Chapter 214 Twelve Laws of Equality

"From the second century BC to the sixteenth century AD, East Asian cultures were far more effective than Western Europeans in applying human knowledge of nature to practical purposes."

"Although race and distance between the East and the West have greatly hindered the spread of civilization, inventions with far-reaching social impacts can still spread freely from one civilization to another."

"In fact, most of these inventions came from the East to the West."

——[English] Needham.

Twelve equal temperament, also known as twelve equal interval temperament, is unanimously regarded as "standard tuning" and "standard western temperament".

This theory is widely used in keyboard instruments all over the world, including the piano.

It was Zhu Zaiyu, the ninth grandson of Zhu Yuanzhang, who invented it with the method of abacus prescribing. It was known as "the saint of law" or "sage of music" in history, and was praised as "the saint of the Eastern Renaissance" by Chinese and foreign scholars.

Twelve equal temperament is a great revolution in musicology and music physics, and also a great invention in the history of world science.

In the 2th century, Zhu Zaiyu studied the key data of twelve equal temperaments - "root number 12 to the [-]th power" was brought back to the West by European missionaries, which deeply influenced Western music, so Zhu Zaiyu was Known as "the originator of piano theory".

Yu Shi suddenly impeached Zhu Di, which made Zhu Di furious. Zhu Gaochi left the palace and hid in Daxing, so as not to be an eyesore in front of Zhu Di.

In Zhu Gaochi's view, this matter is not serious, because he understands the future, and bystanders are clear. Combined with his understanding of politics over the past few years, he concludes that this matter is actually beneficial to the vassal.

However, the authorities were obsessed, and Zhu Di could not be appeased by verbal words alone, so Zhu Gaochi hid for a while, and when Ying Tianfu came out with the results, Zhu Di would naturally understand.

Zhu Gaochi didn't care what outsiders thought, and took advantage of this spare time to organize the grand theater himself.

As for technology.

Collecting, summarizing and optimizing all the traditional technologies from ancient China to the Ming Dynasty is enough to develop the first industrial revolution.

On top of material civilization, spiritual civilization is also needed, and Zhu Gaochi needs a new carrier of spiritual civilization.

It is possible to integrate the military and the civilians, which will help him strengthen his own strength.

The theater invited a few troupe masters, who did not dare to breathe in front of Zhu Gaochi, and listened intently.

Zhu Gaochi said gently: "During the Song and Yuan dynasties, operas were mainly composed of tile houses and temple stages. In our dynasty, there were only two Gou rails for the imperial court in the capital."

"On the way of opera, you are more proficient than us."

"But the theater model we want is for ordinary people to see. It doesn't need articles or mysterious, just stick to the ground."

Several troupe owners were a little puzzled.

Where there are temple fairs, there are operas, and they are all watched by ordinary people. These small groups like them follow the folk route.

But because of the difference in identities, several people dared not ask rashly, looked at each other, and dared not speak.

Zhu Gaochi saw the misfortune of everyone, so he instructed: "Do you know the Yue family army?"

Hearing the question, someone mustered up the courage to answer: "No one knows Grandpa Yue, the dramas of Grandpa Yue are the people's favorite."

"Grandpa Yue's plays can be sung by children in the market."

Zhu Gaochi nodded.

Yue Fei is already one of the representatives of the national spirit.

The purpose of discrediting Yue Fei's remarks is nothing more than to disintegrate the cohesion of the nation. In order to achieve this goal, many people have worked hard, pieced together, and delved into various arguments.

"The Yue family army's bugle, don't demolish houses to death from freezing, and don't plunder to death from starvation. This spirit can be passed down for thousands of years."

"The soldiers of the Ming Dynasty should learn this spirit, and the common people should love this spirit. You can make up more dramas of this kind."

"We Beiping Zhuwei have many similar deeds. You combine these stories to make a new play."

Zhu Gaochi's last sentence pointed out his real purpose.

"My father won many victories in the northern expedition, and there are many touching stories in the army, and opera comes from life and is higher than life."

"We have a few stories here, you can take them back and edit them, and make them into operas that people like to watch."

After Zhu Gaochi finished speaking, the documents on the side came in with a few booklets and handed them to everyone.

The troupe masters took a look and suddenly realized why the young prince recruited them. After returning, they hurriedly wrote a new script and handed it to the young prince for selection three days later.

After assigning the task of the script, Zhu Gaochi recruited the musical instrument masters of the palace, and directly handed over the technical drawings of the twelve equal rhythms to the musical instrument masters.

Ask them to manufacture new musical instruments based on this drawing.

The twelve equal temperament refers to the interval of an octave, which is divided into twelve equal parts according to the wavelength ratio. Each equal part is called a semitone, which is a minor second.

A major second is two equal parts, called a whole tone, which divides an octave into twelve equal parts.

The musical instrument masters were shocked holding the blueprints, and they were astonished.

In the history of China, countless kinds of musical instruments have been invented, some of which only have their names, but the real objects have been lost, and some of them have been unearthed, but they don’t know how to play them.

Among the many kinds of musical instruments, in the long history, some of them were introduced to the surrounding countries very early and became their traditional musical instruments.

At the Beijing Olympics, it was a big headache to choose traditional musical instruments.

Because there are too many traditional Chinese musical instruments in ancient times, the attention is not as high as that of foreign countries, but the surrounding countries are different, and they regard them as their own national treasures.

Like an old slave.

Good or bad, barbaric or cruel, in any case, there is only one.

In China, there are Zhou Tianzi, Qin Shihuang, Han Gaozu, Tang Taizong, Ming Taizu, and a group of second-class emperors below.

Everyone has representative meaning, in other words, no one can represent.

The same is true for musical instruments, because there are too many, and naturally it is impossible to become a national treasure.

You said that the musical instruments that people regard as national treasures are just ordinary musical instruments in their long history, and they were handed down from our country.

There are people with sensitive nerves in every country, and there are many, which will definitely cause a huge public opinion backlash.

In order to ensure the smooth progress of the Olympic Games and avoid external protests, the Olympic team only chose Xun and Fou in the end.

Therefore, although Zhu Gaochi does not know how to make pianos and other musical instruments, he believes that as long as there are these twelve equal temperaments, the musical instrument masters of the Ming Dynasty will naturally develop inventions similar to pianos.

It is a pity in history that the industrial revolution did not occur in our country at the earliest, so the standardization of ancient musical instruments in our country has not been completed.

In addition to the internal and external troubles in the late Ming Dynasty, there is no way to talk about the development of musical instruments, so the twelve equal temperament is like a symphony, which has not become the mainstream in Chinese folk music, and the final master still appears in the West.

As a result, when it comes to piano, people's impression is that the cultural achievements of the West, while the East has nothing.

Falling behind is not only about being beaten, but what you originally owned is also someone else's.

A theater is also already under construction.

According to the drawings, the engineering department plans to accommodate 600 people, divided into upper and lower floors, to ensure that even the footsteps on the stage can be heard by all audiences.

On the ceiling of the theater, build something called a caisson.

The appearance of the algae well is octagonal, stacked from bottom to top. At first glance, it looks like a big horn. In addition to adding beauty to the building, it also has the function of sound amplification, which can be said to be extremely ingenious.

It is an ancient Chinese traditional technology, and there are some small tricks, such as orderly inlaying some empty jars on the aisle to form a resonance effect.

This little technique was also used in ancient Greece.

For example, in the legendary ancient Greek theater and the amphitheater that can accommodate ten thousand people, the sound of a match being struck on the stage can be heard by the people sitting at the back.

This is of course false.

Even if various experiments in the West prove that the travel guides also say so, they are actually false and cannot be false.

This kind of theater also uses empty cans to amplify the sound, which definitely has some effect, and the effect is not small.

For example, the sound of coins falling can be transmitted to the middle row, and the sound of striking a match needs to be seated further in front, and it is impossible to hear it in the back row.

This is still the situation when there is no one there. If there is a lot of people's voices, it is impossible to hear them.

However, speaking loudly on the stage can reach all seats.

Chinese temple fairs are mostly private activities, guided by the government, not state activities.

Many temporary theaters need to rely on the voice of the actors to spread, so a unique singing style is needed to make the individual's voice accurately spread to everyone's ears.

What Zhu Gaochi wants more is to focus on the form of sketches, supplemented by singing, so the grand theater built has technical requirements.

The building adopts cement masonry steel frame.

There are 200 people in the first row, 400 people in the second row, and 200 people in the third row. Lanterns of various colors are hung above the stage, emitting colorful colors.

On both sides of the front and bottom of the stage, glass-covered kerosene lamps are used to keep the seats a little bit bright, so that people can distinguish the road.

Because the theater was not yet repaired, the stage crew improvised a tent nearby to select actors from the factory.

In Zhu Gaochi's mind, actors are also human beings, and they have a great impact on human spiritual civilization.

Not only actors, but any industry should not be discriminated against.

Xizi should not be a derogatory term.

All the opinions of the upper class and the lower class should be eliminated in the process of entering industrial civilization.

Dozens of actors come from various factories of China Heavy Industry, as well as from the engineering department and the railway engineering department.

Old, young, male, female, everyone is different, but there is a unified expression, the face is full of enthusiasm.

Zhu Gaochi personally met the first batch of actors and met a famous woman, who bowed her head in embarrassment.

"You are from the railway engineering team." Zhu Gaochi remembered, his smile became brighter, and he asked with a smile without waiting for the introduction from the person next to him.

"Go back to my little prince, it's my servant's house."

Everyone didn't expect that someone among the actors knew the little prince, they all showed surprise eyes, and the manager was even more nervous.

"Are your two sons still studying?"

"The elder son has already worked and entered the dispatching department of the Ministry of Railways, and the younger son is still studying." The woman was very courageous, so she dared to directly complain to Zhu Gaochi, and quickly recovered her composure, and the answers were fluent.

Zhu Gaochi was very satisfied with the woman's answer, isn't this exactly what he wanted.

(End of this chapter)

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