LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 168 Burning flames of war, the arena between EDG and SKT

Chapter 168 Burning flames of war, the arena between EDG and SKT
The situation became subtle, and EDG once again mastered the rhythm in the early stage.

But to bring back the rhythm of the game, Flash Wolves can only rely on the bot lane duo.

Facing EDG's attack this time, Betty chose not to back down.

The youthful bloodiness was revealed at this moment, and Han Bing turned around and released the magic crystal arrow.

Snake understood, raised her shield and jumped to Han Bing's side, trying to fight back.

But after all, the output of three people is much higher than that of two people.

When Bron's shield is put down, Ice is still the output to eat Jhin.

And Karma's chains imprisoned the ice in place, and now it is impossible to retreat.

Jhin's dancing grenade took Frost's head lightly, and Braum lost the AD output in the back row, so he could only surrender the flash and retreat.

The conflict in the bottom lane only broke out with one head, which is obviously within the acceptable range of the Flash Wolves.

The moment Zhumei showed her head, the blind monk came to the middle.

When Clockwork was forced to flash by Galio at the beginning, this time he faced the Gank of the blind monk, and he was not able to escape.

After killing Clockwork in the middle, the blind monk resolutely launched an attack on Zhumei's upper half wild area.

Casa has already finished planning the wild area and catching people.

After cleaning up the first half of Zhumei's wild area, he came to the top road again.

The blind monk planted a real eye in the triangle grass, and after making sure that Gnar hadn't noticed his movements, he quietly waited behind the wall for the last trace of anger from the giant Gnar to disappear.

The frankness of the small Gnar is obviously much weaker than that of the giant Gnar. The blind monk cooperates with Ike's set of combos to open up the rhythm on the road.

At this time, the head ratio came to five to four, and the Flash Wolves won the most dominant round since these three rounds.

From the perspective of the economic panel, the economic gap between the two sides has not widened.

But at this time, the blind monk has a kill and an assist, and he has mastered the wandering rhythm for the next 10 minutes.

Faced with such a developed blind monk, Zhu Mei had no choice but to turn around and run away whenever there was a collision in the wild.

Xiaotian had to re-plan the wild area, or wait for the dragon's rhythm, and fight a wave of team battles to wipe out the blind monk's advantage.

The second refresh is the wind dragon, and Casa did not hesitate at all. He chose to give up Xiaolong to take the canyon vanguard in the two neutral resources in the early stage.

With the canyon pioneer in hand, EDG failed to erase the advantage of the blind monk, and the lightning wolf still controlled the early offensive rhythm.

The Lms audience clenched their hands into fists. After three games, they finally mastered the early attack rhythm in one game.

This is too easy!
In the first two rounds, the Flash Wolves were always in the rhythm of defending against EDG's attack. This kind of match made the Lms audience very depressed.

The blind monk with the Canyon Herald, he is looking for a perfect Gank, while killing people, he can use the Canyon Herald to knock down a tower.

Gnar's flash on the road is already good, and after Ike's level rises, he is no longer under the suppression of being pushed.

The defensive tower in the middle is obviously the best solution, but the risk of killing people with Galio is still too high.

In case there is a pig girl behind him, the clockwork at this time is not as good as the third-level clockwork at the beginning. After he made the ghost book, he has already suffered a certain amount of damage.

After struggling for a long time, Casa chose to set his sights on EDG's bottom lane.

"Galio pushes the lane depending on the situation. This time, we will completely open the door for their bottom lane."

Casa said angrily: "I don't believe it anymore, their EDG bottom lane can still be a steel plate."

The disappearing Galio, the blind monk without vision, and even Ice and Braum are no longer huddled behind the line of soldiers.

This series of situations aroused Cui Zijian's vigilance.

Cui Zijian: "They didn't even take part in the show."

"Let's use the big move to clear the line, and let the clockwork go on the road to help the pig girl get rid of Ike."

"we can only do this."

Jhin retreated, and the perfect barrage opened.

A blazing round fired from the barrel, and Braum jumped in front of the ice, holding his shield up.

Jhin's second bullet was delayed until Braum's shield fell.

"Oops, they want to clear the line with an ult."

"Bron pushed forward, we can't let them deal with the line of soldiers like this." Casa said eagerly.

When Braum moved forward, Jhin's second bullet came towards the line of soldiers with tail flames.

Without the slightest hesitation, Snake manipulated Bron to block the bullet with his body.

Do you want to block the third shot?
Brown's next move gave the answer.

The third bullet cut Braum's blood line to half blood, but fortunately they had already transported the line of soldiers into the defense tower.

But the four-pack two on the bottom road had just begun, and bad news came on the top road.

Ike is dead!

This bad news accelerated the rhythm of the Lightning Wolves' four packs and two packs, and their offensive rhythm must be accelerated!
They have canyon pioneers, and there are four people in the bottom lane, and they have an absolute advantage in competing for a tower economy.

"I can't resist anymore, Braum needs to maintain his state to fight the next control."

"I know."

Snake's gaze was fixed on the screen, and a bad thought suddenly rose in his heart.

Jhin's next bullet might not be aimed at the pawn line. Even if the fourth bullet has a damage bonus, it is not enough to deal with the entire pawn line.

So who will Jhin's next target be?

It can only be his own half-blood Bron.

The dim yellow bullet tail flame turned red, and the scorching temperature seemed to penetrate people.

And this bullet that wanted to penetrate people, his target was Bron.

Snake clicked the mouse back and forth to move, but he never expected that Jhin would prevent the lotus trap in front of his defense tower.

With a deceleration of 30.00% five, Bron could only watch the bullet hit his body, and the damage value of 280 three jumped above his head.

"Should Lightning Wolves go up again? Braum chose to flash and use his life to start the team battle. Galio's ultimate move appeared in EDG's bottom lane defense tower."

"Karma gave Jhin an enhanced version of encouragement, and Jhin's fourth bullet came out of his hand. This movement speed is really too fast."

"After landing, Galio began to charge up and taunt, and the Lightning Wolf chose to pour the first round of damage on Karma who was knocked into the air."

"Fatal Cascade appeared under Galio's support. Galio, who was charging at the moment, moved too slowly, and his charge was interrupted by the control of Fatal Cascade!"

"Counterattack, the EDG bot lane duo must counterattack around the defensive tower!"

The char siu off the court closed his eyes, he was afraid to look at the next game screen.

The voices of the players kept ringing in the lounge. From their communication, Char Siu could judge the current progress of the game.

Braum was killed in battle, and Galio was not spared either. The blind monk touched his eyes and flashed for his life.

And the fragile ice became the target of the EDG duo.

Lightning Wolves, the rhythm exploded!

Casa didn't know how the game ended, he leaned weakly on the chair, the cheers in his ears seemed to be a fool to the loser.

At this moment, on the EDG match table, the players embraced together.

Three to zero!
They won the semi-finals with an absolute score.

What awaits them next is the finals the day after tomorrow.

Still at the Rio Olympic Stadium, maybe the world will witness an absolute king who reigns over the Msi champion, or they will witness another new king ascend the throne.

But all of this is something later, because at this moment EDG and their opponents in the finals have not yet appeared.

Cui Zijian looked back at the trophy in the middle of the field, which he brought to Brazil across the Pacific Ocean with the club.

That trophy has been on display at the EDG club for two years, and he has no reason to lose it in Brazil.

The winner continues the next journey until he wins the final championship.

The loser can only leave and return to the place where they came half a month ago.

It was difficult for Casa to accept his defeat. After shaking hands, he sat on the bench and calmed down for a long time.

The gap between the LMS and the LPL is really too big. Perhaps the important task of revitalizing the LMS cannot be revitalized by one player at all.

Or maybe one player is enough to revitalize a competition area, but he is not qualified enough.

Kasa looked at the man's back. He made his debut in the upper unit and saved a division that was also dominated by the LCK.

At this time, he brought EDG to the finals again as an ADC. Perhaps only such a player can bring a division to the top of the mountain.

Rio de Janeiro is brightly lit at night, and the Flash Wolves will take advantage of the night scene to bid farewell to the Brazilian city.

The people pulling the suitcases, they came with a suitcase and left with another suitcase just like a month ago.

It seems that nothing is left, and it seems that something is left behind.

On May 21, the second round of semi-finals started.

Standing in the middle of the arena, Faker waited with bated breath for the host's introduction.

The cheers at the scene were loud, but for the big devil last year, the cheers were still too small.

In the past, as long as there was a stadium where he stopped, it would be the cheers of the entire venue.

In the 2014 All-Star, Faker vaguely remembers the scene of the audience singing birthday song for him.

In three years, he seemed to have some prestige in this arena, but his throne was already crumbling.

Standing in front of them today is the European powerhouse G2, but Faker knows in his heart that only by defeating this European powerhouse can they get the ticket to challenge last year's king.

Amidst the cheers, the game officially started.

The two sides played against each other for several rounds, and Ah P knew that he would not be able to compete with the old devil king in any way online.

But this last European French king also has his pride.

Syndra, the mid laner most representative of mages, was put on the stage again by Ah P.

It's a pity that G2's mid laner resisted the frontal pressure of the big devil this time, but they forgot that SKT still has a wild king.

Or there is also a swift and fierce little tiger.

The European French King defended against the attack of the Great Demon King, but fell under the claws of the little tiger time and time again.

In the first game of Bo5, SKT successfully won.

In the second round of the game, when Ah P took out the Voidwalker first, Duuma handed over the heavy responsibility of AP damage to the jungler.

And their mid laner, the big devil, will use a Lucian to completely defeat the early stage of Voidwalker.

"He won't have level [-], even if he does, it's a level [-] that doesn't hurt." Faker said confidently.

This time in the middle lane, Trick came earlier in the jungle.

The big devil didn't choose to retreat, he wanted to practice the tolerance of buckling the horse before the game.

Thinking about Kassadin's blood line in his heart, Lucian directly flashed forward.

Under the two displacements, Lucian's gun barrel seemed to be stuffed into Kassadin's mouth.

The thick white bullets hit Kassadin's body one by one, and finally hung up and ignited gracefully.

Trick catches up to Lucian in a flash line and hits a fatal blow, but the teammates behind him are already down.

This is Lucian's first head, but it won't be the last.

After updating the equipment, Kassadin's last knife is extremely tormented even when he is out of armor.

G2 put the pressure of the late stage on Kassadin, he is the only position that cannot collapse.

The assistant Nami and the jungler prince frequently came to help Kassadin push the line, but the Paladin on the opposite side had only one goal in his eyes.

"Damn it, I forgot that he still has the Biljivor machete." Ah P said angrily.

Teammates came more and more times, but Kassadin's data did not improve.

In just 10 minutes, Kassadin's record has reached 0/2/2.

Not a single kill, just two pathetic assists.

What makes Ah P the most unacceptable is that his level has fallen behind Lucian.

This backwardness meant that Kassadin would never raise his head again.

The EDG players are in the waiting room, watching the game against their opponents tomorrow.

"The buckle is really cunning, and it is still hiding things. SKT is purely using its personal strength to control the rhythm of the game." Cui Zijian said indignantly.

Abu patted Cui Zijian on the shoulder, and said, "They are hiding things, and we are not playing tricks."

"But the Flash Wolves put a lot of pressure on us."

"It's okay, isn't our staffing on the Internet called the Galaxy Battleship? Everyone just needs to show their personal strength. I have coached EDG for so many years, but there has never been a year where the staff lineup is as stable as this year."

"Hahaha, the main thing is that you don't have to worry about getting on the road."

Abramovich nodded and said, "Indeed, so in tomorrow's game, you, Smeb, are the key to our team's victory."

Smeb's eyes became brighter. He finally ushered in the opportunity to play against SKT in the World Championship. This time he was very excited.

"Don't worry, leave the top road of EDG to me, and I will be like the top road of EDG last year."

Cui Zijian: "It is necessary for the blue to be better than the blue."

On the big screen of the game, G2 finally ushered in Kassadin's sixteenth level.

But compared to the game situation, the arrival of the sixteenth level is better than nothing.

The economic pressure of [-], the huge level of Lucian's [-]th level.

How does G2 defend SKT's next big dragon rhythm.

The base was flattened, and the European tycoons, like the Flash Wolves yesterday, seemed to face the fate of being zero seals.

In the third game, G2 had a very good rhythm in the early stage. With the linkage between the middle and the wild, they could get the resources they wanted every time.

However, this advantage did not translate into a victory. SKT successfully slowed down the rhythm of G2's attack in the mid-term.

In the later stage, the operation of the jungler Trick has been completely deformed. In the 10 minutes of the ancient dragon team battle, his punishment fell too slowly.

SKT was suppressed for an entire round, and five heroes were put on golden armor. This was a wave of them blowing the horn of counterattack.

"Ah P also arrived in the end. It's really hard to imagine that G2 was finally overthrown by SKT despite leading the economy by [-]."

"SKT also showed the resilience of their team. They proved to the world that that incredible team has come back."

"Tomorrow at one o'clock in the afternoon, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil will have a lively day for him."

"After half a year, EDG and SKT meet again. This time it will be the stage of the finals. Whether SKT will defeat EDG's dominance in Msi, or EDG will continue their kingship in Msi."

"let us wait and see!"

(End of this chapter)

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