Chapter 213 The Grand Theater

Ministry of Railway Engineering, Dispatching Department.

A five-story building.

In a large room on the west side of the second floor, it is full of office workers, dozens of countertops, and each countertop is full of various booklets, yellow leather folders, etc.

Among the busy figures, there is a boy who looks about 16 years old, with a childish face, he is the youngest.

"Zhao Hong."

"Hey." Hearing that he was called, the young man hurried over and came to a steward's desk.

The steward's desk was larger, and he pointed with his left hand to a stack of papers that had just been sorted, without lifting his head, and was writing with his right hand.

The teenager's work is mainly "running errands". He has just been in the dispatch department for two months, and he has already adapted to work, so he carried the stack of documents and sent them to the next door.

His current daily job is to send the official documents of the dispatching department to various departments. If he has spare time, he will also arrange some chores.

However, there is not much free time, and the daily workload is not small. To describe it accurately, I trotted up and down the railway engineering department building for two months.

The content of the work is very monotonous, and there is not much difficulty in getting started. For Zhao Hong, who has been studying since childhood, it is even easier, mainly because he is tired.

I ran errands in the morning and went to the cafeteria to have a meal at noon. The food for lunch today is mutton soup, rice, noodles, boiled fish fillets, and lentils.

I had a good meal, couldn't sleep during lunch break, went to the library to read miscellaneous books for a while, and then continued to do monotonous work in the afternoon——[Running Errands]

In the afternoon, the teenager's legs began to feel weak, but he knew that as long as he survived a round, it would be almost time to get off work.


The bell of the big clock tower finally rang.

The boy drank a big pot of tea, had dinner in the canteen, and planned to go to the market instead of going to the staff dormitory.

China Heavy Industry's factories are getting bigger and bigger, from big to small, from fine to complete, and the headquarters located in Daxing County is the area with the most factories and the densest.

It is not far from Beiping City to Daxing County, and it takes about an hour to take a railway carriage.

There are not only many vendors in the market, but also a lot of acrobatics, big swords, monkeys and dogs, shadow puppetry, etc. The young people are very interested in playing and often come to visit.

A new shop was opened on the east side of the market, and the plaque hanging on the gate reads Supply and Marketing Cooperative.

The boy knew that it was opened by his own headquarters, and he thought it was similar to a grocery store, so since he came here, he walked in curiously.

At the entrance, there is a wooden shelf with red paper hanging on it, which says that you can get discounts by using food stamps, as well as corresponding discounts for various commodities.

The area of ​​the suppliers and distributors is neither large nor small, and there are various kinds of commodities, from fabrics such as silk and hemp noodles, to ready-made clothing, hats and shoes, as well as rice, white flour, salt, honey, red dates, longan and so on.

The boy also saw a small mask, hairpin, powder case, rouge case, toothbrush, toothpaste, tea mug...

Seeing the dazzling array of products, the teenager moved his index finger.

His mother was the first handyman to do odd jobs in the railway engineering team. She even sued the little prince back then, and no one made things difficult for their mother and son afterwards.

No one would have thought that the boy who held his head up all day and looked like he was in the sky turned around and joined the railway engineering team.

There are quite a few of them who are the same as the boy. After changing their name to the Ministry of Railway Engineering, they opened the back door to take care of their own children.

"Do you have to use food stamps to get a discount?" The boy wanted to buy three sets of toothbrushes.

There is a lot of strange knowledge in each technical report.

For example, some veterinarians say that good teeth indicate the health of livestock, and the same is true for people, who can live a long life with good teeth.

Soon, someone put forward a new concept in terms of veterinary medicine.

Many old people lose their teeth. Without teeth, they cannot eat a lot of food, and they cannot obtain the vitality to maintain people's health.

So if you want to live a long life, you must have good teeth.

The elderly who have lost their teeth basically cannot live long. According to this phenomenon, the idea of ​​oral health is proposed.

Although the boy couldn't enter the newspaper room, he heard a lot of stories, which made him very interesting, and he also felt that what the technical newspaper said must be correct.

In the past, toothbrushes were not available in their family, and they used willow branches instead.

One end of the willow branch is ready to be used after biting it with teeth until it becomes silky. Who would be willing to spend money on a toothbrush?

However, when the young man saw the price of the toothbrush in the supply and marketing cooperative, his heart was moved. The young man who was paid every month stimulated his desire to buy.

This is the charm of the product.

If you don't see it, you can never buy it.

And the more commodities in front of us, the more people's consumption desire can be stimulated, and the relationship between the two is directly proportional, which is the nature of human beings to pursue beautiful things.

The teenager hopes that his widowed mother and younger brother will be healthy and safe. The toothbrush stimulates his consumption desire.

"The discount can only be given with food stamps." The staff member said calmly.

The teenager left disappointed.

The staff did not hold back.

Discounts can only be discounted with food stamps, which is a hard rule of the supply and marketing cooperative, and no one can violate it. The staff will not risk opening the back door for people they don't know.

"It seems that next month's wages need to be exchanged for some food stamps." The young man thought so.

Glancing at the food stamp bank next door, the young man didn't have any worries. Unused food stamps can be exchanged for coins at the food stamp bank.

China Heavy Industry implemented the issue of small food stamps internally. After research by the research department, most workers opposed it.

Therefore, the food stamps were not enforced forcefully, but were voluntary by the workers.

On the second day, the teenager wrote an application, and the finance department will use food stamps to pay wages next month.

A few more days passed.

Announcements were posted on the bulletin boards of each factory, and the headquarters is planning to organize a grand theater. Those who are interested can sign up to join the grand theater.

"What is a grand theater?"

On the bulletin board, the information of the factories in the headquarters will be posted, as well as some gossip, and many people will come to watch.

Seeing the new recruitment, some workers asked curiously.

The people around didn't know about it either, and finally someone laughed and said, "This recruitment requirement, doesn't it look like a show?"

"The headquarters is going to set up a troupe."

"How decent is it to let female workers show their faces?"

"Yo!" A worker looking for his reputation jokingly said, "You don't want to say that."

The boy happily brought a toothbrush and honey, took the railway during the holiday, and returned to his home in Fangshan.

"What? Mother is going to the Grand Theater?"

Zhao Hong was dumbfounded, and asked in disbelief, "Did mother sign up?"

Zhao Rui, the younger brother who came back from school, nodded.

"Why didn't you stop Mother?" Zhao Hong said dissatisfied.

"Mother thinks that the wages for working there are high, and I see that Mother is also very happy, why stop Mother?"

"You are so stupid to study, my mother is not young anymore, and I am old enough to earn money to support the family, what does it look like for my mother to sing an opera?"

Zhao Rui shook his head, "Brother, you were not like this before."

Two brothers quarrel for the first time.

But when their mother came back from outside, the two brothers were fine, and Zhao Hong didn't even mention any words of dissuasion.

(End of this chapter)

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