Chapter 224 Not enough weight

Along the way, Zhu Gaoxu was showing off to Zhu Gaochi.

Zhu Gaochi didn't mind.

After several years, Zhu Gaochi has understood the character of the second and third child, and the second child Zhu Gaoxu is actually like a child who can't grow up.

I also understood why Zhu Gaochi in history was so tolerant of Zhu Gaoxu.

In the future, when Zhu Gaochi became the emperor, in order to appease Zhu Gaoxu, he made all of Zhu Gaoxu's sons kings.

However, Zhu Gaochi was short-lived and only became emperor for less than a year. After his son ascended the throne, he also treated Zhu Gaoxu kindly.

But Zhu Gaoxu still complains all day long, like a child, without the slightest bit of city government, all his attitudes are written on his face, which makes people see through at a glance.

When they knew it was impossible, they still rebelled.

The King of Han's rebellion was like a thunderbolt that frightened the court to change color. After all, the name is there, but you can wait and wait, and the wait is in vain.

The process of rebellion was more like a joke. There was no war everywhere, and there was no full-scale attack. When the new emperor arrived with his army, he was about to surrender.

The people below looked at Zhu Gaoxu with bewildered faces. You old man wants to rebel, but we can't persuade you, so we rebelled with you.

Now they are all rebelling, and you old man will surrender again.


Seeing that the people below were disobedient, Zhu Gaoxu found a small path out of the city, and went alone to find his nephew, the emperor, to surrender.

Even if he surrendered, he did not accept softness. The new emperor did not execute him, but locked him in a high wall. As a result, the new emperor went to see him. Zhu Gaoxu deliberately stretched out his foot and tripped the new emperor, and fell a lot.

This made the angry, irrational new emperor want to kill on the spot.

He ordered people to use a large copper vat weighing three hundred catties to imprison Zhu Gaoxu in it.

In the end, Zhu Gaoxu was really brave and powerful. He actually lifted the big tank and ran around, but people couldn't hold it down.


The new emperor ordered people to light charcoal around the copper vat and burn Zhu Gaoxu to death in the copper vat.

At this point, in order to avoid future troubles, the new emperor killed Zhu Gaoxu's sons.

Very strange Zhu Gaoxu.

The past few years of getting along has made Zhu Gaochi understand Zhu Gaoxu better. This is a very useful knife, and it is not easy to hurt himself.

If he can be hurt by Zhu Gaoxu, it means that he is even more stupid than Zhu Gaoxu.

That being the case.

Zhu Gaochi felt that this knife should be used to its full potential and should not be wasted. After all, Zhu Di succeeded in the rebellion, and Zhu Gaoxu played a vital role in it.

Zhu Di was on the verge of danger many times, but it was Zhu Gaoxu who fought hard to turn defeat into victory.

After all, he is a character who can carry a large pole and charge into the battle. In terms of morale bonus, it can be said that he is at the full level.

Whoever faces this Lord on the battlefield will feel ashamed.

People who dare to face Zhu Gaoxu, even the chief generals in the army, such as the governor Qu Neng and his son, who are among thousands of troops, cannot stop Zhu Gaoxu who charged on horseback. He was beheaded and shocked the entire army.

As for the third child, Zhu Gaosui, he has a bit of a brain, but he is very timid and can't stand being scared. He is like a good baby, so don't take it to heart.

"Second brother, since you want to be a general, you must not only possess martial prowess, but also learn more knowledge."

Zhu Gaochi pointed out.

"Really? Brother, teach me." Zhu Gaoxu said submissively.

The masters in the school all said that the eldest brother is very good, and asked them to listen to him. With the atmosphere of the palace, Zhu Gaoxu has long since returned to his childhood personality.

"What is the most important in the army?"

"Soldiers dare to fight." Zhu Gaoxu replied without hesitation.

"military discipline."

Zhu Gaosui also followed suit.

"You are all right." Zhu Gaochi smiled, "But food and grass are the foundation, without food and grass, even a brave army with strict military discipline will collapse on its own."

Zhu Gaoxu did not refute, and said obediently: "Brother is right."

"Since you all agree, let me ask you, do you know what types of food our army has?" Zhu Gaochi asked again.

The two brothers Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui shook their heads, looking honest.

Zhu Gaochi did not make a fool of himself, explaining: "Our army's food supplies are divided into five categories, namely, general rations during garrison, extra rations on weekdays, rations when food is cut off or in response, and rations during marches or battles in the army formation. Dry rations, marching or other rations for military battles."

"The Taoism in this is very particular, and the research is thorough. It can be said with certainty that you can understand three or four out of ten logistics matters."

"Only three or four out of ten?" Zhu Gaoxu looked embarrassed.

"Yeah, three out of ten is not easy."

While the brothers were talking, they arrived at Beixincang at the north gate.The needs of the military and the country are all provided to the southeast. The grain transported to the north often has about 400 million shi, which is several times that of the Yuan Dynasty.

Those granaries built in the former Yuan Dynasty were simply not enough, so on the basis of Yuancang, large-scale additional granaries were built in Beijing and Tongzhou.

Zhu Gaochi attacked suddenly and did not inform, so Beixincang was caught off guard and unprepared.

After a long time, Zhang Jifu, the general judge, hurried over. Zhu Gaochi and his brothers were already asking around the place where the military rations were made.

"This is the general distribution of military rations during production and garrison. Because King Yan left Liao, many of the manpower here have been transferred to other places."

Zhang Jifu was worried that Zhu Gaochi had misunderstood, so he quickly explained clearly.

Now is the time of war, he dare not use his head to test whether the little prince understands the rules in the army.

Zhu Gaochi suddenly realized, no wonder the production here is somewhat neglected.

Seeing Zhu Gaochi's appearance, Zhang Jifu felt relieved, so he took the initiative to introduce him.

"This is 飧. The one-stone rice that has been shelled is washed and cooked with water, and then put in water to dry it in the sun. The dried rice is subjected to the same process again, a total of ten times."

"After making it ten times, I only get two buckets of reprocessed dry rice."

"When you want to eat it, take a large amount of re-dried rice and soak it in hot water. When the re-dried rice is soaked, it can be cooked and eaten as a meal."

"Food rice can be eaten by one person for fifty days."

After listening to Tong San's introduction, Zhu Gaochi picked it up and looked at it. This is similar to the principle of compressed biscuits.

In fact, it is water soaked rice.

"Eating this thing alone, after a long time, I'm afraid it will not be able to satisfy the sergeant's stomach." Zhu Gaochi asked curiously.

"There are also condiments." Seeing that the little prince was easy to talk to, Zhang Jifu became more and more interested as the rumors said.

Led a few brothers to go elsewhere.

"This is a hard salt block. Take three liters of salt, mix it with water, put it in a pot and boil it over charcoal fire until it becomes a small hard salt block and it is not easy to dissolve again. This method is best produced in summer. , because the prince's trip to Liao was unplanned, so it started ahead of schedule."

"This is dried coarse cloth with vinegar. One foot of coarse cloth is soaked in one liter of vinegar, dried in the sun, and used as much vinegar as possible. Each meal, boiled by a square inch, can be eaten for fifty days. Soak the vinegar in the cloth, which is convenient for soldiers to carry. .”

"This is a vinegar steamed cake. First, soak a steamed cake made of wheat flour in one liter of vinegar, and let the vinegar dry in the sun. It is the same way to carry condiments like vinegar cloth."

"This is dried soy sauce. Mix three liters of soy sauce with five liters of salt and mash it into a muddy shape. Twist it into a cake shape and let it dry in the sun. When you want to eat it, peel a piece the size of a jujube pit and eat it instead of pickles."


After the visit, the three brothers Zhu Gaochi opened their eyes.

There are many types of military rations, and the production methods are also exquisite. Many problems have been thought of in advance and solved.

If there is too much rice, it is not suitable to take it with you, as it is easy to go rancid, so it takes a lot of time and cost to make it into dry food, which is easy to carry and eat.

But eating rice alone has no taste, and various concoctions are made, in short, the pursuit of the greatest cost performance.

"Just eat rice, don't you have meat?" Zhu Gaochi thinks that it is not perfect, and human beings cannot do without protein.


Zhang Jifu did not hide it, and told him bluntly: "Because this is provided for the garrison, there is no need for marching and fighting, so no meat is provided."

"However, the military workshop is located in another place, and it is dedicated to making dry food for marching or fighting in the military formation, including meat powder."

"Grind the meat into powder, put it into the boiling soup and stir it to make a cake, one point thick, and cut it into pieces the size of a chess piece after cooling."

"Storage after exposure to dryness, such as in the camp, with soup mixed with food, such as marching or directly dry food."

Well, the utilitarianism is quite strong.

If you don't fight, you will eat rice with water, but if you fight, you will eat meat.

"Is there any delay in the supply from my father's side?" Zhu Gaochi asked casually. He is not worried, but there are still some procedures to go.

"The prince's supply, we have already sent out the full amount here, and the Tongzhou warehouse is mainly responsible for the transfer."

Zhu Gaochi asked a few more words, and then praised: "That's right, Zhang Tongpan has done a good job. After the father comes back, he will definitely be rewarded."

"Don't dare to take credit for what you are doing." Zhang Jifu was very honest, he didn't hit the snake with the stick, and let Zhu Gaochi take a high look.

I've seen a lot in my previous life, and I wish the whole world would know when I do something, it's just my duty, and I still have the face to spread it everywhere.

Zhang Jipu led the three brothers to look around again. There were more than ten types of military rations, each of which was particular.

Zhu Gaochi didn't mention it, but the two brothers Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui were eye-opening. This is something that the school field can't see.

Moreover, the military rations are military secrets, not open to the outside world, and ordinary people can't see them.

It's like a guard.

Ordinary officials did not understand the environment of the guard at all, and even the Ministry of War did not have the overall details of the guard.

"You see, if you want to be a general, you need to learn a lot, not only about martial arts, but also about military rations. There are many types of flags in the army, and each flag has important meanings."

On the way back, Zhu Gaochi pointed out Zhu Gaoxu and Zhu Gaosui.

In ancient times, there was continuous development, not only technology, but also military affairs, and it was not a swarm of bees rushing to fight in groups.

In the late Ming Dynasty, when Qi Jiguang, Yu Dayou and other famous generals, the professionalism of the team reached the peak at that time.

Even North Korea comprehensively rectified its military system and learned Qi Jiguang's military art, including Japan, Qi Jiguang's military art was sought after.

"Brother, in the future, we must listen and watch more, and strive to join the father on the battlefield as soon as possible, and charge for the father."

"Me too." Zhu Gaosui said following his second elder brother without leaving anyone behind.

Zhu Gaochi smiled.

"It's not enough to just study, how about this, you go to Kaiping for elder brother." Zhu Gaochi said casually.


"You're not going alone, right chief Shi Jinzhong will take you with you."

Zhu Gaochi chose Kaiping.

I plan to use this place as an excuse to ask the court to move the guard.

But first, you need to get in touch with someone, to find out whether the palace is loyal enough to him or not.

I can't do without Beiping, and I need to sit in Beiping. Jinzhong alone is not enough, so I add Zhu Gaoxu.

(End of this chapter)

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