40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 117 20 Red Sand

Chapter 117 20. Red Sand ([-])

Kahn could feel a deep chill spreading from the depths of his spine to his internal organs.There was no reason to say that they poured into his body quickly, turning the blood into frozen ice slag.

And he knew it wasn't fear.

That's something else.Something else older, older, and more terrifying.He doesn't know what it is yet, and if he knew, he wouldn't be him anymore.

As for now, he no longer has the time and qualifications to think about these things. Jaeger is hitting his armor with an ax, and very deliberately chose those places where the protection is still intact, as if he is venting.

He growled furiously, his face turning into a twisted vortex.After staring at the vortex for more than two seconds, Kahn finally escaped Jaeger's attack with a roll, and climbed up - the latter was not surprised by this, but just smiled lowly.

"Why are you still wearing that armor, Kahn?" the commander of the fourth company asked hoarsely.

At this moment, his voice sounded completely different from what Kahn had imagined.

The voice was neither rational nor calm. His voice sounded like the sound of tank tracks rumbling through ruins.Broken and terrible, like a roar, and like a whine.

Kahn didn't answer him, he just gripped the chainaxe, activated it, and swooped at Jaeger.Axes collided with each other, and the monomolecular saw blades destroyed each other in the rapid rotation.

Jaeger smiled casually, his pale face was still trembling for some reason.

Kahn stared hard into his eyes, just a little bit, his gaze will move to Jaeger's forehead, his gaze will continue to move up, and then he will find the truth - if he refuses to talk to Jaeger If you look at each other.

But he didn't.

He couldn't refuse, looking at the enemy was one of Kahn's habits, and he had cultivated many habits in the years of war, and this incident was one of them.

He must look into the opponent's eyes.He needs to use this to determine more.

So he missed the truth, and what he got came from the two emotions in Jaeger's eyes-anger and extremely strong hatred.

Jaeger grinned and looked at him through the eyepiece, with a strong smell of blood permeating between his lips and teeth: "I'm glad to see that you still keep your old habits. But, you are really stupid to wear it, Kahn."

Kahn's eyes narrowed, blood was smeared between his cheeks, and he didn't care now.

He didn't let anger pollute his sanity because of Jaeger's insult.Similarly, he did not continue this dangerous wrestling.

He doesn't know if he can outwit Jagger in sheer strength, but it doesn't make sense that he wouldn't try it with the only weapon he has now.Kahn could see another chainsword hanging from Jaeger's belt.

So he took a sharp step back, moved to the left with a quick step, and the ax spun in a deadly arc, slashing at Jaeger's arm.The latter snorted and blocked the attack with his shoulder armor without dodging or dodging.

Kahn immediately frowned.

He immediately realized the seriousness of the problem - he cut Jaeger's shoulder armor, which is true.However, the return of the chainaxe felt less like hacking into armor and more like being stuck in a quagmire.

Karn stared at the armor in shock, seeing blood dripping from the metal.He instinctively continued to pull his arm, trying to draw his weapon out of it, but Jagger didn't give him the chance.

The Fourth Company Commander knocked him down again with a ferocious slash, as easily and casually as a skilled lumberjack treats trees.

He kept sneering and started pacing around Kahn, not in a hurry to kill him, his eyes turned red inadvertently: "1 years have passed, Kahn, 1 years."

He growled.

"And you still dare to wear it? Why? Does that emblem and this color make you feel some kind of twisted pleasure?"

"This is the symbol of glory of our legion." Gasping, Kahn climbed up from the ground again. "It's not the so-called twisted pleasure in your mouth, Jagel, you're crazy."


Jagger looked at him and laughed furiously, his voice twisting in his throat like some kind of hoarse scream. "How dare you call me crazy?!"

"Otherwise?" Kahn asked calmly, but he was thinking about how to knock him down—or simply retreat temporarily and find other ways to figure out what happened.

"You wear armor from 1 years ago, Kahn, and you say I'm crazy? You dress up like a false emperor's loyal dog, and even have his lightning bolts on the armor, and you say I'm crazy?! "

Kahn was silent for a moment.

Then the second option was thrown away.

"What did you just say?" he asked. "What did you just say, Jaeger?"

Jagger didn't answer anymore, just rushed towards him howling.

Kahn's fingers began to tremble, and uncontrollable rage surged in his heart, almost breaking through the boundaries he set for himself—the word Jaeger spit out made him feel a burst of intense shock and anger.

He also howled and rushed towards Jaeger.The ax collided with the ax again, and the ferocity unique to the war hounds surged in their mutual veins.In the midst of a frenzied fight, Kahn realized that Jagger wanted to kill him.

But so is he.

It took less than half a second for this matter to rise from his mind and to be realized.

I want to kill him.

I want to kill my brother.

There is no time to think, the number of intersections between the axes is increasing, and the interval is getting shorter and shorter.The process of exercising violence was slowly taking hold of Karn's mind, leaving him with little time to think.

His focus bought him a fleeting opportunity, and Kahn didn't let it slip away, roaring and grabbing Jaeger's weapon-handling hand before sending his ax flying with a single swing .

Immediately afterwards, he kept beating Jaeger's face with his free left hand.He knocked him to the ground, but the anger never ceased, because Jaeger was laughing the whole time.

He was laughing like crazy.

"What's so funny, Captain Jaeger?!" Kahn asked with a low growl, grabbed Jaeger, and threw him to the ground hard.He could hear his own voice echoing around him. "What's so funny?!"

Jagger didn't answer, just continued to laugh wildly, his voice was so broken.Karn took a step back gasping for air, but he couldn't kill his brother after all.

He doesn't allow himself to do that.He stared at Jaeger's face, seeing blurred flesh and pale bones.

Kahn's gauntlets helped him achieve this, Jaeger's nose and brow bone were completely destroyed, and one of his eyes was gone, turning into some kind of muddy thing stuck in the eye socket. The master's laughter trembled.

His mouth was open, and blood gleamed vaguely between his teeth.Kahn suddenly felt a burst of extremely strong fear, but he had no idea where this emotion came from.

"I'm laughing at you," Jagger said in his broken voice. "You don't even dare to kill me, Kahn, what are you thinking?"


Kahn let out a low growl, and stopped Jager's words with a trample.His brother passed out and finally closed his mouth, but his face was still trembling.Kahn looked at him angrily and suspiciously, not understanding why Jagel became like this.

He still didn't look above Jaeger's forehead.

"Enough, enough."

Panting, he slung the chainaxe back onto his belt.Determined to get out of here, he needs to find his company commander, regiment master - or anyone else who can share this matter, and he must report this matter to them.

The insanity of a company commander is no small matter. And that word, how dare he shout that terrible coinage?

Kahn's teeth chattered, and his brain was in chaos.He didn't know where he was, what happened, or why Jagel became like that.He quickly left here, and entered the darkness alone.

And behind him, Jaeger's body began to flicker, flickering non-stop.

The blood and minced flesh began to peel off, and screaming souls emerged from the armor. For a moment, Jaeger's armor returned to the color of a war dog, and his face also returned to normal at that moment. The Butcher's Nail did not Swaying in the back of his head and torturing him.

He was perfectly normal—crying out in terror, wishing Karn would come back and kill him, and get away from them, to report to the Primarch what they had all been through in the Warp.

But Kahn didn't, he couldn't remember.

So everything came back, and the blood spread again.
Khalil stood at the end of the plain and stared at the rolling hills below. From the expression alone, you couldn't tell what he was thinking at the moment, but you could still see from the reflection in those dark eyes that he was thinking about it at the moment. One side of what one gazes at.

It was a huge, earth-covering, burning wreck of twisted metal.

Half an hour ago, here were the liberated farmlands and rivers, and the freed people worked in the fields that were really theirs for the first time.The Ultramarines greeted cheerfully in Nucerian as they passed, and some kids even ran after the cars, clamoring for a simple gift of produce.

But now, there is nothing left.

There is only one ruin.

Khalil clenched his hands slowly, thumb, index and middle fingers rubbing against each other quickly.

He looked at the ruins again, his eyes felt a sting, and a stench rushed to his face, reaching his nostrils across a distance of thousands of meters.Not the smell of the world of the living, but something from that world of lightless darkness.

They are here?

But how is it possible?How could they have crossed the veil?

While thinking coldly, he slowly exhaled a mouthful of air, which quickly froze and turned into dust that filled the air.The world collapsed in an instant, and the flames of blood ignited, turning everything into corpses in the river of blood, and then there was a voice that spewed furiously between the hallucinations.

"You can't escape!" something behind the veil yelled at him with a fury never seen before. "So do they!"

Khalil narrowed his eyes, staring at the burning scarlet flames, without saying a word.He could smell blood, not an ordinary smell of blood.A thought crossed his mind.

He was hurt.

So, that's the reason?In fact, the curtain has never been able to stop them, as long as they are willing to pay the price?


He cut off his thoughts abruptly, and then rushed down the high slope.

 Ten thousand today, and two more chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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