Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 241 Extra Chapter Fire of Civilization

Chapter 241 Extra Chapter ([-]) The Fire of Civilization
You were born in the 123rd year of the Gregorian calendar of the Empire. You are one of the tens of millions of newborns born in the 123rd year of the Gregorian calendar.

You are neither a noble Sea Clan member of the Land of the Newborn, nor a low-class citizen of the Shadow Autonomous Region. You were simply born into an ordinary Lazar family.

Like many families, your father is a worker at a grain production base, and your mother is doing cleaning and other jobs.

Your parents' salary is not enough to make your family rich, but it is not enough to make your family hungry or cold.

It can be said that there are hundreds of millions of such families in Lazar Province, and you are just the most ordinary one among them.

Perhaps because of your youth, you are full of energy and curiosity. Apart from being literate, you also like to go to Poseidon Missionary's sermons.

The ancient myths and legends of legendary heroes will keep you spellbound.

Legendary Empress Elizabeth, Giantsbane Tormund, Forest Spider Kassa, Legendary Baroness Lyanna, Slave Prime Minister Newgate, etc.

The stories of legendary heroes impress you deeply, and the legends that existed when the first generation of Poseidon conquered the world fill you with imagination.

It's just that every time you become one hundred thousand whys, the missionary will always pick up a cane and threaten to beat you.

The old missionary's name was Martin. His most common answer was: Don't ask, but do it.Don’t ask what the benevolent His Majesty the Poseidon can give you, but ask what you can do for His Majesty the Poseidon!
When you were young, you argued many times on this topic, but the responses you received were all smiles and no words.

Days pass by, and you gradually grow up. The wheat fields where you could run around no longer allow you to trample on them.

The heavy work at the grain-producing base has made your father's body weaken day by day. This is not a disease, but a result of decades of hard work that has made your father's body really weak.

For a middle-aged man, working 12 hours a day is very terrible, which makes your father's waist gradually bend.

Fortunately, your father's foreman was a good man, a good man in the standard sense. He changed your father's job as a heavy-duty porter into some positions with lighter physical labor.

To this end, your family only paid two pounds of fresh beef and a box of fresh apples. You vaguely feel that this job change should have successfully saved your father's life, but the hard work will also inevitably bring about a decrease in income. .

Coupled with the fact that you owe a sum of money for the medicines you bought for your mother from the pharmacy, at the age of 15, you feel that it is time for you to contribute to the family.

Although there are often stories in that relatively chaotic Shadow Autonomous Region about people who made a fortune and entered life in the First Land, that chaotic place is far away from you.

Or maybe you think that even if your father loses his job, there are still jobs in Lazar Province that can support your family. The lowest temperature is enough.

From this day on, you will wear work clothes every day, go to the grain production base, and do your best to contribute to the family.

The heavy manual labor and mediocre pay every day still make your nerves gradually numb.

But you are clever and always collect some useful things under the pretext of helping the base dispose of waste and sell them to the Shadow Autonomous Region to subsidize your family.

In fact, many workers are doing this kind of thing, but they are very measured.

After all, this matter is more or less an illegal transaction.

A few times you got things thrown away by some officials in the villa area, and you, the co-workers and the foreman secretly went to the black market to sell them for a lot of money.

The money even allowed you to pay off part of your mother's debt, which made you very happy.

Life is very heavy, but every time you think of your family, at such a young age you can always calm down and continue to endure the suffering.

Your death is coming soon, but this does not mean that your life has changed. Your father's health still has not improved at all.

But now, your family has a new member, and the arrival of your brother makes you very happy.

You have even imagined sneaking away to the local deserted sentry tower at night with your younger brother, looking forward to the evening breeze dispersing the thin mist, and going to see the luxurious villa of the noble official, but more importantly, you have an extra person in the family. To feed.

You are very popular among your co-workers and foremen. This is because you are good at life. It can be said that my brother’s growth was indispensable with all kinds of help from co-workers and foremen. Migrant workers are always so honest and simple and willing to help their brothers.

But the heavy pressure still puts your family's finances on the verge of collapse, and your father's body is completely unable to return to a position of heavy manual labor.

And since your mother was seriously ill, she could only earn a meager income by doing some sewing and mending.

It's not that you haven't thought about falling in love at the age of 18, you also have someone you are attracted to.

The girl who is one year younger than you is the child of Tom, the base manager's relative. You love each other deeply. The girl likes your enthusiasm when working, and you also deeply love the girl's gentle smile in the sun.

But you tacitly agree that you haven't established any relationship, and you don't know the girl's specific life experience.

You think that even if she is the daughter of Mr. Tom, the base director, you can still compete with her. You have the ability to make Mr. Tom look up to you.

But eventually, you find out how wrong you were.

By chance, you saw the girl's identity card. It was the identity card of the Land of the First Born. In the empire, the classes in each region are different.

But Mr. Tom does not yet have the strength to enter the Land of the First Born.

You can only pretend not to see it, just try your best to show your best self in front of the girl, and endure to maintain the vague distance.

Of course, no matter how deeply a young man's feelings are hidden, they can't escape the sharp eyes of the old fox.

One day, you were called into the office by Master Tom. This office is not gorgeous, but it is not comparable to your wooden house.

Master Tom is not a bad person. In other words, Master Tom is considered a good person among the tens of thousands of grain production bases. Master Tom treats his workers very well.

He is a majestic and kind-hearted fat man who can tolerate others being disrespectful to him, but also has high demands on himself.

Mr. Tom did not use any tactful or implicit threats against you, but said to you directly: "Caesar, if you don't want you and your family to appear on the blacklist of those officials, let it go before you are discovered."

You know the horrific legends about the blacklist, but your silence shows the stubbornness that a young man should have.

This was what Mr. Tom expected. He patted your shoulder and said, "I will choose a suitable position for you. I have seen your efforts in the past few years. The Wilson family Your child is a good young man after all, and you will be assigned to the checkpoint at the base gate. That job can solve your family’s current livelihood problem.”

Yes, this is the ordinary life of an Imperial person. You don’t understand why you work so hard and work so hard, but you still get this ending.

You have no idea what you should do to be better, and you don’t know how to break the current class.

That night you cheered up and accompanied your Avril to the abandoned tower.

Yes, you were not willing to accept this result. The breeze that night was very cool, blowing away the light mist.

You mustered up the courage to confess.

But Avril didn't speak, she just kept covering her face and crying. Behind her was the magnificent villa area, and beyond that was the Poseidon Temple with constant lights that could be seen everywhere.

At this moment, the soft light pierces you and makes you unable to open your eyes.

It's impossible for you, how much you hope that Avril is the child of Tom's relatives, so that even if the hope is extremely slim, you can still have a chance.

However, she is the daughter of a civilized fire sergeant.

To be honest, you didn't think this identity was very valuable a few hours ago. After all, you had seen the non-commissioned officers of the Provincial Defense Force several times.

However, Mr. Tom patiently explained to you the difference between the two after your questioning.

In short, he explained in an almost blasphemous way, the Provincial Guards were little more than watchdogs.

The Fire of Civilization is the most sacred army in His Majesty's hands. They open up and expand territory for His Majesty the Poseidon. More importantly, even if they are just a non-commissioned officer, they are almost hereditary.

They are the sharp blades in the hands of the Poseidon, and you are just a burden to the Poseidon.

There is a world of difference between the two of you.

After that day, you broke all illusions and came to the freight station of the grain production base to start a new job. You found Master Tom again and hoped that he would not tell Avril where you were going.

Master Tom agreed. In fact, in the eyes of Master Tom, you are a very capable child. Master Tom has noticed you very early and hopes to train you to be the foreman of the base.

But if it weren't for Avril Lavigne, Mr. Tom might still be observing you for a few more years.

But you just agreed to some instructions in nonsense, and then came to the base gate to take office.

The grain production base is a very huge area outside the city. Each main production base is divided into countless small sub-bases, just like the large estates of aristocratic gentlemen that only existed in textbooks more than 100 years ago.

Although your education is not high, you can write and do calculations. At the main base of the Lazar Provincial Center No. 2-0-23, you are responsible for counting every box of goods to see if there are any omissions.

Your family has also moved here, and you often look at the villa area in the distance from the grand entrance of the headquarters. It seems that at this moment, you have become a serf in the lord's manor more than 100 years ago.

You accept your fate, you know that Avril must have inquired about your whereabouts, but that is not important, you have to admit that you are a low-level trash, and indulging their feelings is nothing more than harming two people.

Day after day, you gradually become a smart and capable young man and a reliable assistant in the eyes of the webmaster. You have imagined your future countless times.

But in your small and pitiful world view, the best future you can imagine is just to allow your younger brother to grow up in a down-to-earth manner and have the opportunity to become a missionary or a wise believer of the state religion, or to let your parents not Tormented by illness again.

You're pretty sure you're going to develop some of the fatigue-related ailments in your 50s.

And when you are in your 60s, you will owe a lot of money for medical expenses.

Eventually some of your limbs will be replaced with prosthetics to improve your work efficiency and pay off your debt.

You will pay off most of the debt before you die, and your son will continue to help you pay off the remaining small portion.

This happened to your father, and it is an unchangeable fate that is about to happen to you.

This is very distressing, although workers often advise you that local workers have been doing this for generations, and their lives were even more difficult a few decades ago.

They think that instead of wondering around all day long, you should pray more to Poseidon that your brother can join Poseidon's national religion and become a missionary that everyone respects.

By chance, you met the old missionary Martin again. This time you asked the question about your childhood. Have you made any contribution to Poseidon?
Martin did not laugh and say nothing this time. He felt that you had grown up, so he told you: You are just a burden to His Majesty, as are most of you.

After saying this, Martin stopped discussing the matter. You were confused. You worked harder than everyone else. You even had to work 14 hours a day and suffered more than anyone else. You worked hard to be admired by your co-workers. , you almost single-handedly withstood the burden of the family, and you couldn’t figure out why you were a burden to the God Emperor.

Until this day, you received a strange job. The freight station was temporarily suspended today.

The supervisor of the freight station ordered you to clean the gate of the base, which had hardly been cleaned, and this job came with additional subsidies. You didn't ask any questions about it, and just started cleaning silently with other workers.

However, you soon discover that this job is not easy. The base door has been closed, and the door has been polished and reflective.

At this time, the law enforcers from the base found you and said that the superiors would receive orders to be spotless before nine o'clock tomorrow morning.

There are wind-blown wheat husks everywhere, or all kinds of garbage. You try to argue with the enforcer about this joking request.

But soon a beautifully dressed woman came over and threw a handful of money in front of you, saying that the garbage would be cleaned up by someone and she wanted to see spotless streets until nine o'clock tomorrow.

You accepted the money offered by the woman, and you quickly thought of a way. You approached the water source management department and expressed your desire to use the water for irrigating the wheat fields. Not surprisingly, you were rejected.

It's just that after you explain the purpose, the Water Management Department immediately says that you can use as much as you want, and that's it, you will use water to flush the streets every hour.

At this point, you feel that something serious has definitely happened at the base. The work of flushing the streets has kept you busy all night. At six o'clock the next day, both sides of the road are already crowded with pedestrians.

You heard the world, Urtes, in the cacophony of words, and heard whose child had returned, which puzzled you.

Have the Provincial Defense Forces gone out to suppress bandits recently?Working at the gate of the base, you know very well that absolutely no defense troops have been out in recent months.

But your work should not be taken lightly. After you washed the streets for the last time at [-]:[-], you were driven to the city wall beside the base gate under the leadership of the law enforcers.

One thing to say, although you feel a little insulted by being driven here, you have to say that you can see it more clearly here and it is also a good place to appreciate the ceremony.

Soon, something that surprised you happened. You saw the governor's car of Lazar Province appeared. It was a luxurious car.

Behind the senior officials were the base directors of the grain production bases in each district, as well as an endless honor guard.

Not long after, the shock from the air made you lose the ability to speak. You saw a huge blue dragon fluttering its wings in the distance, followed by countless escort boats on both sides.

The law enforcer who looked at you said, That is the Statue of Liberty gunship of the Fire of Civilization, that is the troop transport named Hanging Garden. Countless names you have never heard of appear in your world.

This is the first time you have seen the Fire Legion of Civilization. In your understanding, they are different from the Provincial Defense Force. They are the sharp blades of the emperor.

While you were stunned, the troop transports completed their landing, the blue dragon let out a thundering roar, and a figure that looked like a commander stepped down from the dragon's back step by step.

The giant dragon was no longer the strongest fighting force in the sky 50 years ago, but the giant dragon is a status symbol!
You stretched your head hard. In fact, you didn't know what you expected to see, but there was an inexplicable mood and power that inspired you to try hard to see these.

Soon, solemn bells rang around the base, while the base door was still closed, and the fires of civilization were arranged in a neat formation under the command of the commander.

The law enforcer smoked the good cigarettes you handed him and explained everything about the Fire Legion of Civilization sentence by sentence, while you stared at the door intently.

You want to see what the Fire Legion of Civilization is, and what makes the difference between you and Avril Lavigne.

Not long after, the base gate opened, and accompanied by ancient and sacred songs, the fire of civilization moved forward slowly.

Just as old Martin said, the fire of civilization is the sharp blade of the Poseidon. Its synchronized pace of thousands of people hammered into the central main base along with the ancient melody.

You know that these Fire Legions of Civilization are the children of farmers, businessmen, and workers in Lazar Province, but you never thought that these people who were born in the same place as you would receive so many cheers.

The provincial general held his head high and spoke impassionedly on the big screen about the results of the fire of civilization fighting against heretics and aliens on a continent you have never seen before. Every victory made the entire base excited, and every sound Countless autumn leaves fall with every step.Some people knelt down for this sacred army, some shouted for it, and some went crazy for it.

Those missionaries who need to take off their hats and salute when you see them shout loudly to clear the way for the children of these workers. You even feel that in their eyes, it is a supreme honor to bless the Poseidon's army.

You saw a provincial district chief being polite to a colonel of the Civilization Fire Legion, and you also saw a provincial general trembling with fear when facing the leader of the Civilization Fire Legion.

The former is a district chief in charge of 10 people, while the latter is just a legion commander with several thousand people under his command.

They don't have as many people as Master Tom, but Master Tom would politely put on a smile and bribe an inspection official from a provincial capital.

You suddenly feel that maybe this is the Poseidon's army. You feel that there is something different in your spirit that is overwhelmed by life, as if for the first time you know that you can be something else.

The ceremony was over. In the next month, you thought about it a lot and asked a lot of people, but in the end you returned to your original base.

In the afternoon, you met Master Tom.

I want to join the Legion of Civilization, what do I do?

I have to say that Mr. Tom is a qualified old gentleman, but your question still made the fat on Mr. Tom’s face tremble.

After silence, Master Tom asked you a lot of questions. Is Avril enough to make you pay so much? How do your parents arrange it?
Most of the Fire of Civilization soldiers have a hard time returning to their homeland.

Mr. Tom slapped you seriously during your stumbled answer. To this old gentleman, what you said was unrealistic and irresponsible.

As a base manager, Master Tom is not like those scabs who drink human blood and eat human flesh. Master Tom has strict requirements on workers and controls production quality.

But outside of work, Mr. Tom always knows who is in trouble and whose family is unable to untie the pot, and provides some help within his ability.

This makes the workers admire Master Tom very much, and so do you.

In the eyes of Mr. Tom, your behavior of joining the fire of civilization as soon as your upper and lower lips touch is undoubtedly a blasphemy to the Emperor of the Sea and a contempt for responsibility.

You calm down.

Mr. Tom is right, but that doesn't mean you give up on your goals.

You start to train yourself consciously. Workers' children give you a good body, but this is not enough. You need to train combat skills.

At first you were just playing boxing exhibition matches in the pub. At first you were beaten badly, but gradually your winning rate became higher and higher.

But the exhibition match in the tavern is not an underground black boxing game. You start to take the initiative to help the security guards at the freight station deal with thieving gangsters.

You started working so hard that you quickly became the foreman, and now you can support your family and save money at the same time.

You use the money you saved to buy a pistol from the black market, and whenever you have time, you go to the Dothraki grasslands to train.

These are very tiring, but every time you want to give up, you will tell yourself that you no longer want to live in the wheat fields, eat the tasteless food, breathe the dusty air, or Because of his identity, he retreated from love.

You really don’t want to be a burden to His Majesty!

Soon, you will be 22 years old. With your current body, you can easily defeat four or five people of your age, and your marksmanship is far superior to ordinary people.

You have never told your parents this, and you have never talked about your dreams, but your parents seem to know something, but they just don’t say much.

And on this day, the Poseidon will favor you.

On this day, you were walking on the street as usual. After your daily running training, you liked to take a look at the scenery in the base.

But this time there was a little surprise during the stroll.

There was an explosion at the restaurant on the street. The explosion can be said to have stunned you directly.

Although the security in Lazar Province is not very good, you are sure that even those Dothraki barbarians would never dare to play with explosives such as wildfire in the base.

You soon confirmed your suspicions that the fire of civilization was besieging the building, and the leader was the leader you had met at the ceremony a few years ago.

You vaguely know that when the fire of civilization returned, they did not leave immediately, but were divided into two groups, one group was in the city, and the other group was scattered in the major bases.

The Fire of Civilization belongs to the direct legion of the Poseidon. You have also seen some officers on vacation in the tavern, including not only Raza people, but also people from other provinces.

You took out your pistol and crawled to the ground. The sudden danger made you almost unable to think.

Vaguely, you heard the Fire of Civilization soldiers mentioning words like cult and heresy in their exchanges. You understood that there were evil warlocks causing trouble, which made your hair stand on end.

Bullets were flying above your head, and you clearly saw a group of people in the building wearing strange clothes, holding weapons similar to dung forks, and with blue lips, constantly attacking the defense line of the Fire of Civilization.

You can obviously see some traces of mutation on this group of people, mutants!

Oh my god, these mutants transformed by sorcery and witchcraft only appear in grandma's stories.

It was the kind of scary creature that would wake you up as a child.

In an instant, you saw the leader. The leader was already very old in your eyes, but his movements of wielding the sword were smooth and smooth. He chopped up several cultists in an instant. This shocked you. This was the experience. Can you surpass the combat power blessed by the Deep Sea Disk?
The soldiers behind the leader were also calm and composed, constantly narrowing the encirclement.

At this moment, the explosion sounded again, the old leader was blown away, and smoke filled the air again.

In the smoke and dust, you vaguely saw the manhole cover shaking a few times.

You think this is not an illusion, and you shout loudly to the soldiers, but gunshots are everywhere and smoke is billowing, and no one hears your warning.

A pair of hands covered with black spots stretched out from the manhole cover. You were sure you had seen it correctly this time. Before you had time to think, you rushed over and emptied the magazine from the gap in the manhole cover.

But another manhole cover in the smoke and dust was still opened. In the smoke and dust, a tall figure holding a machete stepped towards the leader.

You didn't have time to think about it, and you rushed directly to the two-meter-tall cultist and struggled with him.

Obviously, your pistol only has one magazine, so you have to fight with the dagger you carry with you.

You soon regretted it. With your current strength, there is no problem in putting up with a few co-workers, but facing this psychotic cultist who is a head taller and wider than you is like France facing Germany. You Being hit by this big guy gave me a feeling of being carried away by the wind.

The cult lunatic is too strong and seems to be unafraid of pain. You can only barely hold this thing back.

You were bruised and swollen by him, but fortunately, this thing was eager to sneak up on the leader from behind and didn't kill you, which gave you a chance.

You deliberately showed your weakness and pretended to be knocked unconscious by the big man's punch, and then lay straight on the ground.

As you expected, this two-meter-tall lunatic didn't hit you with any last blows. You seized the opportunity and jumped up regardless of the pain in your body, jumping on the back of this big man. The dagger in your hand was in a mess around his eye sockets. poke.

The big guy was in pain, so he grabbed your arm and threw you forward. You felt like all the bones in your body were broken when you were thrown to the ground.

But fortunately, the cultist did not persist for a few seconds, and soon there was no movement.

After the smoke cleared, the soldiers on the other side of the street who were setting up a defense line discovered you. After finishing the damage on the corpse you created, they immediately dragged you to a corner and returned to the leader to point at you. .

Soon, a person who looked like a physiotherapy patient performed emergency treatment on your wound. Not long after, you saw the old leader striding towards you, with an expression on his face like ice. He looked at you carefully. Just leave.

The surrounding soldiers waited until the law enforcers arrived and made sure you were in charge before leaving.

You were a little disappointed that the law enforcers sent you home, but you still thought you had another chance and were surprised that the spray the medic used was so effective.

Your heroic deeds quickly spread around the freight station, and this time even Master Tom couldn't stop it from spreading, which led Avril to find you.

A few years later, you are no longer the young boy you were before. You have been beaten by society for so long, but you are still brave. The youthful vigor in your heart has not turned into motivation. You explained your plan to Avril Lavigne, but you got The response was still crying.

Only then did you realize that Avril Lavigne, as the daughter of a family of civilized military officers, might be well-off.

But her parents haven't come back for more than ten years. All she can do is pray, pray, and pray to Poseidon every day.

I pray that I will not receive a notice from the Central Expeditionary Military Academy, and that the person who opens the door every day is my grandfather who is missing an arm and a leg, not the leader of the academy.

You hugged Avril and fell into silence. In fact, your expectations were not fulfilled.

The leader remembered you, and as your injuries completely healed, you were granted a spot in the expeditionary force.

That day, you said goodbye to your parents, left a long letter to Avril, and then got on the Raton troop carrier.

Three days later, you arrived at the expeditionary army recruit camp in the Land of Shadows. The Land of Shadows is a chaotic place, and the empire has only built provinces on the periphery.

Different from ordinary expeditionary forces, your regiment can be said to be trained completely according to the template of the Fire of Civilization. It does not have any redundant tasks. In addition to high-intensity training tasks, it is a place to pick up rifles and shadows. Gangs and monsters from the depths fight day after day.

This so-called training is fatal. During the entire two-year training process, you wiped out gangs and suppressed riots countless times. You entered the slums of the Shadow Province several times to clean up those who once only existed in urban legends in your eyes. Heretics and heretics in .

As one of the most elite regiments, you know very well that the day is not far away when you become a member of His Majesty's army.

You will no longer be a burden to the King of the Sea, but his sacred warrior. You will be far away from the scorching sun and the endless sun.

No one tells you when you will become soldiers of the Legion of Civilization's Fire, but all of you know that the time is not far away.

"Starting today, the 101st Regiment will serve as backup. In 15 days, you will officially leave for Ultes Continent."

On that day, you changed your clothes. You put on a sophisticated and decent military uniform, with a mark of the fire of civilization shining brightly on it.

A brand new rifle and bayonet, a few pairs of boots of excellent quality, it can be said that everything you wear is worth enough to buy your life on the black market.

You are the elite of your group. Even your exoskeleton armor has been upgraded by others. Almost everyone thinks that if there are no accidents, your appointment will be issued soon and you will become a new civilization. Fire Sergeant.

For the first time, you learned that the fire of civilization comes with military pay, and the military pay provided by the empire is enough to allow you to eat in the best restaurants in Lazar Province for several days and nights.

Some time before leaving the continent of Essos, almost everyone was partying, and so were you. You returned home, and your parents hugged you with tears in their eyes.

They have awkward feelings about you becoming a civilized fire sergeant. Your father thinks it is the supreme honor of your family, but your mother is worried that she will not be able to see you.

Master Tom also met you, and this time the old gentleman treated you with great respect.

You are the warrior of the Poseidon, and you are His Majesty’s sharp blade.

Master Tom is still serious. He carefully asks about your arrangements for your home, and says that he will take care of everything. You just need to feel free to move forward.

It can be said that you, wearing the fire of civilization equipment, have become the glory of your entire neighborhood.

It can be said that there are millions of newborns in this base every year, and you are the best batch.

You meet Avril again, yes, in the Land of the First.

The First Land does have identification, but this does not mean that they can stop a Poseidon warrior.

You visited the elders in Avril's family for the first time and confessed your feelings.

You are very sure that if it were before, you would have been beaten to death with random sticks, but now, Avril's grandfather received you solemnly.

Five years, this is the requirement of the Avril family, five years of service in the fires of civilization and coming back alive.

The seemingly simple requirements are actually extremely difficult. Many Fire of Civilization sergeants find it difficult to return to their hometowns. It is not that they died in battle, but that some monster groups that are difficult to kill completely will make them stick around for decades.

No one cares about the big-headed sergeant, but it's different for the officer. You know that this is Grandpa Avril's test, and you also know that this is a slim hope for your future from a veteran of the Fire of Civilization.

You have spent the last three days with Avril, and today you will become a warrior of the Poseidon.

Just like many years ago, melodious ancient hymns are sung again on the street at the main entrance of the base, but this time, you no longer have envy in your eyes.

You are among them!

When the sun's rays shine on the land of Lazar Plains again, the dragon's roaring storm disperses the heavy fog that filled the sky above the main entrance, the bells of the base church ring for you, and countless flowers are thrown at you. By your side, crowds of people crowded both sides of the street to pray for you.

From today on, you are the warriors of the Poseidon.

As the door slowly opens, you will be greeted by your leader, an old man with gray hair.

"101 Expeditionary Group, from today on, you are no longer a burden to the Poseidon. You are the sword of the Poseidon and the hammer of the empire!"

"After careful calculation, the probability of you completely conquering Ultes for His Majesty is very small, and the benefits you can bring are very small, but every drop of blood you shed will make the lives of your loved ones better, even if This improvement has reached an unnoticeable level. With the approval of the Imperial Military Department, from today on, you will be the soldiers of the Sea Emperor, and you will join the fire of civilization!"

Your eyes vaguely caught sight of Avril Lavigne crying in the crowd. You felt that what the leader said might be right, even just a little bit better.

As the leader said, you have become the sharp blade of the Poseidon. Even if the knife is not fast yet, as long as it can continue to resist polishing, it will be able to cut iron like mud sooner or later.

And you don’t know how many monsters and monsters are waiting for you in Ultes Continent, but you don’t have any cowardice, or rather, you are ecstatic.

Because you are no longer a silverfish lying on the empire, nor are you a scum at the bottom of the empire.

Even though there are thousands of Ultes like you, you at this moment are extremely sacred!
(End of this chapter)

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