Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 217 Qoban, Necromancy

Chapter 217 Qoban, Necromancy
"Lord Tywin, if there is a marriage, isn't Queen Cersei already married to Loras?"

Although Mace experienced an inner storm, he still did not let go.

Tywin's face looked a little ugly at this time. After talking so much to Mace, the fat man still didn't let go.

"Loras is a good young man, but he is just a second son, or a marriage between Willas Tyrell and Cersei would work."

When Metz heard this, he immediately felt angry. Vilas was his heir.

Although Willas was in a duel with Oberyn and was injured by the red snake in the leg, which made him a weakling, Cersei was not worthy of it.

Willas likes to learn, is well-educated, gentle and polite, and is also known for raising the best falcons, hounds and horses in the Seven Kingdoms.

And if Cersei Lannister really becomes Willas's wife, how can Highgarden live a stable life?
So it is enough for the youngest son Loras to marry Cersei. How can a woman who has an improper relationship with her brother be worthy of Willas?

"What Prime Minister Tywin said makes sense, so let's do this. I'll write a letter to discuss it with my mother. Don't worry, I will definitely give my mother good advice."

"In that case, I will wait for the good news. I need to integrate all the forces in the south to destroy Poseidon. Before that, I will completely eliminate all unstable factors."

Although Tywin's words were calm, the threat in them was self-evident. He wanted to deal with the Poseidon family with all his strength, and there was no way there would be any trouble in the rear during this period.

This made Mace scared and angry. What he was afraid of was that Tywin would deal with him first, and what he was angry about was that he was a duke after all, so he actually threatened him like this.

However, Mace only showed fear, he did not dare to show anger.

Tywin is a cruel person, and if he becomes cruel, he feels that he may not be able to leave King's Landing.

In fact, if Mace had never seen the army in the Western Region, he wouldn't be so scared.

When he and the Western Army defeated Stannis, the strength of the Western Army frightened him.

Not to mention that Highgarden can draw 12 levies, and there are famous generals like Randyll Tarly, so it seems to be very powerful.

But the army in the Westerlands is obviously well-trained and well-armed, and Kevan Lannister is no worse than Randyll Tarly.

So once a fight breaks out, the Reach may not be a match for the West.

Assessing the situation and being self-aware, these are one of Metz's few strengths.

Finally, Mace Tyrell said goodbye to Tywin, hurried back to his residence, and began to write a letter to Olenna, telling her the negotiation process in detail.

At the same time, the Queen Mother's residence.

Cersei watched James leave with a flushed face, seeming to be reminiscing about something and planning something.

Not long after, an old man knocked on the door and walked in.

At this time, Cersei was leaning on the bed, the flush on her face had long disappeared, and only cold pride remained. "Your Highness the Queen Mother, the experiment is successful, and you will get a loyal and powerful knight." Coburn said respectfully.

The vitality of the Magic Mountain is extremely tenacious, far beyond that of ordinary people. Even though he was stabbed several times by Oberon, he was still breathing a sigh of relief.

However, the Mountain was as happy as dying immediately. Oberon put poison on the blade of his gun, which was probably manticore poison treated by dark magic.

The poison on Oberyn's spear caused the wound to become covered with gangrene, the poison turned the blood black, and the leech died when it touched the blood.

Moshan's urine was filled with thick blood, and the venom burned a hole in his side as big as his own fist.

His howls could be heard throughout the Red Keep, even waking people up in the middle of the night.

This is the way Oberon chose to die for the Magic Mountain. He wants to watch the Magic Mountain die wailing in pain. Only in this way can Oberon feel happy.

But Oberon was careless, failed to dodge, and was attacked by surprise.

In the end, he lost both eyes and half of his teeth, but luckily he saved his life.

As for the Mountain, he did not die of despair as Oberon imagined.

Under Cersei's instruction, Qyburn took away the half-dead Mountain, used necromancy to end the Mountain's pain early, and became a cyborg with only instincts.

Or in Qyburn's words, the living dead, the living dead from the seven hells.

Upon hearing this, Cersei asked Qyburn to go out first. Qyburn bowed slightly, then left Cersei's room and closed the door.

Looking at Qyburn's back, Cersei showed a look of satisfaction. This old man was stripped of his bachelor's necklace and title by the city for engaging in some unethical experiments on living subjects and studying necromancy.

Qyburn used amazing medical skills to treat James' broken hand and prevent the wound from getting infected.

He accompanied Ser Jaime back to King's Landing when Roose Bolton decided to return Jaime to Lord Tywin.

On the way, he told Jaime that he had tested whether Brienne was still a virgin, who knows how he had tested.

But he told James that Lord Selwyn Tarth's ransom would not be enough to satisfy Varg Hot and that the goat would probably rape Brienne.

When Jaime learned about it, he immediately turned back and rescued Brienne, and then Qyburn continued to accompany him to King's Landing.

Speaking of which, he even saved Brienne's life.

After Qyburn came to King's Landing, he quickly became Cersei's confidant maester because of his relationship with Jaime.

Cersei is always looking for an opportunity to kill Grand Maester Pycelle and then let Qyburn join the council.

(End of this chapter)

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