Jingtai Fengyun: The First Absurd Emperor of Ming Dynasty

Chapter 545: The Eastern Front pressed into the capital of Annan and the Li Dynasty surrendered and

Chapter 545: The Eastern Front pressed into the capital of Annan and the Li Dynasty surrendered and disputed
An hour later, the war ended, and all the [-] Annan Forbidden Army were destroyed.

The soldiers of Yingzhou Guard and Duoyan Guard led by Liu Chang were very Buddhist. After the battle, they quickly withdrew their troops without even bothering to cut off their heads.

The heads of the 3 Annan Forbidden Army, worth [-] taels of silver, all went to the wolf soldiers of the Jing'an Army in Guangdong and Guangxi.

The reason why such a strange scene occurred is that before the expedition, Zhu Qiyu issued a strict decree that the Beijing army's southern expedition would not be based on heads.

If the overall war is devastating and a good fight, each ordinary soldier will be rewarded 30 taels of silver, and officers will be rewarded double that.The results of the battle were average, and each ordinary soldier was rewarded with 20 taels of silver.

Zhu Qiyu acted this way because of three considerations: First, Xuande's Ming army's failures in Annan were mostly due to ambushes.If rewards were calculated based on heads, the Ming army would easily get into a rhythm of competing for heads and underestimating the enemy's advance, which would give the enemy another opportunity to take advantage of.

Second, the army was under the banner of recovering Annan. Annan was nominally part of the Ming Dynasty, and the people of Annan were also the subjects of the Ming Emperor.It would be unseemly for the Beijing army to go around beheading people.Some jobs can be done by the chieftain soldiers.

Third, the [-] pro-army troops going south are just for assistance and to gild their resume, there is no need to fight to the death.For example, in the Yingzhou Guard, Liu Chang led four young commanders this time, and the veterans were all staying at home.

Young people are in good health and are better able to adapt to the new environment in the south.Zhu Qiyu is also afraid that his veterans will not be able to adapt to the climate and soil of the south, and if they die, it will not be worth it.

On April 25, Xu Youzhen, Yang Xinmin, and Wang Tong led [-] Chinese troops to Lang Son Fucheng.

Yang Xinmin couldn't believe the results of the battle: "The battle is over like this? The war progressed much more smoothly than imagined, right?"

Xu Youzhen spread her hands and said with a wry smile: "It wasn't that Annan's army was so good at fighting back then, but that some traitors and sycophants were too useless.

Besides, after that time, Annan had not fought a major war for almost 30 years. They themselves despised the Ming Dynasty, so it was normal for them to be complacent and depleted of armaments.

It is an inevitable result that our 20-strong army suddenly launches an attack, destroys everything and encircles Tokyo.

It's just that, after one vigorous effort, it will be exhausted after another vigorous effort.

Whether we can capture Tokyo quickly is the key to the war and the biggest test for us.

Once Tokyo cannot be captured for a long time, and small groups of resistance forces continue to harass the places we occupy, we will be in big trouble. "

"Then shall we go straight to Tokyo now?"

Xu Youzhen shook her head: "No, I will lead the army to capture Beijiang Prefecture, and Yang Gong will lead the Jing'an Army to meet Huang Song from the sea, and attack Xin'an Prefecture from east to west.

Then food and artillery were continuously transported from the sea to Xin'an Prefecture and Beijiang Prefecture.

Let's first stock up on food and supplies and build a Xin'an-Beijiang defense line.

Finally, let the Jingan Army go guerrilla between Tokyo and Xin'an-Beijiang.

Let's use silver to smash one enemy soldier's head or three taels. As for the Beijing army, they should huddle within the defense line and conserve their strength. "

Yang Xinmin was even more confused: "You said you wanted to take Tokyo in one fell swoop, and you also said you wanted to build a Xin'an-Beijiang defense line. Isn't this contradictory?"

Xu Youzhen smiled: "Let's let the Jing'an Army composed of wolf soldiers from Guangdong and Guangxi reach the gates of Tokyo before the Yunnan Army. This will be considered the first achievement.

As for Tokyo City, let Jing Yuanbo be the main attacker.

I not only want to ensure that Ming Dynasty can easily capture Annan, but also want to bring back all [-] Beijing troops.These [-] Beijing troops are the direct descendants of the Holy Emperor, and they are also the Holy Emperor's greatest capital. If they suffer serious damage, our future will be over.

The Holy One originally decided that Uncle Jingyuan would be the main attacker, so it is enough for us to do our jobs well. "

The two of them had discussed and decided that Yang Xinmin would lead [-] Wolf Soldiers, [-] Shenji Battalion, and [-] Tiance Guards to assist Huang Song, while Xu Youzhen would leave Langshan Fucheng to be guarded by Xiaoqi Battalion.

Li Yimin, the king of Lang Son, led a thousand personal soldiers; Yang Yi, the governor of Guangdong, led 1 Guangdong and Guangxi wolf soldiers; both were the vanguard; Xu Youzhen led the main army and followed, like wind and lingering clouds, towards Beijiang Prefecture.

Xu Youzhen was most worried about the instability of the rear, so she not only left Guangxi Governor Zhen Wan to guard the rear, but also took Yang Yi with her.

Yang Yi, who was originally the deputy inspector of Guangdong, was recommended by Xu Youzhen as the deputy inspector of Guangdong.

Yang Yi's brother Yang Ning was the minister of the Ministry of Punishment and the governor of Jiangxi at this time.

Jiangxi is bordering Guangdong, and Xu Youzhen's meaning is very clear. If Yang Ning does anything behind the scenes, I won't be able to live, and your brother will not be able to live either. If he dies, we will all die together.

In fact, Yang Ning was forced to have no choice but to do his best to raise food and supplies in Jiangxi and wholeheartedly support the southern expedition.

Five days later, looking at the boundless tomorrow's soldiers, Beijiang Mansion surrendered without a fight under Li Yimin's persuasion.

Huang Song's troops, who had been attacking Xin'an Prefecture for many days, received support from Yang Xinmin, their morale was greatly boosted, and they defeated the city in one fell swoop.

On the first day of May, after Xu Youzhen and Yang Xinmin reported the results of the battle to each other, they began to curb the offensive and directed the army to build the Xin'an-Beijiang defense line.

Only Yang Yi led [-] Jing'an Army wolf soldiers and Huang Song led [-] headquarters troops to cooperate with Li Yimin in attacking back and forth between Tokyo and the Xin'an-Beijiang defense line.

Empress Dowager Xuanci, Li Jun, Ruan Chi, Ding Lie and other civil and military ministers were shocked and angry.

They were shocked that the Ming army was so well prepared and the offensive came so quickly.

The anger was because guerrilla warfare was the traditional specialty of the Annan Army. As a result, the Annan Army did not engage in guerrilla warfare. Instead, the Ming Army took the lead in launching guerrilla warfare.

On the Western Front battlefield, the three prefectures of Xuanhua, Guihua, and Jiaxing have been besieged for many days. The [-] Annan Imperial Guards who came to support stopped moving forward in Sanjiang Prefecture.Li Jun once again put forward his opinion: "Let us quickly withdraw the [-] reinforcements from Sanjiang Prefecture. Let us also withdraw the [-] reinforcements sent to resist the Champa Kingdom.

Then, all the grain, supplies, ordnance, as well as young and brave warriors from the surrounding prefectures were collected and brought to Tokyo.

As long as Tokyo is not lost within two years, the Great Master will be exhausted and demoralized.Coupled with the unaccustomed climate and the proliferation of diseases, we will surely see a turn for the better. "

This time, the important ministers were no longer silent. Ding Lie reminded: "Your Majesty, if the [-] forbidden troops are withdrawn to Tokyo, it will mean that except Tokyo, the rest of our country has fallen."

Li Jun asked back: "Have you not heard about Tian Dan and Le Yi?"

Seeing that his emperor wanted to play like Qi, Ding Lie stopped talking, and so did the other ministers.

Empress Dowager Xuanci replied worriedly: "Then all the people outside Tokyo will be ravaged by others. When the enemy burns, kills, and loots, and the whole country is a scorched earth, how can we see our ancestors in the country?" underground?"

"What does the empress mean?"

"Surrender, and surrender quickly, and cooperate with the Ming army to quickly occupy the entire territory. This will keep out Champa, Lancang and other countries, as well as those chieftain soldiers.

We have discussed carefully with the Ming army and it is possible for them to treat the people well.

If it were the local soldiers around them, they would never show any mercy to the people. "

Li Jun still disagreed with Empress Dowager Xuanci: "But during the Yongle Dynasty, the Ming army also killed and looted us.

Today's Ming army is no different. The small groups of Ming army that are fleeing Beijiang Mansion also have no military discipline. "

Ding Lie admonished: "Your Majesty also said that it was just a small group of Ming troops. And according to the report from the sentry, they were all local soldiers from Guangdong and Guangxi.

The Ming Dynasty's Beijing army had strict military discipline and was very well behaved.

We surrendered quickly and added one item to the surrender conditions, requiring Ming Dynasty to repatriate these soldiers and the troops from surrounding countries.

Then the unrest will be quickly quelled and the people will be preserved.

I have been observing in Beijing for many days. There is no doubt that the emperor of today is indeed benevolent and tolerant towards the people, and is definitely not a king who treats the people like trivial matters. "

Li Jun sneered and said: "Ai Qing is on a mission to Beijing, what benefits has the Emperor of Heaven promised you? Can you still retain the title of Marquis after surrender?
Or even get promoted to a higher rank or become Duke of the country?

There are already 30 troops pressing down outside the city. There is no need for you to hide anything, just tell the truth. "

As soon as these heart-wrenching words came out, even though Li Jun was young, Ding Lie fell to his knees with a plop: "Your Majesty clearly knows that the emperor of tomorrow does win over the humble ministers, but the humble ministers are loyal to your majesty, and their loyalty can be shown by the sun and the moon. , how can he be the person who sells his goods for glory?"

Empress Dowager Xuanci saw that things were not going well, so she quickly tried to dissuade her: "Okay, don't criticize your heart when discussing politics. What the Marquis of Ting Shang said was also a mature way to seek the country.

According to the emperor's words, all the grain and grass supplies from the surrounding prefectures, as well as the warriors who are good at fighting, were transferred back to Tokyo.

As for the [-] forbidden troops outside, let me think about it again.

Lord Tingshang, please go and talk to Uncle Jingyuan of the Ming Dynasty. "

"May I ask the Queen Mother, how far do you want to go?"

"You go and find out what's going on first, and then send a courier to report back quickly."

The second day of May.

When Zhu Qiyu woke up early in the morning, he lay on the bed and kept ouching.

Lin Xiangyu asked curiously: "What's wrong with my husband?"

"Oops, I got angry. I have several big bubbles in my mouth. It hurts."

"As for my husband, there are nearly 30 troops in the south. Isn't that just bullying? Who can stop such an offensive?

And even the Nu family knows that the land of Annan is long and narrow from north to south, like a long snake formation.

If the head, tail, waist and abdomen are attacked at the same time, it means that the head and tail cannot really care about each other, and the pain will be as painful as it is. "

Zhu Qiyu shook his head: "I'm not worried about the final result, I'm worried about the [-] pro-army troops."

"Don't worry, you don't need to be suspicious of people, and you don't need to be suspicious of people you employ. Besides, Xu Youzhen still wants to be the first assistant, and he doesn't dare to use his husband's family wealth to make fools of himself.

If he really suffered a huge defeat, the only thing waiting for him would be three feet of white silk. "

"Well, that's true. He probably doesn't want to die yet. Let Wang Ji take the main attack. As long as Annan is successfully captured, Xu Youzhen will be the next chief assistant. There is no need for him to rush forward."

Lin Xiangyu smiled and said: "Husband, please choose one of our sisters and see who can better relieve my husband's anger."

"Forget it, let's stop being angry. Have you found the eunuch Ma Qi who caused trouble to Annan?"

 Thanks to 20200629231117537 for the reward of 100 points
(End of this chapter)

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