Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 258 The ghost in the ghost forest

Chapter 258 The ghost in the ghost forest

The Great Wall of the North responded quickly under the command of Samwell, and the patrol strength of the entire Great Wall was tripled.

The Black Cavalry Regiment was sent to inspect the eighteen castles under the Great Wall. Samwell had to ensure that he could understand the situation of the eighteen castles under the Great Wall at the first time.

Add new land.

This was originally a land awarded to the Night's Watch by a Targaryen, but was later divided by Jack and given to the free people beyond the wall to live in. Under Jack's guidance, the wild people beyond the wall began to build cities, reclaim land, and learn farming and herding.

Although the freedmen still needed to buy clothes and ironware in the south, at least they learned how to farm and herd, which was much better than living a life of hunger and cold outside the Great Wall.

There is no longer any "liberal" voice among them, but they feel that the current life is the life that real free people should live.

Generally speaking, "personal freedom" is not as good as "freedom of food, clothing, housing and transportation"!

Liberty City, administrative center.

Mance Rayder looked at the letter in his hand with a solemn expression. As the commander who summoned the wildlings to go south, he knew very well the reasons why the wildlings went south.

White Walkers!

This kind of story used by old ladies to scare children has now become a reality. Not to mention the army of more than 100 million ghouls, only tens of thousands of ghouls forced [-] savages to go south to attack the Great Wall.

Thinking of the terrifying number of wights, Mance Rayder understood that the Great Wall had become the last hope. Once the Night King's wight army broke through the Great Wall, the consequences would be disastrous.

Mance Rayder immediately ordered to summon three thousand young men from Liberty City, and at the same time sent people to the giant town in the north of Liberty City to recruit war giants from the giant race.

That afternoon, three thousand young men and ten fully armed giants gathered at the north gate of Liberty City.

Mance Rayder looked at the three thousand young men and ten war giants riding mammoths in front of him, and he shouted loudly:

"I, Mance Rayder, have never regretted surrendering to His Majesty the Poseidon!

His Majesty the Poseidon did not deceive me. Cotton clothes and bedding for the winter, fresh milk and bread, a hot kang house with briquettes burning, government subsidies for chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep babies, as well as fair and just legal protection.

As a legal citizen of a northern province, we all have equal treatment. Free citizens outside the Great Wall have become a thing of the past, and free legal citizens are what we are now called.

But while enjoying equal rights and treatment, we should also bear corresponding responsibilities. I don’t want to hear words that look down upon us from the people in the north.

The things that drove us to the south of the Great Wall have already arrived under the Great Wall, and they are eyeing our new life.

I know you are still afraid, and I am afraid of them too, because they are devils.

However, what I am more afraid of is that the Liberty City that was finally built will be short-lived.

Look back at this beautiful city, look at the children playing carefree on the streets, and look at the drowsy old people at the door.

Your wives, children, and children are all here, and they still dream of living a winter without hunger, cold, or death.

We cannot be afraid, let alone retreat. If we retreat, the country will be destroyed and the species will be exterminated. Those things will not accept surrender or capture.

So we have to go north to the Great Wall and save the common people in the name of the Sea Emperor! "

"Go north to the Great Wall and save the common people!"

Mance Rayder waved his hand, "Go north to the Great Wall and save the people!"

After the team heading north left, Mance Rayder returned to his office, still worried.

He couldn't imagine the scene when the enemy charged against the army of more than 100 million living dead who were fearless in life and death. It must be a scene more terrifying than hell. "The true dragon's flame will definitely destroy those monsters, definitely!" Mance Rayder said as he took out a book and started to read.

The words "Selected Thoughts of Poseidon" were written brightly, and Mance Rayder finally put down the book in his hand.

The newly added land is an autonomous region of the Northern Province, and Mance Rayder is responsible for all matters.

Mance feels that the North has reached a moment of life and death, and he must concentrate his efforts on big things!
As soon as he thought of it, Mance Rayder immediately summoned all officials in Liberty City to discuss supporting the Wall.

As the capital of the Northern Province, Siloer has developed very rapidly and has become the largest and most populous city in the North.

Jack received a letter from the Great Wall, and he was mentally prepared for it.

It is now the year 303 AC, and there is still one year left before the arrival of the long night as predicted by the city. The city predicts that the long night will cover Westeros at the earliest in 305 AC, and no later than 307 AC at the latest.

There are already signs of the long night coming to the north. There are only six hours of daylight, and this time is still shrinking.

According to Jack's prediction, the entire northern border will officially enter the long night by the end of the year, and the daylight hours in the south will also be greatly reduced by then.

Until the year 305 AC, the whole of Westeros will be shrouded in a long night.

After the long night comes, Essos will also fall into a long night, but the situation in Essos will be better, and the temperature will not be as low as in Westeros.

Jack was fully prepared for what might be the longest night in history.

Especially the invention of briquettes and coal stoves, combined with dried fish made from petroleum fish, made this long night far less scary.

The only thing you need to worry about may be food reserves, but Jack is also purchasing a large amount of food from all over the world.

Coupled with the food produced at the Lazha Plain Food Production Base, it should be enough.

Now Jack is ready for the arrival of the long night, but he still has to destroy the Night King, only in this way can he sit back and relax.

As the top supernatural creature in the Game of Thrones world, the Night King is still very good.

Not to mention that its physical fitness is far beyond that of ordinary people, but the undead magic and ice magic it masters are not something ordinary people can resist.

From the perspective of life level alone, the Night King, Green Seer and Poseidon are all demigod-level extraordinary creatures, while Corakxiu is an ordinary extraordinary creature.

However, there is also a gap in the combat power of extraordinary creatures of the same level. For example, the Night King and the Green Seer, Corak Xiu can compete with them even if he is underage.

And for demigods like the Green Seer who are not good at fighting, once their true form is discovered by Colakxiu, they will basically be waiting for death.

As for Poseidon, even without the help of the power of faith, Poseidon's atomic breath alone can kill the Night King.

But there is a very critical issue, and that is how to lock down the whereabouts of the Night King.

The Night King is a highly intelligent creature. Once Poseidon appears, the Night King will never force Poseidon.

If the Night King is allowed to escape to the far north, the Night King, who has the ability to resurrect the dead, will be a big trouble.

So Jack is planning a "Battle of Hardhome", using himself as bait to attract the Night King to Hardhome, and then cooperate with Corak Xiu and Poseidon to kill the Night King.

By the way, you can also look for traces of the Green Seer.

(End of this chapter)

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