Chapter 439

The Pagoda of Songyue Temple was built in the Northern Wei Dynasty.

A gentleman visited this place and was surprised by the shape of this building.

"Sir, do you have any questions?"

"The principle of this building has something to say."

This gentleman studied this building, and shortly after he proposed the parabola theory. Because of the reason of the former little prince, the technical newspaper no longer neglected the articles on rationality and mathematics, and was published soon.

Zhu Gaochi was very happy to see it.

Human beings have noticed curves like parabolas in the early days, but the examples that can be found in later generations are relatively late.

In Egypt, the temple of Ramses II, built in BC, still preserves three arches, whose arches resemble parabolas.

This is an early example of a parabola in Egypt.

Western scholars call it Western, because Western scholars classify ancient Egypt as Western civilization.

In China, parabolic buildings appeared later.

The existing Songyue Temple Pagoda built in the Northern Wei Dynasty in Dengfeng, Henan Province has an approximate parabolic shape with clear and smooth lines and majestic and beautiful shape.

There are also some stone arch bridges preserved in ancient my country, and their arch coupons are also very similar to parabolas.

If Ming Dynasty has the right to speak in the world in the future, the parabola theory will be the first to be proposed by Eastern civilization.

The Eurasian continent was originally a complete continent, and the dividing line is difficult to divide.

Egyptian civilization is called by the West as belonging to Western civilization.

It is clearly an Arab civilization, so why do European and American scholars include Egypt in Western history?

From the perspective of cultural transmission, the knowledge system introduced from ancient China to Arabia is far from what the West can match.

The reason is that the ancient Greek civilization, the source of Western civilization, was too deeply influenced by the ancient Egyptian civilization, so Egyptian civilization should be included in Western civilization.

With such a division, many famous ancient scholars turned around and became ancient Greek scholars.

People with a little bit of independent thinking ability will find this set of Western explanations very far-fetched.

Just like the vast majority of Japanese culture comes from the Korean Peninsula and China, the culture of the Korean Peninsula also comes from China.

So can it be said that Chinese culture and history are part of Japanese history?

Change the angle.

Scholars in ancient Korea learned the technology of ancient China, and Korea was once a vassal state of China. Can it be said that they are Chinese scholars?
If not.

Then Apollonius, obviously an Asian, why was he labeled as an ancient Greek scholar?
This is the phenomenon caused by the right to speak.

Although this is just one example of many controversies and cannot be regarded as a representative figure, the reality is that the West is the hardest hit area for historical falsification.

The difference is that the West is leading in modern times, while other countries and regions are lagging behind. No country or region has the energy to study the history of the West told by Western scholars, so it is very difficult to crack down on fakes.

In short.

If Ming continued to be strong and grasped the right to speak in the world, it would also be possible to classify the ancient Egyptian civilization as an oriental civilization.

So many famous ancient scholars can also be labeled as ancient oriental scholars.

This is the nature of the world.

Not only material competition, but also cultural competition.

It is also the reason why those barbaric forces that destroy civilization have never been able to get on the stage. Western scholars have done better than Eastern scholars in this regard.

The works of Western scholars take a critical stance towards the forces that destroy civilization.

on the contrary.

Later generations have already made a lot of money and made a lot of money. When they were full of ambitions, they publicly suppressed the speeches of ancient Chinese civilization and denied the existence and history of the Han nationality.

There is even a best-selling book that describes the Han people as two-legged sheep who can only survive by blood transfusions from conquering forces, and even almost won China's largest literary award.


View from the sky.

The great land of the East, originally the land of the Central Plains since ancient times, began its recovery.

From the creation of characters by the ancestors to the development of the advanced achievements of the Tang and Song Dynasties, one by one has been excavated and made great.


The number of eunuchs as high as [-] was organized by the army to develop. With the increase of patients, Jinzhou's medicine has made breakthroughs again and again.

Scholars in Jinzhou recorded it.

"The life and treatment of eunuchs far surpassed that of the Japanese in the same period."

"In the country full of chaos in the Wa Kingdom, the people are naked, hungry, and full of injustice."

"The eunuchs in Jinzhou can not only eat their stomachs, but also get medical treatment when they are sick. This is the treatment that only daimyo can have in Japan, and it is the light of the great Chinese civilization."

According to the distribution of the capital, the military households in the guards were allocated a piece of land in Liaodong, and the system of large wells was moving towards the goal.

The plan for a population of 200 million in Liaodong is gradually being implemented. There will be as many as 29 military households on this land, and the number of reserve militiamen will be listed at 29.


The population shifted to the north.

On the ditch, the blades of the large plow fell into the ditch, pulled by six horses to smooth the soil in the ditch.

Behind them came thick rolling stones pulled by oxen, compacting the ground.

Also reclaiming acres of land.

Beans and barley will be grown here.

The north of Kaiping has become the largest mining area in the north, because the mining area in Beiping has gradually been stopped.

According to Zhu Gaochi's plan, the mining area in Beiping will not only not increase every year, but will instead decrease production year by year.

In the end, all the mining areas in Beiping will be sealed up and left to the last descendants.

Therefore, the mining machinery in Beiping is gradually moving to the northern part of Kaiping, the southern province of Saipan, and the northern district of Saibei.

With the construction of the railway, these big projects became less strenuous.

In the south of Kaiping, animal husbandry and animal husbandry are combined to form a well system of half-cultivation and half-grazing, which divides pastures into pieces.


According to the 20-year development plan, this place will become the largest mineral development site besides the Southern Serbia Province and the Northern Serbian Region.

But like Peiping, production will gradually decrease after 20 years.

Hundreds of commercial firms that have obtained mining rights for 20 years are going all out in production, and one mine after another has been developed.

The coal bosses are like crazy.

Their eyes are only on mining, mining, and mining.

In Zhu Gaochi's view, it is as hot as real estate in later generations. Today, except for large infrastructure and railway factories, most of Daming's capital has basically flowed into the mining industry.

The capital of the merchants is just like the mining area in front of them. How fast the mining area increases is how fast their capital grows.


With a population of 230 million, Zhu Gaochi's plan is to limit the population to 200 million and restore the landform environment of Shaanxi.

Through regulation and control methods, 30 people were relocated to the Western Region provinces based on the situation of military households.


A total of 850 million people.

The future population planning and industrial distribution map of the eleven northern provinces and one region, along with the establishment of the cabinet, the changing attitudes of local governments, the construction of the army, and the start of the plan of ten thousand factories and ten thousand mines, are gradually moving in this direction.

Starting from the blitz attack on Taiyuan, Shanxi, chaotic confrontation and negative responses from various places finally formed an effective management order, and it took half a year.

"Within five years, the non-agricultural population in the north will account for [-]%, that is, more than [-] million people will no longer be engaged in agriculture."

"In order to ensure the goal of population distribution, the promotion of agricultural technology needs unswerving support."

"It is necessary to invent more efficient agricultural machines, increase agricultural productivity, and reduce the production burden on farmers."

After the Beiping Mid-Autumn Festival, all kinds of voices in the north seemed to disappear overnight, and Zhu Gaochi's prestige was greatly improved.

Governments in various places no longer resist the Beiping model, conflicts between construction teams and localities, and local county governments no longer favor localities.

This made Zhu Gaochi couldn't help but think of the world society in later generations.

That World Congress allowed everyone to see the achievements of China's development, and it also allowed future generations to have a straight-up development after that conference.

This is the case in Beiping now. Those voices of doubt have disappeared, and people have seen the power of the Beiping model.

"The Ministry of Workers-Ministry Union absolutely does not allow any lagging behind. The more rapid the development period is, the more important the Ministry of Workers-Ministry Union must play."

"It is the core of the construction of spiritual civilization. We must never allow all parties to make a lot of money while workers' welfare and treatment lag behind."

Zhu Gaochi said forcefully.

With Zhu Gaochi's announcement, the Ministry of Workers and Minorities United has obtained sufficient funds to open branches in various places.

The Ministry of Workers and People's Union has no official status.

There are no officials and lords, and they preside over the work as workers.

On the streets and alleys.

"Workers must join the Ministry of Workers and People's Union and register with the Ministry of Workers and People's Union, so that the Ministry of Workers and People's Union can effectively protect your rights."

With big parasols hanging, the staff shouted loudly from behind the table.

Mobile promotion point.

Promote it in every labor-intensive unit.

Many workers are unwilling to join the Ministry of Workers and People's Union, because there is a fee to join the Ministry of Workers and People's Union.

Some even signed up to join the Workers-Ministry Union Department, and need to deduct six cents of pension every month.

For most of the workers, the monthly salary is only one yuan, and the monthly service fee and pension are nearly seven cents, which many people are reluctant to part with.

At today's market price, five cents can buy a stone's worth of grain.

Many commercial firms also dislike the Ministry of Workers and People's Union.

In addition to paying a high security fund to the Ministry of Workers and Civilians, they must also abide by the employment guidelines of the Ministry of Workers and Civilians.

They don't even have the right to expel people. They need to notify the Ministry of Workers and People's Union and obtain the approval of the local Workers' and People's Union Department.

"Is this my firm, or the firm of the Ministry of Workers and Civilians?"

Throughout the north, the number of commercial firms registered with the Ministry of Workers and Civilians is as high as [-], which is also a rigid requirement of the Ministry of Workers and Civilians.

Only commercial firms registered with the Ministry of Workers and Civilians can open in the north.

"Businesses belong to individuals, but workers belong to the whole society. Just like land, private sales are not allowed."

The manager of the Workers-Ministry Union Department explained calmly, thought for a while, and comforted him: "The firm you established depends on today's society to make a profit. It is a part of the social system. How can you not abide by the rules of society?" What about the regulations?"

Because the employer who quietly reduced the holiday was reported by the workers, it attracted the workers and civilians union department. He looked at the staff dissatisfied, thinking that the other party's hand was stretched too far.

"I recruited the workers from the south. I didn't even need to pay one yuan a month to recruit a large number of workers from the south, not to mention so many holidays."

"Golden State is still using eunuchs, but we don't allow them here. It's already very unfair."

The businessman couldn't understand and hoped to get a reply from the Ministry of Workers and People's Union.

The steward of the Ministry of Workers and Civilians said in detail: "The eunuchs used in Jinzhou belong to the China Heavy Industry system, and the pioneering consumption in specific areas does not cause competition to outside industries."

"And as long as it is a citizen of our Ming Dynasty, no matter where they come from, the Ministry of Workers and People's Union will protect their rights and interests."

"The rules and regulations are not aimed at any firm. All firms must abide by the employment guidelines of the Ministry of Workers and Civilians to protect your interests from malicious competition."

"Moreover, the China Heavy Industry system is also based on this employment system. It has developed a system to expand domestic demand, and it has also calculated your profit surplus. It also guarantees your continuous production interests from the industry purchase price."

"Your products finally flowed into the hands of the common people. The common people have a stable working environment and wages. Doesn't it also make your business more marketable?"

Businessman grimaces.

The manager of the Workers-Ministry United Department said directly: "The Peking model does not allow the idea of ​​making quick money."

"I open a business, how much money do I earn?"

"It's better for the owner to think about how to run the firm for a long time, instead of taking advantage of the current society to fish out the water and squeeze it to the maximum extent to obtain the maximum profit, regardless of the result of the social market being impoverished."

"The little prince once said at the general business meeting that everyone must have a sense of social responsibility. In order to ensure the vigorous development of the Beiping model, the business houses must reach a good tacit understanding."

Hearing the general business meeting, the businessman stopped talking.

The businessman had participated in this meeting before he made up his mind to take a gamble. All his wealth was invested in Peiping. He was so excited at the time and shouted.

 Today, the three chapters have eleven thousand words, which counts as one chapter of two thousand words, which is five or six chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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