Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 106 Varys: Conspiracy

Chapter 106 Varys: Conspiracy

"Your expression says you're worried right now," Daenerys said.

"Is it that obvious?"

"Of course, there is no need to say much between you and me, I am very aware of your ambitions, and I have understood since I learned of your identity as the Sea Emperor.

What you are worried about now is the issue of heirs. "

Daenerys took Jack's hand and placed it gently on her stomach.

"It's twins, I can feel it, I can give you the first born child to raise, so that you don't have to worry about inheritance rights."

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly. If they were really twins and he raised the first born child for himself, it would really solve the problem.

Because Jack does not need to be a queen, the main reason for Jack to be a queen is to have a clear heir, so that the empire can be stable.

In this way, Daenerys entrusted the eldest son to her own upbringing, and Jack did not need to be a descendant, but also solved the problem of heirs.

"what do you want?"

Daenerys gave Jack a coquettish look, "I'm already pregnant with your child, why are you still so ignorant?"

"Well, since you've said that, I'll..."

"I want you to help me take back the Iron Throne, and I won't give you the valley anymore. Westeros is mine, and Essos is yours."

Seeing that Jack was really going to be rude, Dany immediately interrupted Jack's words.

Like dividing a cake, she divided the two known continents in the ice and fire world into two parts.

"I knew it." Jack didn't even have to think about what else Dany could want besides the Iron Throne.

"The Iron Throne is my life's pursuit. I am now the sole heir of the Targaryen family. I am the real dragon. I must take back everything that the Dragon family lost."

Daenerys expressed her ideals, and the Iron Throne is her lifelong pursuit.

Originally, she naively told her second brother Viserys that she just wanted to live happily.

But ever since she discovered that Viserys was not a dragon, she suddenly realized that she was the true heir to the Iron Throne.

Since then, she has taken it upon herself to reclaim the Iron Throne.

"I remember you are Rhaegar's sister, right?" Jack said suddenly.

Daenerys glanced suspiciously, "Yes, my eldest brother is Rhaegar Targaryen. It is said that he is the prince in the prophecy, but later it was said that his son is, but unfortunately his children are all dead."

Jack nodded, "He's dead, but he's not dead yet. The prophesied prince may still be alive."

In the American drama version, Jon Snow is Rhaegar's widowed son, whose real name is Aegon Targaryen.

The real Aegon Targaryen, not Aegon the Blackfyre from the Golden Company.

Aegon Targaryen of the Golden Company, or Aegon Blackfyre, is most likely the child of Illyrio and his ex-wife Sira.

In A Dance with Dragons, young Griffin appeared beautifully, and was called Aegon Targaryen, son of Rhaegar, the orthodox heir to the Iron Throne.

It is roughly the same as many speculations. According to legend, the storyline is that Varys exchanged the civet cat for the prince in the Red Castle, and smuggled the then infant Aegon out of the palace.

He was secretly brought up in Essos and given to the Griffin in exile - at Varys's suggestion.

He pretends to be dead drunk in a foreign land - Jon Connington and some other Westeros to educate.

The purpose of education is to make him a perfect heir.

It seems a very sophisticated and old-fashioned story, but there are still many loopholes.

Although there are many matching objective details, including his age and Valyrian appearance, Connington has no hard evidence that this Aegon is the other Aegon.

All he knew was what Varys had said.

Valyrian traits are not uncommon in the Free Cities, especially Lys and Volantis - these two places are mentioned many times in A Song of Ice and Fire, especially in A Dance with Dragons A large number of people with silver hair and purple eyes.

For Varys and his accomplice Illyrio Mopatis, finding such a baby, giving it to a man like Clinton eager to return to Westeros for its former glory, and making up a believable story It is not difficult.

The most interesting bit comes from the conversation between Illyrio and Tyrion.

On their way from Pentos to find Griffin and others, Illyrio revealed three important pieces of information.

1. Illyrio's obsessive love for his deceased "ex-wife", Sira of Rhys.

2. Syrah of Rhys has silver-blond hair.

3. His relationship with Varys is not simple.

This had to make Jack guess that Aegon Targaryen of the Golden Group was actually the child of Illyrio and his ex-wife Sira.

Then, with the help and planning of Varys, they prepared a real civet cat for the prince.

From protecting Daenerys siblings at the very beginning, to encouraging Viserys to sell Daenerys to the horse king, this step by step was planned by them.

As the chief intelligence officer, Varys has his little birds all over Westeros and Essos, and he is very clear about the military power of the Seven Kingdoms.

Horse King Drogo's 4 Dothraki Roaring Warriors look strong, but the Westlands alone are not enough for Horse King Drogo.

The army in the western region has excellent weapons, well-trained soldiers, and good cooperation between various arms. It is simply impossible to regain the Iron Throne with cavalry alone.

What's more, once the king of horses lands in Westeros, Westeros will definitely let go of his grievances for the time being and agree to the outside world.

That's why Varys pushed the boat along in the dark, turning a blind eye to Littlefinger's plot, and let the Seven Kingdoms be in chaos first.

When the Seven Kingdoms are almost finished fighting, and then let Viserys land in Westeros with the Dothraki, the Seven Kingdoms that will be consumed again will definitely become the last of their strength.

At that time, the Golden Group will lead the elite to land in Westeros, and together with the false identity fabricated by Aegon Targaryen, they will be able to ascend the Iron Throne and rule the Seven Kingdoms.

But a big change happened in the plan, the horse king Drogo was killed by Daenerys' kindness, and the horse king's men scattered.

Immediately before Varys and Illyrio made the next plan, Daenerys brought the ancient sky overlord who had disappeared for a hundred years back to the world without warning.

So Varys changed the plan again, and the word dragon has three heads means that the dragon has three riders.

They are going to marry Daenerys to Aegon Blackfyre. Aegon has the blood of Blackfyre, and it stands to reason that he can tame a dragon.

Then after Daenerys was pregnant and gave birth, Daenerys was poisoned to death.

This changed Aegon Blackfyre from husband to king.

But something unexpected happened to Varys again.

This accident is Jack himself. Daenerys can hatch a baby dragon, after all, she is the daughter of the mad king.

But a descendant of the Blackfyre suddenly appeared, a descendant of the Blackfyre who was born as a pirate, was able to get dragon eggs and hatch young dragons, which made Varys have to suspect that it was another unknown force's conspiracy.

(End of this chapter)

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