Chapter 223 A New Theorist

"Application form for the third phase of group building."

At the headquarters of China Heavy Industries, the stewards of the engineering department and the documents of the document room jointly issued this notice.

Workers in need can sign up now.

"I didn't expect that there would be so many applications." The clerk Zhao Sheng couldn't believe that there were not many people applying in the first two rounds.

By the third period, the supply was in short supply.

The manager of the engineering department said painfully but happily, "I don't think it's surprising. The house is so beautiful and the price is cheap. At first, the workers were not familiar with it. Now that they are familiar with it, naturally many people want it."

As for the regimental housing project, it was proposed by the headquarters, and only internal workers and military households were eligible to buy it.

Workers only need to pay the cost price, and the engineering department doesn't make much money, it just feeds the workers. However, Beiping Mansion has a lot of projects recently, so many managers are unwilling to take charge of this matter.

Zhao Sheng didn't care much about the team building houses before, but the abnormal performance of the workers today made him unable to bear to go and see for himself.

Daxing County.

Later generations belonged to Daxing District in Beijing. After Beiping Prefecture was changed to Shuntian Prefecture, Daxing became Yiguojing County.

In the area between Beiping City and Daxing County, 50 meters away from the railway line, residential areas have been built in patches.

Two-story house with glass windows.

China Heavy Industries does not set a high price for glass, because the little prince pointed out that glass is an everyday item and cannot be regarded as a luxury.

The raw material of glass itself is not rare, and the production process is not complicated, just like a layer of window paper, it is nothing unusual to pierce it.

Therefore, the low price has made glass one of the key products of China Heavy Industry, attracting a large number of businessmen to purchase.

The demand of the market has allowed China Heavy Industry's glass factory to expand and expand again, improving social productivity.

This is also Zhu Gaochi's purpose.

Making money is not a result, money is just an appendage to improve social productivity, which one is the base and which one is the end, as a superior person, it is important to understand clearly.

Otherwise, as a superior person, what's the use of asking for countless money, as long as it's enough.

There are mules, donkeys, horses everywhere.

Those who pull stone mills, those who pull trailers, those who transport earth materials, those who transport cement, those who transport bamboo and iron bars, those who transport compound soil...

In Zhao Sheng's eyes, loose people can be seen everywhere, in twos and threes, in groups of five or six, some people are watching, some people are doing things, it seems to be chaotic.

But it's not like what I thought.

To the naked eye, the endless construction site did not seem to have changed at all, but when we passed by last month, there was nothing here, and people were still digging holes.

No one knew him, and he didn't find the person in charge of this section of the construction site. Anyway, he was just wandering around, and the construction workers didn't ask him.

Every day, there are workers who have applied for group housing, and they will bring their families to the construction site, and the construction site is not surprising.

Zhao Sheng, who was wearing overalls, was treated like those people by the construction site.

"There is a public notice board over there, you can go and see it." Meeting a middle-aged man, he kindly reminded Zhao Sheng.

"Thank you, thank you."

Zhao Sheng thanked him repeatedly, and walked towards the pointed direction. Not long after, he saw a notice board covered with a shed, not afraid of rainy days.

As the son of a thousand households of Jiyang Wei, Zhao Sheng, the Sheren, does not have the style of a playboy, and perfectly blends into the humanistic atmosphere of China Heavy Industry.

The drawings on the notice board show the entire construction site, including invisible places, making it clear at a glance.

The traditional "well" shape adopted at the construction site.

There is a well in the mouth, public toilets around, jujube trees, pear trees, etc. are planted in front of each household, and there is a market in the middle of the area.

There are five phases of the project plan.

The construction of 5000 sets of two-story small buildings can accommodate [-] families, which is [-] people for a family of five.

More than 300 workers applied in the first round, [-] in the second round, and over a thousand in the third round.

On the notice, there was a paragraph that caught Zhao Sheng's attention.

There is a building called "Elementary School", which provides free reading for children aged six to 12, but needs to provide food expenses.

The food cost is not high, in Zhao Sheng's view, it is even a good deal.

Relying on the military household economic cooperative, China Heavy Industries can purchase a large amount of grain, meat, fruits, vegetables, which are much cheaper than the private sector, and it seems that they are also provided to schools at cost prices.

Then there is traffic.

This place is close to the railway, and there is a station, and there are three round trips in the morning, noon and evening.

It doesn't matter if you go to Beiping City, Daxing County, or Dongbeitai Village, where the headquarters of China Heavy Industry is located, it doesn't take half an hour.

Zhao Sheng was thoughtful.

A lot of clerks came out of the clerk, and went to various places to take care of a lot of things. The most famous one in the first phase was Ma Wangxuan, who was born in an ordinary military household.

The second issue is Li Bosheng, the son of Pengcheng Weisi Qianshi.

I am in the third period.

Although I am the son of a thousand households, the status of my colleagues in the clerical office is no worse than myself. If you want to be stronger than others, you must be more capable than others.

Working in the headquarters for so long, Zhao Sheng has learned a lot of knowledge, and his vision is completely different from before.

Through the group building project, many things that I seemed to understand before but felt unclear, I want to wear them all at once.

Epiphany, or enlightenment?
Zhao Sheng thought so.

That night, Zhao Sheng wrote an article called "The Way of the Great Economy" overnight, which borrowed from the trend of technology newspapers.

"China Heavy Industry is people-oriented, allowing people to have a stable working environment, high-income jobs, and paying attention to the honor of workers and their spiritual demands."

"This group of people are people who have left the land. They have more pioneering ideas and abundant consumption power. They have separated from the clan and live a prosperous life with a small family as a unit."

"Under the guidance of the theory of industrial development, the means of production possessed by this group of people are generally much higher than those who rely on the land for a living."

"It is conceivable that the gap in living standards between this group of open-minded people who are willing to join the industry and those who are conservative and stubborn to stay on the land will become wider and wider."

"At the same time, China Heavy Industry has created a large number of employment environments for those who are willing to leave the land, such as the promotion of group building houses."

"The team building houses has driven countless industries, such as cement factories, glass factories, lime mines, iron factories, etc."

"Under the guidance of China Heavy Industry, 100 out of 50 people leave the land to pursue the greatest degree of peace and tranquility for the people, which is a great economic way."

The No.11 Technical News published articles by Zhao Sheng.

Since the development of technical newspapers, not only has it not become more and more serious, but it has become a hodgepodge, and everything can be included in it.

Moreover, the technical newspaper has begun to be distributed to the outside world, and the restrictions have been lifted, and it has become a must-read newspaper for many people every issue.

Zhu Gaochi read this technical report in the office, and called Zhao Sheng from the document room outside.

"You're good at flattering."

"My lord, my subordinates don't have the slightest intention of flattering me. I wrote it completely sincerely."

Zhao Sheng explained in detail his thoughts on sorting out these days, as well as his impressions of the surrounding areas and the visits to the group building project.

"Haha." Zhu Gaochi laughed with satisfaction, and praised: "You grow up very fast, faster than I expected."

Ma Wangxuan is a nice person.

But the environment in which people grow up is indeed too critical.

With the influence of China Heavy Industry, an upward channel has been opened up with the guard, and a qualitative change has taken place.

The children who later joined the clerical office mostly came from middle-class families, and the knowledge they received from childhood education is not comparable to those from small families with weak foundations.

This is also inevitable.

During the period of the Republic of China, many scientists, writers, etc. were born in the wealthy class, even the gentry class.

Even in the Ming Dynasty, the famous civil servants and military generals were not of low birth.

For example, Zhang Juzheng, Qi Jiguang, etc., are all children of generals from military households.

Compared with Ma Wangxuan's down-to-earth and hard work, Li Bosheng, a rising star, has a stronger ability to integrate, while the current Zhao Sheng, who has just started to learn about economics, can be regarded as half a theorist.

"I'm going to build a library now, let you take care of it." Zhu Gaochi handed half of the work to Zhao Sheng.

Zhao Sheng is no stranger to this, he has participated in many things.

The library should collect all the books in China so far, including a large number of technical books.

For example, "Qi Min Yao Shu" in agronomy.

The pigsty established by the Military Household Economic Cooperative has adopted the principle of disinfection of Qimin essentials.

There is also "Mengxi Bi Tan" in the Northern Song Dynasty, which introduces a lot of knowledge, including oil, saying that this thing is endless underground, and making predictions, writing that this thing will definitely shine in the future.

This is the wisdom of the ancestors, the crystallization of knowledge.

And "Zhoubi Suanjing", "Nine Chapters Suanshu", "Sea Island Suanjing", "Five Cao Suanjing", "Sun Tzu Suanjing", "Xia Houyang Suanjing", "Zhang Qiujian Suanjing", "Five Classics Arithmetic", "Jigu Suanjing", "Zhushu", "Kaogongji", "Gande Xingjing", "Shuijing Zhu", "Yugong Regional Map", "Nongzheng Quanshu"...

Including a large number of books on astronomy.

There are pictures and text.

What those celestial phenomena look like, what clouds look like, hundreds of cases are drawn with drawings, and detailed explanations are given.

Because of the backwardness of modern times, it is necessary to learn Western industrial knowledge, so the knowledge of these ancestors has also been broken.

in other words.

Because there has been no development for hundreds of years, we can only learn from other people's things from scratch, so that our own things cannot be updated, and we can only still eat ashes in history.

Dividing the matter at hand, Zhu Gaochi went to the granary, and on the way, he went to the school grounds and called his two younger brothers.

Battle father and son soldiers.

Zhu Di's rebellion, the most trusted must be his sons.

I definitely won't go to the battlefield. Zhu Di is small and big, and the battlefield is too dangerous, so there is no need for him to take risks.

But the second and third brothers can play a role, not for a few years.

When they entered the school grounds, they saw people gathered together, applauding loudly, Zhu Gaochi walked over, and the people hurriedly moved out of the way.

I saw 15-year-old Zhu Gaoxu proudly holding a stone plate.

Seeing the elder brother coming, he even moved towards Zhu Gaochi's direction with a showy look on his face.

The stone plate does not look light.

"My lord, this stone plate weighs two hundred catties." A sergeant explained, Zhu Gaochi was surprised from ear to ear.

It really is God of War.

(End of this chapter)

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