Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 107 Disappear or Kill?

Chapter 107 Disappear or Kill?
Jack didn't know what Varys was planning now, and he didn't care.

Maybe dragons alone can't rule the world, because dragons can also be killed by ballistas.

But Godzilla can, especially Godzilla who can start to breed offspring in 20 years.

Not to mention ballistas, even if they were given Katyusha rockets, they would not work.

Dani's complexion changed, and her tone became tense unconsciously: "What do you mean, you mean my elder brother still has a child alive?"

Daenerys looked ugly.

If her elder brother Rhaegar had any children alive, she would no longer be the only Targaryen.

He is no longer the only heir.

And whether Rhaegar's children are boys or girls, the inheritance rights must be on Daenerys' head.

"Is that child a boy or a girl?" Dany's voice was bitter.

"Boy, son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark, blood of fire and ice, union of fire and ice, prince of words."

"Besides, Illyrio has no good intentions in protecting you and Viserys."

Then Jack told Daenerys about the plans of Illyrio and Varys, and said:

"These are just my guesses. After all, I don't know much about Illyrio."

After Dani heard the news, she held her hands tightly, and her tender little fists turned white due to the force.

Fortunately, Daenerys is no longer the little girl she used to be. She holds three dragons and tens of thousands of troops.

What's more. Daenerys is not fighting alone now, she also has allies.

Jack stroked Daenerys's silver hair lightly, "Don't panic, since you are not the first in line to the Iron Throne, then you can build a Dragon Throne yourself and rebuild a Targaryen dynasty."

"Or I will go to Westeros myself, as long as Rhaegar's child is dressed in black or disappears, you will be the first heir."

"You can choose yourself. If you want the Iron Throne, make a choice, and I will help you clear the way."

Jack's words made Daenerys into a tangle.

Looking at the entangled Daenerys, Jack sighed in his heart. Daenerys, who has not yet completely blackened, can't give up the little bit of kindness in her heart.

If Jack is Daenerys, he will definitely choose to kill Jon Snow without hesitation.

What's more, Jon Snow also assassinated Daenerys who had just won the Iron Throne in the American drama. Poor Daenerys worked hard all her life, but let Bran Stark board the Iron Throne.

In the end, Daenerys' choice was not as expected by Jack.

"It's hard work for you to go there yourself, but that child is my eldest brother's heir after all, so let him go to the Great Wall to serve as the commander-in-chief of the night watchman. This arrangement is not too bad."

Jack raised his eyebrows slightly, "Have you thought about it, should you kill him, or make him the commander-in-chief of the Night Watch?"

Daenerys put a light kiss on Jack's lips, "Well, I've figured it out, Lord Commander of the Night Watch, he's my elder brother's child, I can't kill him."

Jack squeezed Dani hard, "Okay, I'll go to the north myself."

In fact, Jack is more inclined to kill Jon Snow, and erase him directly before his identity is announced.

In this case, even if people later accused Daenerys of sending someone to assassinate Jon Snow, it would not help.

Because Daenerys is the last of House Targaryen.

And Dany can say that this is Jack's unauthorized claim, and if you have any opinions, you can go to the Sea King of Atlantis to protest.

Jack actually wants Daenerys to sit on the Iron Throne, because no matter what, Daenerys is still his own child in her stomach.

In other words, as long as Daenerys is on the Iron Throne, Jack's heirs can be on the Iron Throne.

And Daenerys rubbed her ass, frowning.

No matter how soft it is, you can't use such force. What if it breaks?

"Does Volantis' fleet need my help?" Jack asked again.

Speaking of this, Daenerys suddenly remembered the legend of the sea god.

"What is that sea god?"

"Like the giant dragon, it is an ancient creature. It is a little bit stronger than the giant dragon, but it can't fly." Jack said in a half-true manner, and at the same time stretched out his thumb and index finger for a gesture.

"Then you can really breathe in water?" Daenerys' big purple eyes were full of curiosity.

"Don't you feel that there is something special about the baby in your stomach?"

Daenerys nodded slightly when she heard the words, and did not continue to discuss this topic, because the answer was already obvious.

Daenerys sighed, "After that, there is a high probability that these two children will be able to go up the volcano and go down to the sea."

"What do you think of the Volantis fleet?" Jack asked again.

"I don't need you. The Kaiser Pass has been completely controlled by us. In addition, we have killed all the sages of Meereen. If they have inexhaustible supplies, they can spend them with me on the Free Trade Coast."

When Daenerys said this, a look of satisfaction was evident on her face.

Ever since she was pregnant, she knew that the free trade coast was definitely not something that slave owners could block.

Both know each other's "darkness", so Daenerys knows Jack very well.

Although it seems inconspicuous, the bottom line and responsibility are still very high.

With Jack's joining, even if he was coerced by a child, she also believed that it was impossible for Jack to watch himself besieged by slave owners.

"Okay, if that's the case, then I'll leave today."

Jack can't wait to go to Westeros.

In American dramas, this line of Daenerys can only be regarded as a secondary line, and Westeros is the center of Game of Thrones.

He naturally wanted to meet most of the characters in the series, especially the female characters.

Judging from Daenerys' appearance, the main characters in this world are different from those in American dramas, and only the shadows of the characters in American dramas can be vaguely seen.

"Leave tomorrow, stay with me tonight." Daenerys suddenly grabbed Jack's hand.

Jack froze for a moment, and glanced at Daenerys' stomach, the meaning was self-evident.

And Daenerys didn't speak, just licked her sexy lips lightly.

Seeing this, Jack said, "Hey, the woman fooled me, so I will try my best to stay with you for another night."

Early the next morning, on Yunkai's pier, after Daenerys saw Jack off, she immediately asked her maid, Jiqi, to summon a court meeting.

Missandei wasn't with her, because Daenerys couldn't possibly convince Jack with her mouth alone.

So Missandei can only be asked to help, which has caused Missandei to not wake up until now.

And Jack drove his Neptune to Westeros.

He didn't even bring the Unsullied, he only brought nine Imperial Guards as bodyguards, and two attendants, Ellie and Jager.

Not everyone in Westeros is an enemy of the Long family, and there are many allies that can be drawn in.

(End of this chapter)

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