LOL: This man is too reckless

Chapter 169 The Third Encounter in Three Years

Chapter 169 The Third Encounter in Three Years

Rio de Janeiro.

The weather was still 26 degrees yesterday, and the rainy night washed away the heat.

The willow leaves dripped with raindrops, hitting the small puddles in the street, causing faint ripples.

At the Olympic Stadium, the sea breeze blows away the humid air, and everything becomes clearer.

Outside the venue, the screams of the audience inside the venue, as well as the host's passion to drive emotions could be clearly heard.

"Friends in the audience, this is the Rio Olympic Stadium, and it is now two o'clock local time."

"One hour later, we will stage the final of this year's Msi in this venue."

"Ladies and gentlemen, please let me see your excited hands."

The lights of the venue were turned off in an instant, and after a burst of metal music, the lights hit the center of the venue.

The big screen above the host's head began to play the promotional video of the finals, and the background music also ignited the atmosphere of the scene again.

SKT's bright red uniforms were walking on the streets of Brazil, and Wolf's ID suddenly appeared on the screen.

At this time, the background sound sounded, it was the sound of SKT winning the championship at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles and the Mercedes Benz Stadium in Berlin, Germany.

The wolf king turned his head to stare at the camera, and the camera image swept across the members of SKT one by one.

As the last shot, Faker looks at everything with the posture of a demon king.

As soon as the screen changed, the voice changed to Miller's commentary at the Staples Arena in Los Angeles last year.

The champion LPL has been waiting for a long time, and Miller's voice is uncontrollable excitement.

In the picture, Tian Ye moves forward in his pocket, and he joins his teammates.

Among the starting members of EDG, Tian Ye is the only experience in Tallahassee.

In the three years of EDG, there have been ups and downs, and the players have alternated round after round.

This time it's the brand new EDG personnel who once again stood on the stage of the Msi finals.

Like the previous two sessions, their opponent is still Lck's SKT.

The camera shot across the members of EDG one by one.

Smeb is the tiger that the Tigers left behind, and he has gone too long to prove himself on the world stage.

You know, in last year's World Championship promotional video, he and Cui Zijian were the finale appearances.

Even with Faker's two-time title, he is still unable to overwhelm Smeb and Cui Zijian.

Now, the two from last year's Worlds promo have come together to take down SKT.

The camera swept across Cui Zijian, and the silence of the scene was broken in an instant.

Countless spectators waved their black team flags.

"Last year at the Staples Arena, they swept Samsung with an absolute advantage. As a veteran team, they waited too long for that championship. Perhaps in the global finals, EDG only won the Summoner Trophy once. But in Msi, they are absolute kings."

"From Tallahassee to the Shanghai Oriental Stadium, and then to today's Rio de Janeiro, they have been on this road for three years, but they have won two championships in three years. Today, we may witness a three-year victory over MSI. Team of Champions!"

"Now I announce that the third MSI finals are officially underway. Let us invite the EDG team."

"Top order, Smeb!"

"Jungle: Tian!"

"Mid laner: Scout!"

"Bottom lane: C~zijian!!!"

The camera stayed in front of Cui Zijian for a long time, and at this moment, bullet screens flew frequently in the live broadcast rooms of the competition all over the world.

At the scene, the auditorium was completely set on fire.

They believe that even if EDG failed to win the game today, this man is still the hero of LPL.

From the group stage to the semifinals, Cui Zijian was the only heart of EDG.

EDG can fall into a disadvantage, but as long as their bot lane is not at a disadvantage, there is still a possibility of a comeback.

Last year's Cui Zijian in the top unit made the audience feel fresh and new. They couldn't imagine that someone would dare to come up with a top laner like Ruiwen Jianji in the version of the Three Imaginary Gods.

This year's ADC position, Cui Zijian, still shows his daring personality. Whether it is a functional AD or a late-stage big-core AD, his hero pool is flawless.

Even if the ban position of S7 has become ten ban positions, Cui Zijian's AD ban is endless.

After the camera swept across the field, it finally stopped on the substitute Qijiang.

Even as a substitute, Qijiang's enthusiasm is not low.

As a former world-class jungler, his popularity in Brazil is not low.

It is true that there are professional players like Revolta, but there are also many free players who regard it as a benchmark for junglers.

Although Qijiang's operation is not that perfect, but his overall coordination in the jungle position can be said to be world-class.

"The next thing we invite is the SKT team!"

"If there is an absolute king in the League of Legends game, it will definitely be SKT. They have created the myth of two global finals champions in the past four years."

"Today's opponent is EDG. They have already defeated them twice in the Msi finals. I believe that this time they will never let the championship miss them again."

EDG is an emerging king, and their number of fans in Brazil is obviously not as good as that of the old king SKT.

When the camera swept across the SKT players one by one, the cheers were louder and louder.

Especially when the camera was on the big devil, the whole venue became a vast ocean.

The League of Legends game is in the competition, as long as no one can match the height of SKT's two Summoner trophies, it is impossible for someone comparable to Faker to appear.

Even though Cui Zijian's performance in the global finals last season surprised everyone, but if he competes for honors, what he lacks is a summoner trophy.

Although Msi is also a world-class event, the gold content of the championship cannot be compared with the summoner trophy.

"Now, let our two kings return to their positions."

"I announce that the third mid-season championship finals have officially begun!"

The drums sounded, and amidst the applause from the audience, the lights of the entire venue hit the center of the stage.

The commentary seats of the five competition areas started their work.

LPL's game live broadcast room will send the game screen to the on-site BP.

This time Msi's commentary lineup is also quite luxurious. In addition to the professional commentary of the Haier brothers, they also invited Smile to the studio.

"Friends in the audience, EDG's third match in the MSI finals has finally begun, and their opponent is still the old enemy SKT."

Miller continued: "It's still two o'clock in the afternoon in Brazil time, but it's already three o'clock in the morning in China. I believe that even at this point in time, there will still be many people guarding the screen."

The baby said with an active atmosphere: "Hahaha, young people nowadays are all night owls. Last time I received a private message from a fan on Weibo, let alone three o'clock in the morning, they can go to bed at five o'clock in the morning and catch up with eight o'clock in the morning." first class."

"In today's exciting time, there must be many fans like us who can't sleep even in bed."

"Today's first game of Bo5, EDG is on the blue side and SKT is on the red side."

"EDG suppressed the male gun, ice girl and Gnar one after another, while SKT focused on the bottom lane. They sent Hanbing, Thresh and Karma to the Ban position."

"Wow, the coach of the deduction horse really started with a knife in the bottom lane, mainly because from the perspective of the group stage, EDG's online suppression is too strong."

"We always think that support is a position mixed with ADC, but Tianye has only supported two players since his debut in S5, one is Deft, and the other is Zijian who is at the game today."

"Whether it's Deft or Zijian, EDG's bot lane suppression is always second to none in our division. We can say that these two ADC players are very strong, but we can't deny the credit for Tianye."

The first round of selection came to the EDG side, and Abramovich locked the female police officer without any hesitation.

This choice completely excited Miller.

Now taking the policewoman is to lay down the rhythm of pushing towers, and this is exactly EDG's favorite rhythm.

You must know that Cui Zijian's female policeman has a record of seven wins and one loss in the LPL league. The only loss was when Tsar Xiye defended the base, dragging the game until the mouse's equipment formation period.

Now Abu throws the question to Kouma, there is still Lulu outside, do you want to take it or not?

If you take it, you have to play the bot lane rhythm, in other words, you have to head-to-head with EDG's bot lane duo.

Kouma naturally understood EDG's next choice, and he didn't want to take Lulu.

"How about Titan? We can play the first dragon early game, but we can roam around the Titan to take the Vanguard."

Wolf thought for a while and said: "Then I have to get a functional ADC for Junzhi. I definitely have no objection. After all, my hook is a killer weapon."

As one of the few hook heroes in the league, Titan's deterrent effect on soft assistants is self-evident.

At least even if there is an early collision with EDG's bottom duo, SKT's bottom duo will not be helpless.

Besides, even if Cui Zijian and Tianye's online suppression is strong, Kouma doesn't think the combination of his Bang and Wolf is weak.

If you have to choose between the two types of ADCs Cui Zijian and Pei Junzhi, Kouma will definitely choose Pei Junzhi without hesitation.

There is no other reason. Under his training, SKT is a fighting machine, and every part of this machine must revolve around the entire core.

After the combination of Jhin and Titan was locked in, EDG did not hesitate in the second move. Facing the challenge from the bottom lane posed by the buckle horse, they chose to take out Lulu to face it.

But before the battle, they wanted to snatch Peanut's Olaf.

Looking at EDG's third choice, Peanut hurriedly said, "Their Olaf is not necessarily a jungler. Brother Jing Hao's top laner Olaf also has something to say."

Kou Ma looked at Olaf of EDG worriedly, and said after thinking for a while.

"Whether they are jungler Olaf or top laner Olaf, their choice of this move is aimed at you."

Peanut's Olaf has been known as the best in Hanbok since before his debut.

In the face of EDG's early stage, it is necessary to keep the female policeman's style of play, and it is always a worry that Olaf will fall into the hands of SKT.

As Kouma expected, Abramovich's choice was just a substitute for ban.

As for whether to play top laner or jungler, that's all to see later.

In other words, can't Olaf play the mid laner?
This is Abramovich's absolute confidence in the hero pool of the players, which makes him very easy to be a BP.

"Take the blind monk, we can't watch the mid-term policewoman speaking unscrupulously behind his teammates."

Little Peanut muttered to himself, "Blind monk?"

He unconsciously remembered last year's World Championship. At that time, he was still in the Tigers and played a whole Bo5 with EDG.

After half a year, in the eyes of the audience, the Bo5 that was fully played is doomed to who will be able to win the Summoner Trophy.

And in that BO5, Qijiang's Olaf was brutally educated by the blind monk Peanut.

The most helpless thing is that Olaf was educated by the blind monk, and the blind monk in the next game was also educated by forehand and backhand.

Facing EDG again, Little Peanut moved his wrist.

Sitting next to him was his most respected and beloved brother in the professional arena, but he didn't intend to show mercy.

"Blind Monk, SKT is locked!" Miller said excitedly: "Last year's factory manager was educated by Little Peanut. Let's see if Xiaotian can get revenge today."

The second round of bans begins.

EDG this time revolved around SKT's most critical mid lane, and Snake Girl and Ryze were all crushed to death.

As for the top laner that SKT has not yet selected, Abramovich chooses to believe in Smeb's personal strength.

If the top laner is Smeb, what if the opponent is Huni?

SKT gave the remaining two ban positions to Tsar and Kennen respectively.

The buckle doesn't want to give EDG the guarantee of the czar in the later stage. As for Kenan, it's easier. EDG's ability to snowball in the mid-term is not a joke.

"Rambo! If Huni wants to challenge Smeb head-on, it depends on what choice EDG will make for their top laner."

"My God, is EDG's BP going to let go of himself? Jess plays Rambo, and he has an advantage online, but SKT wants to focus on the upper half of the jungle."

"That is to say, the blind monk will stay on the road for a long time. If Jess is caught, the rhythm will collapse."

Abramovich doesn't know whether it will collapse or not, he only knows that his BP has reached the last option.

He stared slightly at the screen in the field, pointing his finger at a fat figure.

"If you pay the bill, I'll come."

Single wine barrel in AP, playing is to resist pressure.

If you want to give the mid laner the Big Devil the Counter position, I can't stop you, but I have an AP wine barrel in my hand, so it is absolutely stable against pressure.

As for the push in the middle lane, he chose to believe that the policewoman could push down SKT's bottom lane tower 8 minutes ago, and then came to the middle lane to occupy the line.

If other coaches played against SKT, they would definitely not dare to play like this.

In case there is no advantage in the bottom lane, who will limit Faker's roaming in the middle lane?
"If their blind monks live in the upper half of the wild, then Olaf should not be idle, and let me kill their bottom lane!"

Xiao Tian made an OK gesture and said, "They SKT's bot lane tower, don't even think about making it past 8 minutes."

"Ten eight minutes? What I want is for them to collapse for me in fifteen minutes."

Xiaotian said that this sentence was said by Cui Zijian. If the player's communication voice spreads, netizens should not surround him and go wild.

With the last hand of the buckle horse locked, the BP of both sides was officially determined.

Blue side EDG: top laner Jess, jungler Olaf, mid laner Keg, bottom laner policewoman + Lulu.

Red side SKT: top laner Rambo, jungler Lee Sin, mid laner Clockwork, bottom laner Jhin + Titan.

(End of this chapter)

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