LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 149 The Ubiquitous Clips

Chapter 149 The Ubiquitous Clips

Thresh resisted two waves of tower injuries, and was finally taken down by Braum with tears in his eyes.

For WE, this is already a blessing in misfortune.

It would be better if the head was given to Ice, but in this case, Ben didn't know if the head would make things worse.

After taking this head, the policewoman's condition is not bad. Cui Zijian has no intention of going home, but instead keeps the line of soldiers stuck in front of the defense tower and continues to control the line.

The wave of pursuit just now made the blue square pawn line always in the state of attacking the hero, which caused the blue square to become a pushback line.

At this moment, Qing Gangying on the road was Ganked by the spider, and Smeb was forced to hand over Flash.

According to the half-zone principle, if the jungler is doing things on the top lane, then the bottom lane must be wretched and developed.

In fact, this is indeed the case. The prince came to the lower half of the field to control the river crab, which made Han Bing, who had no displacement, dare not step forward to eat the line.

And after Braum came back and gave the Triangle Grass eye position, he was quickly dismissed by the prince.

Han Bing originally only lost about one wave of soldiers, but this time around, he lost almost three waves of troops.

These three waves of soldiers were only exchanged by EDG for a flash of Qinggang Ying.

For a green steel shadow with a hook lock, his flash is not very effective.

If it weren't for the consideration that this game would become the key focus of WE, Smeb would even think of bringing ignition and teleportation.

The spider came to the second half of the field to control the Golem, more to protect the bottom lane.

EDG did not continue to control the line of soldiers. After the fifth level, the female policeman chose to return to the city under the tower.

In this wave of returning to the city, the policewoman directly took out the Storm Sword with all her money, and her attack power increased dramatically.

With the advantage of long hands, the policewoman only needs to use skills to clear the line, and then use basic attacks to point people.

It's okay for Han Bing to just take a basic attack, but if the headshot brings critical damage, it will be more or less unbearable.

In this case, even Braum's shield needs to be handed over.

The game lasted for 7 minutes and 27 seconds, and the prince developed normally to level six.

Kang Di calculated the cooling time of the flash of Qinggang Shadow, and in the last ten seconds, he came to the road again.

The Smeb hook was interrupted by the spider's E flash, and there was no chance to turn in the big move to avoid the little murloc's shark.

The game lasted for nearly 8 minutes, and WE finally opened up the rhythm as it wished on the road.

But Xiye also understood that at this time, he would be under even greater pressure when going down the road.

Without pushing the pawn line over, Yao Ji began to approach the bottom lane.

Xiye's reaction was quick, but it's a pity that EDG's changes were much faster than they thought.

The policewoman didn't press forward, which gave Han Bing a feeling that she thought she was safe.

They overlooked one skill, Lantern!

Thresh's lantern was thrown back, and the prince directly lit the lantern in front of the defense tower. The EQ second company didn't fly the ice, but the big move also had a certain displacement skill.

In other words, this wave of the prince moved directly from his own defense tower to the river, and successfully caught WE by surprise.

Han Bing also used the magic crystal arrow to interrupt the policewoman's forward attack, and Tian Ye helped the policewoman eat up this huge amount of control with a twist.

The ultimate move of the Colossus of Justice was activated, and Han Bing, who was confined to the prince's ultimate move, could only watch helplessly as he was knocked into the air.

The policewoman pinned the clip on Han Bing's feet after landing.

After this series of control, Bron has been beaten to half blood, not to mention a crispy ice.

Xiye took a step forward, and the two teammates had already turned into corpses.

As a last resort, the only thing the enchantress can do is to use skills to clear the bottom line of soldiers, and it is still the case of using a big move.

The policewoman got Bron's head, and Han Bing's laning after returning to the city couldn't be right at all.

Next, EDG only needs to rely on the advantage of the policewoman's hand length to drive the rhythm of tower pushing.

For WE, the later they drop a tower in the next lane, the more acceptable it is.

A policewoman who develops beyond the timeline, as long as she is released during the laning phase, EDG can play a snowballing rhythm.

The only thing that reassures WE is that the development of the spider is not bad, and there is even a head in the account.

"Let's hit the sideline. The wave of pawns on the next tower should be strong enough to hold." Brother Leg commanded.

My brother-in-law also tried his best. Under the obvious suppression of equipment, he abruptly gave way to the next tower and stood firm for 1 minutes.

The bottom lane laning period is over, and WE can only let the murlocs guard the bottom lane.

The spiders also circled around the first half of the wild, trying to help the enchantress get the head economy.

As long as the enchantress can develop, they will still have the strength to fight against EDG's lineup.

EDG also naturally knows that the sideline is the key point for WE to break through.

The crux of the problem is, will EDG really give WE a chance to grab the sideline?

Xiye brought the line into the first tower on the top road, but he didn't see the hero who was facing him for a long time.

Miller: "Smeb is too stupid. He just let go of the first tower on the top lane. EDG is going to push it with five people."

Rita saw that the spiders on the map were also approaching the middle lane. The enchantress had teleported with one hand, but it was still on cooldown.

"WE has sensed EDG's plan, and Yao Ji can't catch up. They guard the middle tower and let Yao Ji lead the sidelines."

"The lineup of EDG is to open up the team. They can even ignore the first tower in the middle and start the team battle."

Miller said: "However, there is a prerequisite for the tower jumping team. EDG must grasp the movement of the spiders, otherwise the risk of their teaming up is a bit high."

From the perspective of God, EDG has no vision in the first half of WE's wild area.

In other words, EDG doesn't know where the spider is at all.

"The prince entered from the Raptor camp and started the group directly."

Without waiting for Tian Ye to direct, Cui Zijian had already said what he wanted to say.

Miller's premise is correct, there is no such thing as a spider, and this wave is likely to be harvested by Kanti.

But he forgot that EDG's style of play has already changed.

These five people on the field are all operating monsters, they can overcome the tower, there is no reason to give up.

Prince EQ re-entered the second company, just to cooperate with Galio to activate the big move.

With Blink in Han Bing's hand, she won't be a lamb waiting to be slaughtered like last time.

He can flash out of the prince's ultimate move, and if he survives, he must be able to use the flash to pull out the range of Galio's ultimate move.

The green steel shadows of river grass pass by.

EWE Flash R!

In this wave of ultra-long-distance sniping, even if Han Bing handed over Flash, he couldn't escape Hex's ultimatum.

"How dare EDG start a group?" I remember being shocked.

"I watched the contestant's camera just now, and saw Zijian's mouth move tomorrow."

Miller's meaning is self-evident, if this wave of team battles starts, it is impossible to lose.

The spider hurried on with all its strength, but it just reached the position of the three wolves.

A tower in the middle of WE was pushed down, and the most hurtful thing was that the duo guarding the tower suffered heavy losses.

After Cui Zijian finished the output, he did not follow his teammates to flatly push the middle tower.

The prince's canyon vanguard was able to knock down the remaining HP of the first tower, and the policewoman chose to go up the road and defend the line.

The exploding cones above the dragon pit allow the policewoman to return to the line faster.

Seeing the policewoman who came back to guard the line, Yao Ji became murderous on the spot.

When his Q skill was hanging on the policewoman, Cui Zijian's eyes froze.

I saw Yao Ji Moying fan approaching, and the policewoman under the tower also released the 90-caliber rope net to move backwards, and the rope net hit Yao Ji's body.

Xiye's murderous intent remained undiminished, and the phantom chains hung on the policewoman's body.

And just as the chain was running, a clip appeared.

"I rely on!"

Xiye couldn't hold back the swearing, and frantically pressed the W key to return to the position of the avatar.

Enchantress suffered two tower wounds in a row, obviously not within the scope of his calculations.

"Hey, there won't be solo kills in the first wave." I remember being shocked again.

"The enchantress has already walked out of the defense tower, and the policewoman forcibly points out the passiveness of the enchantress."

"It was another headshot, and the policewoman directly let the bullet fly out."

Xiye was startled, the policewoman's ultimate move was aimed at his real body.

He began to manipulate the clone to resist the damage caused by the bullet flying.

Apparently the bullet is faster than walking over by itself.

Yao Ji fell to the ground, and the director finally played the replay of the solo kill.

This wave of solo kills made the director unexpected.

Obviously the center line is still advancing, although he observed that the female policeman was moving up, but he also thought it was just to defend the line.

"The main reason is that the policewoman's trap is placed too well, and there is no time for Xiye to react." Rita was the first to comment.

"It's still Xiye who wants to kill."

Miller crossed his arms and said, "There's no other way. WE can only rely on Xiye now. If he doesn't grow up, it will be a bit difficult for Xiaolong's resource group behind him."

"But after this wave, WE's early rhythm is completely gone."

With Yao Ji's head in the bag, not only Xiye's growth rhythm has been interrupted, but also the development of the policewoman has taken off.

Originally an AD position with strong output in the mid-term, the normal development of the policewoman can help the team get the resources they want, not to mention this kind of development beyond the timeline.

The next game rhythm is firmly controlled by EDG, and the overall economy is constantly being expanded.

In the first game, EDG showed their first system today.

Galio cooperates with the prince, and Galio cooperates with Qinggangying.

As long as there is a team, the policewoman will output without pressure behind her.

Even though Yao Ji wanted to steal a wave of damage, but under the positive pressure of EDG, his output position was not ideal.

In the mid-term of WE, I found a few waves of rhythm through the ice magic crystal arrow, but under the huge economic gap, this did not quench my thirst.

After three to 10 minutes of fighting, WE was still defeated, and did not stage the miracle group that fans thought.

Back in the lounge, the brother-in-law scratched his hair, reflecting on the first wave of mistakes.

In this regard, Hongmi did not criticize, but repeatedly asked all the team members.

"When playing EDG, you must be steady. Fighting with them is their favorite rhythm. They especially like fighting in the early stage, snowballing in the middle stage, and then quickly ending the game."

"This is the general style of play of EDG. If we want to win them, we have to rely on team battles. Before the team battle starts, we must ensure the development of double C."

Hongmi looked at Xiye and said, "In the next round, I'll choose Kassadin for you. Are you confident?"

(End of this chapter)

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