Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 112 You Are Not Qualified

Chapter 112 You Are Not Qualified
Shanks gave Jack a nickname, which made Arianne know a lot about Jack.

"Did you hatch your own dragon, Jack Poseidon, or did Daenerys give it to you?"

"I hatched it myself. I'm a descendant of the Blackfyre. Is that important?" Jack was puzzled.

Arianne nodded, "Of course it's very important, this determines our judgment on you."

"Do you want to see my father?" Arianne continued to ask.

Arianne has already speculated about Jack's purpose, and there is a high probability that he came to form an alliance.

It was well known that Dorne had never forgotten the death of Elia Martell.

If Daenerys wants to regain the Iron Throne, she must win allies in Westeros.

Therefore, the Martell family, which is in-laws with Aerys II, became the absolute first choice.

Originally, she was going to marry Viserys, but then Viserys died unexpectedly, and Prince Doran restored her as the heir.

The ruler of Dorne is called a prince or princess. According to the tradition of Dorne, she is the first heir of Dorne.

But before, in order to cover up the marriage with the Long family, Prince Doran found many outrageous marriage partners for Arianne, such as Old Frey.

This once made Arianne think that her father wanted to disinherit her. She also resented her father for this, and tried to seduce Renly Baratheon and Loras Tyrell.

But then Viserys died unexpectedly, and Doran told Arianne about it, and at the same time secretly began planning the wedding of Quentin Martell and Daenerys.

But Quentin Martell and Daenerys's marriage ended as soon as it started, because Daenerys now had an heir.

"I want to talk to your father about something, can you let him come out to see me?" Jack went straight to the point, he didn't want to waste time.

"I am the heir of Dorne, just tell me, I can represent my father."

"No, you cannot, as you say, you are not Princess Arianne, and I want to see Prince Doran.

This is your only chance for revenge, and I don't want you to regret missing this chance. "

Arianne's face was not very good-looking, because Doran was always looking for a marriage partner for her before, so she hated people saying that she could not represent Dorne.

Jack also realized that his words made Arianne unhappy, but Jack didn't care.

Arianne was nothing but the heir to a duke, even Prince Doran was just a duke.

And Jack is a serious emperor, one level higher than the king.

The king can only rule one kingdom, and the emperor is the title of a king after he has conquered other kingdoms and completed centralization.

Well, Jack's emperor was sealed by himself. At present, only the Free Trade Coast has recognized the legitimacy of the Atlantis Empire.

But in any case, it is impossible for Jack to directly discuss the alliance with Arianne Martell.

Arianne cannot represent Dorne, she is not qualified.

Jack was too lazy to talk nonsense, he didn't believe that Don would give up the chance of revenge that Jack mentioned.

Arianne looked at Jack who stopped talking, feeling annoyed in her heart, but Jack was actually right, she was not qualified to make decisions for Dorne yet.

"My father is inconvenient to meet outsiders. If you want to see him, you can enter Sunspear City with me. My father will receive you personally."

Jack narrowed his eyes slightly, "I'm afraid not, how do I know if you will murder me?"

Jack's words made Arianne's chest hurt with anger, and the panda was so angry that he rolled up and down.

"Hmph, if you have this attitude, then you can go, Donne will complete his own revenge."

The Dornish people's idea of ​​revenge has never been concealed, and Oberon Martell has no fear when facing Tywin Lannister.

But this doesn't mean that Jack's opportunity for revenge can make Dawn tolerate everything.

Jack smiled slightly, "Don't get excited, I'm a very timid person, just to ask, since you all said so, I am willing to enter Sunspear City, but you have to board my Neptune."

"Or you are also worried that you will be killed and refuse to board the Sea Emperor. In this way, we may not need to talk any more."

Arianne snorted coldly, and walked towards the Sea Emperor with a few guards. Jack winked at Ge, and Ge immediately arranged for the rest of the imperial guards to follow.

The weak sense of trust between the two parties was maintained by the seemingly child's play hostage exchange.

And Jack himself was holding a trident, and led by the woman beside Arianne, he walked towards the first door.

It was a beautiful girl with blond hair and blue eyes who led the way for Jack, and Jack had a guess about the girl's identity in his mind.

"Tryne Sand?"

"Huh? You know me?" Tyene was a little surprised.

Tyene Sand was the illegitimate daughter of Prince Oberyn Martell by a nun.

Tyene is rather dangerous, despite her sweet and pious demeanor.

She is beautiful, with blond hair and blue eyes.

Her knowledge of poison rivaled her father's, and it was her usual weapon.

Jack nodded, "I did some research on Dawn's situation before coming here."

Triene blinked her big blue eyes, and said in a sweet voice: "Then who is more beautiful, Arianne or I?"

"Want to hear the truth?" Jack smiled back.

"Of course, I don't like men who lie, even if they are extremely handsome."

There was a sly look in Tyene's eyes, and he felt that Jack had been mesmerized by her sweet appearance.

"Well, if you have time, I'll invite you to the beach by the sea. We'll swim and I'll tell you the answer."

"Okay, okay, if you have time tonight, I invite you, my figure is very good."

Triene had already begun to think about what poison to use to teach Jack a lesson.

She was offended by Jack's flirtatious tone like a woman from a good family.

The Sand Snake organization is notoriously cruel, and these illegitimate daughters of Oberon Martell are not easy-going lamps.

Soon Jack passed through the triple gate and met Prince Doran.

Originally, Prince Doran spent most of his time in the Flowing Water Garden.

The Watergarten was the private residence of the rulers of Dorne.

It is a palace made of fountains and gardens.

It's on the beach three leagues west of Sunspear, separated by a coastal road.

Prince Marlon Martell erected the garden as a gift to his Targaryen bride, Daenerys, to mark Dorne's union with the Iron Throne.

The balcony overlooks a large number of pools and fountains, shaded by blood orange trees, and pale pink marble floors cover the gardens and courtyards, passing through a row of carved beams and columns, and passing through elegant arches.

Autumn there is very refreshing.

Hot days, cool nights, salty winds from the sea, fountains and pools.

There were many children there too, boys and girls of high birth.

Noble families and families from all walks of life in Dorne would send their children to be raised in the Watering Gardens.

Here, children can play together on the beach, pools, and fountains.

Prince Doran Martell often sits here to rest and think while watching the children play.

(End of this chapter)

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