Chapter 240
Siloer, Silver Palace.

Jack convened Congress, and representatives of the House of Representatives and the House of Lords, as well as top leaders from various cabinet departments, arrived one after another.

After everyone arrived, the entire hall was silent, waiting for Jack to speak.

"The trip south has been delayed for three months due to some accidents. These three months have consumed a lot of manpower and material resources, but still nothing has been achieved, so I decided to send troops to the Iron Islands in half a month."

Everyone was well aware of the accident that Jack said, but they were also curious as to why Prince Alexander seemed to have disappeared from the world when he was riding such a huge dragon.
But no one dared to mention this matter in front of Jack. In the past three months, Jack had obviously become a lot more irritable.

At this time, a bearded man raised his right hand, and after receiving Jack's signal, he said, "Your Majesty, how will Tyrell deal with it?"

The speaker was Georgi, one of the cabinet ministers, the top leader of the Provincial Ministry of Defense, who was in charge of the selection of military attachés, military status, ordnance, and military orders.He is one of the most important ministers under the prince.

More than two months ago, the Tyrell family in the Reach sent a letter.

The letter stated that as long as Jack promised not to disrupt the existing political structure of the Reach, they were willing to surrender to Jack and fight for him.

In addition, Jack needs to marry Margaery and ensure that each of Margaery's children will have a dragon egg.

But Jack was angry and annoyed at the time, so he refused without even thinking.

And Jack also wrote a reply to Olenna, asking the Riverlands to surrender to him honestly, otherwise they would have to bear the wrath of Poseidon!
At the same time, Jack also added the concept of a family group enterprise, hoping that the Reach could honestly carry out reforms.

But since ancient times, reform has been accompanied by blood, and the Reach rejected Jack's request without any surprise.

But what surprised them was that the Tyrell family did not directly support the Iron Throne. Instead, they mobilized a part of the army to confront the Iron Throne at the border.

It seems that he is still negotiating with the Iron Throne and is in no rush to take sides.

"Don't worry about the Reach. Everything they do is just a desperate struggle. In this war, Poseidon will help us. You should ventilate the soldiers first to save yourself from panic when the time comes."

Jack's original idea was to erode Westeros bit by bit, digesting a bite of meat, and by the way, he could teach Alexander how to balance his ministers. As a result, the boy ran away from home and didn't hear anything from him for three months.

This made Jack extremely irritable, and he lost the patience to slowly devour Westeros. He directly called Poseidon over, preparing to eat Westeros in one bite and then slowly digest it.

It is now the year 303 AC. According to the speculations of the bachelors, the north will be the first to enter the long night in the year 305 AC, and the south will be slower, but the slowest will not exceed the year 307 AC.

In other words, in about four years, the Long Night will fall over Westeros.

Four years are almost here. With the support of Neptune Island and the three cities on the Free Trade Coast, as well as the constant supply of food from the Raza people, four years is enough to digest Westeros.As for the city-states and alien races in Essos, they are not far from Neptune Island and the three cities of Meereen, so there is plenty of time to deal with them.

"Tyrion, are you still comfortable with the position of deputy minister of foreign affairs?" Jack suddenly looked at Tyrion.

Tyrion was slightly stunned when he was suddenly called out, and then immediately said that it was okay.

Tyrion was appointed Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs by Jack. The main job of the Foreign Ministry was to win over the southern nobles, but it was basically unsuccessful.

Jack didn't say much about this, after all, he had never expected that group of nobles to cooperate safely.

“Myrcella and I’s first child will be the prince of the Westerland Province.

You are temporarily transferred to the Provincial Defense Department, and the army going south to the Riverlands will be left to you, Tormund, Kasa, Segon, and Hecarim.

If your performance satisfies me, I can make you Duke of the West and give you a seat in the House of Lords. "

If you want to stabilize the position of Prince of the West in the future, Tyrion is a good candidate to assist the minister.

Tyrion readily agreed,
After Jack arranged some things, he asked everyone to go down and get ready.

Since there is no longer a need to summon layers of troops, but orders are issued directly from the Silver Palace, the administrative efficiency in the north is now very fast, and the army quickly assembles at Carlin Bay.

The Iron Fleet and the White Harbor Fleet gathered towards the rocky coast.

Three days later, the actions in the north reached the ears of the southern nobles. As the actual holder of the Iron Throne, Cersei immediately convened a royal meeting.

"Everyone has read the intelligence provided by Maester Coburn. The troops from the north have begun to gather towards the Gulf of Cailin. They are obviously preparing to go south. What should we do?"

In fact, Cersei had already had an idea in mind, and now it was just a formality.

As Cersei's absolute confidant, Qyburn naturally knew what Cersei was thinking, so he was the first to say:
“I think we can let the Frey family block Poseidon’s army first.

At the same time, we will give Highgarden one last chance. If Highgarden is still unwilling to marry Margaery to His Majesty the King, we will eradicate the Tyrell family first.

After suppressing the internal instability factors, they can then fully deal with the Poseidon family. "

(End of this chapter)

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