen, and the two of them saw that it was in the center of Ye Man's collarbone.

[Enable props, Möbius strip.

Are you sure you want to enter the archived reset point?

Are all players allowed to carry memories from this game?


Since the reset will cause a system error, Yilin Exchange will be forced to close.This location is a key point that affects the ending. Will it still continue?

All options confirmed.

The system is loading files...]


"Saint, are you awake?"

Martha, the maid in white, stood at the door of the palace.


"So she secretly saved the game so early?" the operator exclaimed, "She didn't know the survival rate of this game, how could she predict the difficulty of this game?"

The man in uniform smiled lightly and said: "If it were me, I would also save it here."

He rubbed his chin and continued: "Because in this game, the coordinates are wrong."

The operator was stunned for a moment, then realized: "It's because from the beginning of this game, I didn't collect evidence myself, but got clues from NPCs!"

..."Saint, what are you...?!"

Martha could no longer make a sound. She looked at the needle in her chest in horror. A feeling of paralysis instantly spread to her limbs and spread to her fingertips, making her unable to move anymore.

Ye Man put down the anesthesia gun he had collected from Nighthawk, sat up from the couch, then pulled out the tablecloth and tore it into long strips with a few "chila" sounds.

She tied up Martha, gagged her, and stuffed her whole body under the bed in the palace.

"I'll deal with you later."

Then Ye Man sat on the somersault cloud and flew out directly.


Xie Yunche woke up by the lake.

He grabbed his chest, sweat dripping down his face.

The muscles in his chest twitched, reminding him that what just happened was by no means a dream.

"Am I still alive?"

he asked himself breathlessly.

"Yes, you are still alive."

There was that voice coming from the side, that pleasant voice that appeared in both his dreams and nightmares.

He didn't turn around to look at her. Fear and joy came to him at the same time. He couldn't describe what he felt. He only felt that his whole body was stiff and he didn't know how to react.

Is she the one who will smile tenderly at him and look at him all the time?

Or is it Ye Man, whose eyes are full of frost, who plotted against him and then stabbed him coldly, wishing to kill him?

The game starts again, is she awake?
The desire to survive made him want to run away immediately, but his reason told him that Jiang You should have woken up too, and he could not and should not leave her alone with Jiang You anymore.

Due to too many thoughts, he actually did nothing.

It was clear that the voice just came from behind, but he still sat stiffly with his back to her, as if he was defenseless against her, and as if he was running away from everything and not looking at her.

Then he felt a pair of slender arms hugging him gently from behind.

Xie Yunzhe was stunned.

He felt the half of the clothes on his back feel warm and wet.


Her muffled voice came from behind.

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