Game of Thrones: Overlord of the Deep Sea

Chapter 259 Impossible, absolutely impossible

Chapter 259 Impossible, absolutely impossible

Jack sent the news of the White Walkers on the Great Wall by raven to all parts of the south, and expressed the hope that the Iron Throne would surrender immediately and cooperate with him to integrate the power of all Westeros to resist the White Walkers.

The southern nobles were doubtful about the existence of the White Walkers, but the surrendered Iron Islands, Riverlands, Vale, and Dorne responded one after another, while Highgarden and the Iron Islands chose to remain silent.

Jack didn't expect the Iron Throne and Highgarden to respond to his call, but this was exactly what Jack wanted.

He once again released the news, calling on other forces in Westeros to attack the Iron Throne on the grounds that the Iron Throne did not care about the life and death of mankind, and asked the seagulls that had penetrated the Seven Kingdoms to spread the news and guide public opinion.

After controlling public opinion, Jack did not immediately take action against the Iron Throne, but continued to improve the encirclement. Jack himself rode a dragon northward. He wanted to see the situation of the White Walkers first.

There was originally only a few kilometers of buffer distance between the Ghost Forest and the Great Wall. Later, after Jack came to power, he ordered the felling of trees to reserve firewood, and even ordered citizens to cut down trees. Now there is a distance of about 20 kilometers between the Ghost Forest and the Great Wall.

The reason why Jack did this was to discover the White Walkers earlier. Otherwise, the corpses would hide in the ghost forest, and the sentries on the Great Wall would be useless even if they were equipped with telescopes.

Colakxiu flew rapidly through the air, and the high temperature on his body collided with the wind and snow in the north, creating a large amount of water mist.

Standing on the dragon's back using water vapor, Jack felt that he was not riding a dragon, but flying in the clouds and mist like a cultivator.


The dragon's roar echoed through Castle Black again. Samwell, who was welcoming the reinforcements from Liberty City, looked up and saw a giant dragon covered in steam landing in the castle square.

"Your Majesty is here, come with me to see Your Majesty." Samwell said to Bjorn, the commander of the reinforcements.

Bjorn looked excited. Jack was not just idle and wasting resources by taking in the wildlings outside the wall. He had never relaxed his efforts to tame the wildlings. Now Jack Poseidon has a very high status in the eyes of the citizens of Free City. .

"Your Majesty, you are finally here, the White Walkers are coming!" Samwell came to Jack in a hurry.

"Why are you panicking? How long have you been the commander-in-chief? If the White Walkers attack the Great Wall now, are you going to pack up and run away?" Jack said with a slight frown.

Samwell looked embarrassed. As a person who had seen White Walkers with his own eyes and was released by White Walkers, his fear of White Walkers was far beyond ordinary people.

"Your Majesty, don't worry, we will defend the Great Wall to the death, and we will never embarrass you."

At this time, Bjorn immediately expressed his determination. Samwell opened his small eyes slightly. You Bjorn with thick eyebrows and big eyes, are you tricking me like this?
"Very good. If everyone has your determination, then the White Walkers have nothing to fear, don't you think so, Commander Sam?"

Samwell smiled awkwardly and said nothing.

Jack did not continue to point to Samwell. He knew Samwell, especially after Jon Snow's death, Samwell had changed a lot.

Patting Samwell on the shoulder, Jack said earnestly:

"You still need to change your character. The position of commander-in-chief of the Great Wall belongs to you, because only you, Samwell, can take charge of the overall situation.

Think about your father's expression when he sent you to the Great Wall. Your father is now leading 12 people in the Reach to fight against the West.

And you are now the commander-in-chief of the Great Wall. To put it bluntly, you are the commander-in-chief. You know how high your status is in the north.What you should do at this time is to coordinate the overall situation. When I gather the power of the entire continent to resist the White Walkers, an army of 30 to [-] will need your unified deployment. What you need is the courage and determination to coordinate the overall situation.

When the time comes, I hope your father will be proud of you instead of laughing at me for being blind behind my back, okay? "

Jack's words made Samwell moved and ashamed. Jack had promoted Samwell to the position of Commander-in-Chief of the Administration Department, which was equivalent to the Commander-in-Chief of the Night Watch, against all opinions. He naturally did not want to disappoint Jack.

After Jack PUA finished Samwell, he held a meeting in the conference room, and all the executives of Great Wall were present.

Everyone who enters the administrative department of Castle Black will do so tremblingly under the watchful eye of Corak Xiu. Whether it is Corak Xiu or Drogon, they will remain extremely wary of anyone approaching their riders.

The meeting went smoothly, and Jack quickly grasped the current situation on the Great Wall.

The Great Wall now has sufficient supplies. Not counting the reinforcements from the newly added areas, the Great Wall itself has a strength of 5400 people, including 6200 logistics personnel.

This is completely different from the situation when facing the White Walkers in the original book, especially in terms of supplies. Now the Night's Watch can eat bread, sausages and broth every day. It can be said that half of the investment in the entire North is spent on On the army.

Now that there are 3000 people and a large amount of supplies supported by the new land, the Great Wall has become the "old wealth of the landlords", and in terms of supplies alone, it is not even inferior to the Northern Army marching south.

Then Jack asked Samwell to increase the patrol force and wait patiently for support from the south.

Jack is not in a hurry to deal with the Night King, and similarly, the Night King is not in a hurry to go south.

The Long Night has not yet truly enveloped the world, and the Night King's power has not yet reached its peak.

Jack also wants to put down the rebellion on the Iron Throne first, and then use the opportunity to deal with the Night King to suppress some of the southern nobles.

After confirming that everything was normal on the Great Wall, Jack rode Corakxiu and flew north. It was impossible for more than 100 million White Walkers to be all crowded in the Haunted Forest. The Night King's army must be behind.

The cold wind howled, and the temperature got lower as we went north. Colakxiu was flying at an altitude of 50 meters. Although there were big trees blocking the way, he could still see small groups of ghoul troops.

As Jack went deeper, a huge group of corpses soon came into view. There were tens of thousands of corpses. From Jack's perspective, he suddenly had a sense of familiarity with Resident Evil.

Especially the zombies who stood there and swayed without moving, just like the zombies in zombie movies.

Such a huge group of corpses must be led by White Walkers. Jack planned to kill a few White Walkers as a meeting gift to the Night King.

Corakxiu quickly lowered his height, and the blazing dragon flames spurted out. The group of corpses below did not react at all, as if they were wood waiting to be burned.

Jack raised his eyebrows slightly. Is it possible that this group of nearly [-] ghouls does not have a White Walker leader?
"Impossible, absolutely impossible!" Jack murmured to himself. The Night King had more than 100 million corpses and dozens of White Walkers. It was impossible to leave such a large group of corpses alone.

Just when Colakxiu was spitting out dragon flames wantonly, an ice spear suddenly flew out of the bushes and rushed towards Colakxiu's neck!

(End of this chapter)

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