Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 235 What are the chances of winning?

Chapter 235 What are the chances of winning?

"Grandma, is father not in danger?" Margaery looked at Olenna with a worried look.

Olenna handed the letter in her hand to Margaery, motioned for her to read it herself, and said at the same time:
"Cersei has only temporarily placed your father under house arrest. It is estimated that within a few days, she will ask us for conditions."

Margaery slowly breathed a sigh of relief after reading the letter carefully. Cersei only placed his father and Loras under house arrest and did not endanger their safety.

"What's next for us?" Margaery looked at her grandmother.

Olenna asked Margaery, "What do you think we should do?"

Margery knew that her grandmother was testing her again. After thinking carefully for a while, Margery said:

"Raise an army to the border to show your determination, and then negotiate with Cersei to let her father and Loras go."

Olenna nodded. This was correct and normal. The army would intimidate and then propose terms for negotiation.

"There is nothing wrong with your idea, but you have forgotten one thing, that is, this woman Cersei is different from normal people. Just watch, she will definitely take the initiative to make conditions to us next."

Thinking of Cersei's previous actions, Margaery suddenly felt that her grandmother was right. Cersei was an arrogant woman who had no political vision, but she was greedy for power more than anyone else.

Now that she has found an excuse, she will not let go of this blood-sucking opportunity easily.

"Grandma, is the news really coming from the North?" Margery suddenly remembered something and asked immediately.

Olenna naturally knew what Margaery was talking about, "Yes, it must have come from the North. Not only did Littlefinger and I poison Joffrey, there was also news that Littlefinger poisoned Jon El. News about Lin also spread.”

"Haha, Littlefinger is in trouble now. People who love to play tricks often do not have strong strength to back them up. Once such people are exposed to the sun, there will be nowhere to hide."

Olenna had a smile on her face. Regarding Petyr Baelish, Olenna naturally hoped that he would die as soon as possible.

It would have been better to die suddenly, so that there would be no witnesses to her poisoning of Joffrey Baratheon.

Coupled with Olenna's identity, "without witnesses" naturally equals "I didn't do it."

At that time, if anyone wants to say that she poisoned Joffrey, it will be a rumour.

As for the mother of the Duke of Southern Territory, the crime may be serious or trivial.

"But how did he know? Even if there were so many people in King's Landing at that time, no one knew the details of this matter." Margaery was puzzled.

"Just because no one knows, doesn't mean no one can guess. There are many smart people in King's Landing, such as Tywin and Varys.

Especially Varys, King's Landing is full of this man's little birds.

Damn it, he has so many little birds but no bird of his own, how ridiculous! "You mean the news released by Varys?" "

Varys and Tyrion disappeared together. Some people said they had seen them in the North, but the distance was too far and no one knew whether the news was true or false.

"Varys has probably taken sides. It seems that the Iron Throne's winning rate is indeed not high. Even Varys has taken sides."

But there is one thing Olenna doesn't understand: is Poseidon's winning rate really that high?

Look at what Poseidon did in the north, elevating the power of civilians and suppressing the power of nobles. What did he want to do?
How can any nobles support him if he does this?
Without these things, a large number of nobles would have surrendered long ago.

Originally, Olenna was planning to contact the Poseidon family, but Jack's drastic reforms in the north made Olenna give up this idea.

If the Poseidon family were to rule Westeros, the top nobles would be the first to bear the brunt.

However, Olenna is not completely on the side of the Iron Throne, because the dragon's intimidation is still strong. Olenna will not easily side with the dragon before it is confirmed that the dragon shooting crossbow can effectively counter the young dragon.

Of course, if Jack could give up his reform of the South, she would also consider swearing allegiance directly to the Poseidon family.

Thinking of this, Olenna started to think about negotiating with Jack again. After all, she really didn't want to go to war with the dragon.

The dragon-shooting crossbow will most likely not have much effect on giant dragons. It is designed to be very bulky in pursuit of power. It would be strange if it could shoot a giant dragon flying in the air.

Thinking of this, Olenna immediately asked Margaery to call Vilas.

When Willas came to Olenna, Olenna had already written a letter and handed it to Willas.

"You go and write a letter in your own tone, according to the content of the letter, and then send someone to the north. Don't use ravens."

Vilas was slightly startled. Are you ready to take sides?
Willas did not ask Olenna. Now Highgarden, or the entire Reach, is managed by Olenna, and his old father is basically just a decoration.

Looking at Willas's leaving figure, Olenna suddenly said: "Margaery, if you were asked to marry Jack, would you be willing?"

"It's all up to you. It's all for the sake of the family." Margery replied softly.

She knew that her grandmother was concerned that Jack already had several wives, including nobles like Targaryen and Greyjoy.

But she can even marry a gay man, and it doesn't seem to be a big problem to marry more wives. She is confident that she can tie Jack's heart.

Olenna sighed, "If Jack agrees not to reform the Reach, you will marry him. It is best to find a dragon for your future children. Only dragons have the right to speak."

Seeing her grandmother let out a long sigh, Margaery couldn't help but said: "If the southern nobles unite, is it really that there is little chance of winning? The northern army can only survive with less than 2 people, right?"

(End of this chapter)

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