40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 116 19 Red Sand

Chapter 116 19. Red Sand ([-])

The sky in Nuceria turns an extremely calm deep blue in the afternoon, with thick clouds rolling across the canvas.Any later, and the sky would turn a blood-red hue.

There are not so many high-rise buildings here to block the natural scenery, and the sun will appear or say goodbye without reservation.

Khalil stared at the sky in this foreign land thoughtfully, and did not speak for a long time, until a voice came from behind him: "Instructor."

He turned his head and saw a serious face.At this moment, he was standing on a plain with this person, and they were far away from Daishea.

Nuceria has much to tidy up, and the Ultramarines hope that when their cousins ​​arrive they will see a planet of order, and by then it will be much easier for them to take over.

This kindness is natural, and Khalil appreciates it and needs many of the things it brings.

He had been following the [-]nd Company of the [-]st Chapter, observing their every movement.Communicating with tribes, persuading cities that are still resisting, and treating locals peacefully. He has a panoramic view of every detail.

The purpose of the trip has been completely changed, but that doesn't mean he's dropping his purpose - he's an instructor for the Eighth Regiment, a position that has been changed time and time again under Conrad Curze It has the duties and powers similar to the adjutant of the Primarch.

Therefore, when he returned to the Eighth Army, what he needed to do was far more than simply teaching martial arts.

Every step he sees now is the experience accumulated by the Ultramarines. For the Eighth Legion, they may not be useful, but knowing it must be better than not knowing it.

"Second Company Commander Miro." Khalil smiled slightly. "What can you do with me?"

The second company commander made a simple gesture: "I'm here to apologize."

"To whom?"

"To you." The second company commander said. "I have heard from my brothers in my company about their reckless behavior, and I must come and apologize for it."

"They didn't do anything they shouldn't have done, Second Company Commander, why do you have to apologize?"

The second company commander did not answer, but just looked at him stubbornly, showing Khalil some of his flaws with a serious expression—a kind of stubbornness that could almost be called pedantic.

He didn't hide it, he even showed it with an almost proud attitude.He came to apologize, and at the same time strongly hoped that Khalil would accept his apology.

Khalil knows why.

He shook his head: "It's nothing, just a few sword fights. Isn't it a very common entertainment among the Astartes to relax by fighting with each other in their spare time?"

"But they used real swords," Milo said gravely. "This is not allowed and cannot be forgiven. I have reported their mistake to the chapter master and left it to him to decide. Punishment will come, but I still need to express my apology to you."

Khalil finally got helpless.

"Okay, okay, I accept." He held up his hands. "Just, please tell Captain Gage again, and ask him not to punish him too severely."

"I'll do my best." The second company commander nodded. "However, with your permission, I would like to make some suggestions."

Khalil almost said yes—or, he should have said yes.

A sharp loud noise interrupted his reply. Looking up, he saw the dazzling flame and a rapidly falling meteor.It streaked across the sky, replacing the sunset that turned the sky a blood-red color a few hours later.

"What's going on?" Milo's voice came from beside him, and the second company commander calmly and quickly asked in the communication channel.

"Which of our transport planes or the Storm Eagle failed? Immediately determine the location of the emergency landing and organize personnel to support it, search for survivors, remember to evacuate the local natives, and I will report this matter to the Primarch."

What a solid response.Listening to his words, Khalil thought so.

Robert Guilliman was indeed cultivating his heirs according to his vision. He gave some things that had nothing to do with the war to his legion, and they did not disappoint him.

He raised his head again, staring at the blood-red trail left by the meteor, and sighed slowly and soothingly after half a minute.

The burning plane passing the sky would only emit thick smoke, and it was absolutely impossible for the flames to spread in the air without any burning objects for such a long time, even turning half of the sky into such a terrifying blood red color.

"Don't send anyone there for now, Second Company Commander." Khalil said softly. "Not anyone."

Milo looked at him in bewilderment.

"Report this to your Primarch," Khalil said. "Other than that, don't do anything."

".What do you mean?"

Milo stared at him intently, wanting an exact explanation.But Khalil didn't say anything, just sighed softly.

"I hate riddles as much as you do, trust me, Second Company Commander," he said.
Calm down and think calmly.Kahn spoke to himself with a voice of reason he had learned through years of bloody warfare.

One of the things he learned from the war was controlling his anger.Anger is human, everyone has it, but, as a fighter, you need to learn to control it.

He succeeded.

Then there are more emotions—anxiety, fear, pain, confusion.He sighed patiently, and bit by bit he undid the safety belt around his waist with his hands amidst the billowing smoke and the bloody smell so thick that it seemed to choke to death.

He fell to the ground with a sharp pain in his chest.In addition to the distorted noise in his ears, there were continuous alarms, his power armor was warning him that they had been damaged, and if there was another battle, they might not be able to help him.

"Okay, okay." He muttered and took off his helmet, barely opened his blood-smeared eyes, and saw everything in front of him.

Then he saw blood.


Kahn froze, and for a brief moment he almost forgot where he was—yeah, where are we?

He frowned, and more blood flowed from the wound on his forehead that came from nowhere because of this action, but this did not prevent Kahn from thinking.

Amid the burning metal ruins and the corpse of his brother, Karn of the [-]th Company of the War Hounds—began to remember painfully and angrily.

In the end what happened?where am iwhy am i here

He has no answer, he thinks, but he has no answer.So Karn picked up his helmet and put it on again.A steady light flashed on his retina, and he began to call in the comm channel, steady and calm, just like the voice most often used by war dogs in war.

"This is Kahn, Kahn of the Eighth Company."

His brothers died, but since they died, there was a war going on.He didn't know who he was fighting with, but the war dogs never showed weakness, even if they fought to the last man, they would never give up.

Kahn knew there was probably something wrong with his memory, and he guessed it was the impact of landing.Thinking of this, he couldn't help but look back at the metal ruins again, looking for some evidence, but he couldn't see anything familiar.

Everything is messy, chaotic and weird, and the remaining traces of metal connections on the ground indicate that this should be a landing module.But his seat is a Stormhawk style

He frowned, his thoughts and calls interrupted by a voice from behind the burning flames.The voice seemed to be roaring, but also like howling.

What is that sound?
Karn had no answer, but he chose to keep his mouth shut, and then his eyes began to search the burning ruins.

Eight seconds later, he found a chainaxe.After another eight seconds, he cautiously stepped out of the metal ruins, stepping on shattered reinforced glass and blood.The readings on the eyepiece told him that this was a world with a safe and pollution-free atmosphere, but he must not take off his helmet.

He has no weapons, only a chainaxe, but that doesn't stop him from moving forward.The visual aid module of the eyepiece spontaneously transforms the world he sees into black and white, allowing him to see every detail in the dark.

Kahn tightly held the unactivated chain saw axe, and walked towards the place where the sound came from.

He stepped heavily on the grass, the power armor humming slightly, the wound on his forehead still hurt, but he didn't care.He had to figure out what was-


He turned his head suddenly, the ax was raised high, and then he saw a familiar face.

"Captain Jaeger?" He put down the weapon in his hand in confusion. "What happened?"

Jaeger, the commander of the fourth company smiled and nodded to him, but did not answer. The armor composed of blood red and brass exuded a strong smell of blood.On the right shoulder that once bore the insignia of the War Dogs is now an eerie symbol adorned with skulls.

He wasn't wearing a helmet, and his whole face was distorted by the smile.The flesh trembled, and the once calm eyes were now deeply sunken behind the eye sockets, quickly and nervously scanning Kahn's face, observing every detail of his body.

"Don't you know?" the commander of the fourth company asked in a low voice. "Kane, don't you know what happened?"

"Of course I don't know—what's with your armor, Captain Jagger?"

Jager didn't answer, his face began to twitch, and in the next moment, Kahn's unexpected attack came suddenly.

The commander of the [-]th company laughed wildly, knocked Kahn down with terrible anger, and the chain saw ax sank deeply into his waist—in pain and surprise, Kahn stared into Jaeger's eyes, and then , he realized one thing.

The commander of the [-]th Company - the calm, sane, respectable Jaeger who had saved the [-]th Company many times - was no more.

"Blood sacrifice to the blood god!" he roared angrily. "Skull Offering Skull Holder!"

 Finally came out
  You can guess what's going on, and you'll be right.

  By the way, Kahn is not the commander of the [-]th company at this time. According to the official history, he was passively promoted after the death of the superior officers. As for why, I will not say.

  Oh, by the way, that's the same sentence, I don't use the knife.

(End of this chapter)

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