Chapter 216 Intimidation
The reason why Mace pretended to be dumbfounded was entirely because of Olenna's explanation before leaving.

Mace doesn't have great wisdom, but he has one of the few advantages, and that is listening to Olenna.

Although Mace really wanted his daughter to become a queen, he remembered exactly what Olenna told her before she left.

"After I take Margaery away, no matter what Tywin promises, you must not agree to marry the Lannister family. Dragons are rising from the north. Let's not rush to take sides."

This is one of the things Olenna said.

Mace probably also understood what Olenna was thinking. The dragon landed from the north. This kind of weapon of war was difficult for human power to resist.

Even if the army in the West is extremely powerful, they have no chance of winning against the Sky Overlord.

In fact, at the beginning, Mace felt that the growth rate of the dragon was very slow. As long as the battle ended within three years, the dragon in its infancy would not pose much of a threat.

So at the beginning, he still considered persuading Olenna to marry Margaery to Tommen.

But in the past six months, he was glad that he had not done that.

Judging from the information gathered in the north, Jack's dragon is at least 30 meters long and invulnerable.

Although this may be an exaggeration, even if it is cut in half, it is still a 15-meter sky monster.

The most important thing is that Jack is disgustingly steady.

After defeating the Iron Throne faction headed by the Bolton family, they quickly used the wildlings to check and balance the northern nobles.

Then he used the existence of the dragon to make the northern nobles dare not speak out, and continued to weaken the strength of the nobles through "reforms", win over the hearts of the northerners, and control the ports.

After stabilizing the northern border, they also sent people to repair the inherently difficult-to-conquer Carlin Bay.

It is said that all the old towers in Carlin Bay have been bulldozed and a gray-white tower has been built.

Damn it, there are 36 towers over 15 meters tall.

So the most urgent thing now is the Iron Throne supported by Tywin.

They must quickly defeat the Poseidon family and kill the dragon.

Otherwise, the longer time passes, the stronger the Poseidon family's rule over the North will become.

The size of the dragon will also become larger day by day.

Time is on the side of the Poseidon family.

However, after the Five Kings Rebellion, several major families were not strong at this time. At this time, the Reach, which had a large population and sufficient food, naturally became the target that Tywin had to win over.

Tywin also noticed Mace's reluctance at this time, and he said without changing his expression: "Lord Mace, I know what the Tyrell family is worried about, but we have already produced seven hundred dragon-shooting crossbows.

Some of these dragon-shooting crossbows were installed on the city walls, some were installed on battleships, and some were installed on carriages.

The dragon is not invincible, and the dragon alone cannot rule the Seven Kingdoms. The army is the key. "

"And do you think that if the Targaryens control the Seven Kingdoms again, they will still trust your Tyrell family?"

"What do you mean? And didn't the girl from the Targaryen family marry Poseidon?" Mace's face didn't look good. He always felt that Tywin was intimidating him.

"It doesn't matter if it's Poseidon or Targaryen, because Poseidon and Targaryen wear the same pants."

After Tywin saw that Mace's expression began to change, he immediately increased the intensity of his threats and deception.

"Lord Mace, you, the Tyrell family, were royalists during Robert's uprising, but after the defeat of the war, you ignored the wandering Targaryens.

Later, during the Rebellion of the Five Kings, you married Renly Baratheon and tried to support Margaery as queen.

Some time ago, Margaery was married to Joffrey, allowing Margaery to marry into the Baratheon family again and become a real queen. "

Tywin's face was serious. Although he was already serious, there was a hint of advice in his tone at this time.

"So Lord Mace, do you still think that nothing will happen if the Tyrell family watches from the other side?"

After finishing speaking, Tywin seemed to remember something again, and continued: "There are now two dukes in the North. The taxes of the nobles have been suppressed to [-]%, they have lost the power of forced conscription, and they have been deprived of military power in disguise. "

"So, Lord Mace, if Jack Poseidon becomes the King of the Seven Kingdoms, we will all become his slaves, without political power or military power!"

Tywin came to Mace's side, stretched out his hand and patted Mace's shoulder. Each pat hit Mace's heart and heart, making Mace's fat body tremble again and again.

At this time, Mace was a little panicked, because Tywin was right, the Tyrell family had replaced the Gardener family.

Now that he has been married to two members of the Baratheon family, he may be liquidated by the Targaryen family in the future.

Seeing that it was almost done, Tywin continued to confuse:

"As long as our two families are married, with 12 southern troops plus [-] western elites, as well as the Arbor Fleet and the Lannister Fleet, we can definitely land near the rocky coast and bypass the Gulf of Cailin."

Some time ago, Euron Greyjoy, who had become the King of the Iron Islands, sent a letter. He wanted to form an alliance with the Iron Throne to fight against Jack Poseidon.

Obviously the situation in the North made him feel pressure. At this time, Euron was no longer thinking about how to invade the North, but how to resist possible invasion in the North.

Now the number of the iron fleet in the north under Yara's command has expanded to five thousand, which is almost as strong as the fleet controlled by Euron.

(End of this chapter)

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