Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 113 Hatred and interests are also the basis of alliance

Chapter 113 Hatred and interests are also the basis of alliance
As Prince Doran Martell had said to Ser Balon Swann, the Falling Gardens was indeed the place where he lingered most in the world.

But he couldn't stay in the Flowing Water Garden all the time, sometimes he had to go to the study in the old palace to deal with some things.

"Father of Dragons?" Prince Doran put down the book in his hand.

"Have you heard my name?" Jack was surprised.

"I've heard some news that some merchants will go back and forth between Westeros and Essos, but I didn't confirm your identity until it crawled in."

Said, Prince Doran pointed behind Jack.

Jack looked back and found that Kraxo was stuck between the door frames of the study, and Ge was also blocked by Kraxo from the door.

Kraxhu didn't go through the triple door, it flew over from the sky.

After Jack entered the old tower, Kraxhu was a little anxious and rushed in, but was stuck in the door frame of the study, and Ge, who was guarding the door, had nothing to do.

Jack's face was a bit ugly, but he didn't expect that it was Kraxhu who humiliated him in the end.

"Sorry, Prince Doran, my child is a bit impatient."

Prince Doran shook his head, and then asked the guards around him to split open the door frame, and Coraxiu ran out.

After being free, Kraxo immediately came to Jack's side, staring closely at the guards behind Prince Doran.

Jack touched Colaxhue's head, and the comforted Kraxhuo calmed down.

The reason why Prince Doran allowed Kraxo to break in was not because he trusted Jack so much, but because the old tower was already surrounded by soldiers.

If Jack shot at him, Jack would definitely be chopped to pieces by Dorn's soldiers.

So at this time force has become the basis for the two to maintain trust.

Seeing that Kraxo regained his composure, Prince Doran motioned Jack to sit down casually.

"You came all the way from Essos, probably to win Donne." Prince Doran told Jack's purpose.

"Yes, I am saddened by what happened to Miss Elijah Martell. I know that you have never given up revenge."

"That's why I'm here, with the meaning of the true owner of the Iron Throne, to help you take revenge."

Prince Doran was not excited by this, but said calmly: "I once tried to marry Arianne to Viserys, but he died, and now Daenerys is also pregnant with your child, and there is no possibility of marriage. .”

Nothing in Sunspear could escape Prince Doran's eyes and ears, including the conversation between Arianne and Jack on the docks.

"Alliance does not necessarily require marriage, it can also be hatred and interests."

Jack picked up the wine on the table, "Sea God's Brew, it only costs 6 gold dragons to purchase in Atlantis."

Prince Doran was a little surprised, "Lu Jinlong?"

"That's right, Lu Jinlong, I'm sure."

"But I spent 98 gold dragons, and I think it's delicious, but it's about the same as Dorne's fine wine."

"98 Golden Dragon?" Jack was very surprised, "This stuff is the lowest-grade Poseidon brew."

"How do you know?" Prince Doran patted his forehead lightly, "I almost forgot, you are the king of Atlantis."

"That's right, that's the benefit I'm talking about. We can cooperate. Atlantis will build a factory in Dorne, the quality of life of the people of Dorne will be improved unprecedentedly, and the Martell family's tax revenue will also be doubled several times." .”

"Perhaps you will have to expand the pier by then, because the number of merchants coming and going will increase several times."

"As for hatred, I don't think I need to go into too much detail. If there is anyone in the world who hates Lannister and Baratheon the most, I think there is no one other than Martell and Targaryen!"

"But alliances without blood ties are unreliable, aren't they?"

Doran stared into Jack's eyes, "Don has lost a lot, how can I trust you?"

Once agreed to form an alliance with Daenerys, it means that all the families in Westeros will be enemies of Dorne.

"Prince Doran, I think you misunderstood one thing. We have four dragons, tens of thousands of troops, and endless gold dragons and food. We don't need Dorne to regain the Iron Throne."

"But we want to make it easier. We want to avenge all those who were framed by the Lannister and Baratheon families. Do you understand what I mean?"

"It's an alliance, but it's even more surrender!"

"So the reliability between us depends on the strength of your oath of allegiance."

What Jack said made Prince Doran fall into silence. He likes peace, but he wants to avenge his sister more.

For this reason his brother Oberyn Martell has set off for King's Landing to attend Joffrey's wedding.

King's Landing is a purgatory full of hatred and conspiracy, but for Oberon, it is a paradise of revenge.

Perhaps due to Jack's time travel, the timeline of the world of ice and fire has deviated a bit.

The Purple Wedding, which was supposed to take place in 300 Aegon, was postponed for two years and held in January 302.

The Scarlet Wedding took place in 301 of the Aegon calendar. The Scarlet Wedding was the last straw that broke the camel's back.

In this massacre, Robb Stark, King of the North, his mother Catelyn Tully and most of his 3500 soldiers were brutally killed.

After the battle, Foyle beheaded Robb and his direwolf, Gray Wind, and sewed Gray Wind's head to Robb's body, mocking Robb's connection to his direwolf.

The Freys also slit Lady Catelyn's throat and threw her naked clothes into the Trident River to mock the Tully family's water burial customs.

This incident originated when Robb Stark broke his marriage contract with the Frey family, and Lord Walder Frey regarded this as an insult to the Frey family, so he carefully planned the massacre.

Lord Tywin Lannister was behind the scenes in this one.

His shadowy support gave Walder Frey the protection and the guts to violate the sacred guest rights.

Since the Scarlet Wedding, Winterfell has changed hands again, and the Greyjoy family's sea monster flag no longer flutters, but the Bolton family's red flayer flag.

Roose Bolton was named the Duke of the North, but he was not recognized by the nobles and commoners of the North. The Stark family has ruled the North for 8000 years, and the influence on the North cannot be dissipated overnight.

And Walder Frey also got many benefits from it, including the grant of Riverrun to Gina Lannister's husband, Emmon Frey.

At the same time, it also completely destroyed the last bit of honor of the Frey family, because they sullied one of the oldest and most sacred traditions in Westeros, the right of guests.

After that, the Frey family was disgusted and hostile by most families in Westeros, including their allies.

Also, while no House wanted to break this right again, the event still had a lasting negative effect on this ancient right, because the safety of guests in Stranger Castle was no longer so completely guaranteed.

Just like the current Jack, if it weren't for the strengthening of Kraxhu and the serum, even if Arianne Martell was a hostage, he would not choose to enter Sunspear City.

(End of this chapter)

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