40k: Midnight Blade.

Chapter 60 60 Big Cleansing

Chapter 60 60. The Great Cleansing ([-])
Ferrus Manus originally thought he would see the following two images.

Rogal Dorn and their father argued peacefully, or their father took sides while Rogal Dorn kept asking questions.
However, Iron Hand never imagined that he would actually see this scene.

Roger Dorn was standing calmly outside the door of their father's study.

What's happening here?
Ferrus stopped, and his boots collided with the ground, making a distinct sound.

'Pan Shi' turned around calmly, and nodded slightly towards Ferrus, as a greeting.

"What's going on?" Ferrus asked with a frown.

"I can't get in." Roger Dorn replied calmly. "Father locked the door."

".I remember that there is no lock on the door of the study."

Don shook his head and answered calmly. "It's there now—at least the Custodians behind the door have warned me many times not to go in."

Gorgon was silent for a moment, and anger suddenly appeared on his face.


"They are just father's guards, and we are father's sons! Constantine Waldo has never spoken to you like this—warning?! Wait for me here, Rogge!"

".What are you going to do?"

"I'm going to get my hammer."

Ferrus narrowed his eyes dangerously, and replied calmly.

"Who knows if my father is really in there? Who knows if he gave this order? If it was really my father, why didn't he tell us why, not even Conrad?"


He looked at the exquisite gilt-carved door with hidden anger, and slowly shook his head. "...can't even meet you once?"

"...You are making a very dangerous accusation." Dawn said in silence for a while.

"This is dangerous enough in itself, Rogge! Is there anything on Nostramo that would allow the Custodians to go out fully armed?"

"Gangs, or nobles? They can't even build an orbital defense system, and a few Stormhawks can turn their gloomy palace into ruins!"

Ferrus Manus clenched his fists and did not continue speaking.Don's expression became extremely serious, and he spoke in a low voice.

"Your deduction is going in an extreme direction, Ferrus"

"The imperial guards are father's personal guards. Most of their arrogance is justified and can be forgiven. Each of them is absolutely loyal to father. Your unsubstantiated accusation may bring some unnecessary troubles .”

"As a son, is it wrong to go to see his father?"

Ferrus raised his hand and pointed to the door. "Tell me, Rogge, why does this door stop us? If father doesn't want to see us, he can just say it directly! Instead of letting the imperial guards be his mouthpiece!"

"Come on, Ferrus. They just told me to wait—actually, the wording of the warning was very mild. According to them, Father is now."

Dawn frowned, rarely knowing how to proceed.

Ferrus stared at him, and waited for a moment before the second half of the sentence came.His anger had been quenched by Rogal Dorn's words.

"...is fighting." Roger Dorn said blankly.

".Fight? With whom?"

"I do not know either."

Roger Dorn shook his head slowly, looked at the door again, and whispered.

"And that's the problem."
The slabs shattered and the shattered ground crumbled under the battle of the two giants.The wind howled, the rain shattered, and stones groaned beneath their feet.

Constantine Waldo swung his sword with the speed of lightning, and his attacks were even more ruthless, swift and continuous like a storm.

His opponent was unarmed and didn't even have armor, but he was able to fight him back and forth.

Not only did he dodge all of Constantine's attacks, he even found time to imprint an innocuous but humiliating mark on his armor with his scarlet fist.

"Phantom." Khalil laughed. "You are insulting the name of Constantine Waldo."

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army was indifferent to this, he still waved his sword calmly, and the offensive was impenetrable.

Before receiving this order, he already knew the power of Khalil Rohars.The latter had easily knocked one of the Primarchs, Lorgar Aurelion, to the ground.Even though Lorgar Aurelion is obviously not good at fighting, he is still a Primarch.

In other words, Constantine knew what he was up against.

But he still followed his oath and accepted the order of the lord.Even when he was ordered not to carry the Apollo Spear, he accepted it calmly, almost indifferently.

It's just a fight - as for who the target is, what's the problem?
He doesn't pick an opponent, and war never gives you a chance to pick an opponent.Therefore, Constantine has no complaints about this.

He just fights.

But his opponent didn't think so.

Khalil clenched his right fist tightly, the cold blue light flashed in his eyes, the air began to boil, and a slight and hidden terrifying sound began to beat in his hand.

"Last chance, Mirage," Khalil announced in a low voice. "Show yourself and stop insulting people I know"

"Otherwise? What will happen to you?"

Constantine retreated calmly, holding the sword in both hands, and clenched it cautiously. "Are you going to kill me?"

Khalil smiled as the rain slapped across his face and the crackling began to grow louder.Anger boiled in his eyes, and the bloody brilliance was fleeting.

The flash of lightning was fleeting - Constantine Waldo's eyes widened suddenly, and a strange whine came from his armor.The voice nearly destroyed his sanity.

Metal twisted, and shattered wreckage flew past his eyes.At this moment, it seemed as if a galloping storm whizzed by, knocking him flying high.

In a few seconds, he fell heavily to the ground, tinnitus and pain struck together.Constantine shook his head, some kind of potion in the armor began to inject quickly, the blood in front of his eyes disappeared, and his hearing returned to normal again.

"Will it fire?"

Someone asked coldly in the communication channel. There was no need for them to communicate with each other. Waldo only needed some slight movements to let the guards understand his thoughts, but not now.

"He's gone mad, Commander," the man said in a low voice, as if declaring.

".Do not."

Swallowing the fishy sweetness welling up in his throat, Constantine barely got up.

The previous attack turned out to be just a temptation, no, maybe it wasn't even a temptation—he thought.

Just this real attack has almost destroyed the proud stability of his hands before, and the confidence of a martial arts master was shattered to pieces at this moment, but Constantine did not put down his sword.

Relying on a willpower, he once again pointed the tip of his sword at the giant in the rain.

"Wake up and see the world before you, Khalil Rohars."

Constantine said in a low voice. "Don't be fooled"

Khalil shook his head, he frowned, swayed in the rain, and ignored Constantine's words.

"You have to wake up."

Constantine repeated firmly. "Resist it, Khalil Rohars. My Lord has placed great trust in you, and you have promised not to disappoint it."

He gripped the blade with his trembling right hand, and took off the helmet with his left.

The ruins around him blazed, the mechanical parts of his helmet hissed, and a face completely unmoved by the pain emerged a moment later.

Rain falls.

He dropped his helmet.

"Don't give up." Constantine held the sword in both hands again. "Think about Conrad Coates"

"How dare you mention his name in front of me!"

The name Conrad Koz seemed to turn on a certain switch. At this moment, the giant who seemed a little confused was distorted by unprecedented fury, primitive and pure, like some kind of terrible death.

"You've done him enough—that damn talent, that so-called prophecy—I've turned you off once, and I wouldn't mind doing it again, or a thousand times!"

Khalil clenched his teeth and rattled, extreme fury bloomed unreservedly on his once calm face.

He roared, and his voice echoed in the long and narrow street, passing through the corpses, passing through the still smoking wreckage of sentry soldiers, passing through the burning ruins, and finally reached the ears of the Marshal of the Custodians and every Custodian .

That's not a human voice.

It was a howl—a howl from ancient times, and there was nothing in it but anger, hatred, and hatred.

Constantine stood where he was without a word, ready to die.

He knew very well that he would not be able to withstand the next blow, he was the leader of the Custodians, and he was overwhelming, but these things could not even help him defeat Lorgar Aurelion.Not to mention Khalil Rohars.

But he doesn't care about these.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army's rain-soaked face was filled with calmness. The breath of blood and fire came from him, but his mood was unprecedentedly peaceful.

If this is the path you have chosen for me, my lord.
Well, I'll take it.

Yes, he'll take it, but the other guy won't.

+ Constantine. +
A voice came from the other side of the curtain and reached his ears, exploding like thunder.

The frenzied rain stopped for a moment, and the flow of time slowed down. The Marshal of the Forbidden Army began to ooze blood from his mouth, ears, eyes and nose. He widened his eyes and abruptly dropped the power sword in his hand.

The giant whose face was distorted by rage was rushing towards him, but Constantine's movements were unprecedentedly fast—he had never been so fast in his life, never so fast that he couldn't even understand it.

A spear appeared in his hand.

But not the one he was familiar with.

This one, like the glow in the sky, the spear blade was burning purely, so hot that it was terrifying.

+ Hold it. +
Yes, my lord.

The Marshal of the Forbidden Army, who was distracted, suddenly grasped the weapon that did not belong to him.

+ spines. +
Yes, my lord.

 sneak attack!
(End of this chapter)

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