40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 48 Chapter 48 Lesson 1

Chapter 48 48. The First Lesson (End)
Fulgrim hadn't expected his lessons to go so smoothly.

Conrad Koz listened carefully to every word he said.His brother is not a student who likes to ask questions, but he will firmly remember every word of the teacher.

From the purpose of the Empire, to its most important work now, some basic political terms Konrad Coats has everything in mind.

From his expression, Fulgrim could tell that he didn't understand the connection between 'political favor exchange' and the appointment of a planetary governor, but Konrad Curze would remember it.

And for a Primarch, once he remembers something, understands it, it becomes a certainty.

Time will help him understand everything.

"But I'm not sure you'd be interested in politics, Conrad."

The Chemos closed his book, leaned back in his chair and said so.

There was a hint of melancholy in his eyes, the expression that had appeared on Fulgrim's face so many times.Sometimes it is his deliberate intention, and sometimes it is the truest thought revealed inadvertently.


"Yeah. Politics."

Fulgrim sighed, and didn't continue talking - as time went by, Conrad Curze would understand how special his identity was in this empire sooner or later.

Even if he hates politics very much in the future, and even tries his best to stay away from this vortex, politics will find him by itself.

This word, to a certain extent, is linked to responsibility.

"Let's not talk about that, Conrad."

Fulgrim smiled slightly. "We went very well today. At this pace, you should be able to learn everything you need in two weeks."

"So, the answer to that question...?"

"Of course I won't forget."

Fulgrim said softly. "But you already have the answer, don't you? I can see that you've been thinking about that question while you're studying."

The pale giant nodded. He was silent at the moment, but not in a bad way.

Fulgrim could see that he was thinking and organizing words at this moment—Konrad Curze had understood something, he just needed to understand more.

One and a half years old
Sighing silently, the Chemos stood up and took out the pendant from his pocket.Then, he saw a slight change in Conrad Koz's expression.


Fulgrim didn't look into Konrad Curze's eyes, he just lifted the pendant and moved his gaze to it.Then, he spoke in a gentle tone.

"It comes from Terra," said the Chemoth softly. "Forgot to tell you yesterday, sorry, Conrad."

Afterwards, he gently raised his hand, the power was transmitted, and the chain lightly brought the pendant itself back into his palm.Fulgrim spread it out, pointed to the pendant itself, and began to explain in detail.

“The outer shell is gilded, and the inside is part of the remains of an ancient building that has been demolished. It has a long history. I asked my father to come. The gold plating is easy to lose color, bumps or chemicals will make it fade.”

"So, if you wear it all the time, every once in a while, it needs touch-ups. It's a simple thing a child could do, so I won't say much about it, Conrad."


He finally let his eyes intersect with Conrad Curz.

"Are you still willing to accept it?" Fulgrim asked softly. "Even after I did something wrong?"


Without speaking, Conrad Curze just slowly took it from Fulgrim's hand.He turned his head so that he didn't have to see the latter's expression, and then pointed to the book on the table.

"Did you give it a name, Fulgrim?" Conrad Curze asked.

His voice was calm.

Fulgrim tried not to laugh. He kept his voice calm and replied, "No, Conrad. I didn't give it a name."

"Why not?"

"Because... ah, you stopped me."

The Chemos sighed. "I don't know why, Conrad. I just didn't give it a name."

"You said you made the cover for it yourself 66 years ago, and, since then, its page count has continued to increase. So why didn't you give it a name?"

Fulgrim froze.

yeah, why don't I?
And his brother continues.

"You've kept it well. It's old, but the oldness is lovely, Fulgrim. You should look at it often, don't you? I see folds in many of the corners, and some Relatively new handwriting."

Conrad Koz raised his head, looked at the Chemos, and asked softly, "Since you like it so much, why don't you give it a name?"

Fulgrim bowed his head, not knowing how to answer.

Intellectually, he knew that there was no need to answer Conrad Koz's question.

It's just a notebook, what name do you need, and why do you like it?
Even though it is now almost becoming an encyclopedia that can be read from all over the empire, in the final analysis, it is still a notebook.

But yeah.
A notebook that has accompanied me for more than 60 years.

Some kind of emotion began to take root, and he pursed his lips.

"Because... I forgot," said Fulgrim.

"The newer handwriting is from 17 years ago, I still have it, but I haven't looked at it for a long time, and I haven't added pages. If I don't need to teach you today, I'm afraid it won't opened again."

Fulgrim smiled, and this smile slowly changed, and the handsome demigod was overwhelmed with joy at this moment, smiling ordinary and ordinary-this is the kind of smile he would never have shown in the past.

Fulgrim, the Emperor's son, could only smile demurely and gracefully.

"I forgot!" He laughed and patted Conrad Koz on the back. "It's absurd, isn't it? I've forgotten it!"

I actually forgot how humble I used to be.
I obviously want to do my best, but why did I forget this notebook?I used to cherish it so much that I opened it every night to study
The pale giant stared silently at his brother, not responding in particular to the latter's laugh, but straightening his back involuntarily - Fulgrim's slaps made him find it difficult to adapt.


After laughing, Fulgrim shook his head: "It seems that everyone has a different sense of humor, doesn't it? You are not amused by this."

"Yes," said Conrad Coates. "And, I want you to take it back."

"What?" Fulgrim's eyes widened. "The pendant?"

"No, I mean that notebook." Curz pursed his lips and looked away.

".But why, Conrad? Don't you want it?"

"I want it, and I need to—but you should like it."

Conrad Coates looked up.

"So I won't take it."

He glanced at Fulgrim quickly, then immediately turned his head, raised his right hand, and let the pendant fall naturally.Then he pulled the chain away with both hands.

"...But, thank you for the pendant," Conrad Coates said. "I love it so much I'm going to give it a name."

Fulgrim stared at him blankly, and after a moment the Chemoth smiled.

"Okay." He said softly. "It should like it too."

 I originally thought about returning to the normal update time tomorrow, but I figured out that if this is the case, the next update will have to wait until 25:[-] pm on the [-]th, so let's keep the update time of Midnight Lord for the time being.

  In addition, ask for votes and comments.

(End of this chapter)

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