40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 59 59 Big Cleansing

Chapter 59 59. The Great Cleansing ([-])
Ferrus Manus opened the door, the doorknob engraved with a double-headed eagle did not feel the warmth in his hand for a moment.His movements were clean and sharp, as swift as swinging a sword.

Fulgrim appeared before him, his face anxious.

"What happened?" Ferrus asked calmly.

"Where's Conrad?"

The Iron Hand moved sideways so that Fulgrim could see Konrad Curze.The latter was holding a knife, with a hesitant expression on his face: "Fulgan? What's wrong?"

"Come here, Conrad—Ferrus, you too, come with me. Roger has gone."

Fulgrim turned hastily, his long silver-white hair fluttered in the magnificent corridors of the Emperor Mirage, and the golden details reflected tiny lights, but no one cared about his face now.

Even if it is himself.

Ferrus frowned and turned around so that Conrad Curze could walk out the door before him.The latter nodded to him gratefully, and walked out quickly.The Iron Hand closed the door quickly, keeping pace with his brothers.

With the exception of Conrad Curze, the other demigods already knew all too well about their father's flagship.

Fulgrim can say without exaggeration that there is no ship in the current empire that can be compared to the Emperor's Mirage.No ship stands up to the comparison, not even the nitty-gritty of nitty-gritty.

But because of this, their schedule was dragged to an anxious time.There is no other reason, the Emperor Phantasm is too big.

"What the hell happened?"

Ferrus asked in a low voice. "Where did Rogge go? Could it be Luo Jia again?"

"No, no, this has nothing to do with Lorgar—it's Father, Ferrus!"

"What happened to father?"

Fulgrim turned his head, glanced at Konrad Curze quickly, and then said in a low voice: "...It's the Custodians. They are fully armed and headed to Nostramo."

The pale giant stopped abruptly.

"Conrad?" Ferrus' inquiry sounded later.

However, his brother ignored it.

Conrad Koz's eyes widened, his hair stood on end, the familiar coldness and trembling reappeared at this moment, breaking every perception of him, trapping him in place with the most terrifying nightmare.

The passage of time slowed down silently. He had already erected an unbreakable high wall with an image and his own reason, blocking all those ghosts and monsters out. However, at this moment, they crossed it .

"He couldn't escape."

In the darkness, a deep voice sounded, and the smell of blood was extremely pungent.

Conrad Koz stood there in a daze, no matter how his brothers shouted and shook, they remained indifferent.

His right hand gripped the sharp blade so hard that the gems inlaid on the handle creaked.

"He's killing. He's winning. He's thirsting for burning rage!"

The voice suddenly roared. "Killing will bring victory, only killing can bring victory, no one can be exempted! Even a betrayer must accept it!"

Blade friction, collision.Soldiers in golden armor roared in unison, screaming unwillingly before death, beating drums, howling, and bleating horns, soaked in blood into dark red yellow sand blown by the storm
Then came the rain.

Blood rain.

Frantically descending from the dark sky of Nostramo, it dyed everything red, dyed the yellow sand that should not have appeared, and soaked the ground with blood.

A figure walked out of the rain, with a pale face and scarlet eyes.

Good evening, Ghost.He grinned.

"Do not--!"

Conrad Curz fell to the ground with a roar, the sharp blade in his right hand shining brightly at this moment.It was icy and cold, and it pressed against his palm, making the high wall of reason rise again.

The darkness gradually receded, but the fear remained.He couldn't stop panting heavily, trembling on the ground.


Fulgrim grabbed his shoulders so hard it hurt him.

The voice of the Chemos resounded throughout the corridor at this moment: "Calm down!"

Ferrus Manus narrowed his eyes, staring at the sharp blade in silence.After a while, he extended his right hand towards Conrad Koz.

"stand up."

He spoke sternly. "Conrad, I don't know what happened just now, and I don't know what you want to do, but no matter what you want to do, you have to stand up."

Yeah I have to stand up.

Gritting his teeth, Conrad Koz stood up little by little.His muscles were still spasming, and his body was aching, but it couldn't stop his will.

All on his own, he stood up.The sharp blade in his right hand turned into a shadow and disappeared from his cuff in the next second. The skill was so weird that neither Fulgrim nor Ferus Manus could see the specific details clearly.

"I have to see him...immediately," he said in a low voice.

Fulgrim was silent for a moment, then nodded.

"Come with me," he said seriously. "There is a Stormhawk in the Emperor's Children's residence, I will let Akudona take you down."

"Thank you-"

"—don't thank me, Conrad."

Fulgrim took a deep breath, not apologizing for interrupting Curze.He just stared into his brother's dark eyes and said the last words slowly.

"Promise me you'll be fine."

".I promise."

"Say it again."

"I promise."

"Very well, come with me—Ferrus, you go first, father is in the study."

Iron Hand nodded slowly, watching them go.
Khalil clenched his right hand, turning a head into powder of blood and flesh in his palm.The screams came from behind him, and someone ran away screaming, but there were still bullets pouring towards him in the direction of his escape.

Sentinel - A type of Iron Golem, the lowest of the low tiers, from Prime
The crust is tough, but not hard enough.

Khalil turned around, bent down, and slid across the ground like a hunting eagle.

The bullets whizzed past him, none of them could hit. In just half a second, he covered a distance of hundreds of meters and forcibly dismantled six sentry mechas with both hands.

They were smoking, and the circuits inside were completely damaged.The overhead chandelier swayed, casting mottled shadows on the ground.Khalil closed his eyes and moved his shoulders slowly.

He no longer needs this method to check for pain in his shoulder, and the reason for doing so is nothing more than an old habit dies.

not enough.

He opened his eyes—not enough, not enough.

He has killed a lot, but not enough. Why not enough?
why not enough?

He has no answer.

Lowering his head, Khalil glanced at his hands.The flesh and blood sticky on it, conspicuous like a glove with uneven thickness.The bone stubble was mixed in the flesh and blood, making his hands look extremely hideous.

Evidence of the killing.

Take a deep breath.

He started to run again, ran across the long and narrow street, crashed into the rain curtain, and the coagulated blood dripped down his wrist—half a minute later, the touch of fresh and warm flesh warmed his hand again.


A painful gasp came from under his feet, and Khalil watched him indifferently, the tips of his right fingers trembling slightly.

A heart is staying in his palm.Its owner fell to his knees, with a painful, thin breath in his throat, and he looked imploringly at the giant standing in front of him, but Khalil just didn't do anything.

He watched him die—a painful death, without noticing the nuances of it all.

How many are there?

How many is this?

He dropped his heart, and took a slow breath of the moist and foul-smelling air. The hint he set up for himself was effective after all—a number began to emerge from the bottom of his heart.

No.80 Eight.

No.80 Eight gangs, yes, but how many have I killed?Five hundred, six hundred, one thousand. The number of gangs increases or decreases
How many people did I kill?

Standing in the rain, Khalil found himself unable to answer this question.

He can't remember numbers and sequences, which is pretty rare and shouldn't even happen at all.But Khalil didn't notice that something was wrong—just like he didn't notice every detail before.

He is still cautious, but compared with what he is facing, any caution is not enough.

In the rain, he turned around.The tall figure stood on the narrow street like another silent spire, but he didn't start walking immediately.

Khalil narrowed his eyes.

"...you shouldn't be here," he said slowly.

"Master's order." In the darkness, a deep and hoarse voice answered his question.

His voice was peculiar and distorted, not the sound a human being should make, even close to some kind of monster.However, Khalil keenly grasped the true meaning under this disguise, and he frowned.

"Constantine Waldo"

As his voice fell, a giant in golden armor slowly walked out of the darkness.Winged eagles glared fiercely from the shoulder plates, and the armor hummed.

"Yes." He nodded. "it's me."


"You can't go on anymore, Khalil Rohars. You're not just fighting these scum."

Constantine spoke slowly and seriously: "You are still fighting something that you can't understand yet. It has no substance, no form, but it can really hurt you."

"I haven't seen a monster in his database that fits your description—and besides, this is Nostramo."

Khalil frowned: "There is only one kind of monster on Nostramo."

Constantine shook his head slowly, and then began to admonish him sincerely. "there is no knowledge of them in the database"

"They should not be mentioned, only buried. Take it easy, Khalil Rohars. If you want, the Auxiliaries, the Astartes, and even us will lend a hand to Nostramo Yes, you don't have to kill any more."

"If that's what he meant, why did he send you?"

Khalil clenched his fists slowly.

"He can talk to me directly, can't he?"

"He can't now, Khalil Rohars"

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army slowly clenched a long sword at his waist, and pulled it out of the scabbard. A cold light burst out briefly, and in the surrounding darkness, there were more golden shadows surrounding the narrow street.

"Why not?" Khalil asked curtly. "There's no way he can't even do that, unless his ship is above Nostramo"

He let out a foul breath.

"Unless what?" The Marshal of the Forbidden Army asked softly.

"Vision." Khalil replied in the same soft voice. "Thank you for talking to me, the monster pretending to be Constantine, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to realize what I did just now."

He raised his hands, looked at the scarlet and ferocious hands with disgust, and shook his head slowly.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army inevitably let out a slight sigh.

"Sure enough, the lord never makes mistakes, even in speculation."

He lifted the sword, and acid rain fell on the armor, and was evaporated in an instant. "There's always a way for them to sneak in."

"I will send the same words back to you."

"It's useless to talk too much."

Standing opposite Khalil, Constantine Valdo gripped his power sword.

"Come on." The Marshal of the Forbidden Army narrowed his eyes. "Come on, Khalil Rohars, you must come to your senses."

Facing his words, Khalil just let out a chuckle, and there was a kind of dark red flashing in the dark eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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