40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 47 47 Worth It or Not

Chapter 47 47. Worth It or Not (4k)

Khalil could taste a faint, special smell that only belonged to blood.

Flowing through the odorless air, they eventually fell into his 'net', telling him all he needed.So he knew that there was a person bleeding 450 meters away.

catch net.

He discovered it tonight and started using it.

After returning from the curtain, his body has been getting stronger every day, but what has changed is not just pure strength and agility, but also some smaller aspects.

Like his perception.

Individually, they were sharp enough, and now they were combined like a huge net, able to wrap his prey tightly.This is the origin of the slightly weird name of the catch net.

He turned around, and the soft light sources were still quietly doing their work on both sides of the street on the upper nest, as always.

They've been here a long time and are still in great shape.Apart from the fact that the material from which they are made is strong, it is also because someone has been maintaining them.

servant.Khalil thought.

A terrible coldness began to pervade his mouth.

In the past, the job often required his attention to detail.He pays attention to every corner, every detail, and his own behavior.

He will avoid the pleasure of killing and turn this matter into a job that requires efficiency-only in this way can he let the midnight ghost understand the true meaning of killing.

Killing was never the goal.

Khalil took another deep breath, and the 'catch net' kicked in again.

Then he started running.

The huge body more than four meters high ran like a ghost in the darkness of the upper nest, with fast footsteps, but did not move any of the floor tiles, only a faint, almost imperceptible sound appeared.

His bones and muscles burst out with greater strength under this kind of movement, and the strength itself is also urging them to evolve.

——What am I now?
A thought flashed by, Kalil squinted his eyes, and let it disappear in the deepest part of his heart.

After one jump, he reached the top of a steeple.

The two air filters work silently on top, they must be new, otherwise it wouldn't explain the new metal surface.

Khalil walked past them, looked down, and locked his eyes precisely on a panicked man running wildly.

It was the second time he had seen this gesture.

Last time, this man ran in the endless night of Nostramo in the same way.But this time, apart from running a little faster, nothing changed.

Thinking of this, Khalil couldn't help but smile.

"Is that urging them to get out of that corrupt life and start exercising?"

He started talking to himself, hissing voice filled the cold air, and then gradually dissipated into nothingness.

Amid the sound of the air purifier, he jumped down to the top of the steeple without a sound.Without bending his knees or bending over, he landed in front of the man like a swiftly passing shadow, and then stretched out his hand, dragging him into the darkness.

There was a panicked scream.

Then came the pleading—broken voices without words, mixed with the sound of a complete breakdown of reason.Khalil watched him patiently, not intending to torture, there was no point in that.

He has lost control twice.

There will be no third time.

And, if he wanted to know something, the man would speak for himself.He even made it clear how many people he had eaten.


Khalil said softly. "There's no need to struggle, you know I'm coming for you, don't you?"

"You're just a legend."

The man sobbed, completely broken down. "You shouldn't exist! You're just a monster woven by those lower class civilians!"

Khalil laughed.

"I made your family disappear tonight, but you think I'm just a legendary monster?"

He gently released his hand, letting the man fall to the ground.The latter fell to the ground with weak legs and feet, and even lost the strength to escape, filled with fear.

"All right."

Gazing at him, Khalil sighed.He squatted down and pinched the neck of the broken mind in front of him.

There is no need to talk anymore.

With a crisp sound, his work for tonight was completely over.But Khalil did not throw the corpse on the dark street, he took it, jumped up the steeple again, and jumped back and forth between the building and the steeple.

The architectural style of Nostramo is not just gloomy and simple, religious metaphors can also be seen everywhere in it.I don't know who brought up this style in the first place. In short, in the upper hive capital of Quintus, churches are everywhere.

—Of course, they don't believe in a god.

Eight minutes later, he stopped at the top of a church.

This is the largest church in Quintus' Upper Nest.It is completely different from the buildings in the lower nest that have been corroded by acid rain. The whole is majestic and towering, even just one side is extremely exquisite, and it is obviously often repaired.

Nobles of all sizes in Quintus would come to this church to pray on a certain day of the month—of course, the prayers of the nobles were naturally different.

Rather than praying, it's more like a palace dance mixed with the exchange of interests.

Under the watchful eyes of blurred gods, noble men and women will choose the lambs of suffering naked in the embrace of blood.

And then.
Khalil narrowed his eyes and cut off his thoughts, unwilling to continue thinking, he lowered his head and began to stare at the night.

Fifteen marble statues were placed evenly in a hollow under his feet. Surrounded by thorns, the suffering women were dressed in tulle, holding up a crying baby with their hands, and their faces were surrounded by mist. The condensed mist covered the marble. slips off the skin.

Khalil glanced at them and shook his head.

Naturally born babies have become rare in Nostramo.

After a brief observation, he jumped off the top of the church and began to carve up the body on the platform at the top of the long, hundreds of steps.

It wasn't profanity, anger or boredom, it was part of his job.

Khalil saw it clearly, he didn't do it with malice or excitement, he did it only because he needed to expand the scope of his fear.

After all, verbal warnings are not as great as the threat posed by direct actions to the nobles.

Stretching out his fingers, he cut the soft skin with his nails like a ghost, and the blood flowed out.

Khalil frowned, feeling extremely disgusted by the touch of flesh and blood.

Now, he misses the time when he could still hold a knife.

However, he can no longer go back to the past.

He couldn't simply be 'Khalil Rohars', a ghost who moves in the night.

The power that came with that covenant made Khalil realize that, like the Emperor, he needed a mask.But now the giant's body is just right.

Conrad Koz has many brothers whom he has never met, and if Conrad Koz wants to meet them one by one, Khalil is sure that he will not be able to escape.

For a long period of time in the future, he will have to accompany Conrad Koz to do this.

Therefore, this look can solve a lot of things - at least it can solve a lot of unnecessary things in the category of 'Lorgar Aurelion'.

Three minutes later, he finished his work, stood up with bloody hands, and left the church with a few vertical jumps.

Now, he just needs time to keep flowing.
Returning to the shelter again, for the third time in a day, Khalil found himself somewhat familiar with the absence of ghosts.

He smiled complicatedly, and then sighed rather distressed.

"Is this some kind of event?"

Facing the darkness behind the shelter, Khalil asked. "You come one by one, even the location you choose to wait for is the same."

Hearing this, Ferus Manus took a step to the left expressionlessly.

He knows who the last visitor was.

"You're still going on."

Ferrus said, with determination in his tone. "Does this bloody life fascinate you?"

"of course not."

Khalil shook his head, and opened the new door of the sanctuary in front of Ferrus - a door that now had a certain terrible weight.

The entire casing of the old-fashioned water purifier was forcibly removed by Roger Dorn and reinforced on it.Gaps were filled and weak structures were re-corrected.

It is now a very qualified gate.

Khalil walked in and pulled out a chair.Like the door, it has been altered, from a battered wooden chair found in the trash to a giant armchair.

Twisted metal joins with wood to form its four legs.

They are exactly the same length, exactly.The sunken metal concave surface became the seat surface, the backrest was strong and firm, and several gears removed from the water purifier gleamed on the side of the long metal armrest.

"Dorne's craftsmanship." Ferrus said in a low voice. "He's still just as skilled."

"I don't know about his past work, but judging by these two precious handicraft products, he is obviously a skilled craftsman-Also, if you don't mind, I would like to sit down and talk to you."

Khalil smiled slightly. He dragged the chair and put it on the ground, but didn't sit down immediately.

"I don't mind," said Ferrus Manus calmly. "People deserve rest after work."

Khalil raised his eyebrows in surprise. He sat down and asked, "You call what I'm doing work?"

"At least, from your attitude, it is indeed no different from a job. And from my personal point of view, removing these dross that oppresses others is indeed just a job."

Finally—Ferrus Manus showed some mood swings.There was a look of disgust on his stern face, and his brows were furrowed.

"I can't stand it at all," he said coldly. "Most of the people here are damned."

"Yes." Khalil replied, leaning back in his chair. "indeed so."


After a brief emotional reaction, Ferrus Manus returned to his usual silence.Half a minute later, he just spoke again.

"Conrad Coz's class today was very successful."

Khalil laughed. "Did you just come and tell me about it?"

"No, there is another thing - not only the Custodian and the Auxiliary Army are on board the Emperor Mirage, we also brought a small number of soldiers from their respective legions."

Ferrus slowly cast him a serious gaze.

"Therefore, Khalil Rohars, if you need it, my Legion, the Iron Hands, will descend from orbit to help you establish a new order."

"I'm already working on it, Ferrus Manus."

"But it's not very efficient."

Khalil sighed.He knew what the giant meant.

Offer help and help, and reshape a new order with military power far beyond all noble private soldiers in Nostramo.

It would be great to do this, and the efficiency would be hundreds of times faster than it is now, but it was not what he wanted, nor was it what Midnight Ghost or Conrad Koz wanted.

"Efficiency is not everything sometimes - I hate inefficiency too, but some things have to go slowly, Ferrus Manus"

"The Eighth Legion will be here soon." Ferrus said expressionlessly. "So unless you can completely change the planet in two weeks, it's only a matter of time before this new order arrives."

He paused for a moment and shook his head.

"I've heard Conrad Koz say about you trying to start a 'fire,' and you're trying to wake people up here from a long darkness, which is noble, but I don't think you'll be able to pull it off."

"is it?"

"Yes," said Ferrus Manus.

The giant frowned again—but this time, it looked a little different.

"These people are numb. Before you came, I went to the shantytowns. The living environment of those workers is not even comparable to some wild animals. And they just endured and never resisted."

"So I knew that they might have completely forgotten the meaning of rebellion. And, even their children did the same."

"Nobody thinks it's wrong to join a gang to murder cannibals, even their parents teach them to take the gang exams. The world is completely sick, Khalil Rohars. Therefore, I admire your desire to save it. , but I absolutely do not agree."

"You're right," Khalil said quietly.

A look of astonishment flashed across Ferrus' face.

"What?" Khalil smiled and shook his head. "Think I'm going to contradict you?"


"I'm not going to refute a true thing - you're right, Ferrus Manus. Nostramo doesn't deserve to be saved. But I never use To measure one thing."

Khalil threw his head back, letting the cold wind blow past him.They no longer chilled him, but he squinted his eyes as usual.

"Whether it is worth it is a cold calculation and consideration, Ferrus Manus."

"It is an instinct that humans have evolved naturally. Apart from the unconditional dedication of parents, there will be such things even between brothers and lovers. So I never use it to think, and I exclude it."

"Yes, Nostramo is not worth saving, it should be burned. Everyone should be executed, and then new humans should be sent to settle."


Khalil laughed.

"Was it all worth it?" he asked with a smile.

Ferrus Manus found himself speechless for the first time.

Silently, he turned around.

"Good luck, then," he said. "I admire your determination."

That is not my resolution, Ferrus Manus.

Khalil closed his eyes.

That's not my resolution.

 It's not true that some people don't eat sweet rice dumplings, right?
  I will not eat.

  Oh, I don't eat meat dumplings either. (happy)
(End of this chapter)

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