40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 58 58 Big Cleansing

Chapter 58 58. The Great Cleansing ([-])
"He's faster."

Roger Dorn spoke seriously, and his voice echoed in the room.It also caught the attention of another man, who looked up from his writing to listen to what his brother had to say.

Facing his brother's gaze, Rogue Dorn began to speak slowly.

"Those gangs' weapons aren't crude homemade firearms—maybe some of them are, but we've all seen lasguns and autoguns still in use, and still efficient."

"He doesn't have power armor, and he doesn't have a weapon, so he can do this kind of thing by himself?"

The rock-like giant shook his head slowly, and for the first time, some complex and unreadable emotions appeared on that resolute face.

"...it's terrible," he said slowly.


Fulgrim raised an eyebrow. "Where's that to begin with, brother? He's doing the right thing. Don't those scumbags die to please you?"

"I'm not saying his behavior was horrific."

"Then what are you talking about?"

"The determination behind his actions."

The wrinkles between Rog Dorn's brows began to grow deeper. Although they had appeared so many times that this expression had almost become his signature, his seriousness at the moment still made Fulgrim straighten up. waist.

".Khalil Rohars had a morality bordering on paranoid."

Fulgrim nodded. He agreed.

"He does not take the belongings of the dead, does not desecrate the corpse to vent his anger, and even refuses to cast excitement or pleasure in his own killing. This is what I and Ferrus observed, and Conrad's account is more detailed. "

"From his words, we can see that Khalil Rohars is not just paranoid, he is also extremely sensitive."

"The misery and insensitivity of those at the bottom made him miserable—remember when Conrad said he wept when he told it? It's impossible for a man to act like that if he's not noble and he's doing it now. .”

Don sighed deeply.

"Stop killing with killing." He said in a low voice. "The stupidest and most effective way."

".I don't know."

Fulgrim frowned deeply. At this moment, he actually looked so similar to Dorne.

"In my opinion, all the gangs and nobles on Nostramo should be killed. As long as they are dead, the follow-up matter will be very easy to solve. And what he is doing now is undoubtedly the right thing. Why do you So pessimistic, Roger?"

"Because of the people who did it."

Don shook his head. "I've seen a lot of bigoted people, bro. They either end up being driven crazy by it, or they have to learn to live with it, to distort it."

"The past makes character, and character makes everything, Fulgrim. Your past is too glorious, and you peacefully regained your world, so you don't know what real blood looks like."

"I have experienced no fewer battles than you after returning!" Chemos folded his hands angrily. This is not the first time he has been angered by Rog Dorn's words.

"Battles are also divided into types and levels."

'Panshi' looked at the projected map with a very serious expression.

"Sometimes, you just need to issue a few orders behind the lines, and artillery and bombing will solve everything. But sometimes, war will force you to see the cruelest and darkest side of human nature."

"I've seen it many times, and each time, it gave me the chills. And now, Khalil Rohars, is facing it."

He raised his hand, pointed at the fast-moving red dot, and shook his head slowly again.

Fulgrim couldn't help sighing——Rogal Dorn is always like this, he will always have a way to convince you from his perspective with his own tone, no matter how ugly or infuriating the words are
But Fulgrim respected him.

He respected him - not because Dorne was his brother, nor because of Dorne's exploits.He respects Dawn because Dawn is almost always right.The reflection after every quarrel can prove this point.

But what does it cost to be always upright, always be right, brother?

Staring at the gray-and-white short-haired giant, Fulgrim chose to change the subject.

"Do you want to guess where Ferrus is now, Rogge?" He deliberately asked in a frivolous tone.

"Where else can he be? After you came, he left with that exquisite box. Considering that you are teaching Conrad every day, it is not difficult for me to guess that he took advantage of this time to teach Conrad Ladd has a present."

"You're really smart," Fulgrim said angrily.

You said it all, what did I say?
"I'm not smart," Dawn replied gravely. "I'm just analytical, calculating, that's all."

".Well, anyway—well, I don't know what to say to you."

Chemos lowered his head in boredom, and continued to write in his notebook.

But—it didn't last long.

A tiny giant in purple-gold armor entered. He was much smaller than the two Primarchs, but that didn't detract from his valor.Fulgrim turned his head and smiled happily.

"Akudona!" he called out affectionately. "What brought you here? Didn't I let you take a good rest for a while?"

"... Primarch." The person called Akudona pursed his lips. "And honorable Lord Dorn—"

Dorn nodded slowly to him to show his respect.Akudona is worth it.

Fulgrim frowned.

"—what's the matter?" he asked, already changing his tone. "You don't see that expression very often."

"... Imperial Guardsmen, we are dispatching." Akudona said dryly. "fully armed."

Fulgrim stood up abruptly.
"Good evening, Conrad."

Ferrus chose to use this sentence as his opening statement - he had rehearsed it many times in his heart, but Ferrus finally decided to greet with this simple sentence.

It is simple, direct, and without losing attitude and etiquette.

"Ferrus!" Conrad smiled, moving out of the way to let his brother into the room.

There was a sense of intimacy and trust in his tone, and Ferrus was a little embarrassed to realize this.

Iron Hand frowned in exasperation—what's the matter with you?


"...You work hard, Conrad." Ferrus changed the subject. "So many notes? Did Fulgrim deliberately leave you with too many homework?"

"What? No, of course not!"

Conrad Koz was taken aback by his words—after all, Ferrus Manus' tone became very cold at this moment, and he even suspected that they were going to fight over this.

The pale giant quickly explained: "I just borrowed a few books and wrote some extra notes! This has nothing to do with Fulgrim!"

Ferrus raised his eyebrows, and he noticed that the pendant that Konrad Kotz had thrown had returned to his neck.

".That's good."

Ferrus nodded. "Anyway, I'm here to give you a knife."

He took out his right hand from behind, and the exquisite black wooden box immediately attracted Curz's attention.

Only at this time, he behaved somewhat in line with his age.Ferrus snorted in satisfaction, stuffed the wooden box into his hands, and then strolled to Curze's desk.

"Mind if I take a look?" he asked with his hands behind his back.

"Of course. No." Conrad Coates replied absentmindedly.

Ferrus Manus smiled—although his back was turned away from his brother so that no one could see him, he did.

Lowering his head, Iron Hand began to flip through the notes.His movements are very careful, and every time he picks up the paper, he treats it as gently as a treasure-in fact, he does treat these papers full of words as treasures.

These papers record the process of a soul's rapid maturation, a heart thirsty for knowledge, and his kindness.

Ferrus almost sighed—Khalil Rohars, how did you protect him so well?

He couldn't help asking himself this question, and at the same time put himself in his shoes and thought about it. After a few minutes, he had to give up this idea.

I can't do this.Ferrus thought calmly.There's no way I could have done it, there's no way I'd have made Conrad Coats what he is, in fact, if I landed here.
He sighed.

I would not be me, I would be anyone but Ferrus Manus.

The change of the environment on people is so subtle and so huge.Ferrus could not help imagining a world where they had never been separated, his brothers' faces shining in his mind, each with such life in their eyes.
Yes, Ferrus Manus loved his brothers, despite his lack of words and enthusiasm for their relationship.


Conrad Curz's voice came from behind him, Iron Hand turned around with a hint of a smile, and saw a face still full of surprise and joy.

"Thank you!" said the pale giant cheerfully, and at the same time raised the blade in his hand, which fit obediently in his palm, as naturally as it should be there.

Pearly white stones glisten on the jet-black leather handle, matching the silver of the blade.It's beautiful, and it's also deadly.

Ferrus couldn't help but start thanking Fulgrim again - he knew very well that if he came, he would never be able to make it so perfect.

"You don't need to thank me." Iron Hand smiled and nodded. “Just a little busy”

He laughed, and Conrad Coates laughed too—it was a warm moment, but a sudden knock on the door broke everything.

A voice sounded outside the door, it was Fulgrim.

"Ferrus, Conrad! Come out!" he called eagerly. "quick!"

Curz turned his head blankly, then turned his head back again.

"What's the matter, Ferrus?" he asked.

Ferrus Manus did not answer, but slowly narrowed his eyes.

I also want to know what's wrong.

He goes to the door.

 Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie, sneak attack, Jie Jie Jie Jie Jie
(End of this chapter)

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