LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 150 Comprehensive suppression, 2 to 0!

Chapter 150 Comprehensive suppression, two to zero!

WE's rapid growth this season is due to Xiye's contribution in addition to the existence of Shang Shanlegge, the number one domestic top laner.

Whether it's Kassadin or the Desert Emperor, Xiye can play his best role when he gets the C position of this late-stage big core.

Especially in the regular season, when Xiye faced Wei Shen, the former No. [-] domestic mid laner, Kassadin made six ins and outs in team battles, causing the old godfather to be defeated in team battles.

Hongmi is also a coach who can fully display the strength of the players. Since he chooses to trust Xiye's Kassadin, he dares to start BP around the mid laner.

After the BP was done, Hongmi kneaded Xiye's shoulder as usual.

"In this round, you only need to develop, and leave the rest to your teammates."

Xiye smiled confidently as a teenager.

Blue side WE: top lane crocodile, wild wine barrel, mid lane Kassadin, bottom lane female policewoman + bull head.

Red side EDG: top lane Prince Demacia, fight wild boar girl, mid lane enchantress, bottom lane Lucian + Bron.

In order to ensure that Kassadin can usher in the later stage, Redmi even chose a crocodile for the leg brother against the version.

In the [-] version, the damage values ​​of Crocodile's Q skill [Tyrant Bash] and W skill [Relentless Hunting] have been slightly weakened.

But even so, the crocodile is still a hero with strong online suppression.

Redmi chose the crocodile in order to ensure that the pioneers in the early stage would not fall too fast.

Or relying on the strength of the alligator online, it is best to let the barrel get the canyon pioneer.

As long as the canyon vanguard does not drop, then the first tower in the middle will not be in a situation where it will be pushed away soon, which means that Kassadin's development can be extended.

But what EDG wants is to get Canyon Herald in [-] minutes to speed up the pace of the game.

Taking advantage of a wave of princes being beaten home by the crocodile, EDG chose to change lanes, switching Lucian and Bron to the top lane, while Zhumei began to control the Canyon Pioneer.

WE didn't expect EDG to move so fast, and could only watch the Canyon Pioneer being taken into hands.

Off the field, Hongmi blinked very quickly, and the crocodile did not produce the desired result.

And after EDG got the canyon pioneer, they immediately assembled towards the middle.

The Canyon Herald knocked down more than half of the health of the first tower in the middle, and Lucian and Bron began to stand in the middle.

In the [-]-minute game time on both sides, no kills broke out, but EDG's offensive rhythm was surprisingly smooth.

Whether it's Xiaolong or Canyon Pioneer, even the timing of the Pioneer's release is perfect.

For EDG, as long as they can suppress Kassadin's development, then their offense is useful.

Of course, for WE, their purpose is to delay the development of Kassadin.

During this process, the development of the crocodile is also extremely important. He represents the key point of whether WE can withstand the positive pressure of EDG in the early stage.

Before the three-piece policewoman suit is made, the damage will not be much lower than that of Lucian, but EDG has Bron.

As long as Braum puts a passive on one of WE's crispy skins, Lucian's silky set of skills can trigger the stun.

This is a key point buried by Abramovich in BP.

In the early stage, there is no need for Lucian and the policewoman to fight for damage, it is necessary for Lucian to be able to quickly play control to keep people, and be able to let the enchantress pick up the head.

EDG proceeded steadily according to this rhythm.

First, he caught a wine barrel in the river in the lower half of the wild area. After Lucian crippled it, he took the initiative to give the head to the enchantress.

After the policewoman and the bull head came to support, Lucian did not choose to retreat. The baptism of the holy gun dealt the first round of damage, and then kept the policewoman with her body as if she was alive to death. After the damage was full, she gave the head to the demon Ji.

The enchantress, who had only developed soldiers, took off at once. When she returned home, she took all the money for the Hextech gun, and even bought a hand of the Demon Codex.

Miller didn't expect the change to come so quickly. EDG's offensive rhythm was smooth, but the economic gap did not widen.

But after this wave, not to mention that the overall economic gap has widened by [-], and even the economy is given to the enchantress that EDG most wants to give.

Once the Enchantress takes off economically, even if the crocodile in the early stage can resist the damage, so what, EDG can directly destroy WE's back row.

In addition to the existence of the variable Enchantress, Lucian in the middle station line also caused a headache for the WE Five.

Come up with a set of fierce skills at every turn, the policewoman can use her hands to deal a wave of damage, but Lucian turned around and left after finishing the set.

Relying on the movement speed bonus brought by the penetrating holy light, it is really difficult for the policewoman to chase forward.

On the other hand, those who can catch up but can't catch up, Braum behind Lucian makes people feel frightened.

And when the second little dragon spawned, Lucian performed a wave of disappearing blood bars.

Miller interpreted it according to the playback given by the director.

"Bron deliberately sold a position where he was going to do an eye, just to make the policewoman relax her vigilance."

"When the female policeman wanted to eat the line, Bron stepped forward and went to Lucian's side. Bitter Winter gave the female policeman a passive, and Lucian directly dealt full damage."

"It can only be said that the cooperation between Zijian and Tianye is really tacit. The moment the policewoman approached, they understood everything."

"Maybe it's because Yao Ji played too well in this round. We all forgot what kind of existence Zijian's top laner Lu Xi'an used to be, and there was a wave of disappearing blood bars every now and then."

"Mainly from the regular season, we can clearly see that the EDG bottom lane duo has indeed played out their effect of one plus one greater than two."

"The game has progressed so far. It can be seen that WE's defense in the early stage is not smooth. Don't look at the economy is only [-] behind, but their rhythm is a little bit broken."

In this case, WE's second earth dragon has no power to compete.

When WE lost a water dragon and an earth dragon in a row, the third small dragon became a resource that they could not let go.

The rhythm of EDG is steady. If the first two dragons are in hand, WE will have to fight the third dragon.

The third dragon refresh time point is 25 minutes.

At 25 minutes, it is impossible for Kassadin to develop to the sixteenth level.

It may be the most sensible choice for WE to let go of the third dragon and wait for Kassadin's sixteenth level, but they don't want to do this.

When the third dragon was refreshed, WE also found an opportunity.

The wine barrel's ultimate move predicted the location where the Demon Fairy's avatar would go back, and directly blasted her into the crowd.

Then there is the control of the connection of the bull's head. Fortunately, the enchantress has a hand of mercury shoes, and she did not lose her head with a high bounty.

However, a demon girl with residual blood can only wait and see for the follow-up dragon team battle.

EDG's only hope for team battles is one person.

ADC, Lucian!

"The prince rushed into WE's head first, followed by Braum's entry. EDG's team battle started very well."

I remember shouting immediately: "Lu Xian entered the field, E dot Q dot W dot, and directly turned Kassadin into residual blood."

"The baptism of the holy gun started, and the silver light bullet hit Kassadin's body. Xiye quickly surrendered the void walk and ran for his life."

"Shangbo Catcher WE uses too many skills. They don't have the control of the barrel to limit Lucian in the back row."

"The output of Lucian in the three-piece suit is not much worse than that of the enchantress, especially when dealing with the front row, the crocodile can't resist Lucian's frontal output at all."

"The crocodile failed to bite Lucian before it died."

At the river, Lucian in Cui Zijian's hands seemed to have evolved into a god of death.

Without the output of the enchantress in the middle, he took over the important task of all output in the next team battle.

Countless skills were vented on his face, but they were not enough to take his life.

One shot after another was aimed at the body of the barrel, and the ADCs on both sides were dealing with the opponent's front row.

In terms of efficiency, Lucian is obviously faster than the policewoman.

In order to bring Kassadin to level [-] as soon as possible, WE needs to sacrifice part of its resources.

Lucian has a three-piece suit, and the policewoman only has two and a half pieces.

Xiye looked at the flying Lucian on the screen, and he manipulated Kassadin to lean against the edge of the wall.

This is a position that will not give EDG any vision. As long as he walks in the void and sits on Lucian's body, it is enough to be replaced.

EDG has output besides Lucian, the prince has been sent back to the spring by the policewoman, and the output of Bron and Pig Girl is so low that they can be kited by the policewoman until they die.

Xiye calculated Lucian's position, and pressed the R button with his finger.

Just when Kassadin was reading his ultimate move, Lucian seemed to have expected his appearance.

"Flash! Lucian handed over the flash to evade the fatal blow, then turned around and took Kassadin's head with a general attack."

"Wow, Xiye messed up this wave."

"However, Kassadin's position just now must not have EDG's vision. Lucian really predicted it."

"Without killing Lucian, WE will be completely defeated in the next team battle."

As Miller said, once Kassadin dies, no one can limit Lucian's output.

Lucian cut off half of the blood of the policewoman who lost the protection of the front row with two shots.

EDG won the team battle back at the cost of three for four.

This wave of team battles was extremely tragic for both sides.

After Lucian dealt with the team battle, he went back to the city directly, and the rest was handed over to the enchantress who had just completed her condition.

Enchantress disposes of the field of vision in the lower half of WE's wild area.

Even if the last wave of small dragons ended, EDG did not move the small dragons, but WE looked at the darkness in the second half of the jungle, and had no idea of ​​​​playing a second wave of small dragons.

There is no need for WE to take the risk of a seductress hiding in a place without vision, or a seductress whose development exceeds the timeline.

WE uses the third small dragon to replace the vision of the big dragon, but this vision only exists for about 1 minute.

After EDG finished beating Xiaolong, Bron followed his teammates and quickly seized the vision back.

At this time, WE's Kassadin is at level [-], but a level [-] Kassadin does not mean that the opponent's base will explode.

In order to make up for the team's lack of output, Xiye also chose to make a big hat in the third item. Unfortunately, it is no longer the time to use output to make up for the disadvantage.

EDG's three big front row, Bron and Zhumei don't even need to rush forward to form a group.

The important task of starting the regiment only needs to be handed over to the prince, and the support only needs to be around Lucian to provide the ultimate protection.

Perhaps for EDG, they don't need to start a team at all.

Enchantress can steal half blood from the crocodile in the front row with one set of output. If the policewoman makes a mistake in positioning, then his fragile body will be crippled by one set.

Before the dragon team battle started, Yao Ji was doing his pre-team battle attrition.

Lucian followed closely behind, hitting the crocodile with physical damage and magic damage one after another.

Brother Leg was really taken aback, he didn't expect the opponent's output to be so high.

Without the slightest hesitation, brother leg directly opened the big move.

Before the team battle started, the crocodile had no big move.

Hongmi rubbed his temples, he no longer needed to watch the next team battle.

Even if Xiye staged another miraculous team battle with six ins and six outs, his teammates couldn't resist EDG's frontal damage at all.

The bullet screens in the major live broadcast rooms also began to brush up.

[Three to zero!Beat him three to zero! 】

[Before the season, I said that EDG's staffing is a bit strong, but I didn't expect it to be so strong! 】

[Brother Jian, I'm crying to death, no matter where he is, he is turning the tide and helping the building to collapse! 】

【The top laner Lucian can kill the entire field, wouldn't it be a massacre for the ADC Lu Xian with auxiliary protection? 】

[Li Ruican is numb. He was the Mvp in the early stage, and he said goodbye to the Mvp with a small mistake. 】

[Why didn't Qijiang make an appearance?Qijiang is studying Msi's opponents off the court! 】

[Qijiang shut down the live broadcast room, hurry up and continue to study Msi's opponent. 】

Two to zero?

My brother-in-law watched dejectedly as the five of EDG pushed down their main base, feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart.

He did everything an ADC should do in this game, but the kid on the other side seemed to be doing it better than him.

On the panel after the game, Lucian's output of [-] was particularly conspicuous, a lot ahead of the opposing policewoman.

The game lasted only 10 minutes, which is considered to be a relatively slow game based on the average duration of this season.

It is precisely such a short game time, and the output of Lucian can't help but make people wonder, where did this guy's output come from.

Judging from the number of heads, Lucian did not have as many heads as the enchantress.

But if you look at assists, then the answer is clear.

The few heads of Enchantress in the early stage were all related to Lucian, and even a few of them were deliberately given up.

If it weren't for the few kills in the early stage, EDG's early lineup would not have been so smooth.

In the competition studio, the smiling face was a bit ugly.

"WE played too hastily in these two rounds. I think as long as the players relax their mentality, it is still possible for the second to chase the third."

Long Hair: "Yes, after EDG got an offensive lineup, it can be seen that WE's defense is a bit rough. Next, we need to see their next adjustment status."

Smiling and nodding slightly, he said, "At this time, it depends on the role of the coach, so hurry up and wake up the players."

(End of this chapter)

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