Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 236 Steel and coal mines.

Chapter 236 Steel and coal mines.

Faced with Margaery's question, Olenna shook her head, "It can't be said that the chance of winning is low, it can only be said that our news is too behind."

"You should know the price of this Poseidon brew, right?" Olenna pointed to the wine on the table.

Margaery nodded. Of course she knew that Poseidon Brewing was a new wine. Even the fine wine from Qingting Island was not as good as Poseidon Brewing.

Olenna continued:
“This Poseidon brew was not developed by the Dornish people.

Poseidon's base camp is on an archipelago near the mainland of Sothoros, where Poseidon Brew originated.

The Poseidon family not only makes money from things like Poseidon brew and soap, but also taxes from the three cities of Slaver's Bay.

We have to face not only the northern border, but also an archipelago and three free trade cities in the eastern continent. "

This is what worries Olenna the most.

When she first faced the sudden appearance of the Poseidon family, she just thought it was a Targaryen with a different name.

But as time goes by, more and more news about Atlantis and the Poseidon family reaches Qingting Island, where trade is developed.

Only then did Olenna learn that Jack's confidence was not limited to the four dragons, but his greater confidence came from the Eastern Continent.

In other words, as long as there is no problem with Jack's base camp on the eastern continent, he can hold on to the natural danger of Carlin Bay in the north.

Then rely on the continuous blood transfusion from the base camp to slowly develop.

The longer time passes, the deeper his roots in the North will become, and the size of the dragon will become larger and larger.

Olenna thought about it for a long time when she learned the news, and finally concluded that there was no solution.

The only way is to kill Jack's four dragons.

Then unite all the naval fleets in Westeros and the slave owners in the Eastern Continent to completely destroy Jack's base camp.

Only in this way can it be done once and for all.

Otherwise, even if Jack is driven out of Westeros, the other party will come back soon.

But this is not easy, let alone the unreliability of the aliens in the Eastern Continent.

Just say that three of the four major fleets in Westeros have been destroyed.

There are four major fleets in Westeros, namely the White Harbor Fleet of House Manderly in White Harbor; the Royal Fleet of House Baratheon on the Iron Throne; the Iron Fleet of House Greyjoy on the Iron Islands; and Redwyne on the Arbor. The family's Qingting Island fleet.

As a result, Mandalay in White Harbor has been completely controlled by Poseidon, and the family fleet has been "confiscated".

The Greyjoy family in the Iron Islands is similar. The Iron Fleet is controlled by Asha, and Asha is Jack's woman.

Not to mention the Royal Fleet of the Iron Throne.During the Battle of Blackwater, under the leadership of Stannis, they were directly disabled. Now there are only three or two big cats and kittens.

Only the Qingting Island fleet is still intact.

But the power of the Iron Islands changed, and Euron continued to promote the traditions of the Ironborn after he came to power.

As a result, the western coasts of the Westerlands and the Reach were often plundered.

In this corrupt situation, Westeros simply cannot unite.

What's more, she and Littlefinger were "exploded" by Varys, which actually led to the beginning of turmoil within the southern nobles.

What is even more difficult for Olenna to accept is that the Tyrell family is one of the main causes of the turmoil, which makes it impossible for the Tyrell family to wait and watch in peace.

Fortunately, this kind of thing cannot be explained with just one mouth. As long as there is no evidence, just insist that it is a false accusation.

So no matter how stupid Cersei is, can she still burn Mace and Loras with a barrel of wildfire? ——
Just when the undercurrent was surging in the south, the northern province ushered in its first blizzard.

This blizzard came very suddenly, starting suddenly in the middle of the night, and it has been going on for two days now.

The north wind whistled, and the Silver Palace became a real Silver Palace, covered in silver.

It was snowing outside, and a copper stove hot pot was cooking in Jack's room, which was neatly steamed and filled with the mellow aroma of mutton.

Lyanna Mormont and Myrcella Baratheon were whispering, Asha Greyjoy was cooking, and Daenerys Targaryen was carefully feeding the two little ones.

Swallowing the mutton in her mouth, Asha drank all the wine in the glass in one breath.

"Shuang, I really don't know what else you don't know." Asha said with some emotion, Jack always has some unexpected skills.

For example, the copper stove hot pot, as well as the coal stove and briquettes under the hot pot, each of them is not something that a king can make.

Especially the invention of briquettes and coal stoves made Asha even more eager to take back the Iron Islands. The largest number of coal mines and iron mines on the Iron Islands.

It's just that the people of the Iron Islands have always advocated plundering, and the prices of iron ore and refined iron are very different.

In comparison, the money earned from mining iron ore in Kuhaha is not as much as from fishing, not to mention that the money can be plundered faster.

But things are different now. Jack not only invented briquettes and coal stoves, turning cheap and toxic coal into waste, he also brought more advanced iron-making technology, which greatly improved the efficiency of iron-making.

Now with the construction of the North, more and more places use steel, and iron ore and coal mines will inevitably become best-sellers in Westeros.

By then, relying on the island's steel and coal, we will definitely be able to make a lot of money.

(End of this chapter)

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